satoruzlove · 19 hours
THE MANEATER CHAPTER TWO: the baddest (badder)
divider credits to roseraris
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mattsun met up with yn and oikawa for the brunch and then they all just sort of ending up hanging out together
yn is so social she loves just hanging out with anyone and she is so spiteful and a little evil so it makes it even better than its iwa's roommates
after brunch they went went around shopping in little vintage shops and were talking like old friends
yn had a crush on ukai when he was the bouncer at the maneater but he, like akaashi, always told her to date men her own age
which was devestating to yn
atsumu is a bartender at the maneater and he hated being on bouncer duty he threatened to quit every time he had to do it but never did
iwa has yn's name saved in his phone as yn (annoying)(brat)
taglist: @wyrcan @thechaosoflonging @bedeater @deluluforcarlos55 @localgaytrainwreck @cherrypieyourface @eclecticeggknightpsychic @httpakkeiji @does-directions @needtoloveoutloud @causenessus @kawaii-angelanne @thatonecroc @v1oletfury @lonesomedrive @nnnyxie @guitarstringed-scars @nbcvs @garfieldissocool @iheartpinky @mollyrolls @yogurtkags @yuminako @michivrse @19calicos @sunnyskiezzzz @bailey-reeds @staileykout @loverlunaire @iluvaquaphor @lllaw @alpha-mommy69 @acowboykisser @karasyuu @aquariarose @torkorpse @wave2mia @southernfrogprincesd @mfcherry @19calicos @adorerinn @soulfullystarry @jaynawayna (taglist is temporarily open, complete this form to be added)
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satoruzlove · 2 days
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Are we just gonna ignore this ???
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satoruzlove · 2 days
Adding onto Sylus’ desperate need to be near you at all times. He’s clingy.
You groaned as strong hands scooped you up out of your bed, disturbing your sleep. Curling towards the warmth, soft footsteps carried you away.
You forced your eyes open to meet the red ones that glanced down at you. “Sylus?”
Sylus kissed your forehead and held you tighter as he brought you into his office. “I wanted some company.” He sat down on his deep red plush couch, laying you in his lap and pulling a blanket over you.
You groaned and reluctantly laid in the position he was putting you in. “I’m tired Sy.” Sylus chuckled. “Then sleep. I’m not stopping you.”
Scoffing at his sarcasm, you looked up at him from where you laid in his lap. He happily started to run his long fingers through your hair. “You stole me from my bed.”
Sylus tsked at you. “I did not steal you from your bed. I stole you from my bed.” A ghost of a smirk crossed his face.
He patted your cheek before placing his glasses on his nose and picking up a book. “You brought me here so you could read?”
He sighed and put down the book on the end table next to him. Swiftly he adjusted both of your positions so that he was lying across the couch with you draped along him, resting on his chest. He reached behind him, grabbed his book and continued to read.
You groaned and rolled your eyes at him but got comfortable nonetheless. “At least read it to me won’t you?”
Sylus’ deep laughter vibrated you. “Of course, Kitten. Listen close.” He didn’t care that he’d likely be up for hours and end up falling asleep when it was time for you to wake. As long as you were near him, it’s all he needed.
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satoruzlove · 2 days
if ur (much) shorter than bokuto he'll bend down to ur height just to see what it's like and be genuinely shocked + concerned because Why didn't u tell him u couldn't see what's on the top two shelves of the cupboards or pantry. should he move everything down? should he buy a step stool tomorrow? what do u mean u climb onto the counter when he isn't home to help why would u do that???
versus his teammate miya atsumu who dramatically gasps and looks at you with his hand over his mouth and says "holy shit you really can't reach the top of the door frame"
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satoruzlove · 2 days
getaway car ; ch.ix: “is she friends with your friends? is she good in bed?”
