scarletcharmer · 10 years
L......LMAO koizaki-io here u go kuri 
Your name is RHUBIE OMEGAH, but just RHUBIE or RUBY will do. Not one troll uses your LAST NAME to indicate you; they only use it to talk about NORMAN OMEGAH, the infamous RUSTBLOOD FLEET ADMIRAL, said to report directly to )(ER IMPERIOUS CONDESCENSION herself.
You’ve heard a lot of rumors surrounding your genetic donor, and every time you hold in a little scoff, because they are HIGHLY EXAGGERATED. FLEET ADMIRAL OMEGAH visited you - once, when you were barely two sweeps - and promptly started to beat your ass into the ground.
You were PISSED OFF and REALLY SCARED then, but thanks to him, you’ve become a very proficient strifer. You probably owe the adult troll your LIFE, and also five hundred CACTUSKIND stabs to his bulge, because the only reason you weren’t CULLED on the spot was because MARINESNAKEMOM (usually just shortened to SNAKEMOM) somehow managed to save your life. You’ve been pressing her for details for the past five sweeps about your SURPRISINGLY FAST recovery, but she never answers.
You are, as indirectly mentioned before, a RUSTBLOOD, though you entertain the idea of calling it BURGUNDYBLOOD, or RUBYBLOOD, for ironic purposes. (No matter what, though, you will never call it BLOODORANGEBLOOD. It’s fucking red, dammit!) Your title, KNIGHT OF HEART, beckons, though you are still very far away from earning the right to PROTECT your ASPECT, or PROTECT using it. You and the HEART have a very…minimalistic…relationship.
You have SHARP, SCARLET EYES tinged with CUNNING. You hair is SHORT and SLIGHTLY SHAGGY, never going further down than the nape of your neck. On the back of your head, there is a COWLICK that persistently stays up no matter how much GEL you apply on it. It doesn’t really matter, though, as you wear a SPIFFY HAT that covers your scalp, and beyond.
(Your FUSCHIA/GREEN-BLOODED MOIRAIL constantly calls the hat a CONDOM. You have NO IDEA what a condom is, but you always feel an urge to deny his claims.)
Your horns are SORT OF CUMBERSOME, as they are placed right above your ear and curl backwards, like a HUMAN ROLLER COASTER (what?????), and end in a little hook. Many times, you have hung something on your horns and FORGOT they were there.
You fashion sense is IMPECCABLE, but such is only to be expected for a future DESIGNERADICATOR. Your strife specibus is allocated to NEEDLEKIND. You use all needles, be they sewing needles of knitting needles.
As much as you are a talented strifer, you chose to go into FASHION because the last thing you want to do is follow the steps of FLEET ADMIRAL OMEGAH, and you need to find a way to stick it to the HEMOSPECTRUM. You barely use your PSYCHIC POWERS, as you don’t want to garner attention; they are sort of not really STRONG, anyways, though they could probably catch someone OFF GUARD.
Your SYLLADEX is equipped with a FIDUSPRITE modus, created exclusively for your FLARPing group.  Your SORT-OF MATESPRITE/AUSPISTICE’S OTHER AUSPITICE’S MOIRAIL’S EX-MATESPRIT’S KISMESIS and his AQUAINTENCE, who is sort of like a LUSUS to him (it’s a complicated relationship), programmed them. Any item you store will be sorted with a random number, ranging from 000 – 719. To take out the item, you must call out the number’s respective FIDUSPAWN NAME.
Your TROLLIAN HANDLE is corundumRouge, and you l!ke to sw!tch up your shout poles and letter !’si As your favour!te adject!ve !s ‘13eaut!ful’, you l!ke to emphas!ze !ts f!rst letter w!th, as your fellow trolls call !t, L337 SPEAK. 
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scarletcharmer · 10 years
Another day, another boatload of homework Ruby has to do. He's still not really used to the lifestyle of a student; countless times, he's procrastinated to the point where he had to finish it between classes. He's so glad he left a spare open - it's right before lunch, meaning he can cram all of his Math work while asking for help from his friends. 
Even so, a couple of months of casual tutoring can't cover several years' worth of education. He can feel himself falling behind on his coursework, even when half of his classes weren't based on knowledge learned in previous grades.Take Literature, for example. Ruby hadn't read many books when he was young, but he was proficiently literate. He wasn't too worried about the course; reading a couple of books a couple of times a week? He might, uh, have some trouble keeping his eyes open, but aside from that, it sounded easy!
But what was all this that came with it? Tests, quizzes, speeches, and those dreaded essays. Writing and writing and writing! Ruby was appalled by the amount of stuff other than reading in Literature class. 
Therein lies the crux of his current problems. Ruby had completely forgotten about the test for said class. He had to borrow the book and study, before lunch ended! Making a mad dash to the library, the capped boy burst through the doors, and promptly began searching the bookshelves.
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Someone asks Ruby a question, but he's a little too focused on scanning the shelves for the book, and doesn't hear what they say properly. Are they offering help?
