schelluminium · 1 hour
Well the thing is, there are tasks that aren't impossible, that people still never solve. It could have ended either way.
Edwin managed the task because the showrunners decided he would. He is written as a very intelligent, hard working and ambitious character and he's also prideful which is why even after getting the bracelet off he still held up his end of the deal and told The Cat King the number he had wanted to hear from him.
Obviously this is a supernatural setting and looking too much into isn't gonna get us anywhere, but as I was saying unlike Edwin, I bet most people, me included, would definitely have failed this task.
It wasn't impossible, yes. But it was that hard that most people still wouldn't have managed.
Also, I hope you didn't feel attacked in any way by my response, I just heard so many people argue this point and making it sound like it was actually fairly easy and not that big of a deal and I just wholeheartedly disagree with that.
I just wanna say it’s not an “impossible task” if Edwin literally completed the task by himself in a normal time period. It could also be argued the cat king helped him complete the task since he was seeing cats everywhere in multiples. If Thomas wanted to make it impossible he had the powers to do so. He could have made it so a good number of his cats hid from Edwin or made multiples of them so he never got to the right number. He DIDNT. He saw new cats everywhere he went, he didn’t even have to seek them out he counted them all while on cases just walking around town.
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schelluminium · 2 hours
The thing is, there are just cats that look alike. Even if it was always different cats walking past Edwin, how would he know? I totally would have gone nuts counting cats cause I wouldn't have been able to remember whether I had counted this particular cat before or just one that looked similar. It honestly is a super hard task. The only advantage Edwin had as a ghost was that he could have spoken to every single cat crossing his path and asking for their name to write down on a list. But the little shits would probably have lied or all said the same name just to fuck with him.
No, it wasn't an impossible task and if anything, Edwin could have just started guessing. But it WAS super hard and I don't get why people keep on insisting that it wasn't.
(Also, the Cat King fucked with Edwin too saying he was miles off when he was literally just 5 or 6 cats away from the right answer)
I just wanna say it’s not an “impossible task” if Edwin literally completed the task by himself in a normal time period. It could also be argued the cat king helped him complete the task since he was seeing cats everywhere in multiples. If Thomas wanted to make it impossible he had the powers to do so. He could have made it so a good number of his cats hid from Edwin or made multiples of them so he never got to the right number. He DIDNT. He saw new cats everywhere he went, he didn’t even have to seek them out he counted them all while on cases just walking around town.
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schelluminium · 2 hours
"see edwin? everyone likes me eventually" um
what in the people pleasing, peer approval seeking, self-worth based on charisma rolled 10 or more was that charles rowland. do you want to try laying down on this petri dish
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schelluminium · 2 hours
We have a bird playing on our skylight window.
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schelluminium · 2 hours
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schelluminium · 2 hours
i can’t stop thinking about the fact that niko never mentions charles as edwin’s love interest.
in the ep 4 she asked edwin who he would like to kiss. she mentioned monty and even the cat king and later gave him a red stone “for courage” which may also mean rowland, cause charles’ hero color is red.
and something similar happened in the final episode. edwin says that he confessed his feelings to his FRIEND. but he doesn't call him by name and niko never asks him who it is. but it's clear that edwin has only one friend and that's charles. edwin seems afraid to admit his love for charles to others and niko understands that. and i think it’s a really sweet detail
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schelluminium · 3 hours
Omg, THIS:
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i cannot believe i haven’t heard anyone talk about the fact that the morning after george rexstrew and jayden revri first landed in vancouver they went for a walk together and pretended to be edwin and charles on the street, acting like they were ghosts and no one else could see them
do y’all not know about this or am i just unwell
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schelluminium · 5 hours
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occasional posts from users
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schelluminium · 5 hours
Can we talk about how Edwin must have tried YEARS, even DECADES to escape hell and still the first time he meets Simon wasn't during his 70 years there but only when he got back? It shows even more how umbelievably large and labyrinthine this place was for him to not have even tried all the ways out...
God, the suffering of this man ("man? I'm a boy") is unbelievable
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schelluminium · 5 hours
I just saw that Jayden has Work Song by Hozier on his playlist for Charles, along with Fair my Amazing Devil and There Is A Light That Never Goes Out by the Smiths, and I just know that man is currently begging every Netflix executive and Dead Boy Detectives writer to let him kiss George on the mouth in the next season and I love him so much
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schelluminium · 5 hours
Yes!! We talk a lot about bisexual Charles because of hints but mostly because we want him and Edwin together but people are sleeping on Crystal!!
She has the power to both fluster and be flustered by women and men alike and I love the powers she has
Charles and Crystal are not straight. They are very not straight. I don't know how to explain it to you but they're an entire fruit basket of bisexual. Charles would be in a room crowded with attractive people and sink to the floor because he needs a moment. Crystal would peace out and stumble over the furniture on her way to maintaining an unbothered image.
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schelluminium · 5 hours
one of the reasons dead boy detectives is so good is because it has a perfectly balanced core four:
charles: lover boy
edwin: hater boy
niko: lover girl
crystal: hater girl
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schelluminium · 5 hours
Pros of hyperfixiation:
Art ideas
Life is good
Cons of hyperfixiation:
I am going to blow up
All my art is of the same guy
If I don't think about this 24/7 I get violent
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schelluminium · 5 hours
I'm honestly really happy with Edwin as autistic rep. Like, it couldn't be clearer. He basically is wearing a coat that says AUTISTIC across the back. And yet. We all know that being explicit about ND rep is important. So might I pose: a season 2 scene where someone mentions "autistic" and Edwin, with his little notebook open, goes, "what is this autistic?" And Charles is just like "you"
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schelluminium · 5 hours
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schelluminium · 5 hours
Edwin: I’m doing a great job at keeping my crush a secret.
Charles: *smiles*
Edwin: I need to gay- I mean go.
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schelluminium · 10 hours
I find it funny how Edwin admits to the Cat King that he is taking on cases to try and redeem his soul so if he ever got caught by Death, she would consider not sending him back to hell, but here's the thing... that truth is only true because Edwin believes it is true, but later, we see a flashback to when Edwin has literally just made it out of hell, and the first thing he does is he stays to help Charles when he is dying, risking Death finding him right as he got out. Like...that's not the sort of risk you just take because you want to redeem yourself. That's the sort of risk you take because you're a genuinely kind-hearted and loving person who doesn't want others to feel the same pain as you.
Edwin may think his motives are selfish, but he's been helping souls since the moment he got out of hell - he even helps souls in hell (Simon). So no, Edwin, you aren't helping people just to make yourself look better. You're an actual good person who deserves a better afterlife than hell.
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