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masterlist - previous | next
misc. - problematic suna is my bbg sorry not sorry - slutting out suna on the tl!! - js btw from here on out there might be light suggestive content, but no explicit smut content… js a warning 
getaway car – a racer rintarou suna smau rintarou suna is the top formula one racer for scuderia ferrari, and he would be the top ranked in the world if not for the top driver for redbull aston martin: hajime iwaizumi. it’s no secret that suna has a silly celebrity crush on world famous actress [name] miya, and when it hits the tabloids that iwaizumi was seen out with her, it’s all interviewers will ask suna about. will this take their rivalry to a new level? or will suna befriend [name], and be the final match to the gasoline puddle of rumors? 
taglist@satoruzlove @empathum @akumakitsune21 @whoreforfictionalmen18 @dani-shitting-around @ast4rg1rl @reverie-starlight @tsukiran-blog @xbl00dy-r0s3x @universal-s1ut @koushisbabie @breakmyheartlater @phoenix-eclipses @ris-krispie @coyloves @2baddies-1porsche @girlkissersco @dontmindtheevie @itsdragonius @reekapeeka @leave-rae-alone @usmell4 @noideawhothatis @moonlit-mizukage @thirtykiwis @highkey-fangirling @ast4rg1rl @razberrywrites @zamorazz @k0z3me @iluvhellokitty @milliondollagirl @gsyche
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satoruzlove · 3 days
some random kenji thoughts
he is NOT an early bird. kenji sato likes his lie ins. those mornings where he can spend an extra hour or two stretched across his bed. no morning practice to rush to. no fan event to be late for. nope. just him, his massive bed and peaceful sleep.
hates horror films. this man’s whole life is basically a horror movie. fighting against man eating, sky scraper tall monsters ?? why would he pay ten dollars for a movie ticket when he could just walk outside and experience that fear for free ?? or he could go through an old family photo album and experience the crushing terror of realising that by living one parents dream he lets down another…..
kenji sato does not share. this MAN CHILD is an only child. and his parents worshipped him as a kid. crayons, snacks, figures. it don’t matter if they’re kenji’s they are KENJI'S. would smack another child’s hand away if they dared to try and touch them. even as an adult he struggles to share stuff.
likes his women bossy. kenji likes a girl that can tell him what to do. he’s an egotistical smartass with plenty of wit and charm. he needs someone who can keep up, keep him in line.
was bullied at school in the states. i feel like the movie drops lots f hints that he struggled in the states. the stuff he said about kids teasing him for his food ??? his name ??? probs why he started going by Ken and he uses the word ''bro'' all the time. plus that ego ??? defo the result of a childhood spent as an outcast.
what do you guys think ?? drop any other thoughts below. part 4 of not a hero, just an author will be out shortly !!!
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satoruzlove · 4 days
getaway car ; ch.vi: “loving him is like driving a new maserati down a dead end street"
CW: sexual implications, comedic mentions of masturbation
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masterlist - previous | next
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getaway car – a racer rintarou suna smau rintarou suna is the top formula one racer for scuderia ferrari, and he would be the top ranked in the world if not for the top driver for redbull aston martin: hajime iwaizumi. it’s no secret that suna has a silly celebrity crush on world famous actress [name] miya, and when it hits the tabloids that iwaizumi was seen out with her, it’s all interviewers will ask suna about. will this take their rivalry to a new level? or will suna befriend [name], and be the final match to the gasoline puddle of rumors? 
