saylorsimming · 2 years
100 Baby - Reborn
An Nine Generation Challenge By @saylorsimming
I designed this version of the challenge because after one Matriarch and 15 babies, I was bored. What’s the point, I wondered?
I wanted each matriarch to have a little bit of a life outside of the children…
Then, I changed it all, except the 100 baby aspect. My most important question when writing this was; Why would each one do it? The challenge is my answer, lol…
The time crunch is somewhat reduced because there are a predetermined number of babies for each Matriarch. However, the pressure is still on due of the development of the Matriarch and children of each generation. This means you can focus more on the story of each Mom and her personal choices and style.
The Overall Rules:
* Dont cheat money, the grind makes it fun. And by Generations 2 or 3 you could have quite a lot.
* All 100 children must each have a different father.
* No gender cheats or baby number cheats.
* All children receive randomized traits at every stage. Exception for the next heir.
* Lot traits/Challenges can only be changed when the new matriarch gets pregnant. You can choose whatever you like for these, except when specified.
* Matriarch can not have a maid or butler but you can always give house keys to “neat” friends and family. Last generation is excluded from this rule.
* No other adults can be part of the home, including your offspring or other family.
* No one moves out until aging to young adult, by following the rules of their generation.
* The Matriarch lives in the home until becoming an elder. She can then marry and leave home or stay with her family until death. Some aspirations have elder requirements, so be aware before leaving Granny behind. Her aspiration must be completed.
* New Matriarchs are still the youngest daughter. She will follow the age up rules of her generation. If there are many younger siblings, (no space in household) she cannot start having babies of her own until they are able to move out and there is room.
* Occult babies can still count as two unless the Matriarch is an Occult.
* Complete every Matriarch’s Aspiration(s).
* It is possible to get multiple babies when you least want it or expect them. If you are on the last pregnancy for your generation and have more than one baby, (yikes) just remove one baby(s) from the next generation’s total.
* Mods are fine. Child support is optional and needed for one generation. (You can money cheat child support if you don’t have mods. For instance use “kaching” cheat for every 2 kids at home, weekly)
<This challenge began at the end of another challenge, I wrote called the Berry Twisted Challenge. I am currently rewriting it so it isn't posted but will be soon.
The Perfect Parent
Generation 1:
Aspiration: Super Parent
Career: Any From Home
Growing up as an only child was lonely. Big ole house and no one home except the cat. My moms family line is long and cluttered with in-laws, aunts, uncles, and many cousins. As her descendant, I would be another little leaf on the family tree… Well not me, my Family will be huge! Massive! Fantastical! I’m going to have so many children. I will train them all to the best of my ability. They will be top toddlers, responsible children, then teens and adults. But my youngest daughter, will be groomed to take the baton. This will go on until I have 100 direct decendants. My family name will live forever in All of Simdom!! Now that’s a feat to be proud of!
1. Always say “yes” to likes and dislikes!
2. Max ALL toddler skills before age-up.
3. Child Early age-up:
Complete Aspiration
Max one skill
Have an ‘A’ grade
4. Parent MUST encourage toddler/child/teen skills daily. (Parent often, discipline style is calm then firm)
5. Parent MUST DISCIPLINE child behavior.
6. Teens early age-up:
have an ‘A’ grade
max one skill
earn one, any type of character value
7. Have 9 children
I’ll Sing & Dance Right Through This
Generation 2:
Family Oriented
Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Skills: Singing, Dancing, Guitar
I can’t believe I agreed to continue my mothers crazy plan for this baby thing…
But, hey my life wasn’t so bad! I always had someone to talk to. A little privacy would have been nice, but you can’t have everything, right?
I can’t say I will be a great parent like her, but I’m going to give it my all.
