sauvecharteuse · 5 years
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sauvecharteuse · 5 years
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sauvecharteuse · 5 years
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sauvecharteuse · 5 years
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sauvecharteuse · 6 years
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Couples are boring and everybody knows it, Vivian Maier
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sauvecharteuse · 6 years
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sauvecharteuse · 6 years
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sauvecharteuse · 6 years
“The key to any successful relationship is how you make an individual feel. It’s not so much what you do for them, what you buy them or what you say to them, but it’s how they feel when they are around you. If you appreciate and accept them, you will bring out their best which will make them want to spend time with you. If you criticize, whine or complain they will feel unappreciated & belittled which will make them avoid you.”
— Halel Banani
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sauvecharteuse · 6 years
“Be with someone who always wants to know how your day was.”
— (via i-think-a-lot-about-us)
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sauvecharteuse · 6 years
to-do list: december
there is something coming at you, something that is larger than you have ever imagined. as soon as you sense it approaching, prepare. make sure you feel most comfortable. make sure you are energised. i’m most certain that you will do great. trust your gut feeling.
love the things you make. no matter what it is that you’ve completed; it’s your work. no matter if you share it with others or don’t - it’s up to you - be proud of yourself. it’s a part of you, and something that makes you even more unique.
know yourself. don’t set your limits too high or too low, you will break from the pressure you put onto your own shoulders. self-discovery is a journey, one you will never be able to end, but do appreciate everything you learn along the way.
love more than ever. smile more often than yesterday. the people around you are so kind, and so considerate, and they want the best for you. make them feel the same happiness you feel when seeing them.
the end of the year is approaching. take your time to reflect on how much you’ve grown this year. focus on the mistakes you’ve made and what you’ve learned from them. take pride in your achievements. you have flourished this year, and above all, you have survived.
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sauvecharteuse · 6 years
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sauvecharteuse · 6 years
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sauvecharteuse · 6 years
being vulnerable enough to tell people how much you care about them is infinitely more brave than pretending to be above love and using edginess as a method of self-preservation
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sauvecharteuse · 6 years
mindset. it’s all about mindset. from the moment you wake up to the moment you rest your head at night. everything is up to you. your emotions, your thoughts, your perceptions, your reactions, every moment.
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sauvecharteuse · 6 years
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sauvecharteuse · 6 years
The purest form of love, I think, is having someone who wants to learn about you, from you and with you.
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sauvecharteuse · 6 years
‪Moving forward everything now requires complete authenticity. No more hiding, evading and playing small. The energy and light pouring into earth demands that we live consciously from our heart and soul and become the person we were always meant to be.‬
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