taglist @satoruzlove @empathum @akumakitsune21 @whoreforfictionalmen18 @dani-shitting-around @sunarins @reverie-starlight @tsukiran-blog @xbl00dy-r0s3x @universal-s1ut @koushisbabie @breakmyheartlater @phoenix-eclipses @ris-krispie @coyloves @2baddies-1porsche @girlkissersco @dontmindtheevie @le000zzgrd @reekapeeka @leave-rae-alone @usmell4 @noideawhothatis @moonlit-mizukage @thirtykiwis @highkey-fangirling @ast4rg1rl @razberrywrites @zamorazz @k0z3me
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satoruzlove · 4 days
getaway car ; ch.v: “i'd give up everything to be close to you"
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masterlist - previous | next
misc. - hajime does not like being called bb - mattsun def let out the manliest yell on the radio when he lost p2 to atsumu - atsumu woke up to him being canceled on twitter and definitely ran to samu's shop and sat down to rant to him while eating all his food and then just said "thanks" and left without paying (he claims to have a family discount bit [name] always pays) - sakuatsu crumbs - rin definitely needs to learn how to switch to his priv... - fans finding out abt rins priv made them all go batshit and make themselves think they might have interacted with him at some point without knowing lmao
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getaway car – a racer rintarou suna smau rintarou suna is the top formula one racer for scuderia ferrari, and he would be the top ranked in the world if not for the top driver for redbull aston martin: hajime iwaizumi. it’s no secret that suna has a silly celebrity crush on world famous actress [name] miya, and when it hits the tabloids that iwaizumi was seen out with her, it’s all interviewers will ask suna about. will this take their rivalry to a new level? or will suna befriend [name], and be the final match to the gasoline puddle of rumors? 
taglist @satoruzlove @empathum @akumakitsune21 @whoreforfictionalmen18 @dani-shitting-around @sunarins @reverie-starlight @tsukiran-blog @xbl00dy-r0s3x @universal-s1ut @koushisbabie @breakmyheartlater @phoenix-eclipses @ris-krispie @coyloves @2baddies-1porsche @girlkissersco @dontmindtheevie @le000zzgrd @reekapeeka @leave-rae-alone @usmell4 @noideawhothatis @moonlit-mizukage @thirtykiwis @highkey-fangirling @ast4rg1rl @razberrywrites @zamorazz @k0z3me
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satoruzlove · 4 days
im such a whore for nerdy smart polite boys, likes yess pls talk to me like were in a Shakespeare play and mansplain everything to me omg and pls pls pls call everything bu their correct name😍
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satoruzlove · 5 days
One thing I love about Ken Sato is that, while he's a hot shot. He's never a jerk.
During his first interview you hear him talking and think he's a Bro™. But when the other reporter tries to talk over Ami he shuts them down. "Yo shut up she was talking!"
Even when Ami starts asking uncomfortable questions he doesn't dismiss her, or mock her, he just tries to redirect the questions.
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satoruzlove · 5 days
Ken…Sato?? Yeah fucking hate that dude
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He gets on my nerves 🙄
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satoruzlove · 5 days
texts w boyfriend!tsukishima cw: slightly suggestive, some swearing
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satoruzlove · 6 days
random text messages with hq characters
characters: oikawa, iwaizumi, kuroo, kenma, akaashi, tsukishima, sugawara, daichi
cw: suggestive content (iwaizumi)
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msby ver. part 2
a/n part 2 no one asked for :P tell me if you want me to do any specific character for next time.
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satoruzlove · 6 days
Zayne: What’s your favorite color?
MC: Stop asking stupid questions. Ask me something logical and mature.
Zayne: How many moles of sodium bicarbonate are needed to neutralize 0.8ml of sulfuric acid at STP?
MC: My favorite color is pink.
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satoruzlove · 6 days
Kenji Sato As A Boyfriend HC
I finally had some time to sit down and write something TuT Hope you'll like it :D If there is any Gramma mistakes I apologize, English is not my first language ToT
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Ken would put you first no matter the situation. Sure he loves Baseball and all, but if you got hurt or sick he would totally skip practice or the game to be with you. Even if you insist on him leaving, after all Mina is more than capable of taking care of you.
Before getting together with him you lived in a normal apartment near the city center. But after the news of you dating spread out Kenji swooped in and all but made you live with him in his mansion. His reason being, that he wanted to keep you save from the journalists and Kaiju's but deep down you knew he was waiting for the opportunity to have you for himself 24/7.
