schatzi2adopt-blog · 5 years
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We’ve been home a week and a half and a LOT has happened... 1. Arrived at home last Monday and spent a few days getting settled, organized and unpacked. Took a few walks to reorient her to the neighborhood too! 2. Two, I said TWO, earthquakes in which I just about had a heart attack! 3. Our first ER visit Saturday night when Maeve had a fever. After 6 hours and lots of tests I’m happy to report the doctors found nothing wrong with her. 4. Maeve has been working hard at finding her thumb to suck and I bet in another few weeks she’ll have mastered it! 5. Someone turned 2 months old! On the one hand it feels like much longer my sweet girl has been here and on the other...how is it 2 months already? 6. Had lots of visitors and looking forward to the next round #adventureswithmaeve #homesweethome #firstERvisit #lotshappening (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzyFq3uhvv6/?igshid=1wa4vyaf3o7sv
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schatzi2adopt-blog · 5 years
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Day 31 in Jacksonville - We had an amazing week last week and a lot had to do with the very special visitors who came down to Florida to hang for a little. It was exactly what I needed as our time here has crept up to a whole month already. To see two of my oldest friends holding my daughter is indescribable. They have been alongside me as this 5+ year journey continued on so have them as part of this amazing ending seems only fitting. Maeve is rocking her bottles and as a result had her feeding tube taken out on Thursday. Her weight continues to climb and as you can see she’s also mastering her “What the hell are you talking about, Mommy?” face. Unfortunately she’s having a bradycardia about once a day which is normal for preemies. The goal is for her to outgrow them, go 5 days without an episode so we can be released from the hospital. Meanwhile I’ve decided that flying home may not be the best option for us so I’m starting to plan our first road trip! Downside is we’ll have to make frequent stops for feedings and to give Maeve breaks from the car seat so it will be a slow go but each mile gets us closer to California. Anyone who has always dreamed of seeing the south alongside a newborn let me known if you’d like to join us 😝🤪🤣 (at Jacksonville, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByhyPZPBKjr/?igshid=s9l0uttha96u
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schatzi2adopt-blog · 5 years
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Day 24 in Jacksonville - Three week old Maeve is handling life like a champ! She is gaining weight everyday a few ounces at a time and with some luck will hit 5 pounds some time this week. We are introducing more bottle 🍼 feedings but it also knocks her out into a deep sleep 😴 after working so hard. Girlfriend doesn’t particularly like the burping process and has been known to growl like a bear cub 🐻 at me to show her displeasure. The sweet nurses at the NICU made her a trophy 🏆 when she finished her first bottle and yes...it made me cry. Looking forward to some very special visitors later this week and spending some time together. I’ve definitely found a routine in daily life and I’m so grateful for the consistency. It has been interesting to find myself embedded in a different part of the country to discover once again how varied and different it can be. I love the southern accents, some subtle and others super strong, which remind me of a boss I had years ago. Their driving leaves something to be desired but the friendliness and politeness of the people make up for it in spades.❤️ (at Jacksonville, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByPv_4XhjIX/?igshid=zuffhaour8qs
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schatzi2adopt-blog · 5 years
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NICU Milestone: My strong girl graduated to an open crib today #nicumilestones https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx-tbkKhSC2/?igshid=1bsun65htoenz
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schatzi2adopt-blog · 5 years
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Day 14 in Jacksonville - Maeve is up to 4 lbs 2 ozs and developing well according to her amazing doctors and nurses. We started introducing bottles a few days ago and she starts off like a champ and then passes out from exhaustion a third of the way through. Welcomed our first visitor on Wednesday, Maeve’s Auntie Kim and my best friend in the whole world. We were extremely lucky Maeve’s nurse advocated to allow Kim into the NICU when it was temporarily limited to just parents and grandparents. Yes there were more tears but this time it wasn’t just me! Auntie Kim, Uncle Shawn and cousins Devon and Payton also gifted us a car seat for which we are very very grateful. (at Jacksonville, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx52hZEBdNb/?igshid=1gfhk8kuev15x
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schatzi2adopt-blog · 5 years
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Day 10 in Jacksonville - Baby Maeve continues to do well in the NICU and the doctor is happy with her progression. She continues to put on weight a few ounces at a time and as of last night is hovering just under 4 pounds. We’ve been able to increase our kangaroo time (skin on skin) which we both really love! Good news I’ve already been pooped on 💩 and puked on🤮. Seems like phase 2 of motherhood initiatikon is completed. I was able to give Maeve her first bath yesterday and someone realllllllllly liked having her head massaged (imagine completely quiet and content baby). After that we got to put on her first outfit and someone asked if we could watch the Red Sox game while snuggling. Who am I to say no? I’ve finally settled into an amazing loft curiosity of an amazing host on Airbnb. Only 8 minutes from the hospital making it easy to jump over there whenever I want. So glad to have the uncertainty and unknown behind me and the chance to find some sort of routine for the next several weeks. The kindness of strangers continues to touch me almost daily and I feel so thankful for each encounter. My village in L.A. jumped into action when I hit a low a few days ago. I mentioned the Airbnb host who also left me an incredible message on the chalkboard wall in the loft. For the last year and a half the staff at the law firm in Jacksonville have been my champions and cheerleaders. They continue so support me in ways way outside their job description and are inching their to friend status. (at Jacksonville, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxruuSwBBo-/?igshid=1kn7cvvhkm194
