Victor smiled happily, shifting to do some busywork. His heels clicked as he walked about, wiping down his workspace.
The crepe was quite pretty and perfectly cooked. It had the best shade of golden brown. The fruit was a mix of strawberries and blueberries while the honey was local.
“Dankeshon~!” He said that in such a singsongy voice, clearly any regret he expected from this purchase, had not hit him yet.
He carefully put each of the cakes in one of the satchels attached to his wheelchair, but the crepe risked damage. Instead, he sat at one of the tables with it, carefully unwrapping it with a huge smile.
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“Well I certainly try to make things that are healthier than pre-packaged snacks.” He giggled a bit. “Okay, okay. And absolutely! A crepe is no trouble at all!” He rung up the order then ran the card through before handing it back to the customer. “Thank you!” He bowed.
Then, he got to work. First, he worked on the crepe, masterfully making one and sliding in into a box with some fruit and a honey drizzle. Then, he boxed the cakes and stacked all of the boxes, trying them together with a ribbon that matched the bakery’s pastels. “There you are, sir! Thank you and please come again!”
“Oooh, now I just vant to add zhat onto zhe order I’ve already placed.” He practically melted into a puddle of indecisiveness.
Then a pause.
“Did- did you say you vould make it? Right now, you mean? I vould hate to trouble you if you don’t already have some in stock.”
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Victor giggled a bit. “Now, now, I’ll feel bad if you spend too much money in my business.” His smile was soft and almost comforting. He was certainly a cute, short baker.
“Oh I always make my crepes fresh! I find they don’t store well. So it’s no trouble at all.” He waved a hand dismissively.
“Oooh, now I just vant to add zhat onto zhe order I’ve already placed.” He practically melted into a puddle of indecisiveness.
Then a pause.
“Did- did you say you vould make it? Right now, you mean? I vould hate to trouble you if you don’t already have some in stock.”
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“Oh, you can’t regret a sweet treat! Or at least I don’t think I could.” Victor smiled sweetly. Almost as sweet as the desserts. “Maybe if you’re worried about the nutrition, I have a few healthier options. I make a really good crepe with fruit and honey. Still sugary, but less processed.”
“I didn’t vant to have to do zhis.” He closed his eyes tightly, handing over his card. “I’ll just have both. As entire cakes, if possible. If not, six slices of each vorks too.”
He refused to make eye contact as he made the request, almost like he regretted it.
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“Sir, are you alright?” Victor felt a bit bad. “I’m sorry if you thought I was pressuring you! That wasn’t my intention. I just thought that might help you decide.” He explained, tilting his head.
“I didn’t vant to have to do zhis.” He closed his eyes tightly, handing over his card. “I’ll just have both. As entire cakes, if possible. If not, six slices of each vorks too.”
He refused to make eye contact as he made the request, almost like he regretted it.
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“Uh do you have any specific tastes? The chocolate raspberry mousse cake is a popular choice.” Victor tapped his chin, looking over the case.
“There’s a cupcake version too. I’m a fan of the German chocolate cake. The coconut tastes really good with the chocolate.”
Baked Goods
Victor ran a cute bakery on the street corner. The interior was a cute pastel pink with pastel blue furniture. A beautiful display case was by the counter filled with gorgeous desserts. He certainly took pride in his work.
His blond curls framed his face nicely and he had bright blue eyes. He wore a cute frilly apron with a white blouse and black slacks. A simple pink bow was tied in his hair.
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Victor smiled brightly at the customer, bowing his head. He was short and slender with very little weight to him. He walked up to the counter while his heels clicked on the floor.
“Hi!” He waved happily, tapping his chin a bit when asked about his favorites. “Hmm, anything with chocolate is always a good choice. I am quite good at baking cakes...” His voice was song-like, almost floating along an imaginary melody.
Baked Goods
Victor ran a cute bakery on the street corner. The interior was a cute pastel pink with pastel blue furniture. A beautiful display case was by the counter filled with gorgeous desserts. He certainly took pride in his work.
His blond curls framed his face nicely and he had bright blue eyes. He wore a cute frilly apron with a white blouse and black slacks. A simple pink bow was tied in his hair.
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Baked Goods
Victor ran a cute bakery on the street corner. The interior was a cute pastel pink with pastel blue furniture. A beautiful display case was by the counter filled with gorgeous desserts. He certainly took pride in his work.
His blond curls framed his face nicely and he had bright blue eyes. He wore a cute frilly apron with a white blouse and black slacks. A simple pink bow was tied in his hair.
