standing outside smoking, watching l*ghtning and rain, and listening to american rock band my ch*m*cal r*mance's debut album... unparalleled experience
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i just hit my disposable v*pe through my nose :(
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microdosing on having friends by sending messages to myself
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uwu O.o
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well. the last like. two hours on and off if I'm being honest
ive been writing this review for like 45 minutes. it isnt that long i just cannot find the exact words im looking for
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ive been writing this review for like 45 minutes. it isnt that long i just cannot find the exact words im looking for
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happy birthday to me 🎂🎉
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girl help everytime i see the digital version of an oil painting i can't help but think how much better it must look in person
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wanna order food so bad but i am technically broke and not working rn. but the thing is i do technically have the money. It just needs to be reserved for other things. In the process of convincing myself that it's just as easy to walk to the kitchen and make food
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everyone go to bed! 😠
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hhhhhh i want food but i don't really want food i want to smoke and i do really want to smoke but i also don't even want to smoke I just want to not be bored and i kind of want to get drunk but idk if I'm supposed to get up early or not tomorrow so idk if i can
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going to SLEEP! Now!!!!
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have to choose between watching m**nstruck and p*session - life is so hard 💔💔💔
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when one of ur followers has a multiple thousand note post against *** *xcl*s*onism and ur actually an *** *xcl*sionist
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god i had b*ba earlier today and i have not stopped wanting some since then. what do they put in that shit to make it so addictive
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