saveasaviphis · 6 years
God knows if that girl would listen to me right now. A messing room seems to be the only thing she's been good at keeping.
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saveasaviphis · 6 years
“When we stop fighting with ourselves, we aren’t creating anymore conflict in our mind. Then our mind can for the first time relax and be still. Then for the first time our consciousness can become whole and unfragmented. Then total attention can be given to all of our thoughts and feelings. And then there will be found a gentleness and a goodness in us that can embrace all that is been given in the world. Then a deep love for everything will be the result of this deep attention. For this total attention, this soft and pure consciousness that we are, is nothing but Love itself.”
— Jiddu Krishnamurti
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saveasaviphis · 6 years
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saveasaviphis · 6 years
Once you accept yourself as you are, you allow yourself to be happy. You don’t need to become anything or anyone else, just as a rose doesn’t need to become a lotus in order to be happy. A rose is already beautiful. You are wonderful just as you are.
Thich Nhat Hanh
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saveasaviphis · 6 years
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(by Annie Spratt)
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saveasaviphis · 6 years
“No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to others is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.”
— Unknown
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saveasaviphis · 6 years
“Be with someone who is good for your mental health.”
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saveasaviphis · 6 years
@allinsheps Just remember that. ❤
“Mental health is just as important as physical health.”
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saveasaviphis · 7 years
I’m so in love with everything about you
(via radiantquotes)
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saveasaviphis · 7 years
The Question
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(An RP sequence between Savea Saviphis & Ashel Selrid.)
Opening: A few short hours after the wedding of Donny and Three, the mix-matched family arrived home. After some time to settle down, the busy harpy named Savea finally made it to the master bedroom. She slowly climbed up the stairs to the second floor, closing the door behind her as she entered the suite. She let out a sigh of relief as she noticed her lover, Ashel, sitting on the bed, preparing herself for some rest.
“Well, Myna’s been put to bed, she seems to be sleeping like a rock. Poor thing did get tired out.” Savea spoke as she moved to join Ash on the edge of the bed. “At least that means we have time to ourselves. Oh, and I did manage to find that mason jar I thought would look good as the vase for the flowers. They just look amazing.”
Ashel yawned, pretty tired herself. "Oh? I bet. I'd love to see them." She giggled before continuing. "You really went for them. Cath stood no chance." The fox crawled up and nestled herself comfortably in the bed, and turned her attention back to Savea. "And wow, everyone looked so nice. Especially Donny. Especially you." She said in a tone as charming as can be, trying not to sound too tired. 
“We’ll worry about seeing the flowers at breakfast, they’re sitting out on the table right now.” Savea replied to the fox as she crawled her way into the bed with Ashel, laying on her side as her arm propped her head up. “Yeah, she did look gorgeous... But, awe, love. You’re too sweet. You were looking so amazing, too. I honestly couldn’t keep my eyes off you.” She tried her best to return the charm to her partner.
Ashel kept her attention fixated on Savea, turning onto her side to face the harpy. "Awwe, I know. I tried my best. Glad it worked out." Ash spoke softly, then grinned brightly. The fox shifted herself closer towards her partner, and wrapped an arm as well as a large and soft fluffy tail around her waist. "And thanks for getting the word to me about this was going on today. I really had no idea. It was so fun!" Ash  said, and let out a gentle giggle afterwards.
The harpy smiled wide at her lovers comments. “I’m glad to worked out, too.” Savea spoke as quiet as Ashel did, her smile still streaming across her face. As she felt Ashel’s arm and tail wrap around her, she leaned in closely to her, getting inches away from the other’s face as she stares into her eyes. “I’m happy you had fun today. I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. Just us, together, being a family... I couldn’t ask for much of anything more.” Savea giggled with Ash, biting into her lip shortly after. “Though, with all this going on... I did want to ask you something, Ash.”
Ashel's grin returns just as strong once they were much closer. Her eyes staring right back into Savea's. Squeezing Savea a bit as she went on about all the good stuff. Her ears perked up and her eyes widened a bit, fully alert now. "Oh? What is it love?" She wondered, and stroked her fingers of her free hand through Savea's hair.
