savantv · 2 days
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A metal-free organic framework for electrocatalytic production of ethylene from carbon dioxide
Use of the greenhouse gas CO2 as a chemical raw material would not only reduce emissions, but also the consumption of fossil feedstocks. A novel metal-free organic framework could make it possible to electrocatalytically produce ethylene, a primary chemical raw material, from CO2. As a team has reported in the journal Angewandte Chemie International Edition, nitrogen atoms with a particular electron configuration play a critical role for the catalyst. Ethylene (ethene, C2H4) is an essential starting material for many products, including polyethylene and other plastics. Ethylene is produced industrially by the high-energy cracking and rectification of fossil feedstocks.
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savantv · 2 days
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Niels Henrik David Bohr (7 October 1885 – 18 November 1962)
A Danish physicist, Niels Henrik David Bohr is perhaps most well known for his work on the structure of the atom and the resulting Bohr model. Bohr built off of Ernest Rutherford's previous atomic model, proposing that electrons orbited the nucleus at discrete energy levels and were able to jump between levels with the addition or expulsion of energy. Although more accurate models exist today, the Bohr model remains a useful tool for understanding atomic structure. Bohr was eventually awarded the 1922 Nobel prize in physics for his work. He also predicted the existence of hafnium (named for Copenhagen) and worked extensively in the field of quantum mechanics.
Though he spent most of his life in Denmark, Bohr and his family were forced to flee the country when the Nazis took over during World War II as his mother was Jewish. As a result, he spent the final years of the war in Britain and the United States, working on the Manhattan project and was an early proponent of international cooperation regarding nuclear weapons and nuclear power.
Element 107, bohrium, is named in his honor.
Sources/Further Reading: (Images source - Wikipedia) (Biography.com) (LiveScience) (Nobel Prize) (PBS)
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savantv · 2 days
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Sleeping beauty
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savantv · 2 months
Cost2Fix = CF (Kha + ST * "FX")
Everything really does appear in 3’s. Triunes that represent the Mortality Continuum of Mother child Father are present in all words, stories, lifetimes, anatomies and a day. – ea-R-th * wa-T-er * f-I-x (earth, water, fix) earth, water, fix is the CF central focus todayMost ‘sayings’, phrases, acronyms and sentences also contain the triune. All scribing/writing, starts at a monadic invisible…
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savantv · 7 months
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Microscopic seed and pollen PNGs, part 1.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.)
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savantv · 10 months
“◬ To outright dismiss an idea without examining its inherent value is to dismiss the very notion of human evolution and progress. It is rigidity of thought which only impairs the ability to think critically by retarding cognition. Consider all possibilities without bias as it will help you become an alchemist of truth.”
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savantv · 10 months
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General Electric Blue Max radio, model P2760B, made in 1970.
Originally released in 1969. The inside lights up
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savantv · 1 year
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This was typhoon Trami heading for Japan in 2018. Photos were taken by German astronaut Alexander Gerst. He wrote: “Staring down the eye of yet another fierce storm. Category 5 Super Typhoon Trami is unstoppable and heading for Japan and Taiwan. Be safe down there!”
If you enjoyed this post, please give it a ❤️ and check out @scienceisdope for more science and daily facts.
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savantv · 1 year
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Dye-injected Purkinje cells in mouse cerebellum
By Benjamin Barti (Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Institute of Experimental Medicine)
Technique: Confocal. Magnification 20x (objective lens magnification).
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savantv · 1 year
Best Color Matching Cabinet Manufacturer and Supplier in India
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Color is a major constituent of any material or product. The color of a product has a great effect on the customers on a psychological level. This implies that manufacturers need to take extra care of the color quality and consistency of their products. The color matching cabinet offered by Presto is a major testing instrument that is widely used in different industries for the purpose of color testing and measuring. The instrument is used for re-creating the actual lighting conditions that are faced by products when they are being used.
The instrument is incorporated into an array of light sources that replicate the actual lighting conditions accor ng conditions that are faced by products when they are being used. The instrument is incorporated into an array of light sources that replicate the actual lighting conditions according to different regions of usage. The colour matching cabinet offered by Presto is a majorly used in the industries where the color of the products is a fundamental quality requisite such as plastics, electronics, paints, automotive and so forth.
Product Specification of Color Match Cabinet
Angle of Viewing Booth: 45 Degree
Viewing Booth Material: Wood or Steel
Lights: D 65 Artificial Daylight,TL 84 Triphosphor Fluorescent Light (Point of Sale),UV Black light Ultra Violet Black Light, TFL Tungsten Filament Light, CWF Cool White Light
Time Totalizer accuracy: ± 0.2% over entire range
Viewing Area: L 675 x W 455 x H 400 mm
Time Totalizer Least Count: 1/10 h
Read out: 99999.9 hr.
