sciver · 6 years
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I forgot how to tumblr. Recently started attempting to get around my dread of the work that goes into making fallout mods work. Instead of starting with something simple like importing a different color of booze bottle, I decided to make a completely new creature with a new model from scratch. I doubt I’ll stick around too long, but I had to come back long enough to poke @deathclawdesu the owner of the character, and thank them for the amusing work they’ve done. Also since I’m here, hi @fini-mun
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sciver · 6 years
So about the color scheme...
“She’s really tall” “Her torso seems short for her height” “Her body’s too round” “Her shoulders aren’t wide enough” “Her hair isn’t obeying physics” “Armor can’t bend like that” “Her ankles stick out in a weird way” “Those are big hands for a girl” “How can she even lift something like that” “She needs a ham sandwich” “She could use a gym membership” “Why are they always facing left?” “Don’t you think she’s awful muscular for a woman?” “His eyes are too big” “Why do they always have little tiny dot noses?” “That armor is unrealistic” “You should add a cape” “Those dark circles around their eyes make them look deathly ill” “That outfit doesn’t seem appropriate for combat” “Ew he smokes” “Why does he need a gun” “That’s a weird shape for a knife.”
So. About. The. COLOR. SCHEME.
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sciver · 6 years
“You're right, you know; Sometimes good guys do finish last, only because they couldn't compromise those pesky morals. Sometimes terrible things result of the inability to just kill the villain when they had the chance. You're right, in that that is the fatal weakness of good-doers and heroic justicy types. And you're right, that that is why I first turned to the path of ruthless power I was on.
So long I languished in that cell contemplating with fury the random fluke that had stolen my victory away from me in the face of hopelessly moral opposers who could not bring themselves to make the only decision that could have won things for them... until that beam from the ceiling landed on me fortuitously. My reign of absolute power ended by random chance rather than 'good over evil.'
I stewed over what I'd do when I finally found my way out. I burned every time I thought about those hapless idiots who went to such ridiculous lengths to avoid harming even the enemy of the world, in the process of stopping him; me.
But you know, it impressed something upon me. Think of how much easier it would be to live in this evil beget evil world, if when heroes couldn't make the hard decision... there was someone beside them who could.
So why do I stand here, in front of you in your moment of victory, rather than at your side with my revenge? Taking power is easy, and keeping it is hard... but if I just kill you, for the sake of these moronic goodies who wouldn't...
I still get to be the winner. I hope you packed for warm weather. “
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sciver · 6 years
You know what’s darkly funny if not horrifying?
All of you (as well as I) have probably come extremely close to dying numerous times in your life and never knew or maybe just didn’t care about it at the time.
I know of at least one time where I was gravely ill, yet because the symptoms were mild, I thought nothing of it. You see I had an itch.
As it turns out this itch was an internal fissure that was infected, and was quite close to spreading that infection to my spinal column, thereby leaving me paralyzed, mortally ill, or, in fact, may have progressed fatally in that same span of time.
To me, back then, even the surgery and months of recovery from, were simply annoyances.
Love those teenage stupidity chemicals yeah?
As a side note, for everyone out there who wonders why adults treat teenagers like they’re insane or stupid or overreacting... Its because we’ve been there, and yes your feelings are real, but they’re also incorrect more often than they are correct at that age.
You feel what you feel, but technically, if you were older, it wouldn’t be a big deal to you. At least 19 times out of 20.
Being a teenager just sucks for everyone. Hate me for saying so if you must, but I’m right about it, and you’ll realize that in another 10 years. Maybe less.
So I guess this was two thoughts.
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sciver · 7 years
So Tumblr is now auto-reblogging adverts onto my dash
If you see them, tell me and I’ll delete them. I don’t condone that shit
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sciver · 7 years
Take note of your failures, but do not forget your successes.
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sciver · 7 years
I have gripes I wish to express but they are too personal to share with strangers and vague acquaintances.
Pretend I gave a rant here.
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sciver · 7 years
Reblog if you say "fuck" more than 5 times a day.
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sciver · 7 years
Wha... what were they before??
There’s only so many things “noodle” and “tomato sauce” can be made from...
There’s organic Spaghettios now
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sciver · 7 years
Metroid Fusion is a distant sequel to John Carpenter’s The Thing
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sciver · 7 years
Lampshading and societal acceptance.
I’m probably mentioned it before, but it really irritates me...
“It” in this case, is the propensity to add a character or line of dialogue to a story where a character outlines their whole reason for existing, and then they disappear.
Why I mean by this is, every character who shows up, shows off how gay they are or how strong female they are, or makes a punchy comment about society accepting something or some such, and never actually does anything as a character.
That's not “progressive,” nor is it “representation,” that’s pandering to the easily impressed.
