satansonlysister · 3 months
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satansonlysister · 3 months
[4] Magazine BS - Article
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I’m an eternal indecisive person. I wanted to make a backstory like a magazine but in the end, I think it could be a BS and a magazine :D See how I make it profitable :sunglasses: I hope you like it ! As always, don't remove the credits and have fun <3
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satansonlysister · 3 months
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Purple Angel - Backstory
Hi, Peaches here! This is my very first code - therefore, maybe not the best - but I am slightly proud of it! This is a backstorycode called "Purple Angel" :)
It has 6 buttons and, therefore, 6 pages for use
There are 3 pop-up buttons, which can be customized to your liking. I used them for OOG-Information and a short listing of family members.
If you want to use this code, please use specifically this version. Any other version on my codepen is for my characters, thus for my personal use and not available.
Do not remove or alter my credits in terms of appearance and location.
Do not steal.
Do not redistribute.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me!! :)) If something breaks, you can also contact me! *Please remove the blue information text at the beginning of the code before using it on wox-pages, otherwise the wox page might not show the code
Code: here
I am always happy to see people using my code, so if you want to show me what you are working on, feel free!! <3
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satansonlysister · 3 months
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satansonlysister · 3 months
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satansonlysister · 4 months
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a husband's call.
ᯓ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 .ᐟ neuvillette, jing yuan, ayato, sunday x fem!reader (separate), feat. fu xuan, ayaka, thoma.
ᯓ 𝐜𝐰 .ᐟ hey guys look yet another fic that's prob been done before 😻, mentions of suicide, mentions of 'cheating' (literally nothing tho), mentions of torture and death (sunday is just a girl🎀), banter, fluff, crack, SFW, i am not very proud of this one (like wow my writing fell off here 💀), 2.7k words (yay a short one!!), god i love this trope, can y'all tell i really like sunday? 😔 rbs are appreciated!! <3
ᯓ 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 .ᐟ pt 2 is here!!
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𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃 the residential wing of the Palais, swinging open the doors, marching in through the threshold and right for the parlour area.
The butler scrambled after him, frantic. “Monsieur Neuvillette, please, take a moment to calm do—”
“Where is my wife?” The Chief Justice’s voice thundered, and he continued storming through the halls. “I wish to see her. Now.”
“She’s—the Madame is in her study, Monsieur. She doesn’t wish to be distur—”
“No one is to interrupt us while I speak with my wife.” Finally, the Iudex stopped in his tracks and faced the butler. The usually calm, soft-spoken judge was icy and severe as he glared down at the frazzled attendant. “In the meantime, prepare the carriage.”
“Of course, Monsieur—but, may I ask why?”
Neuvillette heaved a sigh, and fatigue washed over his sharp features. “For the moment, please just do as I’ve ordered.”
“Oh, yes, of course…” The butler bowed three times before turning rushing off. “I shall have the coachman prepare it right away!”
The Chief Justice wasted no time in turning and heading down the hall for his wife’s study, and immediately entered without knocking.
You jumped in alarm at the abrupt slam of the door, and your book tumbled off your lap as you rushed to stand. “Neuvillette, what on ear—”
You hastily backed up as he charged toward you, startled and frightened. Oh no, what did I do? He looks furious!
“Do you know,” he began, extending a hand in a flash and grabbing your arm, pulling you toward him. Even though Neuvillette appeared utterly incensed, his grip was not bruising. It was gentle, and he swiftly curled an arm around your waist as he pressed you closely to him. “How utterly terrified I was when I received your letter?”
“What letter?” You placed a hand on chest, trying to calm him down. Those violet, slitted eyes of his were dark with untold emotions—fury, fear, and terror. You couldn’t fathom what had flustered the calm, gentle Chief Justice into such a raging state. What has happened to scare him so? You could feel his hands shaking as he gripped you tightly.
