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//Now that I have your attention I'm Than (pronounced like the Than in Thanatos) and I run badluckqrow! I was scareqrowbranwen before but decided on a fresh start!
I rp all of the above although Qrow will be the main muse here!
I'm looking for more people to rp with if you'd like to rp pls like or reblog my post and I'll check you out :3
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//okay I have officially decided to remake this blog/my multimuse because I want everything together and to sort of prune my muse list I suppose
you can find me over at @scareqrowbranwen
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//someone convince me to remake this and my multimuse into one blog lmao
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//we still haven’t seen Jaune at all 😶
I don’t actually have an Qrow muse by Ruby is wide awake and screaming lmao
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//was hoping to get things done but I got into a car accident this morning and now I’m a little scatterbrained lmao (I’m fine no one was hurt so it’s all good)
maybe this afternoon
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//I meant to actually do stuff here this week but tbh I played the Stray cat game and I’m still not emotionally recovered
I’m also super busy this weekend but next week I will do shit lol
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❝  i’ll always want to listen to you.  ❞
❝  any time spent with you is time i treasure.  every second.  ❞
❝  my favorite color changes but it’s always the same,  whatever color you’re wearing.  ❞
❝  whatever matters to you matters to me,  you’re important to me.  ❞
❝  you’re so strong.  and brave—but i wish you knew you don’t always have to be.  i’m here,  if you’re ever willing to let me help shoulder those burdens.  ❞
❝  i’m not staring,  i’m admiring.  ❞
❝  i’ll always be yours,  in one way or another.  ❞
❝  you don’t ever have to worry with me.  i’m here for good.  ❞
❝  you are more beautiful than you know.  ❞
❝  you have a beautiful mind and a wonderful soul,  don’t ever let anyone make you think differently.  ❞
❝  i’m happier when you’re here.  ❞
❝  you’ve become my joy.  ❞
❝  whatever else happens,  if i have you,  i’m content.  ❞
❝  well,  i do feel a little better now that you’re here.  ❞
❝  you do make me happy,  it’s important you know that.  ❞
❝  you will always be my priority.  ❞
❝  i love you forever.  ❞
❝  you don’t know how glad i am to see you.  ❞
❝  you look wonderful.  ❞
❝  i want you to feel safe with me.  ❞
❝  i’m not letting you go until you say it out loud.  you’re beautiful and strong.  you deserve to believe it.  ❞
❝  sometimes you amaze me—i mean you always do.  but you have such intuition and real wisdom about things.  i like understanding the way you see the world.  ❞
❝  you carry yourself with such grace.  ❞
❝  you have a way of lighting up even the darkest moments.  ❞
❝  a tender heart is a courageous thing to preserve.  don’t ever be ashamed of having one.  ❞
❝   being around you makes me a better person.  ❞
❝  i hope you know just how full of worth you are.  ❞
❝  you always make me see things differently.  i appreciate your perspective. ❞
❝  i’m just enjoying you.  you look happy today and i like seeing that.  ❞
❝  you’re very valuable to me.  ❞
❝  you can come to me with anything.  anything at all.  ❞
❝  there is not a place in the world i would rather be than right here with you.  ❞
❝  come here,  come sit in my lap and tell me about your day.  ❞
❝  come put your head in my lap and tell me something new.  ❞
❝  i love it when you smile at me like that.  ❞
❝  i don’t think i can share you with anyone today.  ❞
❝  i’ll take you anywhere you want.  just tell me where.  ❞
❝  bored? of you?  impossible.  ❞
❝  if you like it i’ll get you one.  ❞
❝  your happiness matters greatly to me.  ❞
❝  you deserve to reach the goals you want in life.  you deserve to obtain anything you wish.  ❞
❝  you’re doing well.  you’re just discouraged and tired.  ❞
❝  you need to rest,  you don’t have to do it all today.  ❞
❝  the way i love you goes beyond description.  even those words don’t seem like enough.  ❞
❝  you come first.  you’re always my first choice.  ❞
❝  no,  if you’re upset that’s what matters right now.  talk to me.  ❞
❝  i want to share in your joy.  i want to be part of all things that make you happy.  ❞
❝  all of my best moments are the ones that have you in them.  ❞
❝  i would give you anything you ask of me. ❞
[ COMFORT ]  sender discovers receiver brooding and quietly approaches to carefully hug them from behind. 
