scarsandserpents · 10 years
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"So much work, so very little time..." 
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scarsandserpents · 11 years
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The question only caused the advisor's face to go even more red, if that was possible at this point. He just wanted to disappear... go hide back in his office. "I.. yes, it would probably be best," his tone was almost shaky. "I.. just need a few moments. My chambers." He'd be back when it was finished. 
Somehow our characters get into a playful wrestling match. Send me a △ and my character will react to feeling yours has become… excited.
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"Uh…Okay, Ja’far, I know we don’t usually, you know, wrestle. But uh…you seem to have a little…problem…"
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scarsandserpents · 11 years
It was always good to see his King in such great spirits, especially when Sindria was so calm. It was days like this that made the struggles that much better, that much more worth it. "It's so rare that that happens. It's almost odd there isn't something." Which probably meant as soon as they departed, he would find something. 
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rexpravitate started following you
"Indeed they are." It was never this calm in Sindria, so Sinbad was going to let it sink in. It would have been nice if everyday would have been like this, but Sin knew that couldn’t be helped. "I can’t really find anything to bring my spirits down."
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scarsandserpents · 11 years
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"Oh..," the words left his lips before he could stop them. He wasn't even sure he remembered why the tussle had begun in the first place (was it over wine?). That hardly mattered as the mortification set in. "Please, don't look! I'm..." the words seemed more keen to stutter on his lips. "I'm dearly sorry, Sin..." 
Somehow our characters get into a playful wrestling match. Send me a △ and my character will react to feeling yours has become… excited.
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"Uh…Okay, Ja’far, I know we don’t usually, you know, wrestle. But uh…you seem to have a little…problem…"
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scarsandserpents · 11 years
My character has had a rough day and lays their head on your character's shoulder/lap. Send me your muses reaction.
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scarsandserpents · 11 years
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"The stars are shining quite brightly," he offered, choosing to discard the comment about being in a good mood. He'd managed to get himself ahead on his work for the time being, and while there were always stacks to be worked on it was nice sometimes to put them aside... At least for a short while. "You seem in bright spirits as well." 
rexpravitate started following you
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"Good evening, Sin," Ja’far offered with a smile. "Lovely evening, isn’t it?" 
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scarsandserpents · 11 years
From the Advisor's Desk (OoC)
I really must be off to bed now x.x I have class early in the morning and sleep is important. 
So I will respond to tags tomorrow when I get up! Super excited for more roleplay. 
Until then, good night~ (Or morning or evening depending)
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scarsandserpents · 11 years
"I'm sure Sinbad would be very fascinated to meet you," Ja'far offered. Sinbad was far better at winning people over to his side. Ja'far lost patience, got short with people... had a tendency of pulling weapons at insults. Sinbad was the much better talker of the two. But this child... perhaps children were easier to deal with. "We all need someone to help protect us. Sindria tries to offer that to everyone. It is a fascinating place you might enjoy." It would offer the child a freedom he didn't seem to have... Was this how Judal had ended up the way he had? 
baby-judal started following you
"Oh…" Judal lowered his head some, he could not go to that place though, he sounded like he was a nice man but he couldn’t help him…the Al Tharmen were too strong. No one could help him get free of them, that was okay though, he would just stay where he was and be the best damn priest he could be, because that’s all he had. He didn’t have family, nor people that cared about him, so he couldn’t very well get excited at the promise of some place and some person. That was the dream of others. "It sounds nice…I’m glad you all got a nice king who can protect you." 
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scarsandserpents · 11 years
Ja'far remained standing, feeling at least slightly relieved the other moved to sit. But then, only slightly. He had a feeling if he sat the other would be able to move much more quickly than he- a chance he wasn't willing to take. 
"Sin does often have strange reasons for doing things..." Things that, to this day, caught the advisor off guard and left him scrambling. For all his years around the other, he never ceased to be able to take him by surprise. "But it is those very same reasons that have allowed him much of his success. And helped many others." It was better to keep vague, in case the child version of himself thought about seeking out others. Though perhaps the child was not so inclined to violence as he thought. If he had joined Sinbad... perhaps he was on his way to change himself?
This offered a small chuckle. "Surely you know the answer to that," he responded. "What member would get away with such treason and not face such attempts?" He'd been lucky to have Sinbad, Hinahoho, even Drakon. Alone, he might not have been so lucky. But he didn't particularly like speaking of the others.. "Mahad and Vittel... we lost contact with each other." He presumed them dead, captured and punished for thier chief's insolence. But he couldn't be certain. He'd never crossed paths with them again, however. Even when they could have been offered haven...
