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So this is the progression of my ideas for my final project. My original idea was the little guy walking through the tunnel, with me recording a voiceover about lovely things like lights at the end of the tunnel, but that ended up being too complicated. My boyfriend suggested the idea for video that I actually ended up doing, because he had done something similar, and I was like ‘That’s a great idea!’ Except I didn’t want to do my name, I wanted to say thanks so much for everything because Shane you’re amazing.
So I started with just the block. The reason it’s longer width wise is to give it a more 3D appearance, which is a trick boyfriend taught me. The I basically just moved them into place, shortening and elongating them as necessary in order to make the letters. The K and the Y were a little tricky, and they needed a bit of adjusting before they were quite right, but overall, I’m very pleased with how everything came out.
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So I tried to make a daisy. I failed, but I will learn from it!
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A water bottle I created in Maya for my Animation class. If I have time later I’ll add color. It’s not perfect, but I’m proud of how I’m doing so far.
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Two photos of shapes I made for my 3D Animation homework. And so the process of learning to animate begins again...
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Another animation that inspires me is anything from Slamacow. He does Minecraft animations, and they just make me happy. They’re also incredibly well done, and all the characters are very expressive. None of the animations have words, just music and sounds. I loved them when I was younger, and I still adore them now.
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I chose this image for a couple reasons. One is because I love Mario and Luigi, but I also like the style they’re made in. It’s simple and clean cut, with easy shapes and textures, which makes it feel like something I could do. It’s a style that I like, but it’s not crazy intimidating.
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A short animation done as a final project for my 2D Animation class. There are many things I'm proud of- particularly the character design, and how much work I put into the project as a whole, and some things that I wish I could have done better. For example, I would have loved to integrate more of the techniques we learned in class, particularly this regarding movement, but there just wasn't time. I also wanted to use the camera tool to zoom in and out so that the video wouldn't be so static the whole time, but again I didn't have the time. It's frustrating, but them's the breaks I suppose. Hopefully some day in the near-ish future I'll have time to revisit this and make it better.
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Some photos I may use on my final animation project for my Animation 2D class.
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A short animation I did using the principles of color theory and nested animation. I did most of the character creation ages ago, but I couldn't figure out how to do nested animation, so I never animated it. I caught up on it now. It's fairly basic, but I'm fairly pleased with how the character came out, especially since I was just beginning to learn the program.
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A short animation dealing with the False Cause Fallacy. While I like the idea, and I'm proud of the work I did, I wish I had more time. There was a lot more I wanted to do with this idea that I just did not have time for, so that was disappointing.
I'd wanted to put in music, and make the other person talking, and make it either the announcer character from my previous video as a superhero or a bunny rabbit, because they make a lot of babies. I also wanted a text scene that said how 4.3 babies are born per second, roofs notwithstanding. But again, I didn't have time.
Sounds came from here: http://www.pacdv.com/sounds/voices-1.html
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A short animation using sound clips done for my 2D Animation class at Rutgers. I'm very proud of it!
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Breathing in the Wind, another short animation I’m really proud of. It’s a frame by frame animation, which is more work than using a motion tween, but it’s pretty rewarding to see how well it came out.
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A short animation I did for my 2D Animation class that I’m incredibly proud of. It’s a start, and I think it’s a really good one.
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Shades of Blue: a lesson on color theory and the realization I have no idea how nested animations work. Or how to make arms.
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My very first ever animation from my very first animation class, all those weeks ago. It’s been a terribly long time, see?
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Running Lady, Bouncing Ball
I’m pretty proud of it, even if I wish I’d had the time to make a background.
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A baseball and a dumbbell fall from the sky...
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