“This letter.” Neuvillette wrenched out a scrunched piece of paper from his coat pocket. “It is addressed to me from you. In your handwriting. Do you hate me so much, that you wish to torture me with such…such—”
“I never wrote this.” The contents of the letter was, yes, penned in your handwriting—at least, a very accurate forging of it—and it spoke of your apparent intentions to throw yourself off one of the cliff faces of Mount Esus. “What is this? A suicide note?” You continued reading, and you were supposedly expressing how discontent you were with being married to such an ‘exalted, unreachable’ man like Neuvillette and it had driven you into great depression.
Shaking your head, you looked up into the distressed face of your husband. “Neuvillette, I assure you, I would never write such a horrible thing as this. I’m not suicidal in the least. Not with you. You make me very happy.”
“I was scared. So scared.” The Chief Justice buried his face into the dip between your neck and shoulder, clinging to you like a frightened child would its mother. Rain lashed against the windows. One of his hands cupped the back of your head, fingers entangled in your hair. “I’ve never felt such terror in all my life. Who could be so cruel as to do this? What if they had kidnapped you, thrown you off the cliff, made it seem as if you really were miserable with me—"
You kissed the top of his head. “That won’t happen. How could you ever make me miserable? Do you know how long I prayed for a husband like you? You treat me like a queen.”
You could feel his erratic heartbeat drumming against your chest, and you threaded your fingers through his silvery locks gently. “Shall we spend the evening together? Just you and me? How about a weekend getaway?”
Butterfly kisses ghosted the skin of your nape and shoulders, and Neuvillette’s right hand dropped to clutch at your left hip. “Just as long as you’re at my side the entire time.”
“I’ll stick to you like glue,” you chuckled into his ear, and you wound your arms around his neck. “A little holiday in Liyue sounds nice. You need a break. How about it?”
“Mm,” The Iudex hummed appreciatively, emerging from your neck and he pressed his forehead against yours, closing his eyes. His unfairly long and curly lashes cast shadows across the apples of his cheeks. “Somewhere isolated?”
You tilted your head and pressed up into him further, eyes on his mouth. “Of course. I’ve been craving some real Crystal Shrimp. And proper Liyuean tea.”
“Oh, yes,” he chuckled lowly, and he leaned in, whispering against your lips. “…It’s stopped raining.”
“I should hope so,” you smiled up at him. “You’ve got nothing to worry about now.”
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐑-𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 had been looking all over for you, and he was starting to get worried. He’d checked all your favourite places—garden, lounge, his office, your office, library, even places downtown—but you were nowhere to be seen.
I want to play chess with her. Jing Yuan always had to be around you. That was the fact of the matter. If you weren’t around, he was down in the dumps. He was so besotted with his wife, even after centuries of marriage.
After going around in circles for a little while, the General finally came across Yanqing. “Yanqing, do you know where my wife is?”
His retainer blinked up at his master. “Uh, yes, general. She’s with Fu Xuan, in the garden. Playing chess.”
“Without me?” Jing Yuan couldn’t keep the inflection of a whine out of his tone. I’ve already checked the garden, and she wasn’t there! But, that was a few hours ago now. Aheming, Jing Yuan righted himself. “Ehem, that is to say—thank you, Yanqing. Go take a break.”
Yanqing eyed his mentor warily. “…Yes, general.”
Ignoring his novice’s look, Jing Yuan immediately made his way back to the estate gardens and searched through the hedges for you. Soon, your lovely form came into view, and the General picked up the pace.
“—Thrashing Jing Yuan,” Fu Xuan was saying, casually moving one of her chess pieces across the board. “He’s probably wandering around looking for yo—oh, General. Here you are.”
Two strong arms encircled your waist, and you were abruptly tugged into the warm chest of your husband. His shock of ivory hair brushed over your left cheek. “You promised you’d verse me later.”
“Oh, I don’t recall.” You grinned at Fu Xuan, who rolled her eyes at the General’s blatant affection as he nuzzled into your nape. “Did I? My goodness, must’ve slipped my mind.”
“Do you like Fu Xuan better than me?” he lamented, clutching you tighter. “You do, don’t you? Well, why not marry her, then?”
