sc0osh · 10 months
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sc0osh · 11 months
i think that killing a dragon should have catastrophic nuclear-fallout level environmental consequences tbh. their blood should scorch and wither the earth with fire and poison, the toxic fumes released as they decay should choke the land and all nearby living creatures, and the entire landscape where they fell should be transformed into a blighted wasteland where bleached leviathan bones loom upwards out of the ground as a warning that can be seen from miles away, the boundary markers of an exclusion zone.
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sc0osh · 1 year
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more painting practice. A centaur in the morning light. Reference is Cristian (who has the best smile) via fatfotoref.com and @fugitiverabbit
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sc0osh · 1 year
Screaming crying because I hate every piracy guide I come across on here.
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sc0osh · 1 year
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>First, we’ve discovered that about a quarter of all the internet connection in or out of the house were ad related. In a few hours, that’s about 10,000 out of 40,000 processed.
>We also discovered that every link on Twitter was blocked. This was solved by whitelisting the https://t.co domain.
>Once out browsing the Web, everything is loading pretty much instantly. It turns out most of that Page Loading malarkey we’ve been accustomed to is related to sites running auctions to sell Ad space to show you before the page loads. All gone now.
>We then found that the Samsung TV (which I really like) is very fond of yapping all about itself to Samsung HQ. All stopped now. No sign of any breakages in its function, so I’m happy enough with that.
>The primary source of distress came from the habitual Lemmings player in the house, who found they could no longer watch ads to build up their in-app gold. A workaround is being considered for this.
>The next ambition is to advance the Ad blocking so that it seamlessly removed YouTube Ads. This is the subject of ongoing research, and tinkering continues. All in all, a very successful experiment.
>Certainly this exceeds my equivalent childhood project of disassembling and assembling our rotary dial telephone. A project whose only utility was finding out how to make the phone ring when nobody was calling.
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>Update: All4 on the telly appears not to have any ads any more. Goodbye Arnold Clarke!
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>Lemmings problem now solved.
>Can confirm, after small tests, that RTÉ Player ads are now gone and the player on the phone is now just delivering swift, ad free streams at first click.
>Some queries along the lines of “Are you not stealing the internet?” Firstly, this is my network, so I may set it up as I please (or, you know, my son can do it and I can give him a stupid thumbs up in response). But there is a wider question, based on the ads=internet model.
>I’m afraid I passed the You Wouldn’t Download A Car point back when I first installed ad-blocking plug-ins on a browser. But consider my chatty TV. Individual consumer choice is not the method of addressing pervasive commercial surveillance.
>Should I feel morally obliged not to mute the TV when the ads come on? No, this is a standing tension- a clash of interests. But I think my interest in my family not being under intrusive or covert surveillance at home is superior to the ad company’s wish to profile them.
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>Aside: 24 hours of Pi Hole stats suggests that Samsung TVs are very chatty. 14,170 chats a day.
>YouTube blocking seems difficult, as the ads usually come from the same domain as the videos. Haven’t tried it, but all of the content can also be delivered from a no-cookies version of the YouTube domain, which doesn’t have the ads. I have asked my son to poke at that idea.
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sc0osh · 2 years
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140203 S by jw8401
Check out Tabletop Gaming Resources for more art, tips, and tools for your game!
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sc0osh · 2 years
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sc0osh · 2 years
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⚔️ 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗺! Faerie Firework Launcher
Weapon (crossbow, light or heavy), rare (requires attunement) ___
This crossbow’s wood shifts from golden yellows to vibrant reds and has a dimly lit fuse at its top. It has 6 charges and regains 1d6 expended charges daily at dawn. You can expend 1 of the weapon’s charges once on each of your turns when you make a ranged attack roll with it. When you do, the bolt sizzles and sparks with festive colors, and whistles loudly as it flies through the air. On a hit, the target takes an extra 2d10 fire damage. Hit or miss, the bolt then explodes in an eruption of magical fireworks. The target of the attack and each creature within 5 feet of it must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d10 fire damage and be under the effects of the "faerie fire" spell until the start of your next turn (no concentration required). The whistling bolt and firework’s explosion can be heard out to a range of 300 feet. The bolt is then destroyed, provided it wasn’t magical. ___
✨ Patrons get huge perks! Access this and hundreds of other item cards, art files, and compendium entries when you support The Griffon’s Saddlebag on Patreon for less than $10 a month!
