scarlctfox · 5 years
What’s your love style?
Your Love is Agape
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You are a caring, kind, and selfless partner. Unsurprisingly, your love style is the most rare. You are willing to sacrifice your world for your sweetie. Except it doesn’t really feel like sacrifice to you. For you, nothing feels better than giving to the one you love.
tagged by: @sieglindesully (blows all the kisses your way ❤️) tagging: @anhaima, @cxgedbeasts, @voxlilium, @cxmmandme, @decordetotaliter
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scarlctfox · 5 years
" Oh my, they told me this was an all boy's school! " The school nurse sets a palm upon the student's shoulder. " Are you visiting today, young Miss? " HELEN NO !!!
It was a rare sight to behold when the Redmond heir was unaccompanied by the other prefects or his fag, yet solitude was welcome during this time of year. As it was, visitors from all over occupied Weston’s vicinity, usurping peace and quiet from Edgar’s life. Despite his disinterest in courting noblewomen, they still flocked to him like bees to a flower. Caught up in his silent musings, Edgar failed to notice the older woman’s presence until a gentle hand touched his shoulder. Though her assumption of his gender was incorrect, he saw no reason to take offense. If anything, the stranger was complimenting him! The fact that his beauty rivaled that of the fairer sex only inflated his ego.
Edgar pivoted on his heel to turn around and face the woman, a charming grin already spread across his lips. His hand grasped her own after it fell from his shoulder, pleased chuckles escaping his throat while he corrected her assumption. ❝ I hate to disappoint you, but I am a young man, ❞ he chimed, lowering his head to place a polite kiss onto the back of her hand.
❝ I am Edgar Redmond, the prefect of the Red House. To what do I owe the pleasure of making your acquaintance? ❞
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scarlctfox · 5 years
Do not flirt with the patients, Ciel said. Into one ear and out the other it went, as Sullivan proceeded to do so in all of her audacity’s glory. Whether that man had been a friend or a foe mattered precious little to a girl who’s watched bloodhounds turn into lapdogs after her charm has floored them. And by that she meant her butler; every bit a wolf as he was now her cub.
Only a blind woman would miss the rush of colour painting that lad’s cheeks scarlet, which could only have meant that her long-time skills honed after plenty of reading done under the candlelight were beginning to take effect.
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「 You know~ Being acquaintances with the Queen ought to win you favours. And while I doubt you’ve known her for yourself, it just so happens, Edgar, that I’ve had my share of meetings with her. 」 Should that have been a secret of the Estate? Oh well. 「 It can’t be an awful difficult to try and talk her into giving you a chance, but you’d have to do something in return. Something that will prove you worthy of a royal amnesty. 」
Of course she was aware of the series of unfortunate events which had befallen this one Edgar and his crew. It wasn’t often that strangers were sent her way, and this lad was no different. Not to mention Sullivan had once been in need of knowing just what sort of challengers Ciel and his Phantom Five were facing off against so that the young lady would feel somewhat inspired to work on those musical contraptions brimming with technological improvements used by the gang.
At the lad coughing as though he’d swallowed poison, the young lady extended him a handkerchief from her pocket just in case he didn’t want to spit all over the place, nothing the doctress wasn’t used to already, but she was reckoning this one to be something of a proud peacock. Perhaps too proud to allow himself to look as sorry as a wet rag in front of a lady of her caliber, as the male himself had implied. 
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Amidst his choking fit, he dropped the medicine vial atop the mattress to accept the offered handkerchief. Upon covering his mouth with the lace fabric, a loud wheeze escaped his throat when he regained the ability to breathe. If the Redmond heir did not know better, he would easily presume the little doctress planned to kill him. First, she offered her hand in marriage, and now she proposed a solution to his societal dilemma? It seemed there would be no end to his surprises in Sieglinde’s presence. Pleasant surprises, albeit ones that consistently flabbergasted him.
❝ ―You jest! I am told Her Majesty is far from merciful. I partook in her relative’s death, Lady Sullivan. No offense is as disgraceful as the heinous deed I committed, ❞ Edgar insisted in a bewildered tone of voice, brows raised at the incredulity of his current situation. In the minuscule chance that he could atone for his sins, what of the other ex-prefects? Their trust in him would vanish, alongside the few friendships he maintained in life. Yet...this deal was too good to pass up. Who else would dare risk their reputation to restore honor to a name as sullied as his own? His hand grasping her handkerchief clenched into a fist while he slowly lowered it onto his lap, the young man silently pensive.
