sav-grey · 2 years
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MADELYN CLINE 2022, ph. Cibelle Levi
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sav-grey · 2 years
“Good because I don’t want your fake apology,” Madeleine said dryly, tucking her blonde locks behind her ears as she stared at Savannah��s face. She thought maybe time would help, maybe she would feel less angry in time, but her rage was still very much present. “You know… That was a mistake actually,” she started, raising her brow, letting the silence linger for a second or two. 
“I should’ve broken your fucking mouth, so you would shut the fuck up.”
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“For what?” Sav said after waiting for Maddie to finish her point, as she knew the blonde wouldn’t be admitting to a mistake. She looked at her with an incredulous expression on her face, shaking her head a few times. “For pointing out the truth? So I’d shut up and not be able to remind you and Axel and Marcello that you treated them both like shit? That you cheated on Marcello the entire time you were together? I can admit that I’m a hypocrite and what I did was shitty, but can you?” she said, the words coming out surprisingly even, a shake of her head punctuating the last question. She tightened the grasp of her arms across her chest, pressing her hands into her arms to stop them from shaking. Despite having imagined what she would say to Madeleine hundreds of times since prom, had tried to gather up the nerve the few times she had seen her, standing there before her former friend just made her realize that she had no words. Especially because she knew no matter how much she apologized, it wouldn’t be accepted. And there was only so much she could apologize for when she didn’t regret being with Marcello, not even in the slightest. 
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“I love him,” Sav said, blinking her eyes up to meet Maddie’s dead on. “I don’t know if that’ll make you angrier or more vindictive or whatever, but your reaction isn’t going to change the fact that I’m in love with him.” 
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sav-grey · 2 years
“Hmmm,” he pretended to think for a moment, before the next card made an appearance, held up equally innocently, this time reading were you up because you missed me? Behind Jack, another student awkwardly tried to pass by through the corridor, which only seemed to please him further. The more witnesses to this atrocity, the better. “What’s wrong, Savvy? Can’t handle so much adoration? We’re only on card two….”
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At the question, Sav rolled her eyes again, shaking her head as she held back her visible disgust, sighing loudly. “I have a boyfriend, Jack. And even if I was single, I wouldn’t go anywhere near you, so by all means, continue your....show, we all know it’s about you getting attention and not actually about me at all,” she said, waving a hand at his cards with an impatient gesture as she turned her back on him, walking towards the kitchen and tuning out the male in her doorway. He had to get bored eventually.
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sav-grey · 2 years
it may be easier, don’t you think? a second or two of silence followed, parker’s gaze having fallen to one of her hands. without quite realizing it, she’d been examining its digits, which slowly dragged along the soft ground. then, her lips pursed and brows rose slightly. an expression that, in some minor comedic way, seemed to say, you make a point. and genuinely, sav had. for all of the times parker had replayed her relationship with nate—for all of the reflection and dissection and attempts to locate what she could’ve done wrong—she’d finally just now allowed herself to come up blank. to not see it, to know she was a good person and partner. whether or not that was the case on all sides, she didn’t know, but fuck it. it did make it easier this way and, frankly, that was the priority.
and, right now, making things easy meant laughing along with the blonde’s disgust. “none taken, that’s not me you’re talking about.” her taste, sure, but parker knew her taste romantically was vast and varied enough to not take offense. besides, the following comment was enough to keep the conversation moving forward. “yeah?” she asked, meeting sav’s eyes. oftentimes, parker wished she’d gone straight to luxor, rather than first attending yale. at least that way, she wouldn’t feel badly asking things like this. maybe she’d just already know.
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A small smile played across Sav’s lips at Parker’s expression that seemed to agree with her, enough for Sav to feel validated in her advice, hopefully having at least somewhat soothed Parker’s unease with Nate. Though Sav still maintained that it was Nate, and he wasn’t worth the distress. Sav let out a snort, rolling her eyes at the redhead, her smile widening. “No, just the guy you’re banging,” she said in a sing-song voice, tilting her face up to the sun as she closed her eyes, if only to not have to see the expression on her friend’s face as she pointed that one out. 
