sbott009begsculpt · 5 years
BEGINNING SCULPTURE (FALL 2019)  Final Tumblr Portfolio Index.
Estranged Bodies: Reference   1   2   3
Estranged Bodies: Process 1   2
Estranged Bodies: Final
Estranged Bodies: Organic 
videos 1 2 3        images 1
Estranged Bodies: Inorganic
videos 1 2 3 4 5        images 1
De-Table-ization: Process
De-Table-ization: Final   1    2
Structuring the Body and Bodily Structures: Process
Structuring the Body and Bodily Structures: Final  1    2
Phantom Bodies: Reference   1     2
Phantom Bodies: Process
Phantom Bodies: Final     1      2
Readymade Bodies: Process
Readymade Bodies: Final  1   2
Final PDF Portfolio  ( just in case if not accessible)
50 Artists
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sbott009begsculpt · 5 years
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sbott009begsculpt · 5 years
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sbott009begsculpt · 5 years
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96″ x 18″ x 20″
White board, cardboard and materials from dumpster
This piece is a representation of how video games consume people and distract them from real life. I represented the human body as a lamp and its light as its soul. Ironically the lamp is not lit while the arcade cabinet is as it blankly stares at the circuit board while being entangled by the machine. I chose whiteboard to be a close to the material used to make arcade cabinets. From a transition of childhood comes teenage years being consumed by technology and consumerism.
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sbott009begsculpt · 5 years
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0 notes
sbott009begsculpt · 5 years
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sbott009begsculpt · 5 years
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sbott009begsculpt · 5 years
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sbott009begsculpt · 5 years
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sbott009begsculpt · 5 years
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5.5 ft tall
yarn and foam
This piece is another representation of childhood. I wanted to connect the essence of childhood with the primal sense of smell, since smell is our most intense sensation and can trigger intense flashbacks. To connect I made a wearable costume with a pilaster nose protruding out. The figure is a child’s imagination  of a  fluffy monster. 
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sbott009begsculpt · 5 years
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sbott009begsculpt · 5 years
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sbott009begsculpt · 5 years
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sbott009begsculpt · 5 years
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sbott009begsculpt · 5 years
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5ft (opened 10 ft)
burlap and rebar
This sculpture is a foldable piece of rebar that is attached with two planks of wood and screws. The piece can freely spin on the screws and unfolds almost symmetrically. Like the human body I wanted to represent the moving spine and the concept of breathing. However the sculpture seemed to be a lot more interactive than representative. The piece motivated people to step inside and “camp out”. So instead the sculpture reveals the child’s mind of confined spaces and creating a separate place outside of reality.
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sbott009begsculpt · 5 years
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sbott009begsculpt · 5 years
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