“I have your blessing?” You bit back your laughter, waggling your eyebrows at the huffing Diviner sitting across from you. “Well, then, don’t mind if I do.”
“Verse me in chess first,” your husband murmured, nibbling at your neck. “Then you can wed her.”
“No, I think I’ll see myself out,” Fu Xuan sighed, gathering up her things. She looked like she was about to throw up. “You two make me nauseous. Have fun, I guess.”
You bid her a chipper farewell while Jing Yuan petulantly ignored her, too occupied with you to bother paying respects to the Master Diviner of the Divination Commission. Patting his arm, you leaned your head against his comfortingly. “Alright, my future wife is gone now. We can play chess.”
Instead of letting you go and taking a seat across from you, Jing Yuan picked you up, sat down in your spot, and situated you nicely on his lap, before burying his face back into your chest. “You’re a tease. I practically turned the entire Luofu upside down looking around for you. For hours. Hours, you hear? Only to find you cheating on me with that pink-haired Diviner.”
“Cheating’s a bit of an overstatement, my dear. You want to play chess, or are you going to fall asleep on me again?”
“Chess, of course.” He made no move to follow through with it. The man was practically purring into your chest. “I won’t go easy on you.” “Like you ever do.” You lightly massaged his scalp with your nails, running your fingers through his lovely hair, making him preen at your attention. If this man was a cat, he’d be purring like an engine right about now. “Sure you’re not going to take a quick nap first?”
“Absolutely.” Jing Yuan’s cheek was laid on your right breast, a fully innocent gesture. “Shall we?”
“We shall.” You continued gently massaging his head, feeling quite content yourself. You gave the man one minute before he fell asleep. And you were right.
You let him sleep. It was bliss—peaceful, sitting together like this. Something that, even after centuries of marriage, you could never grow used to.
ᯓ AYATO .ᐟ
“𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐈𝐒 my wife, Thoma?” The Yashiro Commissioner rummaged about his coat sleeves and pulled out two bobas, striding through the halls of the Kamisato Clan’s estate with purpose. “I have some bubble tea to share with her.”
Thoma smiled to himself, following behind Kamisato Ayato. “She is with Lady Ayaka at present, my lord, in your chambers. I do believe your wife will be overjoyed at your return.”
“I’ve missed her dearly.” Ayato hurried along, taking a turn and making his way toward your shared bedroom. “If you would accompany Ayaka for the rest of the afternoon while I spend time with my wife, it would be much appreciated, Thoma. I’ll get you some boba another time.”
“Don’t worry about it, my lord.” The head housekeeper tried not to grin too much at his boss’ unending antics around his beloved wife. “All that matters is you having a relaxing time with Her Ladyship.”
“Absolutely right. See? This is why you’re so reliable, Thoma. You always know exactly what to say.” Lord Ayato is in a particularly good mood today. No wonder. He just arrived home from a long trip overseas and the first thing out of his mouth once he set foot in Inazuma again was his wife’s name.
The duo stopped before a door and Ayato swiftly lifted a hand to knock. There was a shuffle, quiet words from the two women behind the door, and the patting of socked feet upon wood. The door slid open, and there you were—still in your jinbei.
“Ayato!” You exclaimed, flinging your arms around him. “It’s been months! You’re finally home! Oh, how I’ve missed you.”
“Are you alright, my dear?” Ayato didn’t get a chance to thank Thoma for quickly plucking the two bubble teas from his hands so he could hug you back. “You sound stuffy, like you’ve got an awful cold.”
You sniffled, and then coughed. Then you snivelled again. “Yes. I caught the flu two days ago. Ayaka’s been keeping me company.”
There was a soft flash of grey-blue and there his sister was behind you, beaming up at her brother. “Welcome home, brother. I trust you are well?”
“Quite well. I did not expect to come home and see you sick as a dog! Have you been taking the appropriate medicine?”
