scndrenched · 2 years
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maeve’s heart ached at the sight of nyles, her sweet golden man, clearly in pain. his letters had made her yearn to rush to his side to try and shield him from some of the heartache, despite knowing it was impossible. “ nyles, hello, “ she spoke, voice soft as she moved to side beside him. “ would you believe me if i said that i was hoping to come across you?” it was far from a lie, truthfully she’d been attempting to see him for a few days now. however, he had been incredibly hard to seek out. “ have you been here long?” her hand reaches out to entwine their fingers together, thumb tracing his knuckles. 
“I would choice to believe such a nice lie from a good friend,” Nyles replied softly, eyes moving back to the horizone that seemed to taunt him. The world looked all too much the same after everything had changed. A world unchanged by the things that had shatted his own. Her fingers in his drew his eye, staring down at them for a long moment before finally admitting,”I fear I’m not sure how long I have been here. I haven’t been able to keep track of the time lately.”
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scndrenched · 2 years
where ; corridors of staerdale , new valyria who ; darlessa marbrand &. mateo marbrand @scndrenched
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an attempt has been made to sneak away , admitting to herself how poorly it was executed. her brother and sisters comfortable in their beds , she assumes , the gods only know what they are up to on this night. darlessa cares little for their activities right now , the hour of the owl not even passing yet. still , her eyes widen. identical to her times being caught in the act as a little one , she freezes as her father comes into her view. eyes widening at the approaching figure , “ father dearest! “ her greeting far too sweet as she rights herself , straightening her skirts and closing a door to who knows where it may lead , she will never know now. “ i was … looking for the kitchens. “ an excuse though her stomach did rumble at the thought of sustence. how can one eat when there was so much to explore upon their arrival? “ have you seen mother? “ trying to change the subject , once again a poor attempt.
It was always something with his children, Mateo thought amused by his daughter’s scrambling. “I thought your mother and I had taught you to lie better, my sweet,” He said warmly, before offering his arm to her. “I can accompany you to the kitchens, it seems you need to find something to eat rather soon. Have you been rushing around too much to find yourself something?” He could imagine the need to explore this new palace, but he did wish she’d take more care of herself. “I have, in our rooms, where most people should be at this time.”
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scndrenched · 2 years
It hadn’t taken long for word to travel that Blythe’s niece Elia remained in a coma after the ordeal. The implications of it were frightening, Talia couldn’t imagine what it must have been like to experience it. Even though she was upset with Blythe, Talia wouldn’t want something that cruel to happen to their family. “I hope your family gets better.” The apology made Talia pause; words that weren’t meant for them would come tumbling out her mouth. A thank you wasn’t sufficient enough of an answer. Talia wasn’t sure if condolences had come from Dorne at all around Jeyne’s funeral, Wyllas didn’t bother with them, he burned most if not all of them. If you want to help me, you can turn back time before my sister died. “Thank you for the condolences, but I-” was lying worth it? To say that she didn’t need someone to talk to when she’d recently admitted how lonely she was. Shouldn’t she choose this for herself? It feels hard. But they were both hurting, shouldn’t this be good thing for them? “I think you’re the only person I can talk to right now. If you wouldn’t mind.” Her voice wobbled a bit, trying to keep herself together. The numbness left and now Talia could truly feel the amount of tension on her strings. She doesn’t like it. Tears weren’t coming yet, but it would only be a matter of time. 
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“They will,” Blythe replied with little doubt. They knew their neice, knew that there was no way Elia would leave this world without a fight. The Martells did not go easily. Still, the struggle the Martells were facing were nothing compared to those Talia had been faced with. Her sister, though she was not close with her as far Bly remembered, had died. No one should experience that pain so suddenly. Their eyebrows drew together, but Bly nodded. “Yes, of course. Would you like to go somewhere more private?” The princess had learnt their lesson about having heavy conversations in public. “My rooms should be free at the moment.”
