sayer-raider-art · 12 hours
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I feel like someone is standing next to me talking about how I'm dead
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sayer-raider-art · 2 days
"kill them with kindness" WRONG. chair attack 🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑
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sayer-raider-art · 2 days
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sayer-raider-art · 2 days
i am afraid of what tiktok is doing to people's view of sharks.
i love sharks. i am obsessed with sharks.
and i'm glad that the "jaws" view of sharks is fading. but it worries me that people are saying things like "sharks are literally just ocean puppies". no, they're not as dangerous as a lot of people think, but they're still wild animals. do not treat a shark like a puppy. i've seen videos of people getting themselves bitten by nurse sharks. if you know anything about nurse sharks, then you know that these people were really harassing them. they're not monsters, but they're not your friends either. they're animals who will lash out if they're antagonized or crowded.
anyway sharks are still adorable and i love them very much
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sayer-raider-art · 2 days
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sayer-raider-art · 3 days
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sayer-raider-art · 4 days
No, but let’s talk about how they sell us romance.
Let’s talk about how romance is packaged as Friendship But Better. Let’s talk about how getting into a relationship is always seen as a positive, and not an if, but a when. Romantic partners are supposed to be caretakers, best friends, personal chefs, cleaners, mothers, lovers. Who wouldn’t want one?
I put myself through terrible, stressful relationships, because no one taught me that romance wasn’t the quest everyone was tasked with at conception. Had I known that my warped perception of romance wasn’t truly romance, I would have realized I was aromantic sooner. I wanted the romance society sold me. That romance isn’t real.
We often blame ourselves for not seeing the signs of our aromanticism, but how could we? When love is packaged as the one thing we can all relate to and experience, of course we would bend definitions to fit.
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sayer-raider-art · 4 days
btw… important PSA: cutting off the mold on the surface of food does nothing. you can only see the spores on the surface, but mold itself has spread and grown roots into the food. by the time you can actually *see* the spores, that piece of food is completely full of it. youre still eating mold. 
many of which are poisonous and have been shown to cause cancer. youre not even supposed to sniff it, because that can get spores into your lungs. like if you look up the health and safety guidelines for mold they barely stop short of telling you to put on a hazmat suit. 
like produce is okay as long as you cut around it at least an inch, but cooked foods? you gonna die. stop eating mold people 
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sayer-raider-art · 5 days
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Commission for Óreiðu (https://x.com/entropypone) of their OCs Phoebe and Eyva strolling down a beach
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sayer-raider-art · 7 days
it is so dang funny to me that there is this cultural pressure for artists to be modest about their art. 'you cant say your own book is five stars' WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO RATE IT FOUR? buckaroo if you create ANYTHING from your heart it has all the grand cosmic uniqueness you do. CELEBRATE YOURSELF
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sayer-raider-art · 7 days
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sayer-raider-art · 9 days
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sayer-raider-art · 21 days
I got 1 task done today. I emptied the big trash can in my bedroom. That's one less fork to deal with.
I have severe executive dysfunction. I've been dealing with it by having myself do one small task a day. So far it's helped a lot. By doing it this way my brain doesn't freak out trying to tackle everything at once.
I got my inspiration for it from this Donald Duck comic:
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sayer-raider-art · 21 days
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Redraw version of this original scene from Godzilla: The Animated Series with Adrian and Zoey. It looks like they're having fun :3
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sayer-raider-art · 22 days
Emergency commissions - 2024
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Opening 5 slots for emergency commissions. First come first serve. Please share if you can.
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sayer-raider-art · 24 days
Tomorrow 🐲🐓
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I'll be posting Chapter 5 of the Rodorah fanfic tomorrow, so if you're interested, be on the lookout. I'll be working on Mothzillas 1st chapter next.
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sayer-raider-art · 26 days
Hey, if you have half a minute and care about the LGTBQIA+ community in the EU, I'd suggest you take a look at this initiative to ban conversion therapies in the EU.
1 million people are required to sign, but there's barely 100k. The form takes less than a minute, it only requires your ID, name and surname.
Please, help spread the initiative so that it can reach the goal ASAP!
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