If you don't speak Japanese he will teach you. He finds it absolutely adorable whenever you try to pronounce an especially hard word. Your accent makes it so much more endearing for him.
He has multitude of nicknames for you. There is rarely time when he uses your real name when addressing you. Baby girl, Princess and Doll are definitely his favorite ones. If he's feeling especially sappy he'll call you Darling or Beautiful.
He's clingy. Not overly so, but he tends to hover over you or hold your hand whenever the two of you were in public. At first you thought he liked the PDA and you weren't wrong, but the hand holding was purely because he was scared. "I know it's stupid, but I always have this irrational fear of your disappearing like my mom did. And I can't function without you by my side, princess."
Ken is a great cook ! He would totally make you breakfast in bed after his morning training session. Dinner made by him was a rare treat you learned to enjoy, after all he was juggling being a baseball star and a superhero. Not to mention he was an adopted daddy to a very adorable Kaiju living underneath your guys' house.
Speaking of Emi. If you thought she was a daddy's girl you are solely mistaken, because as soon as you enter the room she looses all interest in Ken all together. Of course she still adores him, but you are by far her favorite human ! She chirps and claps her hands in excitement whenever you enter the base. I melts Ken's heart whenever he sees the two of you interacting with one another. He has so many photos of you and Emi saved on his phone !
He loves to see you in his clothes, especially with his jersey on. He still has an old one from the time he played for Dodgers and you use it as a nightie. It's comfortable ! And it does things to him too... God the first time you put it on. Let's just say you couldn't walk for a day or two after ;)
We all know Kenji is rich-rich. So it's no surprise he buys you expensive gifts all the time. You once mentioned that you liked a specific car, and guess what ? The week after that there was a new shiny (dream car) in your favorite color, parked outside the mansion. After that incident you stopped mentioning things you liked or wanted to buy in fear of him going bankrupt. He told Mina to hack your Amazon Wishlist and bought you all of the items just to spite you.
If you work or study he will support you every step of the way. Just like you support him during his games. If you are a university student he will sit down with you and ask you some questions, help you study and keep an eye on you. He wants you to be successful yes, but you still need to sleep and eat !
Kenji likes to mess with you in his Ultraman form, much to his fathers disapproval. Whenever he takes care of Emi he has to transform, and he uses every opportunity to pluck you from the ground and place you on his shoulder. The first time he did it you screamed like a banshee making poor baby Emi jump in fright. Thank God she doesn't really speak human language, you would die of shame if she repeated any of the words you called Kenji that time.
After a year of being together he'll start carrying a small velvet box around. And inside would a ring his father proposed to his mother with, something she gave him long time ago. He would wait patiently, looking for the best way and time to pop the question. But until then he'll enjoy your company and make more memories with you and Emi by his side :)
I hope ya'll liked it ! I feel really good about this one ngl :D GOD I LOVE THIS MAN !
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satoruzlove · 7 days
⭑.ᐟ — “would u kill me if i was a zombie” with katsuki bakugou, shouto todoroki, izuku midoriya
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satoruzlove · 7 days
just distressed (still not a damsel) ー ultraman, ken sato.
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ultraman getting to know his damsel as kenji sato, the baseball player.
sfw, female reader. UNEDITED.
you smiled at the chef and sat down on a stool, looking around to examine the place. it was clean and the lighting inside was warm, and the place had a lingering smell of fried eggs and soy sauce, which you really liked.
it was seven in the evening and you were at tonkatsu tonki for dinner, as per ultraman's suggestion. you had small chats with the chef as he made your order, with you being the only customer that he had as of the moment.
a few weeks have passed since your lengthy chat with japan's superhero. although you had been in the scene when yet another kaiju attacked this week, you weren't as involved as the previous times, which made you sad about not having the chance to talk to ultraman again. it was for the better, though, you thought. the poor guy sounded like he needed all the rest he could have.
he handed you your bowl of tonkatsu and poured water to your glass. while you were talking to the chef, a replay of this morning's baseball game was playing on the television that hung on the wall of the restaurant. you took a peek every now and then whenever the chef made reactions about the game, making you curious. "are you a fan of baseball?" you asked, taking a bite of your tonkatsu.
you got to know the chef for the past thirty minutes that you've been in the restaurant. he's a sarcastic man who genuinely cared for the food of the customers and their well-being, saying that his regulars had been coming in and out of his restaurant for more than twenty years.