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scndrenched · 2 years
closed for @scndrenched​​ sarisa mormont where: grounds of staerdale
Victarion ran his hand along the stonework that supported Staerdale. One would think the decimation of an entire family hadn’t occurred but everyone there was all too aware. History would be as well. He wiped his hand off and set his hand against his hip. The presence of the ruling lady of Bear Island coaxed a smirk out of him. She looked none too pleased either. Both of them far happier on their respective islands than whatever this was that the Targaryens paraded.
“An interesting graveyard, isn’t it,” he said as he approached her. His tone was level, quiet. “How is your island, Lady Mormont?”
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“One we are expected to praise,” She replied drily. The lady was quite aware of the reality of their situation, gilded prisoners comfortable enough not to complain, but not enough to make plans. “It would be better with my pressence.” Her people are fighting for their lives, just as most of the north was, and here she was, wasting time. “What has been keeping you busy, Victorion?”
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scndrenched · 2 years
It didn’t surprise him the tone of her voice. It was a common trait of those from the island.  They were the blunt sort, rarely thinking over their words. To make them seem honeyed and sweet. Rather then cold and bittered. Over the years, he still hadn’t lost this tone. Though his speech was more thoughtful. Not many in the south took kindly to the tone of a northerner.  With a gruff breath, Henry took the seat next to his sister. All too familiar with her cold disinterest in him. She did not hide her anger towards him; he didn’t shrink back from it.  Destined to bump heads at each and every meeting.  His focus, however, shifted toward his nieces as they continued to play. The sight of them tugged at his heart. Even as his expression remained unreadable.  “ I wanted to check to see how you and the girls were settling in your chambers.” as part of the council, he had arranged to keep them close by. Even as he felt that guilty sting: of what this  place had been to another family. There was an ache in him on the destruction of the Arryn. Like a rotten tooth that would not leave him be.  Looking towards the stoic face of his sister. He couldn’t help but let out another sigh. He’d gone home for five months, and he was sure this was the most words exchanged between them. 
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“ I have something for the girls. I’d like to give to them if you would allow it.”
Sarisa did not hate her brother, contray to popular belief. She found him a spineless coward for running, but she did not hate him. His presence on the island had been uncomfortable to say the least, when she was unwilling to speak to him and her daughters were too curious to stay away. Writing to their uncle as they grew up was nothing compared to actually spending time with the man. Zei especially seemed to be taken by him, always seeking out him out in crowds. Sarisa was quite sure the only reason Maege did not do the same was because the heir could feel the chilliness between them.
“They are acceptable.” The cold of the north rung in her voice. “Difficult to be comfortable on the ruins of what was once a great house, I've found. Though, I’m sure the small council and the king are sleeping soundly.” It was a dangerous statement to make, but her brother would not be spared her thoughts. However, as angry as she was, she would not deny her children the kindness of their uncle.”You may. They will be excited to get gifts. We may not act as family any longer, Henry, but I will not deny my children of that.”
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scndrenched · 2 years
who: maeve whent, @flvvrpetals​
Nyles found himself coming back to his mind in the oddest of places now, as if his body moved him through the world and he did not realize it. Today, at least, he was in the courtyard, fingers curled around the grass. Just yesterday, he had found himself lost within the hallways of the keep, unsure of how he had even made it there in the first place. It was truly luck that he even noticed Maeve and so with great effort he lifted his hand for his dear friend. “Hello, Maeve,” He cleared his throat when he realized how weak it sounded. “Where were you headed?”
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scndrenched · 2 years
who: dyana harlaw, @godspecd​
It was the northerners and the ironborn that kep Sarisa from ripping her hair out in frustration. The most of the southerners that she had found herself talking to took too much time sweetening their words and hiding true meaning. It infuriated the Mormont woman. Catching sight of Dyana, the Bear Island Lady stalked over, jaw clenched as she did. “Tell me, Dyana, who here is worth speaking to? Who will not waste my time with meaningless words?”
