say-seal · 8 years
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Fernando Botero (Colombian, 1932)
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say-seal · 8 years
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detail of a marginal scene of a man displaying his hindquarters 
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say-seal · 8 years
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say-seal · 8 years
You call me angry, you men who get into bar fights over football. Men who beat your wives when she don’t fry the chicken right. You men who say I talk too loud, who say that my mouth has no business looking like a shotgun. You don’t know anger until you’ve seen an ocean wash up a body, spill blood and all, you don’t know anger until you’re six feet deep in every man’s catcall. 5 million mouths making a mockery of everything God gave me. Asking for a sip of my holy, when a man disrespects me I step outside myself, I give him my salt. Which is to say I season my meat, I prepare a feast. Have you ever seen an ocean clean its plate? When a man tells me I’m unholy of everything except my sins, I say I am an ocean and he is the desert. He is the rain dance, which is to say: praise me. Which is to say, God created the oceans on the third day and man on the 6th. Which is to say, I was worthy before God even made you.
Crystal Valentine - Tempest (via waltzingwithfire)
Check out the full brilliant poem below!
(via buttonpoetry)
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say-seal · 8 years
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JULY 21, 2016 - 203/266 MR. LITTLE GUY
For the past 20 years, during the summer, children have left notes in an ash tree on the south side of Lake Harriet. There is a small door at the base of the tree, with a tiny lion’s head knocker, and kids can open the door and leave their letters inside. Those letters are for the Lake Harriet Elf, known officially as Mr. Little Guy. The elf, who’s first name is Thorn, responds to everyone who writes him, which turns out to be about 1500 letters per year. 
The kids ask him all kinds of things, like how tall he is (taller than his younger brother, but shorter than his older), and what food he likes to eat (minnow pizza). No one has ever seen Mr. Little Guy, but that doesn’t stop the kids from writing to him. And when he write back, Thorn signs every letter, “I believe in you.”
It’s nice to know there’s someone that believes in all of us.
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say-seal · 8 years
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read more Leo facts thezodiacsociety.com
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say-seal · 8 years
identity ask.........oh shit
if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? if so, who?
list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.
do you like your name?  is there another name you think would fit you better?
do you think of yourself as a human being or a human doing? do you identify yourself by the things you do?
are you religious/spiritual?
do you care about your ethnicity?
what musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime?
are you an artist?
do you have a creed?
describe your ideal day.
dog person or cat person?
inside or outdoors?
are you a musician?
five most influential books over your lifetime.
if you’d grown up in a different environment, do you think you’d have turned out the same?
would you say your tumblr is a fair representation of the “real you”?
what’s your patronus?
which Harry Potter house would you be in? or are you a muggle?
would you rather be in Middle Earth, Narnia, Hogwarts, or somewhere else?
do you love easily?
list the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order.
how often would you want to see your family every year?
have you ever felt like you had a “mind-meld” with someone?
could you live as a hermit?
how would you describe your gender/sexuality?
do you feel like your outside appearance is a fair representation of the “real you”?
on a scale from 1 to 10, how hard is it for someone to get under your skin?
three songs that you connect with right now.
pick one of your favorite quotes.
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say-seal · 8 years
So we all have intuition, but it often manifests a bit differently for each element.
Fire tend to just know, from gut instinct and butterflies in their bellies, like a compass is pointing them in the right direction, almost effortlessly.
Earth tend to sense something, or receive physical sensations like temperature changes, a prickling feeling on their skin, scents and sounds.
Air tend to receive mental messages and ideas, concepts often incredibly other worldly and imaginative.
And Water tend to feel their way through life, where emotional changes and the way their soul feels guides them on their way.
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say-seal · 8 years
hey just so u know I’m here for the girls who have slept with people who they didn’t like and girls who look back on old hook ups and feel gross. girls who have slept with people because they needed the sexual validation but had bad experiences or wished that thy hadn’t gone near those people. girls who found out how bad the people were after the fact. the character of your hookups doesn’t reflect your character. you’re all wonderful and I’m here for u
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say-seal · 8 years
arguing with a fixed (taurus,leo,scorpio,aquarius) sign be like
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say-seal · 8 years
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Oh this, thank goodness it got put into words.
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say-seal · 8 years
April 25, 2016-we are ingenious, free spirited, a little impatient and well rooted. Time to get things done.
The Moon is in upbeat Sagittarius all day, bringing us some positive can-do energy that gets us moving and shaking especially in the morning hours. We don’t want to look too far into the future, instead we work on what needs tweaking in the here and now.
The Moon aligns with Rx Mars overnight infusing our dreams with answers or actions from our past that will impact our movements today. Pay attention to details and important work responsibilities that need attention. We can overcome obstacles with this grounded yet inspired feeling.
