savabb-blog Β· 5 years
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bemused as he is by being handed chickens and told to act like he doesn’t see the drugs in the truck, luke doesn’t demand any answers–he’ll get them eventually. probably. then again, sometimes with savannah it’s better just not to know.Β β€œyes, ma’am,” he returns easily, taking two and holding them as far out from his chest as he can to avoid the frenetically flapping wings. with a bit of a struggle he deposits them in her trailer.Β β€œdid you obtain these chickens within the bounds of the law?” he asks as he returns for more, casting a suspicious look at the man driving the truck.Β β€œbecause it’s totally cool if you didn’t, i’m just getting the feeling this is a truck full of illegal poultry.”
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SAVANNAH SMIRKED AND TOOK ONE from lucas, making sure that he didn’t get flapped in the face.Β β€œi think you know the answer to that one,” she responded with a wink and started to head inside, not completely paying attention to whether or not he was following her, but knowing he was. who wouldn’t want to know what weird shenanigans savannah abbott was up toΒ ?Β β€œdespite the tattoos covering his face, ramone is aΒ very nice man. sometimes you just can’t judge a book by its cover. look at me ? i’m fucking gorgeous and i’m actually the literal worst.” savannah let the first one out of her hand and onto the floor, and went up to lucas for the second one.Β β€œtried this same thing last year, and there was this big misunderstanding because my sister, lily, thought one of them was dinner. snapped its neck right in front of my nieces. traumatizing for them, hilarious for me.”
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savabb-blog Β· 5 years
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β€œ JESUS FUCKIN’ CHRIST, ” savannah mumbled to herself as she slowly opened her eyes and noticed she was in a bed that wasn’t her own. as the former night’s events caught up with her, so did the knowledge of the location she was in, luna’s townhouse starting to become an all too familiar sight. after a night out about a month before, savannah had meant to call her ninety-two year old neighbor, mortimer, to come pick her up, but ended up accidentally calling luna instead, resulting in the latter coming to her rescue anyways and babysitting her drunk ass back to health. fast forward, and this seemed to be the fourth ( or maybe fifthΒ ?Β ) time that this was happening and it was almost becoming a routine. savannah rose out of the bed and into the main room where luna was already up eating breakfast.Β β€œ same time and place next weekend ? ” she asked sarcastically as she grabbed her jacket and put her shoes on.
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savabb-blog Β· 5 years
i’ve been back in town for like, three months now and have yet to unpackβ€” did I pass the socially acceptable deadline to unpack or??/
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SAVANNAH HAD BEEN GOING FOR A walk through the trailer park and noticed one of the newer neighbors outside, so she decided to walk over to have a friendly chat.Β β€œ i mean that’s ... awesome, i guess. no one really gives a shit about your problems, poppy, but okay. can we talk about me now ? ”
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savabb-blog Β· 5 years
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Β  Β  Β  Β it was hard enough for nicole to get to sleep at night as it was, her mind running a mile a minute; buzzing after whatever internet heist she pulled or disturbing secrets she discovered on the dark web. so the thunderous purring of a truck engine idling outside was enough to draw a heavy sigh out of the blonde, after tossing an turning for a few minutes. bursting out of her own trailer in a loosely tied silk robe, nicole stomped around the trailer park in bare feet until she found the source a couple trailers over.Β  β€œ what the fuckβ€”β€” ”  just as she was about to tear into the first person she laid blue hues on, the clucking sound coming from the back of the truck had, fortunately, distracted her for a brief moment, anger defusing slightly as she shook her head in bewilderment. was this some sort of sick joke, or was this trailer park finally going to shit? chickenshit. a hand raised to pinch the bridge of her nose between forefinger and thumb, while her free arm wrapped around her torso in an attempt to prevent herself from blowing up as planned.Β  β€œΒ please tell me whyΒ you’re getting a truck load ofΒ chickens delivered at this hour. ”
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β€œ UH, WHY WOULDN’T I GET A TRUCK LOAD of chicken delivered at this hour ? don’t you think i’d be getting a lot more stares and comments from the peanut gallery if i did this shit in the middle of the day ? go home ! ” savannah was starting to get incredibly annoyed by the amount of people she had already seen this morning and it wasn’t even six yet. she was sacrificing her own sleep and free time in order to develop her latest scheme, and the fact that other people couldn’t respect her and her privacy ? tragic ! the people in this neighborhood were such killers of fun compared to the people that she hung out with back in michigan, and the attitude she held against them showed it.Β 
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savabb-blog Β· 5 years
Rowan preferred the early hours of the morning to any other time of day. There was still little footfall, but those who were around somehow felt less likely to try and murder him. That was his logic anyways. He’d managed to scrabble together enough change to get himself some new batteries and was heading home to listen to his radio when he was struck by a, seemingly absurd, noise. He couldn’t understand why he could hear chickens, but, chickens meant food, so, he was more than willing to investigate.Β 
β€œWhat’s in the truck?” he asked blankly. He wasn’t fond of dealing with women, especially ones yelling at him in his own neighbourhood. He took a few steps towards the other.Β β€œShow me.” he insisted, a small sense of urgency in his voice.Β β€œNow.”