She let out a sigh, turning her face back to look at Parker with a frown. “Yeah,” she said, her amusement fading away if she wasn’t going to be able to tease Parker about Nate. “Like I said, don’t go after your best friend’s ex. Especially don’t when he’s sleeping with what seems like half the campus. And...if you do happen to do that, maybe disclose that you may have slept with some of his friends. Not speaking from experience or anything though,” she said, a small laugh leaving her lips. “I think our dumbest decision was going to prom with other people, though.” 
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sav-grey · 2 years
Liam shot a glaring look after the person who’d shushed them, almost mocking as he leaned back in his seat and tossed a cheez it up so that it’d land in his mouth. “Alright shoot.” He mused readily, eyes looking at her like he was daring her for something challenging. Sav as usual tickling his expectations with her exciting prospects. He tried to picture the experience of each, closing his eyes and letting his hands make a flowy motion like he was free falling on the acid, followed by a pause as he let himself think about the high he’d get from the coke. “FUCK! Okay that was a good one. I think I’m gonna have to go with the acid. Only because I can only imagine how fucky the earth is gonna look and like the insane mix of fast and slow? There’d be nothing like it.” He exclaimed excitedly finger drumming to line up his next question. “Would you rather give a eulogy for your best friend on 400mg of mescaline oooor attend your wedding barred out half bottle deep?”
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Sav raised an eyebrow at Liam, her lips pressing together as she tried to keep her face serious while he debated the answer, endlessly amused by his seriousness as he tried to figure out his answer. “Also would have to go with the acid,” she mused as she crossed her lips in front of her chest, considering for a moment. “I feel like some people would totally just need to get coked out to actually jump though, you know?” she said, tilting her head to one side before motioning for Liam to continue with his question, a small noise of surprise, or maybe protest, following the words. “Easy,” she said, dramatically pouting at Liam as she rolled her eyes. “Would have to be barred out to get through an actual wedding with my family, and Marcello’s is even worse from the sound of it. Plus it’s not like he’d complain. Unless I didn’t tell him that was the plan first,” she added, not even realizing the utter casualness she mentioned marrying Marcello with. “Give up stimulants or give up hallucinogens?” 
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sav-grey · 2 years
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sav-grey · 2 years
It was hard to adjust after being absent almost for a year. It felt longer some days. Then there were days it didn’t feel enough. Not even slightest. Making amends were part of her recovery, she was advised to do such a thing. But Sav didn’t make the list, neither did Marcello. She needed time. A long time. Perhaps a century. Maybe she would ready then. It would be a lie if she said she didn’t miss Sav. Most people didn’t understand Madeleine, but Sav did. She was the exception. And now she couldn’t even stand the sight of her. 
“Don’t do that,” she said with a scoff, rolling her eyes. “You don’t care about when. Or how. You probably want to know why,” Maddie said, crossing her arms together. “We both know you were hoping I wouldn’t. Well, too bad. I am here now.”
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A roll of her eyes was Sav’s only response, turning back to her suitcase and continuing to dig through it, biting down on one cheek as she tried to figure out how to respond. Or even how to process the fact that Maddie was there, which she still wasn’t able to do. Had she been hoping she wouldn’t come back? In some sense, yeah. But that also seemed overly simplistic, not encapsulating the entire scope of her emotions, at all. Sav finally sighed, straightening away from her luggage to look at Maddie, doing her best to not shrink away, despite the fact that she was standing there in one of Marcello’s shirts, the situation of where things had stood since prom clear enough from that alone. 
“I’m not apologizing again,” Sav said firmly, letting out a shaky exhale as she crossed her arms in front of her chest, eyes blinking away from Maddie’s, unable to hold the others gaze, even as they stood there, mirror images of each other in their stances. “I know I fucked up, but you lost the right to an apology when you broke my nose,” she added. She had spent the last eight or so months trying to come to terms with how things had happened, her guilt with it mixed with Marcello’s insistence she had done nothing wrong, sadness from losing her best friend tied into the complete and utter happiness she got from Marcello. 