Perhaps his younger self wasn't quite so bad. Perhaps he was making the change. If he could foster such growth, then it would only be his duty, wouldn't it? 
serpentine-hatred started following you
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scarsandserpents · 11 years
"Sinbad is my king," he responded, "And a very good, very old friend." Sinbad would probably grimace if he heard the phrase, which caused the advisor to smile slightly at his own unintentional joke. But it was so different to see Judal like this. Excited, curious. And not quite as destructive. Though he could still feel a barrier between them, one he hoped might break down with time. "He founded a whole country for people who needed somewhere new to go. He gave a lot of people new homes." Himself included. "He helped many of us to discover we didn't want to be what we'd been told we had to." 
baby-judal started following you
He blinked as he heard the name. “Sin…bad?” He tilted his head, this way and that as he tried to decipher the special meaning of the name, however the person attached to it bore no significance to the child just yet. “Who is Sinbad?” He questioned looking interested, his crimson hues full of wonder, anyone with a name like that must be pretty special. Though he also kept his distance from the adviser, mostly out of force of habit, he was still young and impressionable as the masked figures liked to state. He sighed and waited for his answer. 
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scarsandserpents · 11 years
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"I take it you've spoken to Sinbad," he offered, still watching the other. He wasn't willing to take his eyes off him. He knew himself well enough not to trust him. He needed to keep his eyes on him.. for any sign of attack. 
"Of course I do," he responded, voice tight. He drew one of his own daggers out of his robes, showing it to the smaller version of himself. He found himself quickly bombarded by a stream of other questions, each one causing his frown to deepen. Had he really been so concerned with violence when he was so young? Wait. He didn't really need to even answer that. 
"What happened?" he'd tackle that question, maybe it would answer some of the others. "I found something more satisfying then slitting throats and selling my services to whoever could pay the price. Sham lash had little on Sinbad." They hadn't even been able to train him well enough to dispose of the other. "Sinbad was kind enough to give me that opportunity. I fight, when I have need of it, but my talents are better served elsewhere these days." He didn't expect the other to understand at all. Telling a younger self of all he had done, of the changes that had come over him, would do little. 
It was hard to believe the gap that had opened between what he had been and what he was now... 
serpentine-hatred started following you
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scarsandserpents · 11 years
If Ja'far was at all surprised by the way his heart was tugged by those statements, it was buried in layers of concern for the small child before him. He understood all too well the feeling of having no choice... nothing else ahead of you. And it was something that had been changed drastically when Sinbad had come into his life. "Surely there's some other path you might be able to take," he responded, though he stopped himself before extending a hand. Natural and tempered wariness of Judal kept him from making that last leap yet. "I like what I'm doing now much more than what I was doing before. Sinbad helped me find a way out." 
baby-judal started following you
"I’m not allowed that choice…" Judal stated quietly, he had accepted that even at this age, he’d been told what he must do, and he knew that he had no other option; he didn’t have a way out. "I have to be the priest to the Al Tharmen…I gotta do it otherwise they’ll throw me away like they did my parents…" He shrugged and stared up at the other, showing that it made little difference to him. "What about you Ja’far? Are you okay with what you do?" 
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scarsandserpents · 11 years
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"Excuse me," Ja'far nearly huffed, tugging his robes out of the other's hands as he pulled them up to reveal the scars. If that movement hadn't been enough, he was already on guard. The other circling him. It felt almost... predatory. And he should know. Eleven years previous, he would have been the very same. And it immediately put him on guard, ready to summon his own weapons in need be. 
He almost laughed at the notion of being prepared to fight himself. 
"I am you," he responded flatly. "No bullshit here. Except for the filth coming from you." Though that was to be expected. He had been... quite coarse as a young child. He liked to think he was better now. 
serpentine-hatred started following you
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scarsandserpents · 11 years
serpentine-hatred started following you
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Ja'far was caught momentarily speechless by the figure that stood before him. It was a figure he hadn't known for a long time... and had never expected to stand face to face with. At least, not like this. This couldn't be possible, could it? 
"If this is some kind of play of magic, it's not very amusing," he offered, more to the surrounding area than the child standing in front of him. How else could he be confronting... himself? 
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scarsandserpents · 11 years
rexpravitate started following you
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"Good evening, Sin," Ja'far offered with a smile. "Lovely evening, isn't it?" 
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scarsandserpents · 11 years
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"It might be to some," he responded, offering the child at least a small smile. If he could appeal to Judal, perhaps he could get through to the child. It would be so much better if he could grow up into something... different. "But it's something that must be done. I'm just the one that has to do it." He'd taken on the job with a certain sense of pride when offered it, though as a child he would have gagged at the idea of such a job. "Do you have any idea what you'd like to do when you get older?" 
baby-judal started following you
"Ja…far?" Judal tried the name out before crimson hues stared up in curiosity at the adviser whom was speaking about a place called Sindria. So this was someone that held a position of importance? That didn’t hold his attention for very long, he was at that stage in his life where all he wanted to do was just hear a ‘good job’ from someone and even though he’d been with the Al Tharmen for four years, he was still learning. "That sounds boring…" 
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scarsandserpents · 11 years
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"I am only performing my role as advisor," he responded. "I can return to other duties if you find it a nuisance." Sinbad would hear of it later, if he didn't get done what needed to be done. But he had other things could attend to for the time being.
sinbad-no-ousama started following you
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