satansbesttherapist · 4 years
Simon: Baz? Ask me what I would do if you broke up with me.
Baz: Snow- That's not going to happen. Ever.
Simon: I know!! Just ask me.
Baz, sighing: Fine. Simon, what would you do if I broke up with you?
Simon, giggling: I'd get back with my ex.
Baz: I'm not an idiot. I would be your ex. Nice try, Simon.
Simon: Damn it.
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satansbesttherapist · 4 years
Baz: I want to push you down--
Simon: -The stairs!? We've been boyfriends for four years and you still hate me!?
Baz: On the bed, you fucking idiot.
Simon: O H
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satansbesttherapist · 4 years
Baz, sipping on his unicorn frap and staring at Penny: I have refined tastes.
Simon: *trips over his own feet, gets flour EVERYWHERE when baking, uses his phone's flashlight to look under the sofa to find his phone*
Baz: I USED to have refined tastes.
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satansbesttherapist · 4 years
Simon: *puts a gift card in Baz's mouth*
Penny: Did he just put a gift card in your mouth?
Baz, already drooling: I'm going to fucking marry him
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satansbesttherapist · 4 years
I have a head cannon that Baz practices lap dancing in his free time, in the hope that one day he will be brave enough to try it on Simon.
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satansbesttherapist · 4 years
Baz Pitch would make a good drag queen. Don't argue with me.
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