❝ What act is worthy of royal amnesty? Do you have one in mind, my lady? ❞ He wondered, a grim expression crossing his features. His lips pursed into a thin line and his scarlet eyes refused to meet her gaze, guilt eroding his soul. It was a wishful thought, but if he garnered the Queen’s favor, he may be able to speak well of his friends, too. Edgar glanced over at the girl then, nodding his head to signal his approval of her plan.
 ❝ I will be indebted to you for the rest of my life, should this plan succeed. I have no other way to repay you for your kindness except for my personal services. ...What do you request of me? ❞
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scarlctfox · 5 years
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woman version 
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scarlctfox · 5 years
Edgar lost count of his fellow prefect’s temper tantrums and was prepared to ignore his existence until Greenhill disturbed his beauty rest. At the blasphemous sound of Greenhill’s screeches and loud stomps, Edgar rose into a seated position upon his chaise lounge to soothe the other man’s temper. Addressing his companion with a whimsical chime, his lips tugged into a carefree smile while he waved his hand as if to swat away Greenhill’s annoying worries. 
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❝ Instead of whining inelegantly, perhaps you should rid yourself of that awful frown on your features. Do you wish to wrinkle, Greenhill? Certainly, even a brute is concerned about their appearance, ❞ he mused aloud, caring not that Greenhill was now witness to his shirtless form. The current heat at this time of day was unbearable, so why not strip down to one’s bare skin? There was no crime to showing skin; after all, human infants were not born clothed. 
❝ Learn from your peers and enjoy this rare sight, my good man. I assure you there are many men and women wishing they could see me in such a vulnerable state. You are blessed to bask in my presence, you know! ❞ Edgar’s confidence was shameless.
❝EDGAR where are your clothes–❞ Herman did not want to imagine being the other’s fag and having to pamper him in a private chamber, but here?? At the gazebo?? He looked to the left and right and quickly stomped towards the blonde like an aggravated train. 
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❝You are being shameless! This could taint this school’s reputation! You could catch a cold! Your nipples will be erect for the rest of the day! Someone could see you and correctly assume you’re a pervert! DRESS YOURSELF PROPERLY!❞   
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scarlctfox · 5 years
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scarlctfox · 5 years
Marriage?! As in having a suitor and all the nine yards? 
Now that she thought about it, that idea didn’t sound half-bad, what with potential beauties like this one fellow lining up at her doorstep to ask for her hand. Whose blessing would they even need to see that done? It wasn’t as though Sullivan’s parents were alive for starters, so, by process of elimination, Wolfram’s would have to make do. Or perhaps even the Earl’s.
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「 Well, Edgar, 」she did not, at all, hesitate to spout his name this time around, 「 if we’re both single when that time comes, who knows the blessed individual won’t be you? 」
It was Sullivan’s turn to give his hand a squeeze. Honest to god, the Queen and the Earl must have said a thing or ten about her inadequate quirks – as Sullivan might or might not have tried to make a pass at the Queen’s butlers at some point – where it pertained to her patients, in specific. But as it would happen, there were times the urge proved a thousandfold stronger than the girl and words just bounced off her tongue like slippery marbles before she could put them under lock and key. Times such as these.
Was the little lady propositioning him of all people? Edgar was rarely one to become flustered; prior to the death of his reputation he received an abundance of marriage proposals yet thought nothing of them. However, the intentions of those around him now were questionable and there was no doubt in his mind that Earl Phantomhive informed the doctress of his misdeeds. It baffled him that she would flirt with him. Perhaps, he should abstain from taking her offer seriously for she was a mere child, though color already managed to spread across his cheeks. His free hand clenched the bed sheet for moral support while he addressed her.
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❝ ...My company may not be in your best interest, dear Lady Sullivan. A talented woman will only go to waste in the presence of a criminal, ❞ he confessed reluctantly, his hand trembling in her hold. Despite the passage of time, he still struggled to face his wrongdoings at Weston, and his involvement with the Sphere Music Hall criminals added further damage to his ego. An innocent girl did not belong at his foolish self’s side. In a futile attempt to ignore his pessimistic notions, he recalled the existence of the milky liquid he was given earlier and retrieved it from the bedside table to swallow it in a prolonged gulp. When the medicine was fouler tasting than he expected, he began to cough, cringing because of the liquid’s bitter remnants.
