Health technologies for fitness professionals with Scarborough personal trainer
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2023 will provide fitness instructors with cutting-edge tools to coach and motivate their clients like never before in the next era of fitness technology.
The key question in the fitness industry still is:
New health applications  promise to encourage users to improve their nutrition, increase their steps, and burn more calories.
The solution to this question is not only in the devices and applications, but also in the coaching settings Scarborough personal trainer will design where the data acts as the enforcer.
The global market for wellness and fitness wearables is expanding more quickly than was anticipated.
One in five Americans now use a wearable device, according to a recent Forrester Research report.
Even President Barack Obama has embraced the linked fitness lifestyle by enthusiastically posing for press shots while strolling through the White House yard while sporting the Fitbit SURGE fitness watch.
IDC's Worldwide Quarterly Wearable Device Tracker report highlights a 200% year-over-year increase in total wearables shipped for the third quarter of 2015 at over 21.0 million units, and a recent Juniper Research report indicates that smart wearables are projected to reach over 53 billion dollars in hardware revenues by 2019. These trends are the result of the skyrocketing wearable sales.
PwC examined 1,000 American customers from all demographic groups about wearable use, adoption, and safety concerns in an effort to demonstrate beneficial impact outside the fitness tracking bubble. According to their paper, The Wearable Future, the rapidly advancing wearable technology will fundamentally alter our society, economy, interpersonal connections, and personal health.
What does wearable technology's surge in popularity mean for a fitness professional's bottom line and lower attrition rate, with adoption rates mirroring those seen with tablets and iPads just three years ago?
The growth of several fitness sector tech platforms that all have a similar feature is the best way to understand the true potential of wellness technology:
They enable the fit pro to leverage new technology to reduce time, improve coaching accuracy, and boost revenue.
The majority of people can't attain their health goals alone, which is why group and personal training sales continue to increase year after year, regardless of how sophisticated any equipment or digital platform ever becomes.
Wearable technology is the most anticipated trend for this year, according to a recent survey from ACSM titled "Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends for 2016". Ironically, despite the fact that obesity rates are at an all-time high, weight loss programs came in at number nine on the list. The paradigm of fitness instruction is set to change, which is fantastic news and a huge opportunity for proactive trainers who can quickly pivot to embrace digital health as a tool for their coaching practice.
It's simple to see that the groundwork has already been done for a revolution in wellness technology when you consider the time and energy demands of one-on-one training sessions and then multiply those by the special, individualized, and real-time data collected from gadgets that reflect a client's lifestyle.
a revolution where there is reduced burnout among trainers and staff turnover in gyms, more client retention, greater emotional ties, pertinent talks, and most crucially, the resources for better outcomes.
To succeed, any movement needs resources and equipment.
Trainers and coaches in the health and fitness sector will be able to expand their clientele in 2023 by incorporating their clients' data into a coaching approach that blends personality, periodization, and the use of digital health both inside and outside of the gym.
The following three digital wellness technologies can help trainers enhance smart touch points and client accountability for weight loss in the new year:
Fitbit: Fitbit, a four billion dollar corporation based in San Francisco, is the leading producer of fitness trackers. Fitbit, the industry pioneer in wearable technology, has altered its strategy in 2016 to focus more on the trainer. They are now positioning insights for trainers in corporate wellness programs to offer far more in-depth and comprehensive analysis of activity and health, going beyond simply counting steps, distance travelled, heart rate, and the number of hours slept.
Trainers who recommend and use quantified meditation tools like the Muse brain-sensing headband now have a way to support and track their clients' stress reduction practices outside of the gym as mindfulness and meditation both continue to grow in scientific efficacy for stress reduction and lowering cortisol.
By coaches, for coaches: Nudge Coach. By smoothly and passively gathering wearable data, the founders created a useful dashboard to assist health professionals in understanding their clients' wearable data. Fit professionals can use Nudge to set up personalized notifications to observe when a client's health score changes over time and to know when they are falling behind on progress with a particular client. The industry's first product of its sort, Nudge Coach is compatible with more than 80 apps and wearables.
Here are three devices for the new year that will provide more detailed performance information for trainers who wish to employ wellness technology to assist their customers in gaining lean body mass:
Skulpt: The Skulpt Aim uses muscle quality measurements obtained at various body regions to provide data on body composition. It collects data by delivering safe current frequencies into the body at the selected muscle spot, and then uses the body's existing muscle and fat to calculate the MQ score. Trainers may correctly track development over time for each muscle group using data from the client's Aim app, greatly enhancing the effectiveness of subsequent training sessions.
Atlas: Designed primarily for use in the gym, Atlas is a wrist-based tracker that records data from workouts such as heart rate, reps and sets, type and speed of a client's session, distance travelled, and calories burned. It can be trained to learn new activities that personal trainers teach their clients while also being preloaded to identify traditional movements and routines like pushups, squats, pull-ups, and more.
Moov Smart is the ideal wearable for swimming-trained consumers. The app will count repetitions and offer form correction when the customer is exercising alone using one or two Moov trackers on a wrist or ankle (depending on the exercise). Additionally, there are pre-designed body-weight exercises that will keep the customer challenged as external loads and the rate of force production rise.
These are all excellent options for assisting your clients in gaining muscle. One day at a time, with the use of recipes designed expressly for muscle building, you can have a long-lasting effect on the lives of your clients.
Future clients will have increased expectations for time-sensitive lifestyle input that will guide them toward wellness as trainers start the transition to digital health coaching.
This is a definite advantage for the fitness professional since, as smart phone and wellness technology usage increases, so does the demand for instruction and specificity regarding when and how to utilize it.
According to study from Northwestern University, excessive self-tracking without a clear purpose or relation to an accountable program can be counterproductive because people tend to worry less about how much or how little they're actually doing the less active they are.
Smart wearables and wellness applications now give coaches, trainers, and clients the resources they need to stay connected and always be heard in the age of widespread distraction.
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