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sav-grey · 2 years
Rhia bit lightly on the tip of her tongue, failing to hold back her goofy grin as she revealed the baggy to Sav. She leaned into the other’s side, perhaps getting carried away by the comfort of her sheets and Sav’s relaxed presence. “Great minds think alike, sweetheart,” Rhia said and planted a kiss on Sav’s temple. Finally allowing Sav her personal space, her anticipation to go first was written plainly on her face. She nodded her head enthusiastically, holding back drapes of hair away from her face as she leaned toward the key. With a sharp inhale, dust scattered into her nostril and eventually to her bloodstream. She rubbed at her nose, a bad habit she never quite managed to catch in time and slide the key from between Sav’s fingers. “Your turn,” she mused. Heaping a generous portion on the tip, Rhia’s features gew serious as she focused on keeping her hand stable as she lifted the key to Sav’s nose. “Don’t be shy, love,” she teased, though the two were never bashful about their affinity for vices.
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“That they do,” Sav murmured, a small smirk spreading across her lips as Rhia straightened up, prepping herself to lean in to do the bump that Sav was holding out for her. Sav had no concept of self control, having spent plenty of nights spiraling down this type of hole, and Rhia was the perfect person who was always willing to jump right down it with her, demonstrated by how quickly the other girl snorted the powder up her nose, Sav wrinkling up her own nose as she watched Rhia’s fingers rub under nose. She let her slip the keys from her fingers, Sav tucking a a loose strand of hair behind her ear as she watched Rhia pull the key back out. “Please,” she said with a laugh, rolling her eyes in as mirrored the actions Rhia had just done, eyes closing as she inhaled the bump in. She could perhaps do with some more shyness, in all honesty, rarely hesitating before diving into drug use with or in front of anyone. “What’s next for the night, then?” she said with slight smile as she reached out to take the key back from Rhia, dipping it in the bag again to even it out and snort up another bump through the other nostril. 
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sav-grey · 3 years
Marcello smiled against Sav’s skin, the sound of her whine like honey to his ears. He squeezed her hip, straightening his posture as if to offer Sav more of himself to press against. He let out a small grunt as his chin forcibly tilted upward, a grin on his lips as he met Sav’s eyes. He let her come to him, kissing her bottom lip before she pulled away. “Not to mention the most breathtaking girl,” Marcello mused. He listened quietly to her complaints, carrying her across the water. He laughed and brought his hand to her cheek, and his thumb traced the lines of her smile. “Do you not receive my full attention on the weekends?” he pointed out with playfulness.
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Her limbs tightened around him as Marcello straightened up, Sav clinging to him like he was the only thing keeping her afloat - in many ways (mostly metaphorical, though quite literally as well at the moment), he was. A small hum of agreement left her lips at his words, her lips turning upwards in a smile as she pulled away from his. “You’re sorta breathtaking yourself, baby,” she said in response, leaning her head into his hand as his fingers ran over her cheek. Sav watched him for a moment, letting him brush over her mouth before she parted her lips slightly, sucking his thumb in between her teeth as she gently bit down on it, releasing it a moment later with a swirl of her tongue around the end, eyes on his the entire time. “Is that supposed to be enough?” she said with a pout. “Because I feel like I can’t get enough of you. How much I want you can’t be contained to weekends,” she added, the words soft despite the slight innuendo to them. 
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sav-grey · 3 years
Who: @sav-grey​
When: sometime at the beginning of spring break
Where: Peak of hike to Anse Major 
A hike was an incredible idea, it gave Bria the fresh start to her spring break that the girl had been hoping for, providing room for her brain to slip to distant places instead of being steadfast on schools and maintaining her scholarship. A break that the brunette most definitely needed. When they finally hit the peak of the lush green mountain top Bria couldn’t help but spin herself around, her arms wide and head up soaking in the sun. “If you would have told me a year ago I’d be anywhere like this I would have laughed in your face.” She realized after it was out this wasn’t exactly something she’d normally admit to somebody she wasn’t very close with, but the magical moment had swept her up. “I mean, look how incredible this view is.” Her eyes moved over to the blonde to see if she was feeling the same sense of awe as her. 