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While sitting next to Caelan, Colton pokes him in his sides... then pretends like he didn’t do it. Nevermind the little grin on his face. | Colton no, don’t poke Caelan child |
Caelan snorted as he was poked in the sides. “Oh...?” He raised an eyebrow. He chuckled and poked Colton’s sides.
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The home has some dried flowers for decorations. Some glasswork sat on the shelves. There didn’t seem to be anything out of the ordinary.
Aurore fixed the ribbon in her hair, getting a two cups. She looked over at her visitor, thinking for a few seconds before answering.
“My teacher often got bored. Believe me, she was no one trick horse. She always had an interest in traveling. She’d get all jittery and impatient being cooped up. I don’t think it necessarily had anything to do with learning.”
Many of the herbs seemed to just be generic cooking herbs. She shifted the basket into the crook of her elbow so it would slide off her arm. She brushed some of her hair behind her ear.
“Oh, it’s mainly just busy work. I’ve gotten the important work out of the way. I don’t get company very often so it can certainly wait.” She smiled sweetly, leading Yennefer into her cottage. The inside was as cute and homely as the outside. She set the basket down, sitting down by the hearth and adding some firewood.
“Please make yourself at home. Yeah, my teacher lived here for a long time. She left a few years ago to accomplish more.”
Yennefer followed her inside, moving to take a seat near to the fire she was tending to. She had a habit of running cold, anyways. She let her eyes wander around the home, keeping track of anything she might need to ask about further.
It was curious, to hear of someone wanting to take over staying put, when she could barely manage to stay in one place more than a few months ever since leaving her position at court. Still, there surely had to be some value in it if the woman kept it up.
“Did your teacher specialize in anything in particular? I always find travel more useful when you’re going out to broaden your focus than trying to find the needle in a haystack of someone else in your specialization.”
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Many of the herbs seemed to just be generic cooking herbs. She shifted the basket into the crook of her elbow so it would slide off her arm. She brushed some of her hair behind her ear.
“Oh, it’s mainly just busy work. I’ve gotten the important work out of the way. I don’t get company very often so it can certainly wait.” She smiled sweetly, leading Yennefer into her cottage. The inside was as cute and homely as the outside. She set the basket down, sitting down by the hearth and adding some firewood.
“Please make yourself at home. Yeah, my teacher lived here for a long time. She left a few years ago to accomplish more.”
@scientistwithablackbelt​ :
The woman nodded and smiled softly, shaking Yennefer’s hand. “I’m Aurore. It’s nice to meet you.” Her face was soft and gentle. Dirt was plastered under her hands from her garden work.
Herbs filled the basket that was rested on her arm. “Would you like to head inside? I can put on the kettle so we can talk over a cup of tea.”
She waved as Kyllian started to walk off. “Bye, Kyllian.” He waved, “bye, Aurore!”
Her eyes drifted curiously to the herbs in the basket, trying to gather as much information as she could without outwardly asking a question. Direct questions could lead people to her motivations and she hadn’t quite settled on what hers were.
“Nice to meet you, too. Tea sounds lovely.” She nodded towards the basket under her arm. “As long as I’m not interrupting your gardening.” She consciously doesn’t offer to help. After years of enduring her life on her family farm, she wasn’t interested in going back. Yes, herbs were necessary sometimes, but more often than not they were available for purchase, or she could get them as she needed.
“I have to say, it’s nice to find a town on such friendly terms with mages. I’ve found plenty where I’m useful, but I’m just tolerated.”
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The woman nodded and smiled softly, shaking Yennefer’s hand. “I’m Aurore. It’s nice to meet you.” Her face was soft and gentle. Dirt was plastered under her hands from her garden work.
Herbs filled the basket that was rested on her arm. “Would you like to head inside? I can put on the kettle so we can talk over a cup of tea.”
She waved as Kyllian started to walk off. “Bye, Kyllian.” He waved, “bye, Aurore!”
“Oh, of course! Don’t worry about it! We’re always happy to help when we can. I’m sure she’d like some company.” The man smiled and nodded, happily walking into the woods.
He stayed quiet overall, occasionally commenting on the scenery around them. But, he figured she preferred to cut the chatter.
After some time, a small cottage could be seen. It was a modest living space, but rather cute all the same. Along the path to the home, there were weeping trees lining the sides. A garden surrounded the building. The witch was crouched by a plant, harvesting some herbs.
She was a shorter woman, quite cute honestly. Her hair was chestnut in color with curls at the end. She wore a black gown with a tight bodice. She seemed startled when she heard the footsteps. “Ah hello there!”
The man waved, “hey! I bring you a visitor!” He bowed to her and she smiled, approaching with a basket on her arm.