“Ayaka almost throttled me trying to get the horrid stuff down my neck.” You turned and waddled back to your and Ayato’s comfortable futon, sitting up against the pillows. He followed after you like a lovesick puppy, accepting the two bobas from Thoma. Sighing, you put your face into your elbow and coughed. “It’s…” You wheezed again. “Working.”
“We’ll leave you two to it.” Ayaka placed a hand on Thoma’s shoulder and they turned to leave. They both smiled back at both of you. “Rest up. Both of you. Brother, make sure she drinks that tonic.”
“Will do,” he said, ignoring your aggravated groan. He brushed back your hair from your forehead, and the door clicked shut. “Want some boba?”
“I love you,” you immediately said upon him handing you your bubble tea. “Marrying you was the best decision ever.”
“As long as I have boba on me, huh?”
“I can make a few exceptions.”
Ayato smiled, poking your cheek, before leaning in, heading right for your mouth. “Can I have a ki—”
A hand smacked him away. “No! You’ll catch my cold. And I’m all snotty at the moment. Drink your boba.”
“I can just get sick with you.” He shrugged. But he yielded to your request and crawled in under the covers next to you, chewing away at some tapioca pearls. “Now, tell me. What have you been up to while I was away?”
“Keeping the entire Commission afloat,” you snarked, no bite behind your words. “It was so boring without you. I didn’t have anyone to go horseback riding with in Chinju Forest.” You had a sip of your bubble tea, wiping your nose with a tissue. You relished the caramelly taste. “Anyway, how did the meeting go? Since you acted as Ambassador to the Dawn Winery, was it?”
“I did, and the relations went exceptionally well, if I do say so myself. Inazuma is bound to have an onslaught of dandelion wine within the next month.”
“Wonderful. I could use a good glass of wine.” You sighed and relaxed against your husband’s shoulder. “…I’m glad you’re home.”
“I am, too.” Ayato nuzzled you. “Are you warm?”
“Very.” You closed your eyes. You had another sip of boba. He laced your fingers together, and you smiled. Even bedridden, you were content as could be.
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘 Head had his icy moments, but nothing compared to this. Every staff member was scared witless, shaking as they were dismissed from his presence, leaving him and his victim alone. The poor soul on the receiving end of Mr. Sunday’s placid wrath was visibly shaking.
“Now.” The Head of the Oak Family stood with his hands held tightly behind his back, staring frostily down at his target, halo glowing, having just recited his incantation for the light of the Harmony, calling on THEM. “I will ask you once more, and you will have no choice but to answer honestly. Question: where is my wife?”
“I—I don’t know! I swear—argh!” An expensive shoe pressed down on the sobbing man’s hand harshly, Sunday’s golden eyes frozen to a murderous amber. The man clutched at his head in agony. “It hurts! It hurts! Please, stop!”
“It won’t hurt if you tell the truth.” The Family Head’s voice remained as calm as an arctic sea. “Yet, you continue to refuse. Must I bloody my hands to extract my wife’s true whereabouts from you?”
“N-No, just—please…” THEIR light was shredding at the man’s thoughts. “I really don’t know!”
“Question: is your hirer a lackey of the IPC?”
“Argh—yes…” Sunday’s victim fought for breath. 
“Is my wife alive?”
“Is she unharmed?”
“…I don’t…know.”
“Do you know where she is?”
“…I don’t—hngh! Yes…”
“Where is my wife?”
“I can’t tell you!”
And then the man let out a wail, mental state driven to the brink. Sunday’s fists tightened into two white-knuckled balls. “Oh, yes, you can, and you will. The Harmony rejects you. THEY reject you. Tell the truth.”
“Sh—She is…your wife is…”
“She’s on Penacony. Hidden in a…ugh—warehouse. Guarded. Not in the Dreamscape.”
“Where is this warehouse?”
“That…I honestly don’t know. That’s all they told me.”
Sunday narrowed his eyes, glacial, before whirling around and marching for the doors. He flung them open, and called his men in. 