Size of tube light: 2 Feet
Product Features of Color Match Cabinet
Standardized and controlled lightening conditions.
Wide Viewing Area
High-Quality Light sources used.
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savantv · 1 year
CURRENT ELECTRICITY; filament of bulb; tungsten; combination of resister…
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savantv · 1 year
Advantages and Disadvantages of Quartz Sleeve Lamps
Advantages and Disadvantages of Quartz Sleeve Lamps
Quartz is known for being durable and strong. The material is much stronger than glass, and it is the perfect choice for a lamp. You can even find quartz halogen lamps, which are incandescent light bulbs. These are designed to produce bright and intense lights. They are made from a tungsten filament that is enveloped in a quartz envelope. In addition, quartz is also capable of transmitting…
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savantv · 1 year
Incandescent Bulbs vs LED Lights: A Comparison
The world of lighting technology has seen significant advancements over the past few decades, with the two most prominent options being incandescent and LED (light-emitting diode) light bulbs. As the incandescent light bulb, invented by Thomas Edison in 1879, becomes increasingly outdated, LED bulbs have risen in popularity due to their numerous advantages, according to a 24 hour electrician Brisbane.
The following is a comprehensive comparison of incandescent lights and LED bulbs. This examines their energy efficiency, lifespan, environmental impact, and overall cost-effectiveness to determine which is the better choice for consumers.
Energy Efficiency
Incandescent light bulbs generate light through the process of heating a tungsten filament until it becomes hot enough to emit visible light. This method is inherently inefficient, as approximately 90% of the energy consumed is released as heat, while only 10% is converted into light. This means that a significant portion of the energy used by incandescent bulbs is wasted, driving up electricity bills and increasing the strain on power grids.
On the other hand, LED light bulbs produce light through the movement of electrons in a semiconductor material, which is a far more efficient process. LEDs convert roughly 95% of the energy consumed into light, while only 5% is released as heat. This results in much lower energy consumption when compared to incandescent bulbs, leading to reduced electricity costs for users.
One of the most significant differences between incandescent and LED light bulbs is their lifespan. Incandescent bulbs have an average life expectancy of 1,000 to 2,000 hours, while LED bulbs can last anywhere from 25,000 to 50,000 hours. This vast difference in longevity means that LED bulbs need to be replaced far less frequently, saving consumers money on replacement costs and reducing the overall hassle of maintenance.
Environmental Impact
As environmentally-conscious consumers, Brisbane residents should consider the environmental impact of their choice between incandescent and LED light bulbs. Incandescent bulbs waste a significant amount of energy as heat, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions when fossil fuels are burned to produce electricity. Their short lifespan also leads to more waste in landfills.
In contrast, LED light bulbs have a much smaller environmental footprint. Their energy efficiency and longer lifespan result in reduced electricity consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Many LED bulbs are made from eco-friendly materials and can be recycled, further reducing waste and aligning with Brisbane’s commitment to sustainability.
Though LED light bulbs have a higher initial purchase cost than incandescent bulbs, their energy efficiency and longer lifespan lead to substantial long-term savings. According to the Australian Government’s Energy Rating website, switching to energy-saving LED bulbs can save households around AUD 210 per year on electricity costs. Over the LED bulb’s lifespan, these savings can easily outweigh the initial investment, making LEDs the more cost-effective choice for Brisbane residents.
Other Considerations
Aside from the factors mentioned above, there are a few additional considerations when comparing incandescent and LED light bulbs:
Light Quality: LED technology has evolved to the point where it can now closely mimic the warm, inviting glow of incandescent light bulbs. Additionally, LEDs are available in various colour temperatures and can be dimmable, allowing users to create the desired ambience in their homes.
Heat Emission: As mentioned earlier, incandescent bulbs release a considerable amount of heat. This can be a safety hazard, particularly in small or enclosed spaces, and may require additional cooling measures in warm climates. LED bulbs, with their lower heat emission, pose a significantly smaller risk in this regard.
Instant Illumination: LED light bulbs are known for their ability to reach full brightness instantly upon being switched on. In contrast, incandescent bulbs may take several seconds to warm up and achieve maximum brightness. This instantaneous illumination offered by LEDs can be particularly useful in areas where quick and bright lighting is necessary, such as staircases and entryways.
Directional Lighting: Incandescent bulbs emit light in all directions, which can result in wasted energy when trying to illuminate specific areas. LED bulbs, on the other hand, are designed to produce directional light, allowing for more precise and efficient illumination in targeted spaces.