He replies with a curt 'yes', hoping that this person is.
Of clubs and curiosity.
Though Laurent had found himself most busy with school work and attempting to meet the members of the soccer club, the rumors of a dormitory apparently wishing to make a…well.. ‘gentlemen’s club’, to put it in a more mature manner, had reached even his ears.
Hm, so people of the dorms could make any sorts of clubs they wished to, if they asked a teacher? It would be nice to make a club where people could all read together and help one-another with studies if need be - Laurent felt it would be nice to assist folk who may be struggling with classes, and to talk about the interests of the books they read sounded enjoyable. It was just, he wasn’t sure if there’d be interest for it, and if he’d be allowed to help fellow students in such a way.
Therefore, he was at the library, to try to talk and ask people about it. Spotting someone passing by, the mage raised a gloved hand to try and hail them down. "May I have a moment of your time, please? I do apologize if I am interrupting something, but I am conducting a ‘survey’, if you will. Do you mind answering a few questions?"
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With the survey info, he could hopefully learn what sort of ‘club’ people really felt they needed in the school.
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scarletcharmer · 10 years
What is up with this academy? Why did Ruby want to attend here?!
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Look what he got himself into. Strip clubs. Real live strip clubs at his school.
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scarletcharmer · 10 years
Send me symbols to learn more about my muse
Send ✚ for one of my muse’s prized possessions. Send ✿ for a happy memory. Send ➷ for a sports headcanon. Send ♆ for something my muse hates. Send ϡ for a sleep headcanon. Send ღ for a crush my muse has had. Send ✄ for a favourite movie of my muse’s. Send ☂ for a weather headcanon. Send ✎ for a school headcanon.
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scarletcharmer · 10 years
A part of Ruby wants to move out of the way, just to spite the ash-blond. The recent lack of fashion passion is making him a little grumpy. Instead, he unbuttons his short-sleeve jacket, revealing a black tank top underneath, and drapes it over Io's torso. The material itself - wool - is better than most for absorbing sweat and heat. It should provide some protection from the scorching sun.
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The field? Ruby looks down at his feet and realizes that he is indeed on the field - the outskirts, where the players are running. He hurriedly steps out, mindful of some of the tired people barely concentrating on more than putting one foot in front of another. The last thing they need is to crash into him.
"No. Thanks," he mumbles, in a hurry to get to the reason why he came to the field in the first place.
Subconsciously, Ruby tugs on his hat, betraying his nervousness. He's only really had one friend before to ask for advice, before; and even then, Sapphire never seemed like the sort of person to hold answers for his kind of problems. "Io, have you ever, uh, gotten bored of soccer?"
sakka yarouze...? | ruby & io
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scarletcharmer · 10 years
sakka yarouze...? | ruby & io
It's been months since Ruby had arrived at Kerria, and he was bored. 
He's never felt this way, really. Never in his life had he ran out of clothes to create, or designs to put on paper. Before, he could spend an entire day working over the slightest of imperfections on his hat; now, he could hardly hold a needle in his hands for an hour before the colours on the shirt he was sewing blended into each other. He could hardly pick up a pen and sketch a few pants before falling asleep.
He was getting tired. Of clothes. What the hell?
Maybe all Ruby needed was a change in pace. All he had done since he had come to the school, aside from sewing and drawing, was study fervently. The red-eyed boy's feet subconsciously walked him towards the soccer field, hoping to meet his friend for some advice.
As he arrived, he frowned. Shoot, they're still practising. Ruby sat himself down onto a nearby bench, watching the members run around the field. Some of them were panting heavily, having run several laps in quick succession, while others seemed content to run a lap or two, walk, and start up again once their breathing became even. Yet others were lying down on the grass, sweat beading their foreheads.
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Wait, he mused, where were their uniforms?
He didn't have much time to ponder, as he spotted Io and promptly marched over to him.
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scarletcharmer · 10 years
Ruby's a little disappointed she won't give him an answer, but oh well. There are other ways of tracking down the maker; clothes are products, after all. Unless hers were handmade?
"Well, sorry," he blurts out. The red-eyed boy shifts his gaze to her sleeves to make it explicit that he's not ogling her or anything.
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Nope, just ogling her clothes.
follow for more soft clothing | ruby & himi
She’d tell him, really, but she can already hear her grandma’s yelling about how she shouldn’t share family secrets, or something. Her gran’s a lovely lady, but she’s all but protective of the clothes she makes.
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“I’d also appreciate it if you didn’t stare at me like that. It’s kinda weirding me out. Y’know, just saying.”
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scarletcharmer · 10 years
As soon as Ruby realizes Loki's uncomfortable, he backs up, looking to the side as a silent apology. "Er, yeah, most of the time." And that one time the soufflé was made properly, it ended up tasting like burnt coffee. "I don't have much time, and I really need these done by today...And I would really appreciate your help, Miss!"
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(But he isn't taking Cooking as a course. Who is he making those soufflés for...? )
h elp | ruby & loki
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scarletcharmer · 10 years
follow for more soft clothing | ruby & himi
Nice threads.