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scndrenched · 2 years
who: rhaegar targaryen, @glvrious​
where: courtyard
Mateo trusted the instincts of his children and his wife, for they had each knew the Targaryens more than he did. Yet, he could not shake his unease at the idea of his children being so involved in the royal court now. Where he once hoped for a marriage between Addi and Rhaegar, he found himself dreading the idea. What love they might hold for each other did not dissway the fear he had at the idea of his children so close to the king. He did not particularly care about the Arryn’s destruction, but it highlighted the quick wrath that dragons were capable of. The sight of the prince came with a respectful bow from Mateo, though he watched the boy with a critical eye. “Prince Rhaegar, it is a pleasure to be a guest once again.” He meant it, even with his apprehension. “How have you found settling in here?” Mateo would begin with the pleasantries, before he moved on to the more pressing matter of his daughter.
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scndrenched · 2 years
who: alerie tyrell, @glvrious​
where: a random hallway ig
Seeing any of the Tyrells in the halls of New Valyria was nearly enough to send Nyles spiralling once again, his grief far too intertwinned in their own now. Yet, Alerie’s pressence did not send him away, but rather closer to them, offering an arm to them as he grew closer. Their grief was compounded and stressed far more than the other Tyrells. And soon, she would enter the battlefield his sister died on. “Lady Alerie, you’re glowing.” He wished his voice was stronger as he paid them the compliment, but he could not force it any futher than it already was. “How have you been?” The last few months had become a blur for him, unable to distinguish one miserable moment from the next.
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scndrenched · 2 years
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the   lord   let   out   an   exaggerated   sigh   as   mateo   spoke,   dark   thought   arose   wondering   if   this   was   how   he   acted   with   his   wife   as   well.   if   so,   braxton   could   see   why   she   would   stray   and   find   herself   in   a   lannister’s   arms.   “   can   you   not   allow   me   the   courtesy   of   finishing   the   words   i   have   prepared,   lord   mateo,”   he   said,   frown   on   his   face   before   continuing   leaning   forward   to   help   himself   to   a   sip   of   drink.   “   i   wished   to   make   sure   that   you   were   going   to   align   yourself   with   the   heir   to   casterly   rock.   when   he   moves   to   take   back   his   birthright.”   he   paused,   considering   mateo   for   a   moment.   “   your   support   would   be   beneficial.   and   i   .   .   .   do   not   want   to   have   to   go   against   you,   mateo.”
Mateo was quite well versed in the dramatics of Braxton Brax and yet he narrowed his eyes at the younger man’s sigh. “Go on then, but do tell me when you have actual information for me and I’ll tune back in then.” The lord knew where this conversation would lead and yet, his lips pressed together. It was no easy decision to say the least. “It has been a conversation between my wife and I, yes. However, how are we to know that he has the skills to run the Westerlands? Futhermore, he is a stranger to us. We have no desire to go against you either, but we can not do this blindly.”
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scndrenched · 2 years
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“Yes, I understand. I have been kept busy by my thoughts. I couldn’t go into The Sept today… I think Senya would want me to step up, and… in order to do that I’m going to not go into The Sept as much.” She paused before speaking again.
“I’ll pray from time to time but… Nyles I’m tired of praying so much, I’m tired of crying so much. I know the pain will never end but… I think that for me, it must end. I need to move on, meet new people, possibly get betrothed, get married, have children… Senya would have wanted that for me with all of her heart… I want that for myself… I always have, and so because I want it with my whole being and to honor her…. I’m going to do just that.” Mariya said as she blinked away tears.
“If you want to, and when you’re ready and only when you’re ready… then you should do whatever it is you desire to do… because our sister would want you to be happy, she would want that for the both of us. But, it’ll take time for the both of us to completely get there, because we’re still hurting.” She said, letting all of her thoughts spill from her lips as she hugged Nyles again.
Tears fell from her face before she quickly wiped them, she then gazed at him with a sudden look of determination.
“You’re not alone Nyles… I miss her terribly, everyday. But, she’s watching us from beyond and we must make her proud.”
Mariya took a deep yet shaky breath before sniffling a bit. Though it never crossed her mind, she was stronger than she thought she was.
“So, being here in New Valyria… I wasn’t hesitant to leave home… I needed to get away for a while… too many memories are back home currently. I think we should both see this place as a new beginning for us, for House Rowan… that is, when we’re ready to see it in that way. Do you have any thoughts about that, brother?”