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scarlctfox · 5 years
&& tag dump.
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scarlctfox · 5 years
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The precious girl seemed flustered by his compliment to which Edgar became surprised. Was she not accustomed to others praising her obvious beauty? Hopefully, his honesty did not intimidate her; he only wished to treat his savior with the greatest respect. The Redmond heir listened to her explanation of his current predicament, his lips pursing at the mention of Earl Phantomhive. While the Earl was deceptive and always interfered in his activities, perhaps the boy possessed a merciful streak. Rather than leave him to die as Blavat and Weston’s former principal would, the Earl chose to preserve Edgar’s worthless life. 
Edgar retained his gentle hold on her hand during her speech, seeming to forget he was grasping it all when he lowered his arm to rest it atop the blanket covering his body. ❝ I...see. I must write the Earl a letter of gratitude then. Do you have an estimated time frame for when I will fully recover? I would not want to burden you any longer than necessary. ❞ Upon voicing his assumption, his hand granted hers an affectionate squeeze, his scarlet eyes watching her with reverence. How the stoic Earl was able to befriend such an amicable girl escaped him.
❝ You must be very talented to have helped me so efficiently. Whoever claims your hand in marriage will be a blessed individual, Lady Sullivan. ❞ 
@scarlctfox​ || from that one ask
Had he called her… beautiful? One such compliment coming from a man this pretty could have been nothing but genuine! Not that Sullivan, in all her tender-aged naivety, often took to doubting folk around her for starters. Though god only knew she should.
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「 I… 」 The gesture had robbed her of words, a stampede in her chest suggesting her tiny maiden’s heart had skipped more than just a beat. 「 I’m Sieglinde Sullivan, sir… I mean, Edgar! 」 
He wasn’t old enough to be a sir, was he? She’d give this lad sixteen… Seventeen at best. Not that Sullivan was particularly drowning in references for starters, so she could only guess him to be a few years older than Ciel, but younger than her butler still. As a matter of fact, just about anybody void of wrinkles or a grizzled complexion looked younger than Wolfram.
「 Generosity? 」 Rather than her own, it had been the Earl’s kindness that had brought this lad to her clinic. But how was she to put it? 「 The Earl of Phantomhive, he… He sent you to me in a really bad shape. Said I was the only one who could nurse you back to health. 」 And he hadn’t been mistaken, Sullivan had something of a knack about her person when it came to helping people.「 You owe me nothing, sir– Edgar! 」 
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scarlctfox · 5 years
It was a common occurrence for Edgar to venture outside of the Sphere Music Hall after intense practice sessions with Blavat. Fresh air and the beautiful night sky were best for clearing one’s head, after all. At the mention of beauty, bright red locks entered his vision upon returning to the entrance of the building. Edgar could only see the woman from behind, his curious gaze scouring her form before he stepped forward. [1/2]
“Pardon me, miss. Are you lost? It can be dangerous for a woman of such impeccable beauty to walk the streets at this time. Shall I escort you home?” He stood but a few inches away from her then, granting her the choice to turn and face him. Approaching her from the front seemed uncouth on his part. [2/2]
Grelle heard a voice talking into her direction from behind, but its sound of voice and choice of words was too wonderful to be directed towards her, was it not? She let her eyes wander to the left. No girl to see. To the right. No lady of extreme beauty, except…
Of course! It was HER the gentleman had seen!!! A low purr of a giggle escaped her throat and she turned around on his heel, Edgar being presented with a switch blade smile.
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❝Ohhh, hello there~❞ glancing at his face and hair, he did not seem to be much of her type, as she preferred dark over bright types, but when had a man ever seen her for the lady that she was?? If he acted up upon seeing her face, well, he would simply have today, that was all. 
She skipped to where he was standing and happily wrapped her arms around one of his. ❝Yeeeees.❞ she drawled, not intent on letting go anytime soon, ❝You may. My, my, you look rich, are you not? Did you approach me because I was wearing the newest release of those shoes? Ahh, ahh, ahh, I love me someone who knows fashion~❞ She had no home to go to, and frankly, she was the one dragging him into a random direction now, but what did that matter.       