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Sav knew most people would be spending the break lazing around and getting drunk, partying and then sleeping it off in the sun the next take, and while she planned to do plenty of that as well, she also wanted to taking on as many of the hikes near the resort as she could, having heard that they were well worth it. Luckily, Bria was of similar mind, and Sav had no issue subbing her in for Marcello on one day, just excited to have someone who would join her. The finally got to the top of the hike they had decided on, Sav taking in the view with her hands propped on her hips, breathing heavily when she turned to Bria after hearing her voice. “Definitely a better view than most hikes,” she agreed, though the sense of awe wasn’t quite as overwhelming as Bria’s - having travelled around the world for her entire life pretty much, she may have been a bit jaded about it, no longer realizing how lucky she was. “Why wouldn’t you have believed you would’ve been somewhere like this? Didn’t use to be much of a hiker?” Sav asked, tipping her head to one side as she considered the other girl’s statement.
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sav-grey · 3 years
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Madelyn Cline ph. Taylor Colgate for Aro Swim
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sav-grey · 3 years
When Madeleine found out she was going to share a villa with Savannah, she hoped she wouldn’t resort to violence again. Not that she was a changed woman after her rehab stint, she was still the same old raging bitch, but she was trying to leave her violent days behind. Her anger was the most discussed subject between her and her therapist. Promises were made, she kept telling herself she was going to find outdoor activities and avoid going back to her room unless it’s for sleeping or showering. She got lucky at first, when she stepped inside the villa, Sav wasn’t around, Maddie saw that as a blessing. 
However, that did not last very long.
Sitting on the chair, flipping the pages of a fashion magazine, her gaze immediately shifted to Sav. She could feel her blood boiling, she thought she could be less angry after all those months but nope, the anger was still there, still overwhelming. 
“I hope you have the decency not to bring anyone to our villa.”
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Sav just looked at Maddie, at her former best friend, visibly swallowing as she tried to process the sight. Of all the people she had expected to be in there, Madeleine Benoit was quite possibly the last. Or perhaps it was more that of all the places she inevitably would cross paths would Maddie again, this had not made the list. After the words in greeting, Sav just shook her head, a huff of air exhaled out of her nose as she took the final couple steps to her suitcase, trying to hide the fact that her hands were shaking as she reached for the zipper to get into it. 
“Since when have you been back at Luxor?” she asked, her voice clipped as she spoke, her movements staccato, Sav just robotically pulling some things out of her luggage.
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sav-grey · 3 years
Hands wrapped firmly around Sav’s waist, Marcello twirled them slowly around the pool. He silently admired the girl in his arms, his fingers gripped into her soft flesh, Marcello’s chest swelled with gratefulness for the blonde… or perhaps that was the glasses of wine he indulged in. His chin lifted to welcome Sav’s kiss, a soft hum exiting his throat as she went into her plan. He pulled back only slightly, enough to read the expression on her face and watch her lips as they moved. “Are you asking right now?” Marcello mused, sliding his hand to her thigh. He hoisted Sav on his hips, pressing kisses to her collarbone as he practically tossed his body in a spin. “Because I’ll give you whatever you ask for. Say the word and I’m at your service, my love,” Marcello dramatized, unaware of just how cheesy his affection was getting.
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“Mmm, no. Definitely not right now,” Sav said, tightening her grasp around his shoulders, her legs wrapping more tightly around his hips as his lips found her collarbone. A small whine of contentment left her lips, pressing herself against his torso, her bare chest flush against his like they were no longer two separate entities. “We have ten whole days,” she reminded him. “And right now we have wine and cheese and a pool all to ourselves,” Sav murmured, one hand sliding into his hair and giving his curls a little tug to lift his face up, leaning in to softly press her lips against his, before pulling back, pouting at Marcello. “And for once, you won’t be stressed about classes and refusing to sleep in with me because you have to make it to your godforsaken eight am,” she said dramatically, rolling her eyes even as the smile that spread across her lips made it clear she was just teasing him.