1. Teach/Dance with all children
2. Max 3 toddler skills before early age-up.
3. Child early age up:
Complete 2 levels of an aspiration
Max one skill
A grade
4. Try to encourage toddler/child/teen skills every few days per child. (Parenting?! Discipline?!)
5. Teens early age-up:
A grade
Level 5 one skill
1 character value (positive or negative)
6. Have 11 children
I’m Only Doing It For The Woohoo!
Generation 3:
Aspirations: Serial Romantic
Singing (karaoke)
Career: any at home
Ok, ok… I’ll have the kids. I know the deal. I was born into this life, It’s my fate! Well, I’ll agree to the babies because I love making them. Not keeping the baby daddy?… Well, I got what I needed, right? Though, he might do for a pick-me-up later…
My main interest is finding new lovers. Sooo… Parties? Yes! Clubs, bars, karaoke? Yes, yes, yes! I also adore yoga. Sometimes I drag the kiddies to the studio with me.
I can’t say I will be the best parent. In fact my brood might turn out scary… Hmph, oh well. All I can say is, bring on the guys!!!
1. Meet all baby donors at karaoke bar, gym/spa or pool
2. Your first child and last child are parented well. These two MUST both have;
A) Max ALL toddler skills
B) Child/Teen Grade ‘A’ in school.
C) Two Positive Character values
D) ONE Maxed adult skill..
3. All other children are carelessly parented or not at all.
4. Toddlers early age-up:
potty level 3
level 3 of any two other skills
<Well they learn on their own, right?>
5. Children early age-up:
Completed aspiration.
Otherwise, on the day of birthday, regardless of skill or grade.
6. All Teens get part-time jobs.
7. Teens early age-up:
grade ‘A’,
level 5 in two skills and
1 character value (any type)
8. Have 9 Children
Let’s Get Back On Track!
Generation 4:
Family Oriented
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Career: Any from Home
My Great-Grandmother had a dream I firmly believe in. Family is Everything.
Sure, I might have longed for a smaller more traditional family, but my family is wondrous. So many faces with such different personalities.
I love Family Reunions, Birthdays, Vacations, Christmas, Easter and Halloween. Any reason to gather the clan is what I love. I also really enjoy painting portraits of my kids.
1. Have a party for every birthday and holiday.
2. Have a family reunion before your Mom dies.
3. Paint one portrait of each child before they leave home.
4. Always say “yes” to likes and dislikes!
5. Toddler early age-up:
Level 3 in all skills
6. Children early age-up:
Max one child skill
‘A’ grade
Enrolled in after school activity
7. Must encourage toddler/child/teen skills every few days. (Parent often, Discipline Style calm/firm)
9. Teens early age-up:
A’ grade,
max one skill
Earn one any type of character value
10. Have 10 children
I Agreed For The Money
Generation 5:
Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity
Career: Simstagram Star
Lots of kids means lots of child support. So, I’m in… I have dreams too, you know. I love new things and great big houses. And the idea of being famous makes me a little giddy… Maybe I’ll turn our baby factory into a Reality Show!!!
1. Collect child support for each child.
2. Buy Great Kisser reward from store
3. Have negative relationships with most fathers.
4. Toddlers and Children are always fashionably dressed.
5. Build Dream Home
*Minimum Requirements:
5 Bedrooms
3 full baths
Recording studio
6. Toddlers early age-up:
Level 3 in All skills
7. Children early age up:
must max one child skill
‘A’ grade
8. Teens early age up:
‘A’ grade
max one skill
earn any type of character value
9. Have 10 children
We’re Going To Live off The Land
Generation 5:
Loves Outdoors
Animal Enthusiast
Aspiration: Country Caretaker
Career: Canning & Bake Sales
1. Simple Living & Off-Grid Lot Challenges
2. Take kids fishing, cook with them and teach all to knit.
3. Live in Henford on Bagley
4. Have at least; 1 cow, 1 chicken & 1 rooster
5. Always say “yes” to likes and dislikes!
6. Toddler early age-up:
Level 3 in all skills
7. Children early age-up:
Join scouts and earn two badges
Max one child skill
A grade
8. Children and teens must do chores:
Set the table
milk the cow
gather eggs
do dishes
take out trash, etc…
9. Parent must encourage toddler/child/teen skills every few days. (Parent frequently - Discipline style is calm/firm)
10. Teens early age-up:
‘A’ grade,
Level 5 in four skills
Earn any type of character value
11. Teens can NOT have jobs in this generation. They live off the land and assist the family.
12. Have 9 children
Grilled Cheese on the Beach!
