sasza-and-nikomaya · 4 years
truth: what is the worst thing you have ever done?
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I played a large part in many deaths. Some innocent, some I will never know. I lured people to their death and kept them complacent as they died. I was the song that lead lambs to the slaughter. I killed without lifting a finger. I stood by and watched as the man I thought to be the love of my life was cut down before me. Do you want details?
I may not remember the names but I remember every death, every anguished face. And after their soul departed their body I captured their soul and ate it. I kept countless souls from their chance at eternal rest, wherever that may be. And all I can hope is that someday someone does the same for me. Elsewise I am going straight to hell
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sasza-and-nikomaya · 4 years
Would you play oily twister
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I don’t even... what the hell? I assume this is that game twister but covered in oil? No. No I would not that just sounds sticky and gross.
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sasza-and-nikomaya · 4 years
I’ll make sure that the fridge is well stocked with food, and try to keep the liquor cabinet stocked. I would take the week off as well, but with everything that just happened at the museum, I’m in a bit of hot water as it is. 
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Don’t need me. Not today. Not tomorrow. Probably not for the rest of the week. I’ve taken time off. If anyone has any alcohol they can bring me without questions, I would appreciate it. I have already drank most of my own.
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sasza-and-nikomaya · 4 years
Do you want to have kids? How many?
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I don’t know... I’ve never really thought about it to be honest... I’m not exactly maternal and I have never spent time with children. I hear it ages you terribly and I’m not sure I am ready for that. 
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sasza-and-nikomaya · 4 years
We should do that. We should definitely do that. Sorry, I’m just a little tense. My dreams last night were... too reminiscent of past days. I am ready to run it all out of my system though. 
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I think I can arrange that. Let me go pick her up and we can take them on a run?  @sasza-and-nikomaya
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sasza-and-nikomaya · 4 years
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Sasza shot up in bed with a start, and could immediately sense that something was wrong. To begin with, the apartment was silent, which never happened. Throwing her blankets off Sasza slid her legs over the edge of the bed and moved to stand, which she did with no problem. Looking down her brows furrowed, Nikomaya was always right there beside her, and she usually had to nudge her away with a foot to stand. But Nikomaya wasn’t there. She called out for her, and still no response. A sense of dread curled in the pit of her stomach and she quickly raced through the apartment. Calling out for Nikomaya, for Rex, for Elodie, but there was still no answer. Entering the living room Sasza’s fears were confirmed. The place was tossed, a window broken, like someone had been thrown through it, and there was blood. A lot of it.
Choking up Sasza pulled out her phone to call someone. Anyone, but she froze up. Rex was gone, and she was the only one who Sasza could think to call. And now Rex and Nikomaya were gone and she had no-one to protect her. Her fear taking over, Sasza fled. Out of the apartment, out onto the street and into the dark and the rain. Her brain was consumed with one thought and one thought only. Run.
The streets were empty and there was a full on blizard outside. There were no lights in any windows, and no cars on the street. She ran like her life depended on it, but the father away she got from her apartment the slower she seemed to run. And then, in the distance she heard music begin to play. A song she hadn’t heard in nearly a century, accompanied by the baying of wolves and hellhounds. Her blood was replaced by ice, and she ran faster, trying to find anywhere to hide. Soon she saw them, in the corner of her eye, dark shapes on all fours. And then she was surrounded, wolves the size of cars, and Russian Goliaths with eyes like frozen fire beside them.
“Well well, little songbird, we found you at last. You didn’t think we would stop looking for you, did you little Sochinka?” There was no mistaking that thick accent, Sasza didn’t need to turn. They had found her.
She felt a hand on her shoulder and hot breath on her neck... and then she was awake, and Nikomaya was there licking her face and pulling her from the nightmare.
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sasza-and-nikomaya · 4 years
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Nah, I give you credit where credit is due. Plus, I would rather thrive here with you then be forced to simply survive again.  But enough of that, we need to arrange another puppy playdate for Nikomaya, she seemed to enjoy Nik’s pup and since you have partial custody ;P
What is your best friend like?
Stronger than anyone I have ever met. Heart full of gold, and an unexpected mouth full of sass. I don’t know what I would do without her. 
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sasza-and-nikomaya · 4 years
What is your best friend like?
Stronger than anyone I have ever met. Heart full of gold, and an unexpected mouth full of sass. I don’t know what I would do without her. 
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sasza-and-nikomaya · 4 years
What is something you want right now?
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A new work assignment to keep me busy and keep my mind off things that stupid anonymous people bring up. 
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sasza-and-nikomaya · 4 years
Do you hate anyone at the moment?
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I already answered this. Leave me alone weird invasive anonymous stranger. 
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sasza-and-nikomaya · 4 years
Do you hate anyone at the moment?
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Yes. And I will never stop hating them, and that will never be different. 
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sasza-and-nikomaya · 4 years
Do you have trust issues?
I wouldn’t say that I have trust issues, but I know that I am not quick to trust... And once you have lost my trust it is very hard to gain it back. 
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sasza-and-nikomaya · 4 years
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It wasn’t awkward, I think its cute. If you said everything perfectly you would be a boring robot. 
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sasza-and-nikomaya · 4 years
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Thats awesome though! You are getting started, and you have a slot. I am a total midnight owl, especially when I am working on a big project. I really enjoy American bluegrass like The Brothers Comatose. Do you know who they are?
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sasza-and-nikomaya · 4 years
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I’m glad, sorry to over react. I just don’t like seeing you hurt. Nikomaya will give you lots of kisses when we get home. Just let me know if there is anything I can do ok?
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No, I’m fine. I just needed to give myself a few stitches. Nothing a soak in ice water couldn’t fix. Enjoy the park. I would let you know if something was wrong, I promise.  @sasza-and-nikomaya
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sasza-and-nikomaya · 4 years
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Well in that case, I would love some greek food. And Nikomaya really does love Gyro. 
Did you say you worked for a radio? Does that mean I could call in special song requests?
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sasza-and-nikomaya · 4 years
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I am never one to say no to food. What did you have in mind?
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