They stood to attention. Sunday coldly regarded each of them. “Send this man back in pieces to the IPC. Warn them that if they do not reveal my wife’s whereabouts within the next twelve hours, they will have a very big problem on their hands.” He threw a repulsed look back at the screaming man. “Shut him up for good. Make sure that all IPC delegations and influences in the Dreamscape…” The Family Head approached his desk. “Are cut off, imprisoned—or, better yet, killed.”
“Yes, sir!” One man back knocked the IPC thug out, dragging him away. 
Sunday coolly clicked his pen. “Send a clear message that consequences for any inaction on their part will be dire. I want my wife back, and I want her back by tomorrow.”
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all rights reserved © kisstrela 2024. do not copy, repost, redistribute, translate, plagiarise or modify my work(s) in any way on any platform. thank you.
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satansonlysister · 4 months
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satansonlysister · 4 months
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satansonlysister · 4 months
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satansonlysister · 4 months
Analyzation of Anna from Frozen
So I saw a tweet about how Anna is Rapunzel if she failed at being quirky and I cannot understand how the hell you want to compare two girls who have never spoken to people outside of those in their 'cage' and say they HAVE to be the same in levels of quirkiness. So I shall go over their points and discuss them. Mind you, my two favorite movies of all time are Tangled and Frozen 2. I've watched them so many times that I can replay the voices in my head.
Anna is too trusting
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Now I must say this take is so stupid. Like yes she is too trusting but HOW IS SHE NOT? First, if we are comparing her to Rapunzel, that's stupid fully. Rapunzel was manipulated into not being trusting of others by Mother Gothel. There was a whole song about it. Anna didn't have the whole stranger danger talk with her parents most likely and even if she did, they died when she was younger like 16 I want to say. She didn't see anyone other than servants who wouldn't tell the princess how to act around strangers as they don't have a connection with them. Honestly her falling for Hans was the most normal thing rather than 'quirky'. She read books and fantasized about romance so much that of course she jumped onto the first guy that showed her love. Love bombing anyone?
2. Anna as a character is flat
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Now do I have to explain everything? First, Anna is optimistic because she is a dreamer period. She is optimistic like Rapunzel yes. She wasn't 'abused' no but you can be optimistic without being abused. Hell, I have a lot of friends who are the optimism to my realism and they have a loving family. The tweet also says that Anna is naive with no reason for it. There is a reason? The similarity with Anna and Rapunzel is both were locked away from the world. They both only had their books to depend on. The main difference between them has to do with Anna being more trusting than Rapunzel. Mother Gothel downplayed Rapunzel so that Rapunzel would DEPEND on her. Anna never felt wrong for dreaming while Rapunzel did as she was manipulated. Anna was optimistic cause of the books she read. If all you had from the outside world was romantic books that the world is not scary at all, you would be naive, trusting, and optimistic. Rapunzel was always warned that the world was scary and to trust no one other than Gothel. Saying that Anna is flat is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.
3. She is overshadowed by Elsa which makes her a failure
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Okay either this user doesn't have siblings or isn't the middle child. As a middle kid, do you know how often you can be overshadowed by your siblings? My little sister is super smart and is going into foresnics as well as playing two different sports. My dad tends to dot on her way more than me and I am fine with that cause she DESERVES praise for her work. In this case, I am the Anna to my sister's Elsa. Let's start with Anna's character arc in the first movie. She started off very immature due to her lack of physical attention. Yes, she did get attention from her parents but all she seriously wanted was her sister. I literally sob everytime in Frozen where they look at each other from afar and Anna's face drops when she sees her sister LEAVE HER LIFE. Just imagining one day that my sister could just leave and she won't tell me makes me feel so shitty. Anna's optisim cames from a dream where she wants to be together with her sister. That's all she ever wanted. To be a family again. When her sister finally leaves, she tries really hard to try and understand why her sister left. She gets frustrated because she doesn't know. I can go over the whole movie step by step but we haven't even got to Frozen 2. Anna's arc is that she wanted to understand her sister better and she assumed the best way to do that is talk it out as, any reader of romance would know, miscommunication sucks. Elsa couldn't communicate because she felt that if they got close again it would hurt Anna and by pushing Anna away and not communicating, it only hurt them both more... literally. Anna also didn't trust Kristoff at first since he wasn't a prince. A lot of books I read say that princes are these regal men who wouldn't hurt a soul. And Anna romantized her parents relationship. Anna didn't truly need a character arc other than realizing her nativity and optistim tends to hurt others. She literally sacrificed her life for her sister when she could save herself and she chose herself. Literally like wtf.
