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What if i make a fanon baldi rate tier?
Reblog with your bois and i will place them….in a tiermaker
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This bitch ass motherfucker is gay @hells-principal you fuckin gay
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Tumblr is like a Karen
They bitch and cry over the stupidest thing
Brings up the past
And makes you fill like dog shit and never want to see them again
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Haha and to think I was thinking about coming back to tumblr haha glad I didn't cause of this cry baby bullshit about Princy Skin tone and drama that happened a million years ago
This just fucking prove my point on how fucking toxic the websites is, everyone on here gets so triggered by a drop of a hat and its so annoying, if you don't want to interact with me cause of what I draw then fine I don't care, just dont go around and tell people that something that makes me sound like a monster.
Also! The whole bullshit about Principal skin tone is fucking bullshit as well, Princy doesn't have a fucking Race! He's just a fucking character!
Also if you actually look at his player model, Its a picture of a WHITE DUDE! And the reason his "skin" looks like that is because either Mystman took the picture in a poorly lighted room OR he deepfried the picture so people can't recognize the person Mystman used!
So in conclusion The Principal of the Thing DOES NOT HAVE A RACE! He can be any race you want him to be!
If you want to make him white, go on ahead! If you want to make him black, go nuts! If you want to make him indian More pleasure to you!
It does not fucking matter!
If mystman ever confirms that Princy is white or whatever, I'm gonna laugh at the jackass whose threw a piss baby fit about Princy race in there face for making a big mess out of everything.
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I think I speak for most of the people involved when I say I’m tired of this shit. Like, all the stuff that’s resurfacing about my friend happened a fucking YEAR AGO and they’ve moved on and don’t stand by what they said anymore. Just block and move on and don’t fucking mention their name vaguely to try and resurface old drama and spread outdated shit that isn’t valid anymore, even if you think it still is. It’s not worth it, its not healthy, and its all fucking bullshit. To the people spreading the outdated drama subtly or OUTRIGHT Gimme a Q! Gimme a Y! Gimme a B! Gimme an S! Quit Your BullShit Let it die, let it rest, its not worth it and not helping anyone. PEOPLE ARE DYNAMIC, THEY’RE CONSTANTLY CHANGING. You wanna be petty? Sure, we’ve all wanted to be petty at some point but there’s a line and a point where there’s absolutely nothing valid about what you’re doing. There’s especially a line with people who are willing to tolerate you and if you cross it, don’t be surprised cause at this point there’s so much to be against And an apology to people who don’t know what’s going on, you’re probably confused or tired of seeing these kinds of posts, its not directed at you but all I ask is don’t spread rumors, especially ones that happened a year ago and that the people involved don’t stand by. You could be seriously hurting someone in the process
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I’m coming out openly about this. I’m not going to play nice, placate or sugar coat anything. askthe-schoolhouse-circus had made a DNI (do not interact) list. He has openly stated that those that wish to interact with him should not, and imploring that others should not interact with some very close friends of mine.
This kind of nonsensical behavior is absolutely toxic. No matter what personal issues, qualms or other problems you have with someone in a fandom? You never, ever have the right to make them out to be villainous or scoundrels. It’s sickeningly toxic to try to police others that may very well be influenced and manipulated by someone because they’re an idol. People that have the ability to influence others should never do this sort of thing to other content creators for any reason like this.
There has been no damage done to this person, there has been no attack on this person by those that I’m aware of on the list. Their names shouldn’t be put on a public domain in such a manner as to provoke others into thinking that they would attack or act out on provocation. They’re not these people that this man is making them out to be.
I’m not putting this out as an attack. I’m publishing this for all to see that this is 1) absolutely wrong, and 2) these people on the list would do nothing to harm anyone. This person is acting out on old problems and issues that have gone cold from anywhere between 6 months to nearly 2 years. It’s getting to a ridiculous point.
This person is trying to use influence and toxic tactics to get people to try to obey this rule to interact with him, in order to control his audience and try to criminalize names. It’s the most damaging thing you can do to people that have done nothing to warrant such behavior. People should be made aware of this, in the event if they are unaware of this sort of behavior. This is in no way an attack on this person; this is to educate people and have them be fully aware of this sort of puppeteer behavior on an audience of those that can be easily impacted by someone they look up to- irrespective of age or identity.
Fandoms don’t need this kind of policing. They don’t need these walls to be built. This sort of behavior needs to stop. It causes stress to individuals, and tension to build in a fandom, as well as inspire petty and ridiculous feuds.
