scanfx3d · 2 years
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Digital wayfinding helps by providing a guide for each individual to look at which can make them feel control of the situation. Instead of frantically panicking and asking for directions, they can use wayfinding to navigate around a location.
Digital wayfinding and indoor mapping can be updated frequently on mobile apps. This is useful when changes have been made to a location or to inform people of when certain areas are prohibited.
Furthermore, businesses can decide how to present specific information on offer and make alterations that improve customers’ experience.
Indoor positioning or indoor mapping systems solve this problem by providing digital navigation to anyone who enters the premises. Through mobile wayfinding, individuals can find the treatment room they are looking for without asking for guidance from busy staff.
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scanfx3d · 2 years
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Agents and brokers all over the world have been using Matterport 3D tours to differentiate their listings from the rest on the market, and now results from two different research studies have shown that Matterport walkthroughs can have a huge effect on real estate transactions.
A Matterport scan can be used for a whole range of purposes. They are particularly popular in real estate, construction and restoration, travel and hospitality, facilities management and architectural design.
Matterports Cortex AI platform turns this scan into an interactive 3D model. The cortex can identify objects within the rooms, and can stitch all scans together to reconstruct the space into an immersive visual tour. Matterport automatically blurs peoples faces and identifies the most appealing photos and videos. It is capable of extremely accurate measurements and it can turn your 360 panoramic image into a realistic 3D space.
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scanfx3d · 3 years
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We are Qatar leading provider for spatial data focused on digitising and indexing the built world. Our all-in-one 3D data platform enables anyone to turn a space into an accurate and immersive digital twin which can be used to design, build, operate, promote, and understand any space. We are here to bridge the gap between reality and a digital future.
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