satansladydoor · 3 months
ive been thinking about this for a month straight
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satansladydoor · 7 months
BDSM gets a bad rep as like a violent (male) dom pushing the boundaries of a reluctant (female) sub but in my experience it's a lot of subs with wildly elaborate fantasies screaming shit like "PUT MY ASS IN THE CHILI" while a new dom is like "Okay I think, we are reaching yellow for me,"
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satansladydoor · 10 months
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satansladydoor · 11 months
The Hadid sisters have to jump over hoops while speaking up about genocide, losing job opportunities and getting doxxed and harrased daily, and you have noah schnapp over here being absolutely vile with stickers saying, "zionism is sexy." Get fucked my dude
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satansladydoor · 11 months
What to boycott NOW to help stop Israel’s unfolding genocide of Palestinians in Gaza
Reminder that boycotting DOES work, there is historic proof! Don't let anyone discourage you otherwise!
The BDS movement uses the historically successful method of targeted boycotts inspired by the South African anti-apartheid movement, the US Civil Rights movement, the Indian anti-colonial struggle, among others worldwide.
We must strategically focus on a relatively smaller number of carefully selected companies and products for maximum impact. Companies that play a clear and direct role in Israel’s crimes and where there is real potential for winning, as was the case with, among others, G4S, Veolia, Orange, Ben & Jerry’s and Pillsbury. Compelling such huge, complicit companies, through strategic and context-sensitive boycott and divestment campaigns, to end their complicity in Israeli apartheid and war crimes against Palestinians sends a very powerful message to hundreds of other complicit companies that “your time will come, so get out before it’s too late!”
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satansladydoor · 11 months
I should get a keffiyeh. There’s a keffiyeh shop in Al-Khalil (Hebron) and they have such beautiful keffiyehs. They’re the last remaining Palestinian factory. Please support them if you can.
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satansladydoor · 2 years
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Pokémon gijinkas part 1
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satansladydoor · 2 years
marc spector I would die for you
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satansladydoor · 2 years
Bitches wanna buy their boyfriends the latest consoles but when was the last time he CONSOLED you? ps 5 years ago
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satansladydoor · 2 years
changing elves from being assholes with a superiority complex and recharacterising them as just sort of weird guys that have an entirely different set of social behaviours to harken back to the days when people thought autistic people were a kind of fae for having odd behaviours. the entire reason why they dont particularly enjoy gatherings of men or dwarves or whatever is because they tend to be loud and the average elven social gathering is just a bunch of them sitting in a room in silence ignoring each other
like theyre still kind of mean but its more of them being blunt and lacking empathy rather than being condescending or purposefully malicious
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satansladydoor · 2 years
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His vagina is just out touching the floor!!!!!!
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satansladydoor · 2 years
tv should come with recipes or suggested meal plans made by the director so you can have an immersive snack like wine pairings
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satansladydoor · 2 years
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satansladydoor · 2 years
hi can i just GUSH about how good of a story iswm is.
like. it’s full of so much fun shit with all the wormhole hopping but like you. yes YOU are responsible for the lives of not only the crew, not only the colonists, but also the entire universe. but you’re NOT ALONE. you have your head engineer, mark, and he has you.
it’s ALWAYS you and him! in every universe! in every iteration! it’s you and him and him and you no matter what. even when he turns against you, he still pleads with you to understand his side because he wants you, NEEDS you to listen to him (even though he’s wrong!!!)
he always believes in you and you always believe in him. the entire universe is collapsing in on itself, and all you have is each other.
idk i’m just feeling sappy about the silly space boy and his captain
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satansladydoor · 2 years
yall are a little too good at replicating the old tumblr fandom posts please stop i feel like a veteran on the fourth of july
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satansladydoor · 2 years
never not angry about how the scott pilgrim comics were like funny and well written and had scott’s character arc revolve around him realizing that he couldn’t keep going through life making up false narratives to absolve himself of blame and that he has to step up and take responsibility for his actions and how the movie completely erased all of that and made the message “scott gets a girlfriend due to being awesome and liking video games and being in a band” and now scott pilgrim is like a patron saint of the exact kind of shitty indie dude his character was a criticism of
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satansladydoor · 2 years
Tumblr is collectively doing this thing where we’re an old woman in the village minding our business and making our soup but the new gentrified neighbors want to come over and see if we’re interested in starting a Home Owner’s Association and so now we gotta pretend to be a crazy old lady who does devil sacraments and maybe will come to stand in front of their house at night and stare in their windows if they talk to us.
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