Compatibility: While LED bulbs have become increasingly popular, some older light fixtures and dimmer switches may not be compatible with them. Consumers may need to replace or upgrade these components to ensure seamless integration of LED bulbs into their lighting systems.
After examining the various factors involved in comparing incandescent and LED light bulbs, it is evident that LED technology offers numerous advantages over its incandescent counterpart. With their superior energy efficiency, longer lifespan, and lower environmental impact, LED light bulbs are the clear winner in this comparison. Furthermore, advancements in LED technology have ensured that users do not have to sacrifice light quality or functionality for these benefits.
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savantv · 1 year
Eiko Light Bulbs
What if there was no light?
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Obviously we won’t be able to see anything since light makes everything visible. Light is as important as eating food or drinking water. Long time ago when there was no electricity; there was natural light i.e. sunlight. And at night people use artificial lights such as candles, lantern etc. because nothing is visible in the dark. 
Then later on electricity discovered and bulb discovered. Everything is changed; now everyone in world uses the bulb. Initially there were no many varieties of bulbs available in market but now there are different types of electricity bulb available in the market some are regular and some are decorative.
 In today’s life electricity supply is very important. Everything operates on       electricity. Lighting supplies are used to hold the electrical discharge that occurs when energy releases and generate light that’s why we are able to see everything clearly.
Lighting and supplies.com brings you all new experience of lighting supplies. How? We have a large number of different styles of lighting supply of top rated brands available at affordable price. Our lighting supplies will not cost heavy electricity bills and available in different colors and prices. Some of them are:
LED light bulbs:  LED bulbs are not regular bulbs they are semiconductors. It does not have filament or tungsten. They are light emitting diode which means they emit light when the current flows in the form of cathode and anode. 
Decorative bulbs:  decorative bulbs are used in decoration of house according to the occasion and interior.
PAR bulb:  PAR bulbs are used in commercial, residential areas. 
Halogen lamps: halogen lamps can be adjustable if they are full on brightness it’s easy to dim it.
 A light fixture is commonly known as lamp. Light fixtures are of different types some are fixed and some are portable. Home depot is a place where a buyer can get everything related to a particular stuff.
Lighting and supplies.com will provide you all kinds of home depot light fixtures at the most reasonable price.
3. EiKO light bulbs:  
EiKO global is a large manufacture of lightening products. It operates in countries like Canada, China, Europe and United States for over 40 years and owned by US. EiKO bulbs are made with high quality materials. EiKO light bulbs come in different designs, shape, size, and colors. The quality of EiKO bulbs are said to be so good that it lasts longer than other bulbs of this category.
A light bulb is the main source of light in the world when there is no natural light (sunlight). Everyone uses it to see things.
Lighting and supplies.com provides you a wide range of branded bulbs that are less costly as compare to other bulbs and uses less amount of energy so that the electricity bill will not be a burden for you. We provide our customers the best products of lighting at very reasonable cost.
Check out the Website for getting more information related to Light Fixture Distributor.
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savantv · 1 year
There are different types of Metal Additive Manufacturing technologies, here are the most important.
Directed Energy Deposition (DED):
It is composed by a head from where a laser, or a electron or a plasma ray exits. On the head, a pressurized system is installed, from where metal powder is ejected in a way that hits the ray and melting occurs. Both the head and component can move. It is possible to use, instead of powder, a filament, cheaper but that gives lower quality.
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Turn up the volume!
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savantv · 1 year
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1916 General Electric Edison Mazda light bulb which used a tungsten filament which was dependably brighter and longer lasting than the carbonized thread in other bulbs. From The Way We Were, FB.
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savantv · 1 year
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Periodic Table Championship: Round 1, Day 1, Molybdenum vs. Tungsten
The final matchup of day 1 pits two refractory metals against each other: element 42, molybdenum versus element 74, tungsten. Let's meet our challengers:
Molybdenum has one of the lowest coefficients of thermal expansion among commercially available metals. The primary application of molybdenum is in steel, high-strength, and superalloys, where it tends to form carbides that add to the strength of these alloys. Its name comes from the Latin word for lead, as its ores were often confused with lead ores.
Tungsten has both the highest melting temperature and the highest boiling point of all the elements. It is well known for is use in light bulb filaments, as well as for its hardness in the form of tungsten carbide. Its name comes from the Swedish for heavy stone, but historically is has also been known as wolfram, ultimately from the Latin for wolf's froth, and this name survives in the element's chemical symbol and some modern languages.
They are both transition metals and refractory elements that crystalize in the body-centered cubic crystal structure at room temperature.
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