Generation 6: Eloise
Aspiration: Beach Life & Grilled Cheese
Career: Any at home (sell grilled cheese)
Fitness by Swimming
Juice Fizzing
Sooo…. I’m not my mothers daughter. All that farming was such a drag. (Though a cow is handy for fresh cheese…)
Oh, and did I tell you about the rain??? Geez, it never stops raining there. What I need is sunshine. I want lazy days on the beach with a cool drink and a grilled cheese. {sigh} Isn’t that just the thing?
1. Move to Sulani
2. Only cook grilled cheese.
3. Cook with/Teach all kids to make grilled cheese.
4. Complete both aspirations
7. Always say “yes” to likes and dislikes!
8. Toddler early age-up:
Level 3 in ALL skills.
9. Children early age-up:
3 skills at level three
‘A’ grade
10. Must encourage toddler/child/teen skills every few days. (Parent randomly/discipline calm or strict only)
11. Teens early age-up:
‘A’ grade
level 5 in two skills
Earn any type of character value
12. Have 9 children
Are we Done Yet?
Generation 7:
Dog Lover
Aspiration: Bestselling Novelist
Career: Freelance Writer
Pet Training
I fought this thing all the way. 100 babies? What was happening when 6-Greats-Granny thought this thing up anyway? But here I am. I’ve agreed to the insanity. But, I have my terms…
A) I get to have a floppy ole hound dog, (Don’t worry he will learn to mind his Ps and Qs, also.)
B) I can eat all the sweets I want…
C) I will have 7, I repeat SEVEN children only. It’s a lucky number after all.
I’m going to raise my children, just right. There will, be no mess making, loud music, temper-tantrums or other non-approved nonsense. And not a grilled-cheese in sight!!!
1. Move to Windenberg
2. Bake daily. Eat baked goods daily.
3. Only say “yes” to likes and dislikes parent approves of.
4. Must reach MAX level in ALL toddler skills before early age-up.
5. Children and teens must do chores:
Set the table
do dishes
take out trash
clean, etc…
6. Parent MUST encourage toddler/child/teen skills daily. (Parent religiously!) All discipline must be of the strict variety.
7. Children early age-up:
Complete an aspiration
max a child skill
reach level 3 of an adult skill
‘A’ grade
8. Teens early age-up:
‘A’ grade
Max one skill
Level 3 in three skills
Earn two positive or negative character values (or one of each)
9. Teens can have jobs or join after school activities, if desired.
10. Have 7 children
This is Such a Hoot!
Generation 8:
Dance Machine
Aspiration: Party Animal
Career: Freelance Photographer
Video Gaming
My Great Ancestor, Andromeda, can rest easy. We are finally nearing the end! Though, along the way, I fully intend to enjoy myself.
I will be an easygoing parent. I just can’t stress it. And besides, who can resist those cute little faces. We’ll have tons of fun together.
I also run a photography club and a video-gaming club. My friends are the best and I love to throw random parties… I’m sure the kids will love it too…
1. Move to Del Sol Valley
2. Have Party Place Lot Trait
3. Always own a keg and a juice pong table
4. Have a house party after every childbirth.
5. Take photos of every child at every phase to save and sell.
6. Play with kids often.
7. Go for a pool day in the summer, and go to Mt Komorebi for skiing in winter.
8. Have a roommate or 3… They make good donors and add drama.
9. Always say “yes” to likes and dislikes.
10. Toddler early age-up:
Max Communication, Potty and one other
11. Children and teens do chores as they please
12. Parent must encourage toddler/child/teen skills at least once each life phase. All discipline must be of the calm variety.
