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GET TO KNOW ME MEME: [1/5] favorite tv shows
↳ Doctor Who
“ The universe is big. It’s vast and complicated and ridiculous. And sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles. ”
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Did you know?
When humans are in the embryonic state of development, we go through a stage called ‘The heart primordial’, when we have two hearts (aka binary vascular system). I mean later on they fuse together into one heart with four chambers, but at one point we’ve all had two hearts. Imagine if your hearts didn’t fuse together and you were left with two hearts!
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You’d basically be a time lord.
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And on that note, I should end my Doctor Who marathon.
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Fine I’ll keep watching
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- Have you ever had children? - No, it’s real. It’s my hair.
Amy asking important questions + the Doctor never answering them
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         “That’s what I am: just a traveler. Imagine it: no tax, no bills, no boss. Just the                                                                                       OPEN SKY.” 
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“To me Van Gogh is the finest painter of them all. Certainly the most popular, great painter of all time. The most beloved, his command of colour most magnificent. He transformed the pain of his tormented life into ecstatic beauty. Pain is easy to portray, but to use your passion and pain to portray the ecstasy and joy and magnificence of our world, no one had ever done it before. Perhaps no one ever will again. To my mind, that strange, wild man who roamed the fields of Provence was not only the world’s greatest artist, but also one of the greatest men who ever lived.”  — Vincent and the Doctor (5x10)
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She said two words. What two words? What were they? What did she say? Bad Wolf. What does it mean? It’s the end of the universe.
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doctor who rewatch ≡ 3.10 blink
“fascinating race, the weeping angels. the only psychopaths in the universe to kill you nicely. no mess, no fuss, they just zap you into the past and let you live to death. the rest of your life used up and blown away in the blink of an eye. you die in the past, and in the present they consume the energy of all the days you might have had, all your stolen moments. they’re creatures of the abstract. they live off potential energy.”
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Doctor Who abc - V for villains
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Let me tell you something about the human race. You put a mysterious blue box slap-bang in the middle of town, what do they do? Walk past it. Now stop your nagging. Let’s go and explore.
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Danisnotonfire and The Doctor on Vacation
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Doctor Who companions and Daughtry lyrics “Waiting for Superman”
“She’s talking to angels, she’s counting the stars, making a wish on a passing car, she’s dancing with strangers, she’s falling apart, waiting for Superman to pick her up… in his arms.”
I swear I think I’m the only one who ever related this song to the show, even though it’s one of the most perfectly fitting songs ever. I’m probably the only one who’s ever heard of it.
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rose tyler in every episode ✿ 2x10 // love & monsters
Doctor! Doctor, look out!
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make me choose: the 100 or doctor who?→ asked by abominablebriide
“This is one corner… of one country, in one continent, on one planet that’s a corner of a galaxy that’s a corner of a universe that is forever growing and shrinking and creating and destroying and never remaining the same for a single millisecond. And there is so much, so much to see.”
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