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schatzi2adopt-blog · 5 years
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Day 6 in Jacksonville - I’ve been trying to find the right words to describe the last days and it’s not easy. Seriously talk about #allthefeels. Baby Maeve is doing great and being very patient with the loud, bright and noisy world. Each day her feedings have increased all with the hope in getting her weight up so she can eventually come off the feeding tube. That probably won’t be for a while but her mama who likes to plan needs a goal to focus on. Tuesday she spent “tanning” all day to get her bilirubin levels down. A few more diapers under my belt and got to snuggle twice yesterday! Oh and girlfriend got her hair done...can you spot the little red bow? Tuesday afternoon was a bit emotional for me as I tried to check myself into an extended stay hotel. I’m still figuring out what spending the next 2 months here will look like. (Here’s where I call myself out again as a planner and this was not the plan 🙂 ). I was given keys to two different rooms, both of which were already occupied - the second included a couple having sex!!! Insert mental breakdown, loooooots of tears, a new hotel for two nights and searching for a new place to stay. Thankfully that is all sorted out and today we’ll try this all again. The outpouring of love and support I’ve received from friends, family and complete strangers has been so incredible. It was and is what keeps me picking myself up each time there has been a stumble on this journey to keep going. And a sweet face over in the NICU is a pretty good motivator if you ask me. #adventureswithmaeve #extendedstayinjacksonvile #findingaroutine #niculife (at Jacksonville, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxhXg8zhGGy/?igshid=1tsgjm0m9ug7h
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schatzi2adopt-blog · 5 years
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I could not be more excited, ecstatic and so incredibly grateful to say Maeve Emerson Himmel was born on May 10th at 3lbs. 12 oz in Jacksonville, Florida. Although she joined the world 2 months early she is doing incredibly well in the NICU where she’ll be for the next few months. I was matched with an incredible expectant mother back in February and over the last few months was granted the gift to get to know her. On Friday she went to the hospital with a headache and was told she had pre-eclampsia and by 8:30 I got the call baby was on her way. Luckily I was in NYC at time and came down Saturday morning. I will be eternally grateful to all the support and love I’ve received over the last 3 and a half years during this adoption journey. My heart is so full. My emotions are all over the place. My mind is racing in 30 different directions...but I wouldn’t change any of it for the world. The chapter starts here.... (at Jacksonville, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/alex_adoption_journey/p/BxczMREhYS_/?igshid=1sbmxi28uh331
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schatzi2adopt-blog · 5 years
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#mondaymotivation https://www.instagram.com/alex_adoption_journey/p/BxaAiQ7BcU1/?igshid=12re3opkwney4
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schatzi2adopt-blog · 5 years
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Park explorations with Leah! Can’t believe how much she’s changed in the 5 months since I last saw her. She’s using words, gestures and sign language to communicate. She loves sticks and dirt. She loves pushing anything she can and books. My heart swells with love for her ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #auntieschatziandleah (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/alex_adoption_journey/p/BxXLTzDBt6M/?igshid=zuqd2tpvvq3a
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schatzi2adopt-blog · 5 years
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Mini vacation starts tonight. Fall asleep in LA. Wake up In NYC. Nothing a large Dunkin coffee can’t help with. #auntieschatziandleah #familytime #eastcoastwestcoast https://www.instagram.com/alex_adoption_journey/p/BxOTQs0hI5y/?igshid=5rej13we56qy
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schatzi2adopt-blog · 5 years
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Remember you always have a choice. https://www.instagram.com/alex_adoption_journey/p/BxH28E3huqd/?igshid=14vzf1r526fxe
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schatzi2adopt-blog · 5 years
#avoidingchores #laundryhell #buzzkill https://www.instagram.com/alex_adoption_journey/p/BxECQokBJh9/?igshid=5xynihy8vnsc
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schatzi2adopt-blog · 5 years
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Adorable niece alert 🚨!!!!! Get to give snuggles in just a week! #auntieschatziandleah https://www.instagram.com/alex_adoption_journey/p/Bw9om-yh4xA/?igshid=1pxd3woij9w07
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schatzi2adopt-blog · 5 years
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Can’t believe it’s already here! #wheredoesthetimego #welcomemay https://www.instagram.com/alex_adoption_journey/p/Bw7BivYhEN7/?igshid=rs4o0zc1dh1c
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schatzi2adopt-blog · 5 years
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Working on a new blanket. I do love me some granny squares! #baseballandcrochet #productivetvwatching https://www.instagram.com/alex_adoption_journey/p/Bw5nFkdhcLs/?igshid=10rcb86ugu5u2
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schatzi2adopt-blog · 5 years
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There is almost always a lesson waiting for you. Keep yourself open, show gratitude for what you do have and be patient. https://www.instagram.com/alex_adoption_journey/p/Bw12DOuBqw3/?igshid=14j5fytbgpvwk
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