scarletpleonexia · 5 years
(Hhh, nope. I can’t find the motivation to write. 
So, that being said, this blog is officially on hiatus until further notice - I sincerely apologize to anyone that I currently have a thread going on with and/or anyone that wanted to interact with this character.)
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scarletpleonexia · 6 years
I came out to attack people and I’m honestly having such a good time right now
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scarletpleonexia · 6 years
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Busy… so… Happy Halloween.
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scarletpleonexia · 6 years
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この腕の中、抱きしめたいよ。。。 お前は可愛い天使 ~I Miss You これが恋なら堕ちてもいいさ ずっと俺の隣にいろよ・・・ Child Perkisas beyond precious.. In the lonesome world of Elrios…making flower crowns. 
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scarletpleonexia · 6 years
Stepping into the formerly demon-infested garden below the chapel, the scarlet-clad young man grimaced in mild discomfort as he was hit with a surge of built-up holy energy. The watered down energy of the El left a cold, but tolerable burning sensation against his skin as he treaded further into the spacious, subterranean greenhouse. Of course, it was rather barren at this time, as many of the infected plants were razed in the struggle to take back the shrine from the demons. The ones that had managed to survive, however? well, those wouldn’t be an issue soon enough. Progress towards the reconstruction of Feita’s main focal point was coming along with little to no complications and although it had taken some time, the incarnate had finally garnered the local’s trust enough to where he could move about freely without seeming suspicious; it was time to set his plan in motion.
After basking in the feeling of tilled earth beneath his unclad feet a bit longer, the finely dressed man warped to the center of the garden and shifted to a half-crouch, where a reddish-orange colored magic circle materialized and began to spread rapidly from where his palm touched the recently rejuvenated ground. As this is going on, his own, blasphemous aura becomes increasingly apparent the longer the aforementioned circle of greed magic is present - It was only a matter of time before someone caught on, he supposed. The important thing was that his creations grew and prospered.
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scarletpleonexia · 6 years
(Perkisas is supposed to be 6′7″ in his human form...? if that’s the case, then how do you explain this?
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Maybe I’m thinking too far into things but shouldn’t Perkisas only be a few inches taller than both Raven and Ciel at most? this honesly reminds me of those old school Final Fantasy boss fights where the boss is far bigger than it actually is. Is there a name for that?)
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scarletpleonexia · 6 years
“I don’t care how heartless you think I am, but do not think me stupid.”
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scarletpleonexia · 6 years
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truthbetrayed replied to your post: “A dauntless connoisseur, I see! Well then, have I...
maddy licks
“Well?” the incarnate began, both his tone and expression denoting mild amusement “how does it taste?” he would worry about getting the Paradox to pay him at a later point in time, but for now, Perkisas would allow those that were bold enough to ‘taste’ the very same substance that he had once used against the ragtag bunch to do so free of charge.
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scarletpleonexia · 6 years
“A dauntless connoisseur, I see! Well then, have I the thing for you!” With a snap of his fingers, a Greed Crystal and a Nightmare Crystal materialize next to each other in front of Apostasia. …Somehow. “I have heard that they taste like blueberries, cotton candy and french vanilla.” …Among other things. How and why do you know that? Also, you’re not helping!
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scarletpleonexia · 6 years
“At this point, money’s just a way of keeping score.”
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scarletpleonexia · 6 years
"Quit being so over-skeptical."
Hoh? is that what they called it nowadays? amusement twinkled in the incarnate’s eyes as he considered the demonness’ statement and all the conceivable implications that came with it. Finally, the incarnate responded “What you call over-skepticism, I call a thorough investigation.”
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scarletpleonexia · 6 years
[x] Pure Imagination
We’ll begin with a spin Traveling in the world of my creation What we’ll see will defy explanation~! If you want to view paradise Simply look around and view it Anything you want to, do it Want to change the world? There’s nothing to it ~ ♪ 
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scarletpleonexia · 6 years
Dreadlord: (in Arme's house): What's wrong with you?! Everytime I come in this house, there's no food in the fridge! Have you heard of grocery shopping-
Arme: Stop coming into my goddamn house!