The Moon squares Rx Jupiter and Neptune, also this morning slowing down our progress a bit through the afternoon. We may become distracted because we are spending too many hours working and not enough time eating properly or exercising. We may have an overblown idea of our stamina, or maybe what is actually expected of us. Try to avoid overdoing anything. Use creative and artistic inspiration, plus tune into those gut feelings for the most accurate knowing of what the next step is. Use the slow down to pinpoint what we want and where we are headed.
The Moon aligns with Rx Saturn, late this afternoon which should effectively put a halt to anything standing in the way of buckling down. We are realistic but also dwelling in the recent past about lost love or chances which brings more distraction.
The Moon will trine Neptune overnight creating a ripe atmosphere for wonderfully inventive solutions and bright ideas-write them down!
We need to support our intuitive knowing and our emotional center so lets carry a labradorite and a moonstone, make a lavender, jasmine and myrrh essential oil blend for Anja and Anahata clarity. In yoga heart opening and restorative poses will help us meditate and break through stumbling blocks. Tarot cards of the day: Ace of Wands and the High Priestess: use both ingenuity and intuition to accomplish tasks and bring about sensible but creatively bright ideas.
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say-seal · 8 years
How Your Zodiac Sign Drives People Crazy:
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ARIES: You can be somewhat bossy and pushy to others even if it is just your way of being playful. While some may find it endearing, others may not understand and find it quite annoying. You may come off as insensitive even though that is not the case. People end up having hidden resentments toward you for no real reason. Your impatience can definitely infuriate people. If it’s a subject you’re not interested in, you may interrupt someone or change the subject rather abruptly. You are easily agitated and prone to throwing tantrums if you feel you aren’t being taken seriously.
TAURUS:: Your stubbornness gives you a sense of determination that keeps you pushing through and plodding on. However, you can be so stubborn at times that you’re pretty much unwilling to listens to anything you don’t want to hear, and it can feel like people’s advice goes through one ear and out the other. You tie yourself up to dead end jobs or poor relationships , but then you get into a rut, and you end up complaining to people rather than doing something about it. There are times where you nurse your wounds for so long that they start to fester, and you can even end up bearing a grudge past a human lifetime when pushed past a certain limit.
GEMINI: You’re very much enjoyable and interesting to be around, and you’re quite clever and witty too. However, you are compulsively capricious and you can drive a person crazy with your contradictoriness. You live for the moment and lose recollection of what you’ve committed yourself to, or you end up changing your mind that last minute. You often don’t realize you’ve hurt someone deeply by some of the funny things you say because you like to test and tease until your victim is well on their way to madness. There are times when you can be so inconsiderate and selfish towards those that have supported you, but they end up feeling guilty because you make yourself the victim.
Keep reading
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say-seal · 8 years
April 22, 2016-one of the best days for digging deep inside for what you need most, then arranging your contentment, mindfully. Spread the loving, caring feelings you channel.Life may change for you today.
The Moon has settled into deeply involved Scorpio plus bringing us a Full Moon as it opposes the Sun in earthy Taurus at 1:24 AM, and setting us up to get intensely in touch with our sexual, spiritual and most private desires. Transformation is ripe for the taking, all the energy is in place for a stunning revelation. Our emotions are at a peak and our senses are reeling from the magnitude of the potential dive into the subconscious and recovery of parts we may have lost along the way. Find time to be alone with your thoughts today, there are powerful lessons to be learned.
As if this convergence of vital energy is not enough, Venus aligns with Uranus (both in Aries) this afternoon, just in case you felt a bit shy about voicing your opinions or needs, this aspect comes in and pushes you on your way. We feel excitement, possibly from what you have learned this morning, we are ready to embrace new experiences, try on new personas and make moves that may advance both your career and your personal/ love life. Grab what you can and be ready for proposals, commitments and surprise declarations.
The Moon trines Neptune and sextiles Rx Jupiter tonight, bringing a dreamier, softer, more loving veil to close out this meditative, action oriented, sexy day. Reflecting on our recent past we get to examine all opportunities, this is easier now as we are grounded centered and creative.
Carry an amethyst for clear intuitive power and a black onyx for all positivity. Make a lavender, lemongrass essential oil blend and add restorative or yin poses to your yoga practice. Make sure you have a nice long savasana. Tarot Cards of the day: The Ace of Cups and the Empress cards symbolize birth, creation, internal change and spirit.
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say-seal · 8 years
First Avenue, Minneapolis
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say-seal · 8 years
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say-seal · 8 years
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Detail of “Springtime of Life,” 1871, Oil on canvas. Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, France, 1796–1875. Bequest of Mrs. Erasmus C. Lindley in memory of her father, James J. Hill, 49.2. On view now in G357. 🌱🌷🌤 #spring #springtime (at Minneapolis Institute of Art)
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