She knew that it would take time for not just herself but her brother and everyone whose lives had been touched by Senya’s beautiful presence to mourn her. She was aware that grief was not just something everyone could get over… she wasn’t even properly over it and she had a feeling she never would be. But life went on and she refused to let grief dim her light. After all, her sister would be watching from beyond, and Mariya didn’t want to disappoint her.
Before it all, before the fires and the forest, before the chaos, before her death, Nyles could listen to this kind of talk. He could find himself enraptured by it, hearing every word and digesting at least most of them. Now he could barely keep his eyes focused as his younger sister spoke as she talked about futures her could no longer picture for himself. She spoke of marriages and children and Nyles could not imagine those things for himself any longer. Could not imagine asking someone he who he was meant to be a partner with to do the thing that had killed his beloved sister.
People died in the birthing bed, it was known, but he could have never seen it happening to their family. So close to him. No Mariya may dream of children and marriage, but Nyles could not any longer. He could not ask for that from anyone. He hummed, his stomach twisting sickly,”Perhaps find a spouse before you speak of children.”
Who would tell him Mariya died in the birthing room? He craved cold stone on his face, if only to chase these thoughts away from himself. “I will do what is needed for House Rowan,” He answered finally, lying both to himself and her in that moment. “But I fear, I need to find myself again before I do that.”
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Closed starter! @scndrenched
Location: Outside of The Sept in Staerdale sometime in the late morning
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She hadn't been counting the days... in fact she felt as if her sister had lived and died a long time ago when it had only been a bit more than a month or so since then.
Mariya was actually glad to leave The Reach, which is something she never thought she would feel. She needed time away from there, away from constant reminders of her sister. She had gone to The Sept everyday after Senya had passed away, she felt closer to her there... it gave her a sense of comfort. But today she couldn't bring herself to do that.
Mariya had stood outside of The Sept in Staerdale for a while, staring at the ornate doors leading into it... she had then sat on the steps deep in thought. Her sister wouldn't want her to be as sad as she was for so long, besides... Mariya felt that she had a whole host of new and big responsibilities to focus on that she hadn't had before, she felt that it was time to mourn a bit less and become a Lady that Senya would be even more proud of.
Mariya decided that she wouldn't go to The Sept today, she was sure her sister would understand. She finally stood up and saw her brother in the vicinity. Mariya approached him without hesitation and hugged him.
"How are you, Nyles?" She had asked him this everyday since it happened. Mariya had figuratively leaned on him the days after Senya's death but now she decided not to... she felt that she now needed to be strong, not just for herself, not just for her sister but for her brother as well.
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scndrenched · 2 years
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hisham felt much like a fool. after leaving king’s landing in the manner they did, he had believed he would never bring his children to another capitol whilst he lived, yet regardless of his wishing, and of his authority, it was not an easy feat to remain resolute when not one but five of his children joined together against him, pleading for them to be together once more with seda, who by then had been at least two moons away from home. it was true: he could not keep them away, and the older they were, all he could do was to watch, keeping his distance lest he be scolded and iced out for being too overbearing. 
so it was what he tried doing now, keeping himself enough steps away so neither girl — not his own, sirin, nor lysara’s, neina — would be able to accuse him of stifling their explorations on the new court. truthfully, he had not noticed the lady until she speaks, and even as he wishes to look at her, his gaze is first on his daughter and pseudo-niece, only then on the northerner. “am i in the way of your fresh air? or do you also keep watch on your own?” cocoa hues find two other dark haired teens, and he hesitates, before deciding to sit down — chasing down sirin and neina would only worsen his discomfort, already made prominent due to the cold and all the stairs in this gods-forsaken place. “sisters? daughters?” he raises a brow, before lifting his cane so he can point in the direction of his own. “my second eldest. doesn’t quite appreciate the hovering.” neither did his eldest, and it seemed fairuza was to follow the others, but at least to his youngest he could simply put her in his arms and pull her away from anything if he wished.
