saturday-sunrise · 7 years
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A beautiful start to the day. A new day. What will you do to find joy today?? Sunrise is one of my joy triggers. A reminder that each day is a new beginning and that there is much beauty in the world and in the ordinary.
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saturday-sunrise · 7 years
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What are you grateful for today?? For me it's the warmth of the sunshine, a chat with a friend and the evening quiet with the dishwasher running and silly teenage boy stories from the school day! #thankfulthursday #sunrise #sunrise_and_sunsets #lifeisgood #lifeisgoodatthebeach #shared_joy
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saturday-sunrise · 7 years
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Be slow to speak, and only after having first listened quietly, so that you may understand the meaning, leaning, and wishes of those who speak. This you will better know when to speak and when to be silent. -Saint Agnatius
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saturday-sunrise · 7 years
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The sun is setting on the weekend...what did you do to create joy, to find joy this weekend? #sunset #joy #ilovewhereilive
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saturday-sunrise · 7 years
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"Let your souls stand cool and composed before a million universes." -Walt Whitman
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saturday-sunrise · 7 years
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Monday, Monday ☀️ A great way to start the week, sunshine, waves and salty air. Loved my distraction on the way to the office. #seacoastnh #sunrise #sunrise_and_sunsets #thewall #ilovewhereilive #coastalliving #mynewenglandspring
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saturday-sunrise · 8 years
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A crisp morning. A beautiful start to the day! "Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace." -Buddha #seacoastnh #getoutsidenh #igersnh_seacoast #sunrise #sunnyday #sunrise_and_sunsets #saturdaymorning #saturdaysunrise #coastalliving #mynewenglandwinter #ilovewhereilive #darlingweekend #peace #myhappyplace
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saturday-sunrise · 8 years
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Oh so very cold!! Too cold and low clouds on the horizon made for a morning adventure driving along the coast.
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saturday-sunrise · 8 years
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Workshop time.... What will the year ahead hold for you? This is an opportunity to plan and plot and an opportunity to connect with other supportive, encouraging women while you create a plan for the future, the next year or the next 5 years. This workshop will provide opportunties for self reflection on what you want for the future, creative outlets of writing and making a vision board, time to identify SMART goals, and plan for those pesty things that get in the way. We will also explore the importance of being in the moment and the benefits of meditation and gratitude. Sunday February 12, 2017 from 9 AM to 4 PM, includes lunch and light snacks. Here in Hampton at 1 Liberty Lane. A great price at $100. Space is limited.
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saturday-sunrise · 8 years
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Stepping out of my comfort zone. Adventure. The Peak Potential dinner three weeks ago was one of my favorites. We were privileged to hear Michele, a 3rd grade teacher at our elementary school share her thoughts and observations on what the 3rd grade students take away from Randy's annual presentation. She shared how the teachers use these 'take aways' to help the students dig deep to overcome barriers and solve problems. She talked about the 'take aways' for the staff as well. One teacher stopped procrastinating and registered that afternoon for a marathon. Michele dug deep in facing her fear of public speaking. After all, 20+ 3rd graders is very different than 200+ adults. Her presentation was eloquent and touched my heart. Randy took his too few minutes to share with the ever growing Peak Potential community the many challenges he has faced as well as the accomplishments achieved over the course of the past 7 years with 2020 VisionQuest. Sharing how the 6+ hour marathon and the presenting health issues proved to be a greater accomplishment than the marathon completed in 3+ hours. Listening to or talking with Randy is always inspiring. So what's on my mind....during dinner my brother let me know of an upcoming triathlon. When I was in my 20's and plenty fit I was often intrigued and thought of doing one. However, the distances to complete seemed quite lofty. I found myself wondering why I couldn't bring myself to commit to this challenge. After all the distances are reasonable. I spent some time pondering this. Commitment, fear of failure seemed to be the barriers. My thought process. So I challenged my thought process and recognized that I have the supports to help me solve around other barriers that may arise. I will take the challenge and do this triathlon. I encourage you to step up to the challenges. Find the adventure.
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saturday-sunrise · 8 years
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"One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure." -William Feather
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saturday-sunrise · 8 years
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"Hope lies in dreams, in imagination, and in the courage of those who dare to make dreams into reality." -Jonas Salk
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saturday-sunrise · 8 years
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"May every sunrise hold more promise, and every sunset hold more peace." -Blessing
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saturday-sunrise · 8 years
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“The more you celebrate your life, the more there is to celebrate.” -Oprah Winfrey
#sunrise #sunrise_and_sunsets #saturdaysunrise #lifeisgoodatthebeach #coastalliving #thequietofthemorning #celebrations #ryenh
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saturday-sunrise · 8 years
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"Life is thickly sown with thorns, and I know no other remedy than to pass quickly through them. The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us." -Voltaire
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saturday-sunrise · 8 years
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"Life is a song - sing it. Life is a game - play it. Life is a challenge - meet it. Life is a dream - realize it. Life is a sacrifice - offer it. Life is love - enjoy it." Sai Baba
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saturday-sunrise · 8 years
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This morning's sunrise required patience, perseverance and problem solving. Thank goodness I didn't head out at the last minute. Stopping at my usual spots there was a big barge right smack where the sun would rise. So I headed north, and kept heading north until I landed at Jenness Beach where the sunrise was great and the beach combing wonderful! #sunrise #seacoastnh #sunrise_and_sunsets #saturdaysunrise #saturdaymorningroutines #coastalliving #lifeisgoodatthebeach #igersnh_seacoast #igersnh #jennessbeach (at Jenness Beach State Park)
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