"huge fan. i used to watch the games held in tokyo dome with my daughters," he said, his eyes never leaving the television. "but they've grown older, and we only watch together when they're free."
you hummed in response. "i was a huge tigers fan, and my daughters were even bigger fans of the giants." he laughed, and you smiled at him. "what about you? you like baseball?" he asked, wiping the spatula that he used.
you drank water to help you swallow your food before answering. "ah, not really. it never really piqued my interest." you said.
in the middle of your conversation, a group of rather tall men walked into the restaurant, greeting the chef before sitting down, who only waved his hand at them as he focused on his conversation with you.
"what do you mean it never piqued your interest?" the chef echoed, his eyebrow raised in a rather animated way which made you laugh at him.
"i-it just never crossed my mind much."
"baseball never crossed your mind much?" the chef asked in disbelief. "it's the best sport there is! don't tell me you're one of them basketball people."
"i have nothing against baseball. personally, i just don't like it. it looks fun though!" you explained yourself.
"you hate baseball?" the chef asked in front of you.
"i donー"
"you hate baseball?" the guy who sat near your stool chimed in.
"i don't!" you said, rubbing your cheek to show light-hearted annoyance.
the chef looked at you and faked a scoff, before walking to the group of men further from you to ask for their order. you laughed at him and sighed before drinking from your glass of water.
"so," the guy from beside you called out. "what was the "you hate baseball" argument with the chef?" he asked, taking off his sunglasses before hanging it at the front of his shirt.
you smiled and playfully rolled your eyes. "what i was saying is that i don't hate baseball." you said, taking a bite of your food after. "it's just not in my area of, uhm, interest or expertise."
the guy chuckled, running his hand through his jet-black hair. "i don't think i've ever met anyone who told me that they don't like baseball."
"what is it with guys and baseball?" you joked.
"hey, everyone likes baseball." he responded. he reached out his hand in front of you, offering a handshake. "i'm kenji." he said.
you accepted the handshake and held his hand, shaking it. "i'm [name] [surname], pleasure being baseball buddies with you."
"don't think that us being baseball buddies would work, considering how you don't like baseball," he joked with a forced frown on his face.
you groaned and he just laughed at you.
kenji ordered his usual and kept quiet, listening to his teammates as they debriefed the game that they had earlier. he was happy to have a close friendship with each and every one of them after struggling with adjusting to moving back to his home town two years ago.
but what made him the happiest is this restaurant, and seeing you in it. the night after his talk with you downtown, was the only time that he got a good night's sleep the whole week despite him getting only five hours.
not in a million years would he admit it, the chances of seeing you during a kaiju attack was the thought that made him feel light on his feet and eager to protect the city (to see you). but to his surprise (he was bummed the whole day), he didn't catch at least a glimpse of your [color] hair, but it was fine, he thought.
he didn't need to see you all the time, he thought. that would be greedy and desperate, he thought. your safety is what matters, it's a good thing that you weren't near another kaiju attack, where he had the chances of talking to you again, he thought.
"so, were you near the kaiju attack last week?" kenji asked.
why the fuck did he ask that.
you looked at him and tilted your head. "uhm," you said, chewing on your food and swallowing it as your facial expression questioned the weird conversation starter.
great, kenji. now she probably thinks you're a freak, he thought.
on the outside, kenji was as cool as ice with his unbothered look and relaxed body language. but internally, he was on his way to drive his motorcycle off mount fuji.