“Neither, I simply do not see the need to stand when there is a seat.” Maege had caught sight of the other girls before her sister and Sarisa watched her hand tighten on Zei’s. It seemed her eldest knew that her sister was likely to walk ahead of her to say hello, but even with all her caution, she allowed Zei to wave. Zei’s excitement was clear to read from here, making new friends had been one of her goals of this trip, to Maege’s discomfort. Zei, though she had never met her father, was so much like him. Open and bright, ready to greet anyone with a warm smile. Maege took after Sarisa, cautious, overprotective and far more introverted. Still, whatever the other girls said to them brought a little smile to Maege’s face. Sarisa exhaled softly from her nose, amused. “Daughters, though I take the compliment.” The Bear Island Lady nodded, knowing the feeling both as a daughter and as a mother. “Neither does mine. Something along lines of scaring away their future friends. At least my eldest seems to understand that these walls are as unfamiliar to her mother as they are her. She understands my hesitance more.”
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scndrenched · 2 years
Who: Blythe Martell ( @scndrenched​ )
When: Before Aliandra & Nuray confrontations
Where: The Courtyard
It would happen sooner or later and while Talia would have preferred later it seemed she was destined to cross paths with Blythe now. In truth Talia wanted to speak to Blythe, if not to apologize for what happened with that woman, then to see if they were alright. It didn’t take long for word to reach Nightsong of what happened, and Talia almost sent a letter immediately. But she lost that right before King’s Landing and after it was almost too much to think of. Between their fallout and Jeyne’s funeral Talia wanted to run from any memories of that night. Running is all she ever did and look where it got her. Complicate it further with how hurt Talia had been by their public fallout, making it a force of will for her not to walk past them without acknowledging their presence. The birdcage in her chest was stirring but Talia would not let those emotions show if she could help it. Fight or Flight. “Princess Martell, it’s good to see that you are well,” she spoke with a bow, Talia is sure she heard her heart crack as she did it, but that’s how things are now. “I don’t mean to be in your way.” If the circumstances were different Talia would have been impressed with herself at how well she’s keeping her tone and face neutral. A distant voice wonders if Ravenna would prefer her like this instead.
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While the temptation to say hello to Talia was strong, Blythe could not bring themself to make the first move. Not with how it all ended. The whispers of Jenye’s death in all the chaos had reached Blythe’s ears too late and so a letter sent months later felt ill advised. They would not have blamed Talia if she just kept walking. Gone was the days of Blythe and Bly. They had started that though, it was their fault. “Yes, the months have been kind to me, though not my family,” They said softly, thinking of their niece still afflicted with their coma. “You aren’t in my way, Lady Talia. I apologize if I made you feel that way.” They could not apologize for it all now, not so easily, but perhaps this could be a bit of balm to their aches. They hesitated for a moment,“I was saddened to hear of your family’s lose. If there’s anything you need that I can help with...”
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scndrenched · 2 years
the way she spoke made him wonder if this woman wasn’t from the south, in truth he couldn’t really see the difference between a friend of foe yet, but such a sharp tongue could mean one of my options. With his eyebrows raised, he turned to the woman, wondering what made her believe such an attitude was okay, but then again he was no different. “The water tells me nothing-” he murmured as he turns to it, rather frustrated. The water hadn’t been his friend in so long, after his family, it seemed he was cursed to suffer its wrath. “it takes and takes until you  are drained.” he whispered before turning. “What is your name, my lady?”
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His words confirmed her suspicions, only an ironborn would feel so strongly after the last few months. She could not blame them, the destruction their fleet faced draining their power even further. “Yet, we continue to set sail on it, now is that the waters fault or our own,” She wondered aloud. The waters nature has always been known and yet people continue to test it. “Sarisa Mormont, Ruling Lady of Bear Island. And your’s?”
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scndrenched · 2 years
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where  :    dorne  ,    a  courtyard  .
who  :  @prodiiteur  ,    @reqaltys  ,    @crvwnfought  ,    @lilachymns  ,    @aliandraallyrion​  ,    @aurorecaron  ,    @crxnlxnds  ,    @trgryns  ,    @glvrious  ,    @scndrenched​  .
when  :    month  two  ,    beginning.