[ SOOTHE ]  in the midst of a tense moment,  receiver turns away to conceal their emotions but sender wraps their arms around them and holds them from behind. 
[ CLOSE ]  sender reaches out and pulls receiver into their lap as they’re walking by. 
[  STOP  ]  sender reaches out and takes receiver’s face into their hands,  drawing them away from what they’re doing so they can just look at receiver for a moment.  
[ GIVE ]  sender greets with receiver with a gift. 
[ BRING ]  sender takes receiver out for the day to pamper them. 
[ ATTENTION ]  sender peppers a series of caresses over receiver’s face in an attempt to make them laugh or smile. 
[ COAX ]  sender knows receiver has had a lot on their mind,  so they hold them for a while to help them relax and hopefully open up. 
[ CARESS ]   sender sits by quietly while receiver works,  petting their hair and simply providing company. 
[ RELAX ]  sender gives receiver a massage. 
[ LOOK ]  for receiver to catch sender gazing adoringly at them.
[ MORNING ]  for sender to wake receiver with a kiss. 
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//rolls in I’m alive again so time to mention activity here will probably be spotty at best lol
also this is still very much a Qrow is Ruby’s dad blog do I think it’s canon no do I enjoy it yes so if that bothers you you don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here lol
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Qrow felt a stab of guilt pierce him. It wasn’t that he’d wanted to lie to James it just... wasn’t his choice. Not this time. He may not have liked the decisions James had made, but they shouldn’t have kept this from him. Not for so long.
“I’m sorry,” he managed, hoping the sincerity came through. “I let Ruby take the lead. Maybe that was a mistake, I don’t know.” Lately, she’d been doing better than him when it came to things like that. He’d thought giving her the reins was a good idea but... she was still only 16. Just a kid. He did his best to guide her but in the end it was her decision.
“Although now I sound like you. It was my mistake. I shouldn’t have let it happen.”
Qrow’s not an idiot. He knows wars have casualties and you can’t save everyone. But that didn’t mean you shouldn’t try.
“Don’t you dare blame your poor decision making on my nieces,“ Qrow snarled. “Have some fucking accountability for once. No one is forcing you to leave Mantle to the wolves. You made that decision on your own.”
Qrow finally lowered his weapon, shaking his head. “You’re a fucking idiot. Whatever you have planned, it’s not going to work. She’s not going to give up that easily.”
“They lied to me.” It wasn’t really a snap. He sounded more exhausted than anything. It was strained, even, tight with an unidentifiable emotion. Not quite anger, at the very least. “They actively sabotaged everything I’d been working toward, Qrow. I could have recalculated. I could have worked something else out. But there was no time when they finally decided to pass along that vital information.”
James didn’t lower his guard, even when Harbinger was no longer pointed directly at him. He, also, was not an idiot. Evidenced more or less by the fact that he neglected to point out that Yang had actively leaked confidential military information to an entity of unknown loyalty: for all she knew, Robyn Hill could have been being followed by Salem’s agents, or could have amplified the information and given the citizens of Mantle more to be paranoid about.
So, instead, he vented a different frustration. One that, honestly, had been tearing at his heart for a few hours now. “And what I really can’t understand is why you let it happen. What did I do to deserve that?”
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“Fair enough. Not to mention your... unique circumstances.” Qrow grimaced. He didn’t like what they’d had to do, but Oz had insisted it was the best option. Although Amber’s soul now occupying Pyrrha’s body was an unfortunate side effect.
“You’re doing well, all things considered. Better than I thought, honestly.”
@scareqrowbranwen​  continued 
   How is she holding up? It’s a question Pyrrha herself doesn’t quite know the answer to. The past several months had turned her life upside down, having gone from just another huntress in training to learning that her mother’s favorite fairy tail was real. She had planned to train to be a huntress, not learning to control the magic of the fall maiden. At least she and Amber had found a sort of balance, the other woman’s soul no longer fighting against her’s. 
