savannahhotwife · 1 month
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savannahhotwife · 1 month
This is exactly where you belong… below me!
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savannahhotwife · 2 months
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savannahhotwife · 2 months
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savannahhotwife · 2 months
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How my sub ends up with me in bed 🔐
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savannahhotwife · 2 months
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savannahhotwife · 2 months
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savannahhotwife · 2 months
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savannahhotwife · 2 months
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savannahhotwife · 2 months
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savannahhotwife · 2 months
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You've been locked up for so long now that I barely even remember what your cock looks like. All I see when I look at you is a a man who has been reduced to nothing but a pussy-worshipping slave. And let me tell you, there's no one better at making you worship my cunt than I am. I love the way you throw yourself at my feet, begging for permission to lick me. It turns me on like nothing else, knowing that I hold all the power in this relationship. The thought of having such power over someone turns me on more than anything else, and knowing that you're permanently locked up means that I can explore all the kinks and fantasies that have been bottled up inside me. So keep licking away, chastity boy - your mistress has a lot of needs to satisfy.
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savannahhotwife · 5 months
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I see how much it turns you on. You seemed a little timmid Finnishing last night the way you wanted. But still followed through. It gets easier in the future once you make your first real move 🥰😍💋❤️.
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savannahhotwife · 5 months
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savannahhotwife · 5 months
Ready for the ride
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savannahhotwife · 5 months
Yes it does
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savannahhotwife · 1 year
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Have your submissive wear an accessory so that it proudly reminds them of whom they belong to
In the intricate dance of dominance and submission, symbols often carry a profound significance. These symbols, whether in the form of an accessory, a gesture, or a spoken word, play pivotal roles in the dynamics of a D/s relationship. For the submissive, proudly wearing an accessory bestowed upon them by their Dominant is a silent yet powerful acknowledgment of the bond they share.
Imagine a piece of jewelry, perhaps a bracelet or a necklace, delicately worn by the submissive. To an outsider, it may appear as just another piece of adornment. But to the Dominant and submissive, it carries a universe of meaning. This accessory becomes a tangible representation of their bond, their commitment, and the power dynamics at play.
Wearing the accessory serves as a constant reminder to the submissive of their place, their role, and, most importantly, whom they belong to. It whispers in their ear, reminding them of the Dominant's presence, even when they're apart. It's a touch, a caress, a call, a command, all encapsulated in a single, tangible item.
For the Dominant, seeing their submissive wear the accessory instills a sense of pride and ownership. It reminds them of the trust bestowed upon them and the responsibility they carry. The accessory becomes a symbol of the promise to guide, protect, and cherish the submissive.
The depth of a D/s relationship is unique, and the use of symbols, such as accessories, provides a conduit to express the myriad emotions, commitments, and power dynamics involved. It's a dance of trust, power, and intimacy, and symbols like these allow for its silent yet expressive choreography.
the practice of having a submissive wear an accessory is much more than a mere fashion statement. It's an embodiment of the trust, love, and power dynamics that define the relationship. It's a symbol, a reminder, and a beacon of the bond that ties the Dominant and submissive together.
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savannahhotwife · 1 year
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Male Submission: The Best Way to Say 'I Love You'
In the realm of relationships and love, men have been traditionally seen as the dominant figures. They're often expected to take the lead in all aspects, from initiating the first date to proposing marriage. However, with evolving perspectives on gender dynamics and roles, we are beginning to understand the beauty of male submission. Not in a way that undermines masculinity but as an expression of vulnerability and love, often seen as the best way to say 'I love you'.
Firstly, it is important to define what we mean by 'male submission.' It does not signify weakness or loss of power. It is about giving up control in certain aspects of a relationship to promote mutual respect and understanding. It's about the conscious choice to listen, yield, and prioritize their partner's needs and desires, not because they have to, but because they want to.
Expressing love is not just about saying three words, but it's about actions, behavior, and a genuine demonstration of care and respect. A submissive man shows love by letting his guard down and showing his vulnerability. He is open about his feelings, not shying away from expressing emotions that are often deemed as 'weak' or 'unmanly.' It is in these moments that he displays his strength, for it takes courage to go against societal norms and show emotional transparency.
Submissive men are not afraid to ask for direction when they're unsure, showing a level of respect for their partner's knowledge and capabilities. It's a powerful way to say 'I love you', telling their partner that they value their judgement and perspective.
Being submissive can also mean taking care of the emotional labor in a relationship. It can mean being the one to initiate conversations about feelings, wants, and needs. This level of emotional engagement is a sincere way of saying 'I love you', expressing a willingness to delve into the often messy world of emotions for the sake of the relationship.
Lastly, male submission in a relationship might involve sharing power in decision-making processes. This might seem small, but it can have a big impact. It's about respecting the partner's opinions, ideas, and involving them in making decisions, whether it's about where to go for dinner or planning a future together. This not only strengthens the bond but it is an expression of trust and love.
The societal concept of masculinity is slowly but surely evolving, and with it, our understanding of relationships and love. Male submission is not about being weak or inferior; it's about strength, respect, and deep affection. In this view, saying 'I love you' transcends beyond mere words, it becomes a way of life, a sincere expression of deep romantic love.
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