sathytrench · 4 years
Day 15?!?!
This comparison will never work out. Triple equals compares the reference in memory, not what’s between the curly braces.
Read-only. State is read and write!
Can’t declare variables, can’t do for-loops, can’t use if statements.
Is asynchronous! This makes reading this.state immediately after calling setState a potential pitfall.
How you can tell this language was made in 10 days. Type of not-a-number IS A NUMBER.
Is quite nice to use in JSX renders.
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sathytrench · 4 years
DAY ????
I’m fairly certain we just learned SQL so that we could be eternally happy and grateful that we never have to use it again after tomorrow (when we learn Sequelize).
I’m a little stumped on this test spec in this week’s checkpoint:
describe('`complete`', function () {      it('is a boolean set to `false` for any new tasks', function () {        Todos.add('zeke', { content: 'clean self' });      expect(Todos.list('zeke')[0].complete).to.be.false;    });
how can complete be a property set to a boolean when not invoked, and a function when invoked? it’s been a while since we played with pure JS so maybe I’m just rusty....
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sathytrench · 4 years
Day 4
Had high expectations of posting about class every day but swimming in slack, zoom, virtual machines, and github is making it awfully hard to open up yet another tab. We have two ongoing projects now - one is a Fitness Tracker website, the other is a little game we have to build by Sunday night. It’s been hard to finish all the work we do in class, so I’m just going to focus on the stuff that’s actually due. It seems like every lesson we have is such a rush of information that we just have to grab at it like it’s smoke and let most of it blow away in the breeze for now.
I really really hate flexbox. But not forever.
Event listeners are cool. I think I almost have enough knowledge to finish the Small Lady game with Anna! It’s really cool to practice connecting the dots between the html and js files.
P.S. One teacher said something I liked: “things that are complex are usually just a combination of things that are simple.”
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sathytrench · 4 years
Day 1
When I found out I’d gotten into the Grace Hopper bootcamp, I was staring down a lonely pandemic-bound winter hole of intense work and no fun at all besides the joys of learning. So I decided to do something I’d never done, which I could do from the comfort of my own room, as all things must be done this year: beat Majora’s Mask! (On N64, it’s so pixelated but I still like how it looks much more than the DS reboot.)
Today was the first real day of the bootcamp, right on the heels of Halloween and an election that felt more ghoulish than any Halloween I’ve ever had. Our teacher recommended that we keep a log of all the things we learn during the next few months, a-ha sort of moments I assume, as the pace is going to make our heads spin clean off. I haven’t blogged since high school, but this seems much more appropriate than scribbling code in a notebook, and maybe someone else will find it useful. I wish I’d started during the last month of doing Foundations homework, so I could remember how I figured out all those stumpers, but better late than never.
Today’s lesson was mostly on the curriculum, what class will be like each day, and Git. I didn’t learn anything terribly new, except how to merge different branches of a repository between multiple users, how to use a pull request in your terminal to pass new versions of projects back and forth between local repositories, and then to push everything back to the master origin. This stuff can be tricky without the notes right in front of your face, and you don’t want to mess up your partner’s work! So you have to write the commands in the proper order.
I am so so sleepy from a lot of lecture and information, so no videogames tonight, but I would like to say that the reason Majora’s Mask has always fascinated me is its obsession with the seemingly mundane and ordinary occurrences of normal people’s lives. While Ocarina of Time was filled with kings and princesses and warriors and monsters, Majora features common townspeople: innkeepers, street acrobats, urchins, musicians, scientists. Their plights and joys are the emotional core of the game; beating the bosses feels like the side quest. And the layout of the map and levels is circular & concentric, 4 major areas ringing the inner radius of Clock Town. The heroic linearity of Ocarina of Time is gone: now you travel between 3 days and 4 cardinal directions constantly, like the hand of a crazy clock. No wonder it made me so dizzy as a kid. Anyway, last thing I did was beat Odolwa in Woodfall, so I’m on to Snowhead in the north next.
Sweet dreams!
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