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       ❝    he’s  not  so  scary  ,    even  if  he  has  grown  since  i’ve  been  away  .    ❞   elia  utters  from  her  place  perched  upon  pillows  ,    hand  stroking  down  the  tiger’s  fur  .    mors  is  calm  ,    a  slight  purr  slipping  out  as  he  lays  guard  in  front  of  her  ,    watching  their  companion’s  every  movement  .    the  arryns  had  seen  their  world  burned  to  ashes  -  and  she  nor  mors  would  not  see  the  same  become  of  nymeria’s  descendants  .    even  if  it  meant  she  would  lose  some  grace  ,    and  he  become  less  docile  .    ❝    not  to  me  ,    at  least  .    though  i  don’t  know  if  i  would  recommend  getting  too  close  .    you  know  he’s  always  been  rather  overprotective  of  me  .    ❞  
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Blythe laughed lightly at their niece’s advice. “Trust that I know not to try your pet.” Their own was one that could be described similarly, a friend to them and very rarely anyone else. “It seems many have become overprotective of you, Elia,” Bly observed, “Do you feel you need it?” The softness that their niece presented was hiding the cool interior that they were sure each of the Martell’s posessed. It was smart of Elia, they felt, especially with the current state of affairs. “How have been keeping busy?”
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scndrenched · 2 years
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closed for  :  mateo marbrand ( @scndrenched​​ ) location  :  the gates of staerdale  !
she’d hated leaving him is the truth of the matter. things had changed so drastically after what had happened in the keep, fear driving them back together rather than apart this time. it’s not at all the same as things were before aren had passed, but she’s started to think that the difference isn’t bad at all, that change is only a basis for something better to come. it’s why she’d been fairly reluctant to go when the king had summoned her to staerdale, and why she waits rather impatiently at the gates now. she’s already shoved one person out of her way who had been blocking her view, using her height to her advantage as she scans the road for the familiar banner of a tree on fire. she’s practically pacing when it finally comes into her view, eyes lighting when they come close enough for her to make out her husband’s face. her pride is the only thing that keeps her rooted in place, though there’s a smile on her face in greeting when they’re finally only a few steps apart. “what did you do, take the longest road possible to get here?”
The destruction and death that had ended their stay in King’s Landing had quite a few unexpected outcomes. One of which was the reminder that he still was very deeply in love with his wife. It was with quite a bit of regret that Mateo looked back and saw that nearly losing her was what had finally brought him out of his stupor. Her call to New Valyria had brought the fear that he would not be able keep himself from falling back into old habits, but the letters they wrote each other proved him wrong. He took measured steps to his wife, though there was a moment of boyish glee that nearly had him move faster. He laughed loudly, hearing those words seven months ago with a very different result. “Perhaps you can convince the king to make a road direct from Ashemark to New Valyria.” It was then that he leaned down to kiss his wife,”My darling, how I’ve missed you.”
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scndrenched · 2 years
Who: Shaera, @shesiren​
It was with heavy knowledge that Blythe walked the halls of New Valyria. Invited by the king to a graveyard, an inelegant reminder of his power. Burn the people who went against him, descrate their resting place with a symbol of the realm. The Arryns were not innocent, but not every person in the Eryie was guilty. Not every Arryn deserved to die. Those spared with their names ripped from them, their birth rights taken. Power is the only thing that remained holy in this realm and the King seemed to enjoy proving that reminder with each of his moves. Their palm rested against the smooth stone of the window as they imagined dragons flying toward them, felt the crippling inability to change the course, held the ghosts of the Arryns in their chest. They did not know many of the Arryns, did not care for them before this, but they would not forget the innocents lost to dragon fire. Would not forget who called those forces forward, who sat on the throne and who would later take his place.
Footsteps echoed through the hall and Blythe turned from the window, face carefully kept masked as they saw Princess Shaera in hall. Her role in everything was complicated and Blythe could not help but understand that she had little choice in who she married. They curtsied to the princess, enough to be respectful, but no further. “Princess Shaera, I was just taking in the view. It must be something to be able to walk these halls everyday and imagine the things you can see from here.”
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