scenesfromametro · 10 years
Dirty Pair: Project Eden
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scenesfromametro · 11 years
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I was reminded by a boatload of tweets and emails that today is the 25th anniversary of the first showing of Mystery Science Theater 3000  on TV23 KTMA in Minneapolis.  And then I ran across this cast and crew shot at Tom Noel’s quite chockablock MST3K Temple site.  It made me very happy.
These are the folks who gave it its start, but really, it’s the viewers, the fans, the MSTies, that have kept it alive for so damn long. 
So thank you.  Thank you all.  Thank you Chris Cornell and Brian Henry at MST3KInfo.com for maintaining a fantastic, totally fan-made, fan-supported, fan-driven web site.  Thanks to all of you who discovered MST through Rifftrax, and discovered Rifftrax through MST.  I continue to have a very strange and wonderful job, and I have you to thank for it.
I am grateful beyond words.  -kwm
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scenesfromametro · 11 years
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Union Station: Gold Line Platform
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scenesfromametro · 11 years
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hey guys, the girl above is maya leggat, a dear friend of mine from high school. frankly shes one of the loveliest people ive ever known. she is an incredibly sweet and generous person and she likes miyazaki films and tea dresses. you might have heard something recently about a college student in new york being pushed in front of a train by a stranger, and well, that’s her…
maya is miraculously alive and well, but of course her family is going to have to pay a huge amount of medical expenses and it is going to be something of a struggle for them, so they are asking for donations. if you are able, any amount of money would be a huge help and so very appreciated. please please click the link here and donate, share it on facebook, or just reblog this post and signal boost! thank you so much everyone!
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scenesfromametro · 11 years
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scenesfromametro · 11 years
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scenesfromametro · 11 years
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On my desk a while ago
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scenesfromametro · 11 years
Okay so SOPA is back, guys. This time it’s trying to make streaming copyrighted material a felony. Do you know what that means? It means you can be charged and even do jail time for
Making fanart
Covering a song
If there’s a song on on the background of a video, it still counts
Writing fanfiction 
There’s a petition to stop it from happening, and it still needs 82,000 signatures so please sign it here
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scenesfromametro · 11 years
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Range Murata
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scenesfromametro · 11 years
If you’re feeling frightened about what comes next, don’t be. Embrace the uncertainty. Allow it to lead you places. Be brave as it challenges you to exercise both your heart and your mind as you create your own path towards happiness, don’t waste time with regret. Spin wildly into your next action. Enjoy the present, each moment, as it comes; because you’ll never get another one quite like it. And if you should ever look up and find yourself lost, simply take a breath and start over. Retrace your steps and go back to the purest place in your heart… where your hope lives. You’ll find you’re way again.
(via yumegrrrl)
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scenesfromametro · 11 years
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the best bookstores in the world
1. This majestic converted 1920s movie palace uses theater boxes for reading rooms and draws Thousands of tourists every year. Librería El Ateneo Grand Splendid, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2. This is the entrance of the bookstore Le Bal des Ardents in Lyon, France.
3. For those who like their green spaces (and coffee shops) to Invade their bookstores. Cafebreria El Pendulo, Mexico City, Mexico
4. The bookstore section of the larger complex dedicated to art and design certainly lives up to its mission. Corso Como Bookshop , Milan, Italy
5. Kid’s Republic Book Store in Beijing, China by Sako Architects
6. Livraria Lello & Irmão (open since 1906), Porto, Portugal
7. A gorgeous converted Dominican church gives the power of reading its due diligence. Selexyz Bookstore , Maastricht, Holland
CJWHO: facebook | twitter | pinterest | subscribe
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scenesfromametro · 11 years
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Tokyo, JR Yamanote Line / 山手線 by Gerald Verdon on Flickr.
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scenesfromametro · 11 years
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Haunted Play House At The MoCA In Tokyo by Torafu Architects via Yatzer
This ‘Haunted House’ is not like any you will have seen before and comes in the form of a spooky gallery of paintings that at first seem ordinary but soon turn out to have some hidden surprises in store. The concept behind Torafu Architects’ ‘Haunted Play House’ is to challenge perspectives and norms where rules are broken as children are actually encouraged to run, shout and touch – activities usually forbidden in a gallery or a museum. 
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scenesfromametro · 11 years
It reminds me of the “bike to work” movement. That is also portrayed as white, but in my city more than half of the people on bike are not white. I was once talking to a white activist who was photographing “bike commuters” and had only pictures of white people with the occasional “black professional” I asked her why she didn’t photograph the delivery people, construction workers etc. … ie. the black and Hispanic and Asian people… and she mumbled something about trying to “improve the image of biking” then admitted that she didn’t really see them as part of the “green movement” since they “probably have no choice” – I was so mad I wanted to quit working on the project she and I were collaborating on. So, in the same way when people in a poor neighborhood grow food in their yards … it’s just being poor– but when white people do it they are saving the earth or something.
comment left on the Racialious blog post “Sustainable Food & Priviledge: Why is Green always White (and Male and Upper-Class)
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scenesfromametro · 11 years
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The Unbelievable Photos Taken by the Crazy Russians Who Illegally Climbed Egypt’s Great Pyramid
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scenesfromametro · 11 years
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Little Tokyo Station, Los Angeles CA.
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scenesfromametro · 11 years
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Sierra Madre Villa Station, Pasadena, CA.
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