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   “I’m alright,” She starts, giving the other a small smile. “This is just more challenging than I anticipated it to be, and a lot of information to take in.” 
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Qrow snickered, but did grab a pair of pants to wear. Were they the same ones he’d lost? He honestly couldn’t answer that, but they were at least his pants.
“A walk? What are we dating?” He took a sip from his flask, frowning. He would have to top that off later. “Fine. A walk sounds... fine.”
@scareqrowbranwen continuing:
James quickly turned around, partially out of politeness. It’s quite natural to turn to face the conversation partner and he wasn’t sure he’d keep eyes on Qrow’s face in that case. That’d be embarrassing at best.
“I cannot in good conscience deny, but please wear something.” He rolled eyes and sighed, narrowly avoiding to quietly chuckle. “I wanted to suggest a walk. How do you think?” Out of reflex he turned to smile at Qrow and had to very quickly turn back again.
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she's a 10 but she wants to stab me so that makes her an 11
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//I know I just starting doing things here again but I’ll be on vacation July 11-15 so don’t expect much from me lmao
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“There’s approximately two-thirds of a city down there. We’re saving who we can. We can’t help anyone if Atlas is overrun, and so long as the relic is out of Salem’s reach, there is no reason for her to stay. She’ll turn her attention to Vacuo, and gods know Theodore is a meaner son of a bitch than I am.”
While Qrow made no move to lower his weapon, James still made no move to draw or even touch his own. He didn’t have time for Qrow’s tantrum already, there was certainly no time for it to escalate.
“You seem to forget that wars have casualties, Qrow. And you seem to have tricked yourself into thinking that I take any pride in the choices that your niece’s actions have forced on me: I don’t.”
Qrow’s not an idiot. He knows wars have casualties and you can’t save everyone. But that didn’t mean you shouldn’t try.
“Don’t you dare blame your poor decision making on my nieces,“ Qrow snarled. “Have some fucking accountability for once. No one is forcing you to leave Mantle to the wolves. You made that decision on your own.”
Qrow finally lowered his weapon, shaking his head. “You’re a fucking idiot. Whatever you have planned, it’s not going to work. She’s not going to give up that easily.”
x | @scareqrowbranwen
“You are the least of my worries, Qrow.”
Despite Harbinger, easily the most impressive and deadly weapon he’d ever seen, being levelled at him, James’ face remained blank. His own weapons even stayed holstered, his newly-replaced left hand held behind his back and out of sight: out of easy range to draw and fire.
“I’m getting my people to safety. And I’m telling you to go get your nieces and leave. I’m not fighting you on any part of what I just said.”
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" this is not how i thought this day was gonna go. " (Pyrrha, maiden au maybe?)
Qrow nodded, taking a sip from his flask. It was a lot, at first. He didn't blame her if she was overwhelemed.
"It's a lot to take in. How are you holding up?"
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❝ You do realize I can see ¾ to 4/5’s of your entire ass, right? ❞ //look- it was too funny to pass
It took Qrow a moment to realize what James was talking about. Turns out he was in fact missing his pants. Who knew.
"In my defense, I had a rough night." Qrow winked at him. "You know you like it."
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Qrow frowned, hesitating. This was definitely not how he expected this to go. Still, he didn’t lower his weapon. He didn’t trust James that much. Not after everything that had happened. 
Not after James had put his nieces on a wanted list.
“What people? Atlas? There’s a whole city under you who still needs your help. You can’t just abandon them.”
x | @scareqrowbranwen
“You are the least of my worries, Qrow.”
Despite Harbinger, easily the most impressive and deadly weapon he’d ever seen, being levelled at him, James’ face remained blank. His own weapons even stayed holstered, his newly-replaced left hand held behind his back and out of sight: out of easy range to draw and fire.
“I’m getting my people to safety. And I’m telling you to go get your nieces and leave. I’m not fighting you on any part of what I just said.”
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