Taking a deep breath and a sigh, Savea looked longingly into Ashel’s eyes. “I wanted to wait till the right moment to talk about this... We’ve been together for a while now and I really care about you. I really love you, Ashel. After this time we’ve had together, I don’t think I would want to spend my life with anyone else.” Savea paused for a moment, her cheeks starting to fluster. “What I’m meaning to say is... Ashel Selrid, would you give me the honor of becoming my wife?” Sav’s forehead slowly learned against Ash’s, awaiting for an answer.
The fox's heart raced the more Savea spoke. And once the question came, her face became just as flustered. She shut her eyes tight, but the tears rolled out anyway. Ashel's hold tightened. She was stunned. She had finally overcome her waterfall of emotions enough to give a definite, confident answer. "Yes!" Ashel sounded out, and pressed her lips against Savea's, kissing her tenderly.
Savea's own eyes began to stream tears as the answer came. Holding onto the fox tightly, she happily and passionately returned the kiss. A few moments past and Sav pulled away from the other's lips, placing her forehead once again against Ashel's. "I can't... I can't believe I actually asked... Oh my heavens, I'm so happy. You make me the happiest harpy alive." She blubbered as she held onto Ash even tighter.
Ashel laughed and cried all at the same time, rocking back and forth while holding her equally excited and emotional partner. "I'd do anything for you Savea. You're the light of my life." She managed to mumble out in the middle of her sobbing. The fox's tail couldn't keep still, it would periodically thump against Savea's back, while held herself as close as she could be to her.
The harpy couldn't help but to giggle for a few moments. "I'm so happy I have you." She mumbled as the tears slowly stopped and she started to settle down again. Her eyes never stopped looking at Ashel's, though. Completely captivated by her lovers eyes at the time. "I really do love you, you know that?" She continued to mumble, a big smile across her face. "Though, I'm sorry I asked at such a time, maybe we should get some rest."
Ashel took some deep breaths, calming herself down. "I know you do, and you know I love you too." She responded, and moved her hand to wipe away Savea's tears. "You've got me pretty excited, but, you're right. We should try and rest." The fox agreed, and turned to lay on her back again. She kept her gaze on Savea's face, while also wiping away her own tears. "A little too excited." She tried to claim, but she was practically half-way asleep already after adjusting.  
Savea’s smile continued as she felt the tears being wiped away, returning the favor to her lover. She nuzzled up against Ashel’s side as she moved, hugging onto her as she lays her head on the other’s shoulder. The harpy slowly shushed the fox as she rambled, slowly falling into slumber as well.
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saveasaviphis · 8 years
I saw something strange in the sky today.
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During my morning yoga session, I noticed something flying in the sky. Just saying that doesn’t make it seem strange, but as I kept starring I noticed something.
It was a flock of harpies.
Not too many harpies fly far from the mountains, not to my knowledge at least. It gives me a gut wrenching feeling knowing what this group could be doing. Going farther from the nest to gather for men and supplies while they terrorize smaller towns. Though, it was almost nice to come across my own kind again.
With how the sun was, still rising and such, you could see all the brightly colored wings of the harpies. Pinks, blues, greens, reds and golds all scattered in a feathered out rainbow in the sky. They all glided against the morning winds farther and farther away. That’s when I noticed something.
A younger, petite harpy at the end of the group. Seemed as though she was having a harder time keeping up. That’s not what shocked me, though. What shocked me was the color of her wings.
Wings as dark as a ravens. Omen to be passed down from thee. Your mother must have them, and it will continue on for an eternity.
I could speak that saying over and over again. It’s something that stuck with me as a child when I was told that. An older woman spoke of my wings being an omen and how she never saw them before this. Could this be...
No, it couldn’t be my daughter.
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saveasaviphis · 8 years
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Squad Goals part 2
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saveasaviphis · 8 years
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Squad Goals
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saveasaviphis · 8 years
A Shaman’s Immortality
Within the dead of night, two users of magic caught themselves in contrite. One of a shaman, on the brink of death. The other a warlock, trying to stop the shaman’s last breath. It becomes apparently for the two to see. It would either be death, or the ritual of immortality. Taking the shaman to the dark of his lair, the warlock would have to try with no time to spare. The shaman laid there, drenched in her blood. The ritual would occur, waiting for the flood. Words of lore spoke generously from the warlock’s lips. He’d have to sit and wait and watch in horror, as if apart of an apocalypse.
Keep reading
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saveasaviphis · 8 years
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saveasaviphis · 8 years
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saveasaviphis · 8 years
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