13. Children early age-up:
‘A’ grade
14. Teens early age-up:
‘A’ grade
Level 5 in three skills.
1 positive or negative character value
15. Teens can have jobs or join after school activities.
16. Have 12 children
It’s Finally Happening!
Generation 9:
Hates Children
Aspiration: any
Career: NONE
Skills: Any that come naturally
So, I’m the last. We are finally here. Yay!?? (Or NOT) I was seriously hoping I wouldn’t get stuck with this. Yet, here I am.
I can’t stand kids really. They are smelly, messy, demanding, time consuming little goblins. Thankfully there is enough money from previous Matriarchs to hire a Maid, a Butler and a Nanny! While they take care of things, I can watch TV and nap. Pregnancy looks pretty tiring, after all. {Yawn} I’m totally exhausted just thinking about it.
1. Your kids follow traditional 100 baby rules. Except they must go to servants for help with needs. (Since Mommy doesn’t like them so much.)
2. Toddlers early age-up:
- level 3 all skills
3. Children/Teens early age-up:
- A grade
4. Have 14 children.
5. Always say YES to likes and dislikes. You don’t really care anyway.
6. Remember this sim is lazy when choosing her aspiration. You must still complete it.
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saylorsimming · 2 years
Sinful From The Start
A Seven Generation Challenge
By @saylorsimming
This Challenge is based on the Seven Deadly Sins. I hope you enjoy playing it as much as I had fun creating it.
*A few of the listed traits are CC. Primarily, I used game traits, but in some instances there were just none specific enough.
*I list 5 traits for each generation. Which is possible through a Mod or they can be added with a cheat code when you go to live mode. Or just use three if you prefer. They are listed in no particular order.
*The cc\mods I used are from KiaraSims4Mods and chingyu. I recommend all of them to round out your Sims personalities. But they are optional.
*Generally, don’t use money cheats… It makes the game more interesting if there is a grind.
*The first generation should start with the standard amount for a new household.
*Its fine for following generations to inherit their parents money, (except for 6. Sloth) but it’s more fun if you limit their starting funds to $2,000 or less (excluding their house).
*Feel free to change things around to suit your play preference. It is just a game, after all.
*Setting your Sims to Long Life or adding 5 days to each life stage, (except baby) through MCCC is recommended. It’s hard to complete child aspirations on normal span. Also, I tried to make this interesting and a little difficult. In my opinion, it’s not a challenge, if it isn’t challenging!!
This goes WAY beyond jealousy! You want what everyone else has. Your neighbor’s stuff is always better than yours. You want their life, their things, their spouse and even their job. So, you set your sights on obtaining everything they have. Little by little you get what you want. Until, oh no… does that new neighbor have a pool?
1. Childish OR *Competitive
2. Gloomy
3. Jealous OR *Envious
4. Kleptomaniac
5. Non-Committal
1. YA - Chief of Mischief
1. Athletic
2. Mischief
3. Any required for various jobs.
1. Any your neighbor has, then quit when you surpass them. Repeat this for all neighbors.
2. Sell Stolen Items
1. Start off in a modest house.
2. Create a club for your neighbors so you can get to know them.
3. Never share or give gifts.
4. Ask your friends, neighbors or even strangers for money.
5. Throw a fit if Father Winter gives someone a better gift. Fight for a gift if you must!
6. Steal from friends and neighbors.
7. Steal from public places.
8. Buy “Independent Trait” from the rewards store.
9. Sell most of what you steal. (You don’t really want it, you just don’t want anyone else to have more than you.)
10. Decorate your home with stolen items.
11. Only date sims who are in a relationship.
12. Steal your neighbors spouse. Then break up with them. Keep their money of course. In fact, collect alimony if you marry!