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scarlctfox · 5 years
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Chap 112 | 4P as idols
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scarlctfox · 5 years
Smooches his dumb, pretty face.
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❝ Someone is in a good mood today, hm? What have I done to earn your affection? ❞ It was impossible to stifle lighthearted chuckles at the pleasant feeling of Gregory’s lips upon his visage, Edgar’s gaze filled with adoration as he observed the other prefect’s features. He then raised a hand to cup Gregory’s cheek, his thumb stroking pale skin affectionately before he leaned close to press their lips together.
❝ Are only allowing this because you wish to embarrass me? Unfortunately for you, this would not be the first time I walk around with your lipstick on me, you know. ❞
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scarlctfox · 5 years
"You remind me of a man I've met at a fair once. Called me his robin or something… Do I look like a bird to you?" The doctress said upon the lad's waking, pressing a hand to his chest so that he'd take it easy before thrusting a glassful of something milky into his hands. "Drink, it'll make you feel better. Somebody with a grudge did this to you, I reckon. Most likely due to your involvement with the Sphere Music Hall." Though the lad's uncle was said to be a doctor, he was sent to her instead.
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The Redmond heir rose with a startle, sweat beading his muscular form when he attempted to lift himself into a seated position. His current whereabouts were unknown, inciting panic in the young man before a small hand forced him downwards. Long lashes blinked multiple times, scarlet irises observing the girl curiously to ensure she was not an apparition but a genuine human. While she ordered him around, he remained silent, accepting the peculiar liquid without a fight. Edgar could not restrain his grimace at the mention of the Sphere Music Hall, yet another failed endeavor that would no doubt bring further shame to his family’s name. Instead of questioning her knowledge of his misfortune, he chose to comment on her first statement.
❝ …A bird? Of course not. A beautiful lady such as yourself should never be compared to a mere animal, ❞ he remarked, his grimace replaced by a faint smile; one intended to charm the girl. The word ‘robin’ alluded to none other than his uncle, though he would question Aleister about his odd compliments at a later time. Presently, he owed his attention to this young savior of his. ❝ You have my utmost gratitude for your kindness. Is there any way I can repay you for your generosity? ❞
After voicing his inquiry, he gently grasped her hand to bring it to his lips, placing a polite peck to her smooth skin. ❝ Forgive me for my delayed introduction. I am Edgar Redmond. And you are…? ❞
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scarlctfox · 5 years
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45% Tastemaker
The Tastemaker is always on top of the trends—or starting their own. Their sense of style is second to none and their taste, impeccable.
35% Royal
When the Royal walks into a room, they command attention. They are the one in charge, and they enjoy reaping the rewards of their hard work.
20% Rebel
The Rebel is comfortable throwing caution to the wind—and bucking the system—if that means getting their point across.
Tagged by: stole it from myself Tagging: @pareidae, @chesxlock, @brravat, @cxgedbeasts, @decordetotaliter, @storyshot, @aurorasociety, & @cirquebled
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scarlctfox · 5 years
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Welcome to Weston College - Britain’s finest public school. 
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scarlctfox · 5 years
                                                     I did what I  had  to                                                      I did what I  had  to                                                      I did what I  had  to                                                      I did what I  had  to
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scarlctfox · 5 years
                 Violet wants to be annoyed. Truly, he does. Redmond was neither stupid nor deaf, and yet he’d ignored both his dismissal of his offer and his preference for personal space. 
                But… Well, it is warm. And soft as well, pale hands lifting to smooth over the lavish fabric curiously.
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                “What even is this? Don’t tell me it’s fox- That’d be rather morbid, don’t you think?”
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A satisfied grin curled the prefect’s lips as he noticed the satisfaction his coat procured from Violet. Edgar was hesitant to initiate physical contact without Violet’s consent, but he chose to surrender to impulse, grasping one of the other male’s hands.
❛ Morbid, yes, if only because I would never be caught dead wearing such cheap fur. That, my dear Violet, is Russian sable. The most prized fur in the world. ❜
Edgar chuckled at his response, his gaze shifting to Violet’s black nails. 
❛ Dashing, is it not? You may keep it. It accents your features perfectly. Dark colors look far better on you. ❜
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