Sometimes, when she was in towns who were in kingdoms outside of the Brotherhood’s good graces, she could be met with malice and suspicion, so it was a nice change to have someone helping her for once. Normally it took a bit of coercion to get somewhere this useful.
Her eyes grazed over the scenery, enjoying it. She’d traveled more places than she had ever imagined as a girl, and it was still a wonder that she could find new places to stumble into on her travels. But it wasn’t just about taking in the sights. She liked to keep track of where she was–know what to look out for if she came back and where potential threats could hide.
Once they reached the woman, Yennefer grinned, stepping to her as she held out her hand. “Yennefer of Vengerberg. I heard there was another mage in town, and I was lucky enough to find Kyllian, who would indulge my curiosity for meeting you.
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“Oh, of course! Don’t worry about it! We’re always happy to help when we can. I’m sure she’d like some company.” The man smiled and nodded, happily walking into the woods.
He stayed quiet overall, occasionally commenting on the scenery around them. But, he figured she preferred to cut the chatter.
After some time, a small cottage could be seen. It was a modest living space, but rather cute all the same. Along the path to the home, there were weeping trees lining the sides. A garden surrounded the building. The witch was crouched by a plant, harvesting some herbs.
She was a shorter woman, quite cute honestly. Her hair was chestnut in color with curls at the end. She wore a black gown with a tight bodice. She seemed startled when she heard the footsteps. “Ah hello there!”
The man waved, “hey! I bring you a visitor!” He bowed to her and she smiled, approaching with a basket on her arm.
He chuckled a bit, standing up and brushing off his clothing. “Oh don’t worry about it. She’s really sweet, just a tad quiet.” He stretched and started to walk.
“I’m sure she’d appreciate a bit of help too. Ah I’m Kyllian.” He held out a dirty, calloused hand. “Where you headed to after this?”
The man was clearly trying to make small talk as he moved towards the woods. He was a simple commoner, much like the rest of the village.
Quiet types she was fine with. Could be a refreshing change for some of the mages she ran into. Most thought far too highly of themselves to shut up. Sometimes it was useful for when Yennefer was messing in politics. Most of the time it just bored her to death.
She shook the hand briefly. “Yennefer of Vengerberg. Thank you for your help Kyllian. I’m sure I would have had a far duller time in your town without my interrupting you and your friend.” She shrugged off his question. “Off to the next town over. Casting spells for those willing to pay for them.”
She wasn’t much of one for small talk, but she wasn’t going to stray into outright rudeness until he truly got on her nerves.
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He chuckled a bit, standing up and brushing off his clothing. “Oh don’t worry about it. She’s really sweet, just a tad quiet.” He stretched and started to walk.
“I’m sure she’d appreciate a bit of help too. Ah I’m Kyllian.” He held out a dirty, calloused hand. “Where you headed to after this?”
The man was clearly trying to make small talk as he moved towards the woods. He was a simple commoner, much like the rest of the village.
The men jumped a bit, not really expecting her interruption. The man who was comforting the other let out a soft chuckle, leaning back in his chair.
“Oh, don’t worry about that. She won’t mind too much. She doesn’t live in town and she only visits once a week to gather supplies.” He hesitated for a moment. “She lives out in the woods. About an hour or two out of town. It’s a small cottage amongst a grove of weeping trees.”
The other man nodded his agreement. “I can take you there if you’d like. That way you don’t have to worry about getting lost. There’s no actual path.” He smiled a bit at the woman. “She’s quite a bit standoffish though, but I’m sure she’d be alright with a bit of company.”
Yen had to suppress the grin that threatened on her lips, keeping her expression neutral though she always enjoyed giving someone at least a bit of a start. She listened to them, nodding after a moment.
“That would be lovely, thank you. And I know a thing or two about not being… the easiest to approach.” It’d practically be a compliment the day that Yennefer was described as a bit standoffish. A cold-hearted bitch was normally the level she was on. “And I make delightful company when I want to be.”
It was interesting to contemplate the quiet life in the woods. Far away from people, but still settled down. But it hit too close to the life she nearly had, trotting behind Istredd, and she knew she’d never be able to stand it for long.
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The men jumped a bit, not really expecting her interruption. The man who was comforting the other let out a soft chuckle, leaning back in his chair.
“Oh, don’t worry about that. She won’t mind too much. She doesn’t live in town and she only visits once a week to gather supplies.” He hesitated for a moment. “She lives out in the woods. About an hour or two out of town. It’s a small cottage amongst a grove of weeping trees.”
The other man nodded his agreement. “I can take you there if you’d like. That way you don’t have to worry about getting lost. There’s no actual path.” He smiled a bit at the woman. “She’s quite a bit standoffish though, but I’m sure she’d be alright with a bit of company.”