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Ruby can dig that fabric. He must know where she had gotten those clothes from.
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scarletcharmer · 10 years
is math even real | ruby & shinka
Ruby's never been so freaked out by a subject before. Sure, English was pretty standard; it wasn't like he had lived under a rock speaking in gibberish the whole time, and Literature was easy to catch up to. But Math? He could do the basics, of course, but what kind of subject needed so much knowledge of previous years? What were parabolas???
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The red-eyed boy swallowed his pride and went up to the teacher. Hopefully, she would understand his situation...
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scarletcharmer · 10 years
h elp | ruby & loki
"Miss Loki!" Ruby frantically approaches the teacher. He's waving around a whisk and a ramekin, for some reason.
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He stops, inches from her face, and rubs his head sheepishly. "Sorry about that...but, I need help! These soufflés aren't cooperating with me!"
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scarletcharmer · 10 years
Character building time! Ask my muse personal things, about friends, their past, ANYTHING THAT'S PERSONAL! Please :D?
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scarletcharmer · 10 years
[ aaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA heres me being a terrible RPer //lies down. Like for more soft ruby threads ]
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scarletcharmer · 10 years
♕ M U N  |  I N F O R M A T I O N ♕
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Name: Meta (online alias) Nicknames: i remember being called 'Jiji' when i was younger smh Wishlist Nickname: naw Birthday: august 24 Height: 164cm-ish i think? Eye Color: brown Hair Color: brownish black Ethnicity: korean Lives in: toronto, ontario Hobbies: vidya games, reading, making fun of will herondale Warning: terrible human being Struggling With: the above
♕ M U S E  |  I N F O R M A T I O N ♕
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Name: Ruby [ REDACTED ] Nicknames: fashionable boy (by gold) Wishlist Nickname: naw Birthday: july 2 Height: 159cm Eye Color: ruby red Hair Color: black Ethnicity: pokemon Lives in: mikan dorm room 1 Hobbies: sewing, fashion,  Classification: human Special talent(s): being a dick Struggling With: the above
In conclusion: Same | C L O S E A S H E C K | Almost | Ehh… | Not Really | Nope | In a Galaxy Far Far Away
Mun & Muse: a Comparison
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scarletcharmer · 10 years
Okay, Ruby can sympathize with the hat. His own hat was first designed by his mother, so he isn't in a position to judge other people for holding a piece of clothing dear. But, suspenders...suspenders.
"if you've worn them as a little kid, then that means you kept getting the same outfit, resized!" If there was a hard surface, Ruby would have slammed his hands on them. "Is all you've worn from childhood suspenders?"
those clothes... | kotone
Well, she wasn’t expecting that. Looking down at her clothes, she blinked, were they really that bad? Kotone liked her clothes, she thought they suited her— that and she had dressed like this since she was a kid.
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"Sure, I guess but just because they don’t match doesn’t mean I can’t wear them. I’ve had this hat since I was a kid and I like my suspenders. As long as they fit, I can wear them! Then you don’t have to waste money!"
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scarletcharmer · 10 years
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a fuzzy rub for the ri
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scarletcharmer · 10 years
It was the teacher. Ruby sort of expected someone older, wiser-looking. with thick glasses and a funny beard, like the codgers shown in cartoons and such. Certainly not a man just a decade or so older than him. Was he even qualified?
Well, the red-eyed teen supposed, he wouldn't have gotten the position at a prestigious academy if he wasn't knowledgeable enough. Not to mention that the young teacher was easy on the eyes. Ruby wouldn't have known what to do if his first-period teacher, say, had a terrible fashion sense. Mismatched socks and polkadot-patterned neon green vests were something no one should ever have the displeasure of starting the day with.
He almost doesn't expect the teacher to wake up anytime soon; of course, class in starting in a few minutes. The raven-haired man must have come here early to prepare.
"Er, my name's Ruby, sir." His introduction comes out a little hesitant, unsure of how to talk to an authority figure. The hatted teen figures it's not the time to ramble on about fashion, or compliment the teacher's sense of style. "It's great to be a part of your class...?"
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{ Kyoya & Ruby } like his kidney is gonna be ripped out and slapped against his face in a brutish manner.
It has always been funny to Kyoya himself how he’s completely unable to sleep during the night, but can’t seem to keep his eyes open during the day whenever he’s surrounded by nothing but silence.
That never bothered him enough to make him stop taking little naps here and there whenever he has the chance to though. Which is why, at that moment, the raven had his head resting against a palm, elbow pressed on the desk in front of him and eyes closed, his chest moving up and down slowly as he slept away. He probably looked almost unarmed.
And he would have continued his resting time, if it hadn’t been for the sound of steps inside the once silent classroom that shook him awake. Blinking tiredly for a second, Kyoya only spared the boy sitting a few meters ahead a glance before stretching his arms up, muffling a yawn against his palm afterwards.
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Oh right. Class was about to start.
"And you are?" He asked a moment later, not sounding sorry for being caught while sleeping.
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