13. Marry and divorce at least 3 times.
14. Have at least one child.
15. Max listed skills
16. Complete Aspirations
Since early childhood you have loved food. Any food! Candy, cake, cheese and steak, it fills your dreams and your waking moments too. Food in every form consumes you. You’ve even been known to dig in the bin for a bite. Maybe you are obsessed. But you JUST CANT STOP! Your food obsession makes you superb at cooking and you could sell your wares for top dollar, but who sells perfectly good food? You eat it of course!
(Toddler: *Always Hungry & Independent)
1. Glutton
2. Erratic
3. BBQ Lover*
4. Sweet Tooth*
5. Pizza Lover*
1. Child - any EA or Mod
2. Teen - Grilled Cheese (eat 3 grilled cheese in a row to unlock)
3. YA/Elder - Master Chef or *Baker
1. Cooking
2. Baking
3. Gourmet Cooking
1. Teen - Fast Food
2. YA/Elder - Master Chef or *Baker
1. Toddler - ask for food when hunger gets to half.
2. Child- eat microwave food if nothing is available or just because you can. Ask a parent for food also.
3. Teen: Earn Good Manners & Mediator character values.
4. Simple Living Lot Challenge.
5. Have a Tiny Home with the kitchen as the biggest room.
6. Install a grocery store retail lot and shop weekly.
7. Be best friends with a food delivery person.
8. Buy “Always Welcome” reward trait so you can cook and eat at friends houses.
9. Go to every festival and try every food.
10. Look for food in trash cans & dumpsters.
11. Own a popcorn maker, ice cream maker and microwave.
12. Own Top of the Line Stove and Refrigerator.
13. Make all canning recipes.
14. Make Every Recipe at least once.
15. Eat 3 meals a day, Every Day
16. Wake up at night for a snack.
17. Work from home often so you can eat.
18. Order pizza every week.
19. Buy “Stoves & Grills Master” Reward trait.
20. Grill at least once a week.
21. Host 10 Gold level dinner parties.
22. Eat at a restaurant 1 time per week. Order a drink, appetizer, meal & dessert.
23. Purchase and use “Insta-Lean” potion from rewards store at least once.
24. Marry another glutton.
25. Have at least 1 child (try not to eat it…)
26. Max Listed Skills
27. Complete Aspiration & Chosen Career
Your parents only cared about food. A good meal is nice, but what about the rest? You want it ALL. The best, sure. But it's really about the MOST! Things, Houses and more things! Maybe you spend, but mostly you hoard. When you do spend, you must make more. Because in the end you MUST have the MOST!
(Toddler: Independent & Charmer)
1. Materialistic
2. Ambitious
3. Neat
4. Charming*
5. Born Salesperson*
1. Child - Social Butterfly OR *LittleEntrepreneur
2. Teen - Goals Oriented
3. YA/Elder - Fabulously Wealthy
1. Charisma
2. Logic
3. Your choice
1. Teen - Any after school
2. YA/Elder - Investor (Business)
1. Toddler: Max communication and thinking skills
2. Make straight A’s all through school.
3. Collect from childhood - elder
*Complete Frogs & Gems Collections
4. *Buy a Piggy Bank and start saving as a child. (Mod by Ravasheen is optional)
5. Breed frogs daily for extra cash.
6. Complete child aspirations.
7. Earn Responsible & Insensitive character values on age-up to YA.
8. Buy Frugal rewards store trait.
9. Buy Entrepreneurial reward store trait
10. Clean regularly, because even though you become rich, you don’t want to pay for something you can do yourself.
11. Buy a Money Tree from reward store.
12. Buy something new weekly and admire your stuff often.
13. Never get rid of anything. You need it all! Have an attic/basement to store it, if you can’t use it!
14. Marry the Richest Sim you can find, even if you have to break up a home. Repeat if necessary until you have enough money… Wait, there is NEVER enough money!