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SAVANNAH ROLLED HER EYES AT THE sound of the guy’s voice. she had seen him around the trailer park before. if she didn’t already know that he lived there, she would have thought that he was homeless just by the way he presented himself.Β β€œ oh my god, please leave ! i am not in the mood, goddamn. ” the insensitive brat in her was starting to jump out a bit, but she was not in the mood to be dealing with people that she didn’t associate with.Β β€œ i think you know what’s in the truck, just go home, mind your own business, and take a fuckin’ shower, okay ? ”
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savabb-blog Β· 5 years
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lucas hadn’t been able to stay asleep more than an hour at a time for the duration for the night and while he does know why, he has no desire at all to think about it. he gives up trying to get anymore rest well before sunrise and, looking for a distraction, knows there’s at least a fifty percent chance savannah will be awake as well, likely doing something sketchy but entertaining. he’s proved right when he comes to her trailer and sees a truck–which he’s pretty sure is emitting clucking noises–with savannah next to it.Β β€œrelax, it’s me,” he calls back to her, stepping into the light cast by the truck’s headlamps.Β β€œwhat the fuck are you up to now? are those chickens?”
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SAVANNAH BREATHED A SIGH OF RELIEF as she saw the familiar face emerge from the glare of the headlights and immediately handed started grabbing a couple chickens and handing them off to lucas, clucking getting louder and signs of people waking up from the noise like porchlights starting to come on, becoming all the more evident. however, lucas had become a close friend of hers since she had moved out here from detroit and she trusted that he wouldn’t fuck anything up.Β β€œ don’t worry about it right now. i’m just happy you or the other couple people that have walked by didn’t ask about the drugs. we’re gonna just pretend like those aren’t there. just help me get the chickens in my house, got it ? ”
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savabb-blog Β· 5 years
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β€œ FOR FUCK’S SAKE, RAMONE, HOW MUCH shit do you got here ? ” savannah asked the driver as the truck pulled up behind her trailer, hoping that she would beat the early morning sunrise and have the chickens and ketamine inside of her home before it was light and anyone could question her latest scheme. as soon as ramone stepped out from the front and opened the back door, clucking started to ensue, distracting savannah from the fact that someone had been walking past and was stopped in front of them in the alleyway.Β β€œ there’s nothin’ to see, get outta here ! ”
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savabb-blog Β· 5 years
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HEY BOOBOOS ! iss kim clockin in to the rp almost twenty four hrs late !! its fine though bc here i am !! and here is my girl savannah ! everything you need to know is under the cut so like this if you wanna plot !
a Messβ„’
are y’all sick of storylines loosely based off shameless ??
savannah was basically raised by her older brother and took care of her younger siblings bc her parents were kinda like nonexistent ???
she thought her dad died when she was a teenager but oops surprise turns out he wasn’t her dad and it was actually the boss at her old waitressing job that she almost sex with and its good that she didnt bc that wouldve been BIG YIKES
and her mom is a recovering drug addict who, though sober now, still has the maturity of an eight year old
lived in a small town for most of her life until she was seventeen when her and her family moved to detroit, michigan
has always been poor, doesn’t know any different
savannah is
kind of .... uh..... the woooorrsssttt *jean ralphio voice*
very outgoing and kind of somehow knows everyone ?????
like literally she spends her time networking w/ everyone she meets and making pawns out of them to further her own success
literally only cares about like 5-10 people in the whole world, none of which live in poplar grove
misses michigan but decided she needed to be a Big Girl and live independently for a while so she pulled a Fiona Season 10 and moved away to latibule on her own
plans on moving back to michigan at some point so she doesn’t care how she treats people here
is literally the epitome of basically every character on its always sunny in philadelphia and a poor version of chloe from the b in apartment 23 combined
will be nice to your face but will definitely #scam the shit out of you
is incredibly insensitive at times and bleeds sarcasm
hot and she fuckin knows it
savannah is a long time character of mine so its hard not write a lot bc i could go on for deadass hours but imma leave it at that
possible connections !
someone from her past ???? idk how they would be connected but we could deifnitely figure that out
someone that she hooks up with or even may date
a possible roommate or two?? she lives in a trailer so idk how that would work if anyone else does as well
some coworkers ( she’s a waitress )
i would say someone that she scams but honestly thats everyone lol
enemies bc she’s the Worst and has a lot
people she parties with bc she does that a lot too
people she pretends to be friends with
rare people she might actually be friends with
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savabb-blog Β· 5 years
Arcade Fire - Ready To Start - The Suburbs
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savabb-blog Β· 5 years
leave things on speaking terms
& ill see u around
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savabb-blog Β· 5 years
New Scream - Turnover
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savabb-blog Β· 5 years
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tag dump !
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