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sc0osh · 2 years
Here’s a little trick I’ve used in D&D games where the premise of your campaign calls for the party to have access to lots of Stuff, but you don’t want to do a whole bunch of bookkeeping: the Wagon.
In a nutshell, the party has a horse-drawn wagon that they use to get around between – and often during – adventures. This doesn’t come out of any individual player character’s starting budget; it’s just provided as part of the campaign premise.
Before setting out from a town or other place of rest, the party has to decide how many gold pieces they want to spend on supplies. These funds aren’t spent on anything in particular, and form a running total that represents how much Stuff is in the wagon.
Any time a player character needs something in the way of supplies during a journey or adventure, one of two things can happen:
1. If it’s something that any fool would have packed for the trip and it’s something that could reasonably have been obtained at one of the party’s recent stopovers (e.g., rations, spare clothing, fifty feet of rope, etc.), then the wagon contains as much of it as they reasonably need. Just deduct the Player’s Handbook list price for the item(s) in question from the wagon’s total.
2. If it’s something where having packed it would take some explaining, or if it’s something that’s unlikely to have been available for purchase at any of the party’s recent stopovers (e.g., a telescope, a barrel of fine wine, a book of dwarven erotic poetry, etc.), the player in need makes a retroactive Intelligence or Wisdom check, versus a DC set by the GM, to see if they somehow anticipated the need for the item(s) in question. Proficiency may apply to this check, depending on what’s needed. The results are read as follows:
Success: You find what you’re looking for, more or less. If the group is amenable, you can narrate a brief flashback explaining the circumstances of its acquisition. Deduct its list price (or a price set by the GM, if it’s not on the list) from the wagon’s total.
Failure by 5 points or less: You find something sort of close to what you’re looking for. The GM decides exactly what; it won’t ever be useless for the purpose at hand, but depending on her current level of whimsy, it may simply be a lesser version of what you were looking for, or it may be something creatively off the mark. Deduct and optionally flash back as above.
Failure by more than 5 points: You come up empty-handed, and can’t try again for that item or anything closely resembling it until after your next stopover.
As an incidental benefit, all the junk the wagon is carrying acts as a sort of ablative armour. If the wagon or its horses would ever take damage, instead subtract a number of gold pieces from its total equal to the number of hit points of damage it would have suffered. The GM is encouraged to describe what’s been destroyed in lurid detail.
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sc0osh · 2 years
Love how tumblr has its own folk stories. Yeah the God of Arepo we’ve all heard the story and we all still cry about it. Yeah that one about the woman locked up for centuries finally getting free. That one about the witch who would marry anyone who could get her house key from her cat and it’s revealed she IS the cat after the narrator befriends the cat.
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sc0osh · 2 years
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Tirel Val Essa Arden by Jack Meng Kirkman
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sc0osh · 2 years
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SWORDTEMBER 2022: crystal 💎
✦ full process is up on my Patreon ✦ prints
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sc0osh · 2 years
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set of badass skeleton images to send to your friends when you want to ask them to hang out on discord vc
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sc0osh · 2 years
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The Mystic Pool, a set of certified bangers from Jon over at the Dungeonmapster discord. He does beautiful work!
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sc0osh · 2 years
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Knight by Jeleynai
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sc0osh · 2 years
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OUGH what a beautiful bear....
As someone in the replies mentioned, the asker who sent this did not make this image! The original source is here.
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sc0osh · 2 years
Read this. It's long but... You'll thank me. (Especially my trans girls.) This is Hugo nominated and for good fucking reason.
*Note: I didn't write this, nor am I trans. But the author is.
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