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sav-grey · 3 years
who: @madeleinebenoit​​ when: first day of spring break where: sav and maddie’s villa
The first full day at spring break, Sav quickly realizing she would have to go grab some of her things from the villa where the hotel deposited her things, which was not, in fact, Marcello’s room. Leaving him to go off and explore, Sav made her way to her room, planning on showering and grabbing a chance of clothes before going to find him again. She finally located her villa, realizing as she was pulling the key out that she hadn’t even checked to see who she’d be staying with for the week. She swung upon the door as the thought crossed her mind, stepping in to see her luggage still located by the entry, rushing the few steps to it when her eyes took in the fact that there was someone else in there. 
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sav-grey · 3 years
who: @marcelloderosa​​ when: right after arriving at the spring break resort where: marc’s villa
They had just gotten to the resort, Sav not even bothering to go to her room before being swept up in her plans with Marcello. They had quickly commandeered the private pool area attached to his villa, wine and charcuterie set up right on the edge of the pool while they frolicked in the water. At the moment, Sav had her arms wrapped around Marc’s shoulders as they floated lazily, planning on clinging to him for most of the vacation. For once they would be able to focus on what Sav wanted to, which was paying attention to each other over school. Him paying attention to school, that was. “You know,” she said, leaning in to press another kiss to his jawbone before she continued speaking. “There are some good - hard - hiking trails if we find it worth it to leave this villa,” Sav added, like it wasn’t Marcello and he hadn’t probably researched everything to find for them to do on the island anyways. 
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sav-grey · 3 years
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MADELYN CLINE for American Eagle
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sav-grey · 3 years
okay, so she liked dark and hard liquors. a taste she’d acquired from her father of all people, the first burn was the worst but once you kept drinking, she could feel her confidence rise, her body opening and her spirit free. vodka, tequila? honestly, it just ended with her head in the toilet, wishing she hadn’t gotten 4 am treats that she would end up eating half of and waking up with the other half sprinkled around her sheets. “ tu parles français? ” gelly asked, her eyes slightly widening, a large grin coming to her lips. her mother tongue. she’d remembered as her mother would speak to her, trading in the southern drawl to a proper french. watching savannah illicit the disgusted face at the liquid. “ yeah… sorry. i’m not a huge fan of tequila – gives me high school flashbacks. so, so many bad decisions, ” she whispers before shaking her head with the roll of her eyes. “ rum gives me that little,” her finger and thumb press together, dragging into a straight line ahead of her. “ ZIP ; it’s like, dance like no one’s watching, this is a club not a busy street, and those aren’t strobe lights they’re headlights type of zip, y’know?” the smile never slipped from her face it seems, years of practice in the works. “ i think i’ve got some molly? “
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“Un peu,” Sav said with a shrug, though she had been studying it since she was in kindergarten (the first time, but it did continue in the second). “I like languages,” she added after a beat, like that was an explanation enough - though anyone who peeked at her schedule would see that, considering that at the moment she was studying three of them. “Recently have been trying to focus more on Spanish, though,” she said after a moment, a furrow appearing between her brows as she thought about it again, starting on another language her freshman year of college not the easiest. Of course, she couldn’t fall in love with someone who natively spoke the language she had been studying since she was five. It had to be one of the romance languages, similar enough to make it all the more frustrating. 
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A smirk appeared on the corner of Sav’s lips, tequila’s bad decisions one of her favorite things about it. “I’m aware. That’s why I like it,” she said, her smile widening for a brief moment. Not all of her bad decisions ended up being bad. And regardless, they at least were usually entertaining. Sav’s head tilted to one side, her eyes narrowing as she tried to grasp what Gelly was saying. “Can’t say I’ve experience that. I’d leave zipping for coke,” she said with a shrug. Her nose scrunched up, Sav reaching for her own bag to ruffle through it. “Not a big molly girl, either. Save that for festivals and the like. Burning Man. Gov Ball. You know,” she murmured, her fingers starting to dig through her various supplies. “For nights like tonight, at most a bump or...well, several bumps, but typically, we go with downers,” she said, pulling out a loose pill and holding it up - no subtlety at all - as she tried to make sure she knew what she was taking. 
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