I personally don’t care if I am put on this list because I have done no wrong to this person. I’m putting this out for all to see to educate, not to incite an attack. The more people made aware of this, the sooner that change- hopefully good change- can happen. This person has a record of blocking those trying to communicate with them, which is why I’m not going to immediately DM him, on the basis that I will be blocked and gain no headway. But if a multitude of people are aware and point this behavior out, perhaps it can inspire change in a person’s conduct. People can change, and sometimes to have change happen, there needs to be a bit of hurt.
I’m sorry if this might be alarming or damaging, but this is where I draw the line- when people’s names (URLs) are being put on a public blacklist regime, and I will not have it!
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Not to be that person..but I rlly hope ur not defending trickster. The person they're going after never told anyone to kill themselves, trickster and their whiteknights are trying to make them look like they're influencing toon to die when they never said anything along those lines. I’m not saying I agree with the individual 100%, but the discourse of blown out of proportion, and a lot of the whiteknights are actually telling this person to die.
No, this is against people that are going against nor defending Trickster and causing a plethora of problems. And no- I’m not picking or choosing sides. It’s a fictional work. People can pick and choose whatever they damn well place. Someone wants Principal to be black? They can make Principal black. Someone wants to make Principal white? They can make him white. They want an Asian Principal? So be it, Asian Principal. I’m not going to be a ploy in any of this nonsense over a fictional character. My opinion is just this: make Principal whatever you want. I honestly couldn’t give less of a damn. I made a muscular Mexican Canadian Principal, and I’m not causing a stink over it. As for the people telling others to kill themselves, no one- no matter who they stand for or side with- should never, ever tell that to anyone. That’s one thing that I will never stand for, irrespective of who it is. I’m not going to get into a race argument over a bloody game. It’s senseless and I won’t get into it, it’s the most childish thing to argue over what color someone who looks like an overinflated blow-up doll is. Accusations of any sorts can hurt people, any sort of discourse can hurt people. I won’t stand on sides because it’s a pointless, ridiculous, childish battle over trying to force people to make Principal any color. He can be whatever the Hell you want him to be as long as it isn’t a literal racist caricature. Truthfully, I don't know what's happening down to a whole. I don't know the details, I'm just putting down what I feel and what I think shouldn't be happening. No one should be fighting about this, people shouldn't demanding things out of this, people shouldn't be attacking each other over this.
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*hug* hi baldi :3
you send me this 7 times was that by accident?
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If you try forcing your opinion down everyone’s throats by making them feel bad for making their Baldi CANONICALLY WHITE rather than the race YOU want them to be then you’re being immature and nobody is gonna take you seriously, especially if you bitch and moan if someone makes one assumption of you doing any sort of racewashing yourself.
Don’t tell people what they should or shouldn’t do with their own designs they worked hard to put their mind to screen or paper. An artist is free to create in a fandom they should enjoy. While whitewashing is another story, there are still more youngins within any fandom who can barely grasp the concept of it. So the accusations and even going as far as attacking them or even telling them to CHOKE for it just from a slight lighten in the tone of skin is NOT okay. They need to be gently educated and corrected about it, not talked about behind their back or discouraged heavily in their art for it while they’re still young. Be the bigger person and HELP them.
Moral of the story, this fandom as well as others does NOT revolve around you and don’t be an asshole to artists of any age, especially the younger ones that are still learning and growing. Attack me if you wish, but this needed to be said NOW as I’ve seen this too often of younger folks getting upset and nearly giving up on art entirely for this.
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Thicc: i want to put you up my ass
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Anon Hate IS Illegal.
Guys, I’m not kidding.
Suicide-baiting, cyberharassmemt, cyberstalking, death/rape threats, and hate speech are illegal in all 50 states as well as Australia and the UK.
Some places include school suspension or expels. Some even include jail time for multiple years.
And yes, they can find someone by username or IP alone.
Also, yes. There are methods of catching someone’s IP. Even under a VPN.
Next time you get hit with anon hate?
Casually remind them you can very easily take this to the next level. And they can earn jail time while you lay back in your chair, having saved yourself and everyone else from a violent criminal.
Your online actions have real life consequences.
Make sure they learn that.
(Just in case there’s a “the police wouldn’t do that” - Yes. They absolutely would.
Or a “I can handle it.” No. That person will continue to harass others as well. And one of them may not be as strong as you. So do it for them and everyone else.
Or a “It’s not that severe.” Yes. It is. People have died because of this. It really is that severe.)
Take action. And make sure the lives of these bullies are truly wrecked.
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To Baldi and Principal -kiss?? :3
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Devil: Alright Boys 2 are wild…
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Thank you so much for answering that thank you! Lol
Got a boy friend?
bet he doesn’t kiss ya
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