A Hidden Gem
Aurore was a shorter woman with a nice figure. She had long chestnut hair with curls at the ends. She was rather cute with a quiet personality. She tended to stick to darker colored clothing too. Her cheeks were rosy.
She lived in a small cottage that was hidden away in a grove of weeping trees. It kept her hidden away and safe. The local town often called her the “witch of the grove”. She acted as a midwife and healer for the them and they actually liked her. She was easy to talk to and never had any ill will towards anyone.
Currently, two men were talking about her since she delivered one man’s son. He was comforting the man beside him because his wife was pregnant. “Oh, don’t worry so much. The witch has got some powerful healing stuff. Your wife will be in good hands when the time comes.”
“I know, I know. All the women are telling her that.” The man chuckled a bit, waving a hand. “Just can’t help but worry, you know?”
Yennefer had just been passing through, planning on no more than just earning some quick coin and making her way to the next one. She had a lead on a few old books she wanted to get her hands on, but she was still a ways away from the towns that had any leads for them. This stop was just a resting point that she was taking advantage of.
But the men’s conversation made her curious, especially given her goals for attaining those particular books. Perhaps the town was good for more than money. If the woman wasn’t actually a witch, she doubted the residents would be putting such trust in her.
After mulling over her choices, and deciding she could stand to stick around the town for an extra day or two, she stepped over to the men’s table. “I hate to interrupt, but I couldn’t help but overhear. It sounds like this place already has a mage, and I hate stepping on toes without meaning to.” Her smile was friendly, but deep down, Yen knew she stepped on toes if she had to. Still, no use making unnecessary enemies. She had plenty of those already.
“If I wanted a chat with her, where exactly do I find her?”
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Brendan was working his fields like usual. He had a stew in the hearth that he was looking forward to honestly. He was a tall figure with broad shoulders and a broad chest. He had shaggy black hair that was messy from a long day of work. Baggy, simple clothing clung to his sweaty body.
It had been a rather quiet day. Simple work. The animals were also behaving which was a nice change of pace. He straightened his back, stretching and cracking it. Then, he ran a hand through his hair when he heard someone call out. He jumped a bit... There hadn’t been anyone on that path all day.
“Hail!” He waved, setting down the tool. “What can I help you with?” Probably lodging or food which Brendan would be happy to provide, but it was better to ask than assume.
The sun was setting on the third day on the road and Ryker had been relatively calm through most of it. Garret liked to think it was jealousy, since he’d been assigned a horse that was made for fighting throughout the last job. His rational brain knew that wasn’t the case though, Ryker was too simple to be jealous. They’d just had a good run of behavioural luck. That would change after dark, he knew. The skittish stallion shied at bumps in the road most days in plain daylight, he didn’t want to guess what the dark would do to him, although he already knew.
Garret looked around to find a suitable place to set up camp, pulling back on the reigns to slow his horse. It was almost like he jinxed his good luck, for as soon as he was told to slow, the stallion twirled once and set himself facing backwards on the road, looking back the way they came. His ears pinned to his head and he gnawed on his bit as though thinking on what he’d done and, not particularly liking the result he’d come to, snorted and backed up a few steps.
“You dumbass.” the old merc admonished, maneuvering the quirky animal back around with a few reign tricks. “You did that to yourself. Now hold still.”
Outside of a step or two back, Ryker did what he was told, even though he clearly didn’t like it. Garret took his window to look around properly before his eyes spotted a lone figure walking up the road to a house nearby. Fields around it told him all he needed to know and he slacked the reigns and nudged Ryker into a walk. Farmers were pretty decent folk and usually didn’t mind someone of his stature hanging around for a night, given he knew how to fend off most threats creeping around as payment for room, as it were. He whistled to catch the other’s attention, holding a hand up in greeting.
“Hail, and well-met!” he called out, hoping they were friendly.
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A Hidden Gem
Aurore was a shorter woman with a nice figure. She had long chestnut hair with curls at the ends. She was rather cute with a quiet personality. She tended to stick to darker colored clothing too. Her cheeks were rosy.
She lived in a small cottage that was hidden away in a grove of weeping trees. It kept her hidden away and safe. The local town often called her the “witch of the grove”. She acted as a midwife and healer for the them and they actually liked her. She was easy to talk to and never had any ill will towards anyone.
Currently, two men were talking about her since she delivered one man’s son. He was comforting the man beside him because his wife was pregnant. “Oh, don’t worry so much. The witch has got some powerful healing stuff. Your wife will be in good hands when the time comes.”
“I know, I know. All the women are telling her that.” The man chuckled a bit, waving a hand. “Just can’t help but worry, you know?”
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