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Frozen 2 is more her season. There was an arc to be made between the two. She is till pushy with Elsa as she was before but she knows that communication is important, something Elsa lacks in. She is constantly worried about her sister that she puts herself at risk now to save her sister as she is JUST as impulsive as Elsa. Anna now has separation anxiety since first of all, she almost DIED in the first film and on top of that, her parents died, her sister locked herself away and now that her sister isn't locked away, she is worried that her sister will leave her again. At the end of the movie, she realizes that her sister is always a short distance away and that her sister can take care of herself. Anna is MATURE at the end of the film. Literally you can see it by how she presents herself.
Final Thoughts
When I first watched Frozen 1, It was when I was still living with my abusive mother. I actually watched both Frozen 1 and Rapunzel with my abusive mother with me. I only stayed with her because I was worried once I left, my sister would struggle to leave or my sister would get hit instead of me. My sister struggles with communication in a nice way as well as trusting others. She isn't very optimistic so growing up, I was the optimistic one for both of us. My mother would never let me leave the house nor have friends. Same to my sister but my mother was always dotting on my sister so I was fully alone. When I watched Tangled, I saw a bit of myself in Rapunzel but I saw a bit more of my sister in Rapunzel. When Frozen came out, I thought for sure I was Elsa but now that I am older, I am more like Anna than all three of them. To my sister, I may seem more like a mix of Anna and Elsa but I have never been Rapunzel as my mother's abuse wasn't nearly as warping to me as Mother Gothel was towards Rapunzel. Mind you, I never loved my mother but my sister did. Of course, none of us can be Rapunzel unless we were kidnapped at birth.
People who hate Anna either don't have a sibling who they are fully devoted to or they simply don't understand that siblings can grow differently than each other. Keep in mind we never saw how the parents treated Anna after Elsa was locked away. ALSO the poster said that Elsa was abused yet she wasn't? The trolls told the parents that Elsa's powers harm and Elsa full blown believed it too. If her parents didn't put her in the room, Elsa would have done it herself. She almost killed her little sister who she is VERY close to. If she was able to control those powers, she wouldn't lock herself away but no one ever taught her. The trolls never tried to say "ya you can control them with love" since they NEVER SAW IT! Also the parents DIED trying to figure out how to have Elsa control her powers. They were willing to travel across seas for Elsa. But what about Anna? Do you think they had time for her between regal duties and trying to help Elsa? Maybe they shouted at her out of anger. Every time Anna is singing her 'DO you want to build a snowman?' the King and Queen are no where to be found. She is alone.
Anyways thanks for listening yall. I just cant ever shut up about the two movies. Also, never try and compare two DIFFERENT characters and get surprised when they are different. If its Ariel versus Live Action Ariel then that's fine since they are the same character but Rapunzel and Anna went through two different lives. There is no confirmed way to tell how they would act in each other shoes cause they aren't each other.
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satansonlysister · 4 months
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satansonlysister · 4 months
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So felt like we should get this outta the way. My tierlist for my boys. I will rant about each of them in a few moments cause I cannot shut up about this game
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satansonlysister · 4 months
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do you guys think that leo would troll alan
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satansonlysister · 4 months
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that’s how i imagine haru texts ren/mc when he’s drunk
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satansonlysister · 4 months
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what games does ren even play
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satansonlysister · 4 months
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they update the website n’ i love the icons for the different Houses
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satansonlysister · 4 months
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