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scarletpleonexia · 6 years
Pay…? Ah─right. Of course. This is Perkisas, greed incarnate. A foe unlike any other which crossed the path of the El Search Party; one who could make quick work of Elsword and his friends. And yet, he remains undeterred in the face of danger. He stands tall, calm though not relaxed in the dragon’s presence.
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     “ It should be payment in and of itself, y’know. You could learn something useful. “
The dragon snorted, releasing a small puff of smoke and hot air, rolling its orange-colored eyes. “What could you possibly teach me?” though his tone suggested otherwise, the question came more from a place of incredulity and mild interest than one of condescension; Unlike the knight which stood before him, Perkisas (very likely) still had many years head of him to acquire knowledge, be it trivial or useful. What insight could feasibly be gleamed from one who was still so young in comparison to himself? …Although, the incarnate supposed that he could humor the young man and listen to what he had to say, if only to slake his curiosity. The question now was: Should he do it?
After mulling it over briefly, the dragon of greed decided against it, rumbling with clear amusement at Elsword’s response. “Time is money, you know - Come back when you have… Oh, say… Your entire life’s savings and then some. Only then will I consider what you have to say.”
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scarletpleonexia · 6 years
(Context: Here)
#hey perkisas do you take constructive criticism
“That depends. How much do you intend to pay me, Sword of El?” 
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scarletpleonexia · 6 years
thegearsofzababa :
The voice of greed incarnate himself could be heard nearby, the two looked around themselves, being alert and sensing his presence for the first time was worrying to say the least. When the two saw him for the first time, they took a few steps back. With how he looked, the two raised a few eyebrows, before a second after that, they looked at each other, before gazing their eyes back at him. Shirabe thought it would be wise to not engage in battle with him yet. He might be useful for the two of them.
“We’re looking around to find someone who knows how we can get back to planet earth.” She replied as she deadpanned at him. “You see, we don’t know what or how we got in this world.” Shirabe didn’t trust him at all, it was clear by the glaring eyes of her.
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The sight of this being had Kirika a bit shocked. Seems like she had jynxed it, but notheless, she shook her head to get back to reality and looked at the taller male, as Kirika smiled brightly like the sun at him just like she did for everyone else. She had a more calm stance and she even rested her hands on her hip.
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“We were looking around for someone who could help us. We stumbled across this place and man, whoever owns this has so much gold and jewelry around that there are some even lying around this structure not too far from this hall. I want to genuinely help whoever owns it bring it to this hall, since it’s like a sort of vault for that.”
As she continued to look around herself, she then looked at the greed incarnate as she tilted her head slightly.
“Say, since this place looks like a castle, are you a sort of a king’s guard for this treasures or something?” Kirika did not yet found out that the incarnate in front of them was the owner of all that gold.
Perkisas ignored Shirabe. How was he supposed to know what planet Elrios resided on, let alone how they got there? of course, he had an idea of who might have been responsible for their mishap, but for all the incarnate knew, they were on ‘Earth’, as the ebony-haired girl had called it. And besides, even if the entity had known the answer to Shirabe’s questions, he sure as hell wasn’t going to give that information to them for free! Instead, the dragon man turned his attention to Kirika, inadvertently smiling back at her due to the infectious nature of the girl’s smile before proceeding to answer her questions.
“Indeed, I have been guarding this treasure for a very long time,” he responded softly with practiced nostalgia, deciding to roll with and build upon the blonde’s assumptions. “My liege, he was an inquisitive sort - Always in search of something, be it knowledge or other manner of (im)material thing.” Having done his fair share of servitude over the years, it wasn’t particularly difficult for the dragon of greed to get into the mindset necessary in order to make his improvised tale that much more believable; if he could appeal to Kirika’s emotions, then molding her into his puppet would be a simple task. There was just one problem…
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scarletpleonexia · 6 years
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“Impressive! You actually managed to explain it. What might be even better is that answer of yours does make sense.”
“Of course it makes sense, I have been around for quite a long time.” Just because you have an indeterminate lifespan doesn’t mean you get to be smug about it, you little (?) shit.
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