15. Own a home worth $500K or more.
16. Redecorate & improve home often.
17. Have at least $100K in cash
18. Have a vault where you can enjoy your money weekly.
19. Have at least one child. *Who you get child support for if not married to the parent.
20. Complete Listed Skills
21. Complete Aspirations and Career
You yearn, you burn, you need! Only woohoo satisfies you… You must have it every day, sometimes several times a day. So, from youth on you work toward a way to get what you need. Everyone you meet is a potential target. Too bad you cant make it into a career.
(Toddler: Charmer & Wild)
1. Active
2. Self-Absorbed
3. Outgoing
4. Insider
5. Romantic
1. Child - Social Butterfly
2. Teen - Drama Llama
3. YA/Elder - Serial Romantic
1. Charisma
2. Fitness
3. Your choice
1. Teen - Football
2. YA/Elder - Athlete
1. Toddler: Max Communication skill
2. Child: complete aspiration
3. Teen: Reach football captain
4. Have B’s & C’s in school
5. Create a kissing/woohoo club as a teen and have a regular turnover of partners.
6. Ask everyone about woohoo. And brag about it whenever you can.
7. Mess Around in all pier locations as a teen
8. Earn Insensitive & Irresponsible character values on age-up to YA.
9. Buy Great Kisser reward store trait
10. Buy Observant reward store trait
11. Buy Beguiling reward store trait
12. Go on 30 dates in your life.
13. First Kiss 40 different Sims. 1st date and Woohoo 30 different Sims
14. Woohoo in a bush, hot tub, observatory, shower, sauna, animal shed, tent, boardwalk rides, photo booth, waterfall, pile of leaves, lighthouse, money vault, rocket ship at geek-con, dumpster, hot spring, ice cave and bed. (Use what you’ve got.)
15. Woohoo in every world you have at least once.
16. Cheat indiscriminately.
17. Produce/Raise at least one child.
18. Marry as an elder to another romantic sim.
19. Max listed skills
20. Complete Aspiration & Career
21. Die from woohoo exhaustion as an elder
Your parent was a woohoo expert. But, let’s just keep that to ourselves. You know how brilliant and gorgeous you are. So you’ve planned a life you can be proud of by capitalizing on what you’ve got. You go to college right out of high school to pursue your respectable vision of life. You marry for money and prestige, then become the doctor you dreamed you would be and you never look back. Now your life is a series of Fine Dining, Museums and the Perfect, Proper, Prideful life.
(toddler: Independent & Angelic)