Too many times have I seen moments that would have been potentially a breath of fresh air, ruined by a character pointing out how important it was. That’s called lampshading. Lampshading is something we do in media, specifically to call attention to the fact that we are aware it is a plot hole, or abnormality that shouldn’t exist, but does.
Hang a lampshade on an elephant in a tiny urban apartment, and you’ve effectively turned it into a part of the gag. You’ve called attention to it, in spite of its already obvious nature, which in turn, cheapens what it is.
Who actually wanders around starting conversations with “I am a strong independent woman.” as opposed to, “I’m Jane.” ?
No one behaves that way, because its action that is important, not talk. You need to SHOW and specifically AVOID TELLING your audience who your characters are. If you can’t think of a manner to fluidly depict a character being gay, or strong, or independent, or just generally different but ok, such that it doesn’t interrupt the flow of your story, and doesn’t contribute to the story, you shouldn’t be doing it at that point. Yes, it can be hard to work those moments in, in a relevant way, but if you can’t make it relevant, you shouldn’t be doing it. We don’t watch characters using the restroom a few times in every episode, not because it would be weird, but actually because it doesn’t matter. We do, actually, show characters using the restroom when it is important. When someone becomes ill, or finds something important in the restroom, or overhears a conversation that is plot relevant, we do see it.
By lampshading or lazily explaining a character, you actually diminish that person. They are no longer people, they are devices for you to haphazardly attempt to gain praise because you did the minimum possible to be called ‘doing a thing.’ You’ve turned a character, into a vehicle that cannot ever become more than just a token.
You think you’re being inclusive, but you’re still just reiterating “token black guy syndrome” with a new trope.
Be better writers. Represent societal issues when you are able not just whenever you happen to want to. Time, place, and most importantly manner are what makes a character or scene be more or less then “just a token.”
Think carefully about whether a person is stating they are gay simply because you want the audience to know it, of if it has actually become important. Nineteen times out of twenty, it is not important that a character is gay, and the one time it is, its likely not something that should simply be stated through dialogue (and that includes saying “This is my husband”. C’mon, you really can’t do better? When was the last time you introduced your spouse and promptly stopped being part of the conversation you just started?)
Characters who aren’t important, aren’t characters. Non-characters should not have the responsibility of achieving goals in a story. Tokens and lampshades are not characters. They are laziness made manifest.
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sciver · 7 years
Every time I see a picture of a fat tiger, I giggle and say “that’s cute”
and then a half second later I remember that it is still an apex predator that is more than capable of outperforming generally any other in peak condition, only now it weighs as much as a family car.
Damn, nature. You scary.
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sciver · 7 years
Stylish 3.0.1 (firefox)
So, Stylish updated on me recently, and basically fucked over everything I had.
See, you’re supposed to be able to migrate your styles by clicking on a thing that says “About this version” going to a link on that page and... doing... something.
I have no idea WHAT, because it took several minutes of google searching to even find out my old user styles hadn’t just been erased.
You’d think that my first instinct should be to click that “About this version” button.... and you’d be right. Except, it does nothing. I clicked all the clickable things in the new “improved” stylish, and they all did absolutely nothing.
They did not open any new tabs, or navigate to any information...
The one thing that DID happen, is a search bar opened up for finding new styles--for about 3 seconds, just long enough for my brain to register it was there, before being replaced by a blank square about 32x32 pixels, instead of a menu. Meaning, that’s broke too.
I should note that I did all of this AFTER turning off all my other plugins, just to be sure.
Other people don’t appear to be having this issue, but if you are, you have hope.
You can download and reinstall that far superior 2.1.1 from the add-on page, by clicking “view all versions.” Do note, that you need to immediately turn off automatic updating before you restart firefox.
Upon verifying that you once again have 2.1.1, you should note that all your styles are working again, with no extra hassle.
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sciver · 7 years
so I’m playing an RPG translated by fans, and this typo appears, and it’s amazing.
"Just now one of our neighboring towns sent us an urgent submissive."
I know from the rest of the conversation that the word they intended to use was 'missive' as in, a document filled with instructions and explanations... but I can only picture a particularly insistent gimp being sent to our town.
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sciver · 7 years
Hollywood, stahp.
When someone says “no, I don’t like this holiday so I don’t celebrate it and want not to be a part of it” it is not a cry for attention.
It is not someone begging for you to drop everything and force that holiday upon them.
We get it, you love the holiday. We don’t. We. Don’t.
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sciver · 7 years
“not related by blood” (an in-law relative)
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sciver · 7 years
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So I just started watching DBS. I'm recently all caught up, sans some episodes in the earlier period that weren't available anymore... Assuming you're watching, what do you think about the way the show is currently handling the strategy over strength concept?
I haven’t seen Super yet.
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