"i was near it, actually." you said, drinking your water. "i was a few streets down from the kaiju, so thankfully i didn't have any trouble getting to a safe place."
kenji sighed out of relief, thankful that you were safe, and that you didn't seem to think of him as a freak. "that's good," he said.
"funny you mentioned kaijus," you said. kenji looked at you with shock in his eyes, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.
did you figure it out . . ?
"i've recently gotten my old apartment building ruined by one just a few weeks ago." kenji sighed.
"oh, i'm sorry," kenji said and you just waved your hand to let him know that it was okay. "how are you holding up?" he asked.
"alright, i guess. the landlord was kind enough to give us back two months worth of rent back for the inconvenience and exposure to danger. i guess the kdf offered their aid to him." you said as you continued eating your meal.
kenji hummed. "what about you?" you asked, placing the back of your forearms against the table counter, your elbows brushing against his.
kenji took notice of this and cleared his throat. "i haven't been near one," an obvious lie. "there was one time when a kaiju attacked the arena that i played in, it was gigantron, i think?" kenji said.
"oh, that's unfortunate. glad to know you're safe." you said.
"oh, no, i'm really not. the kaiju now holds me hostage in my own home."
"huh . . ?" your eyebrows knit together in worry, your [color] eyes staring into his purple ones.
kenji stared back into your pretty eyes and felt warmth on his cheeks. he looked at how your expression says that you believed every word he said. kenji covered his smile with the back of his hand and laughed, squinting his eyes.
you immediately frowned at the joke and gave his shoulder a soft punch before taking another bite at your food.
suddenly, the lights of the restaurant started swinging and flickering. you felt the ground shake and you looked at the people in the restaurant, before locking eyes with kenji once again who gave you a worried look.
a speaker that came from the street alerted everyone of the happening. "this is the kaiju defense force. evacuate the area immediately." the speaker repeated.
the roof of the restaurant broke, a red-colored foot piercing into it. you heard the people that kenji came in with shouting as they guided to help each other scurry to exit the building. as the others left, everyone was divided and you were with the chef and three other people. the chef led you all to the back exit of the restaurant and you all ran into the street, gathering with the other people in the neighbouring buildings who went out for their safety.
"are you all okay?" the chef asked, beads of sweat forming on his forehead from the sprint.
you gasped for air, trying to ease your breathing as you threw him a thumbs up.
"kenji and the others went out into the street to where the kaiju is," one pointed out.
another held onto his shoulder and gave him a worried look. "i'm sure they're alright." he said.
the crowd talked amongst themselves while the tmpd (tokyo metropolitan police department) made sure that everyone was okay and that the injured were provided aid. ultraman appeared as always, his glowing eyes acting as the sun in the cold night.
after an hour, ultraman had guided the kaiju back to where it came from. the kdf gave the tmpd the green signal and told all the civilians to go home for the night, asking those with the damaged properties to stay behind to discuss insurance and such. you bid farewell to the chef who asked you to stay safe before he was guided by the policeman to talk in an office.
a man tapped your shoulder and bowed farewell to you along with his mates, hoping for your safe travels. they were the people you were separated with in the restaurant. you greeted them good bye and started walking home.
alone again, you sighed to yourself and rested your hands in the pockets of your jacket.
this was probably the first time that you were dangerously near a kaiju attack without talking to ultraman, you thought.
turning right into a dark street, you saw a big motorcycle parked on the side as you were about to pass it, and before you knew it, a huge being emitting a beam of light was falling from the sky.
what the fuck?!
you covered your face with your arms before it landed to spare yourself from accidental blindness, and you were surprised to lower your arms just to see the man that you met earlier at the restaurant instead. "little ma'am?" he called out, eyes widened as he panted.
you stared at him with complete shock visible on your face. "kenshi?!"
taglist: @ttulipwritezz @c-losur3 @saeyari @taleiak @spencerrxids
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