1. Genius
2. High Maintenance
3. Proper
4. Snob
5. Overachiever
1. Child - Whiz Kid OR *Little Einstein
2. Teen - Admired Icon
3. YA/Elder - Mansion Baron
1. Wellness
2. Handiness
3. Logic
1. Teen - Cheerleading
2. YA/Elder - Doctor
1. Max ALL toddler skills and as many child skills as you can.
2. Have a poor relationship with your parent. You don't dislike them, you just seriously disapprove of their antics.
3. Get A’s in school always
4. Do all homework, extra credit and projects.
5. Join Cheerleading as a teen and reach the top.
6. Become prom queen and valedictorian.
7. Have 4 POSITIVE character values when aging to YA. Good Manners, Responsible, Emotional Control & Mediator
8. Purchase “Savant” Trait from rewards Store.
9. Attend College for Distinguished Biology Degree. Graduate with perfect GPA.
10. Go to the spa for weekly mani/pedi.
11. Do yoga and meditate religiously.
12. Go to the museums and/or posh restaurants with friends/family weekly
13. Have a home worth $200K or more.
14. Have a maid, butler and a nanny.
15. Own top of the line appliances, washer/dryer, furniture and more.
16. Marry a Proper Sim with a respectable career.
17. Have twins only and give them opposite traits. (Cheat the twins if necessary.)
18. Complete Listed Skills
19. Complete Aspirations & Career
You and your very different twin, grew up rich, but so what? You aren’t interested in any part of your parents lifestyle. You also have none of your twins ambition. Mum and Daddy wanted to be proud of you but your twin became the success they wanted. Not that you care, because you are completely unmotivated about life. You can’t be bothered to do much of anything. You love your filthy lifestyle and don’t care a fig who likes it! All you want it’s your game, the TV, a comfy chair and a good drink. Showers? Nope. Cleaning? Forget it! Job? You’re kidding, right?!? But you aren’t worried, the world is full of trash cans overflowing with treasures. If only you could get off the couch long enough find them…
(Toddler: Clingy & *Movement Development Delay)
1. Lazy
2. Slob
3. Freegan
4. Geek
5. Creative
1. Child - Artistic Prodigy OR
*Voidcritter Master
1. Teen/Elder. - Fabulously Filthy and Beach Life (switch between them to complete)
1. Video Gaming
2. Guitar
3. Singing
1. Teen/Elder - Video Game Tournaments, public singing/guitar for tips and dumpster diving.
1. Toddler skills are not required. Perhaps you max potty because your parent insists.
2. Be messy as a toddler and child.
3. Refuse to bathe as often as you can.
4. Nap everywhere.
5. School & homework are things you do randomly.
6. Play video games daily.
7. Have 2 negative character values when aging to YA. Irresponsible & Bad Manners
8. Your twin inherited everything. So, you live in a very raunchy little house or a junk yard. (Start YA years with a “house” and $1000)
9. Own a clothes line and wash tub but don’t do laundry.
10. Own at least one very comfy chair. (Maybe you Inherited it)
11. Buy Frugal reward store trait
12. Sing and play guitar for tips when you need money.
13. Dumpster dive for furnishings.
14. Earn Sedentary Lifestyle.
15. Have a partner/spouse who is also lazy.
16. Have at least 3 children (two have good and/or cheerful traits)
17. Have a dog and a cat
18. Complete both aspirations
19. Max listed skills
NOTE: Turn off emotional deaths or this Sim won’t last long… lol
EVERYTHING infuriates you. From your lazy, sloppy Parents, to your good, cheery siblings. You want to yell at them all. So you do. You throw fits, make messes, pull pranks, complain, yell and scream. Then there is love… Are you kidding?!? Who needs that nonsense? You do like one person though… Agnes Crumplebottom seems to have things figured out.
(Toddler: Fussy & Wild)
1. Hot- Headed
2. Mean
3. Evil
4. Unflirty
5. Hates Children
1. Child - Rambunctious Scamp
2. Teen- Live Fast OR *Teenage Rebellion
3. YA/Elder - Villainous Valentine
1. Fitness
2. Mischief
3. Media Production
1. Teen/Elder - Media Production/Drone Streams
1. Toddler; bite, make messes and throw tantrums.
2. Make 15 enemies beginning in childhood.
3. Child; pull pranks, make messes, throw fits and complain.
4. Teen; Insult, complain, sneak out and otherwise terrorize your parents and siblings.
5. Buy the Streaming Drone to record your antics. Upload these into the More Views Video Station.
6. Receive 3 Negative Character Values on age-up to young adult. (Uncontrolled Emotions, Insensitive, Argumentative)
7. Negatively talk about other sims. Create strife and discord wherever you can.
8. Start arguments and get in fights with random sims at least once per week.
9. Move to San Myshuno to meet and be mean to neighbors.
10. Go to the romance festival to ruin other sims experience.
11. Your only friend is Agnes Crumplebottom.
12. *Optional* Move to Moonwood Mills and become a Werewolf to further terrorize others.
13. Complete Aspirations
14. Max Listed Skills
15. Achieve at least level 3 Fame.
16. Have a horrible reputation
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saylorsimming · 2 years
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Werewolves Add-on Pack PART 1 - FEMALE!
IT’S FINALLY HERE! Thank you so so much for your patience with me on this one. It was delayed for so many reasons but it’s finally here! You were with me LIVE for three whole streams as I created many of these pieces, thank you so much for so many lovely convos and for the interest shown in the creating process. This is the first add-on pack containing 15 total items to add on to the Werewolves pack, and this one has all the female add-on pieces. Male ones coming soon! ♥
Base Game Compatible
15 total items: 1 shoes, 4 bottoms, 1 acc, 9 tops
All original EA swatches on most pieces
Additional 20 Hibiscus swatches on some
Change details can be seen on images!
All LODs
👉 Download on my Patreon (free!) 👉 (Public Access on 5 August)
Thank you so very much for your support! ♥
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saylorsimming · 2 years
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AGAVE; a default + non default skinblend
default replacement skin + non default faceoverlay
for toddlers to elders, unisex
preset & weight friendly
uses my anatomically correct body
faceoverlay comes in 2 different facial definition, both in 100% and 60% opacity and wrinkled options
credits: @northernsiberiawinds, @sims3melancholic, @faaeish, @lamingtonsims, @lamatisse, @nolan-sims​
download: patreon (free)
extra previews under read more.
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saylorsimming · 2 years
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saylorsimming · 2 years
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Lot type: residential
Lot size: 30x20
Lot price: §115 584
4 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom
Speed build available here:  https://youtu.be/_1THVJfsihc
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saylorsimming · 2 years
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Lot type: residential
Lot size: 30x20
Lot price: §111 848
2 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom
Speed build available here: https://youtu.be/DiQZU2mdSZ4
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saylorsimming · 2 years
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Lot type: Community Lot
Lot size: 40x30
Lot price: §501 954
Speed build available here: https://youtu.be/_b9M_OQ3pcM
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saylorsimming · 2 years
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Lot type: Community Lot
Lot size: 40x30
Lot price: §72 368
Speed build available here: https://youtu.be/MwiQlT2-0Mw
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saylorsimming · 2 years
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Lot type: residential
Lot size: 30x20
Lot price: §111 615
2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom
Speed build available here: https://youtu.be/DJ71DW4xSwY
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saylorsimming · 2 years
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Lot type: residential
Lot size: 30x20
Lot price: §243 294
3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom
Speed build available here: https://youtu.be/j7r2vJ71aFA
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saylorsimming · 2 years
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Lot type: residential
Lot size: 20x15
Lot price: §39 517
Speed build available here: https://youtu.be/qXYmyqLWgKU
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saylorsimming · 2 years
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Children’s Cafe
Lot type: Community Lot
Lot size: 30x20
Lot price: §166 551
Speed build available here: https://youtu.be/M5c9Wj6G5a4
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saylorsimming · 2 years
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Lot type: residential
Lot size: 20x15
Lot price: §68 690
Speed build available here: https://youtu.be/hgeYLU-73iY
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saylorsimming · 2 years
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Lot type: residential
Lot size: 20x15
Lot price: §26 733
Speed build available here: https://youtu.be/GbunjKIJnzU
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saylorsimming · 2 years
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♥ DOWNLOAD ♥ Public released
——————– TOU ————————–
Do not reupload.
Do not claim my work as your own.
Do not upload on monetized sites.
Do not edit / transform my meshes.
Do not convert to other games.
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saylorsimming · 2 years
Farmhouse - Entry (complete collection)
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The Farmhouse collection is a long-term project in collaboration with KateSimblr, Pine.and.home and Indoorsim. We decided to work together to create an entirely furnished farmhouse lot inspired by Liz Marie Galvan and Mcgee & Co.
I’m in charge to create all the 3D models to furnish as much as possible the farmhouse, with low poly base game & HQ compatible items. KateSimblr and Indoorsim are working on building the lot (they both have their own lot) and recolours some items from time to time and Pine.and.home is taking screenshots.
We all decide together which item and which swatches to make for the Farmhouse and we are all so excited to show you today what we already made by now:
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We wish you all to enjoy our collab ❤😘😘
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