scni Ā· 4 years
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chicagoā€™s very own addison sani has been spotted on madison avenue driving a Ā rolls-royce wraith , welcome ! your resemblance to greta onieogou is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty fourth Ā birthday bash Ā . your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because youā€™re reactive , but being Ā tenderhearted Ā might help you . i think being a Ā virgo Ā explains that . Ā 3 things that would paint Ā a Ā better picture of you would be walking out of a casino with double the money you walked in with, sunkissed skin all year round, drunkenly dancing on a table . ( my dad has ties to the mafia and when things started getting out of hand my mom forced him out of our lives what she doesnā€™t know is that i meet him for lunch every week ) & ( cisfemale + she/her Ā ) + Ā ( taylor , twenty , she/her , est )
wow ok guys , this took me alot longer than i expected ? iā€™m TIRED , lol . iā€™m taylor though , hi legends ! iā€™m 20 and live in the est + go by she / her pronouns .Ā a little about me before we get to my lil baby ā€” i spend too much time in the timewrap that is youtube where iā€™ll watch a ricky thompson video one minute then daily vlogs of a raccoon to mgkā€™s kelly vision vlogs true story , this MAY have happened while i was supposed to be getting this intro up šŸ„ŗĀ iā€™m a total music whore and love everything that has a good flow idc if itā€™s rap or country if itā€™s good itā€™s lit ! also heads up i have the attention span of a squirrel so if i donā€™t respond to a thread or ims itā€™s because im a dumb hoe , i still love ya . anyways , enough about me lets get this intro rolling ! give this a like if youā€™d like to plot . ALSO ? i know the background is a lil long it was honestly mostly for me to really flesh addison out and give me something to look back to , so if you wanna get to the point of the intro just skip the background ? there is a tl;dr after it followed by her personality / secret / stats + some basic wcs toward the end of the post !
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addison mikhailovna sani , was born in saint petersburg , russia where she grew up in a home too big to even be referred to as a house . she wasnā€™t the first child of ivanka and mikhail but she definitely was their first planned child . a couple that met early in their twenties , had their moments but at the end of the day they loved one another . both extremelyĀ traditional and their beliefsĀ , they were given no choice but to accelerateĀ their love story when they turned up pregnant with their son . he was a beautiful and happy little boy , but posed a threat the ivanka and mikhailā€™s pretty storybook life they wanted to set up for themselves . obsessed with staying on some sort of timeline , ivanka began her campaign for her budding political career . then she turned up pregnant again , with their second child , a daughter this time . in their eyes their daughter was just another bump in their perfect life . they held a sort of resentment against the kids for that , especially given that ivanka had lost her window of political popularity . sheā€™d resigned to the life of a socialite and stay at home mom and they decided the best way to fill her time up was with another child . this time , one they truly wanted . her parents would never admit it , but they hadnā€™t seen the true ā€œ sani potential ā€œ in their children that wasnā€™t until they had addison . her parents truly doted on her . from her point of view life was perfect . silver spoon life did her well . that was until the perfect facade the saniā€™s held up was beginning to crumble before their eyes . her father , a wealthy international real estate investor comes from a crime family , it was a world he hid in the shadows but things grew rather messy and the family was posed with a choice (a) leave russia and start up life somewhere else or (b) stay in russia and chance mikhail going to jail for the entirety of the kids childhood . of course they chose to leave russia , on the one promise to ivanka that mikhail was done with the life of organized crime .
they made the move to chicago , illinois when addison was just ten years old . luckily for her sheā€™d grown up speaking three languages russian , nigerian , and english and so coming to america was made just a bit easier for her as she wasnā€™t completely fluent but was able to get by and converse with others . her parents quickly integratedĀ themselves into the elite society within chicagoā€™s wealthiest families , which wasnā€™t too hard with her fatherā€™s up - and - up line of work of real estate investing and her motherā€™s status as an heiress . the same could be said for the kids at school , each one integrating fairly well into their own friend groups . like at home stayed the same , they may have been in a new country but her parents love or obsessionĀ with addison knew no borders . she had everything a little girl could ask for and more , plus her busy parents actually made time for her - that was much more than her siblings could say . addison knew the dynamic , she was a smart girl and picked up on it quickly . often apologizing to her older siblings and offering up her own support for their lives in place of their parents . as she grew older the pressure from her family started taking itā€™s toll . when ivanka and mikhail sani thought you were destined to be great , they really pushed you and placed the highest of expectations on you . addison carried around the fear that one day theyā€™d look at her the same way they did her siblings and so she worked herself in all aspects of her life to be the perfect daughter . she excelled at everything she did - academics , ballet , student government , and even becoming a debutante .Ā 
it wasnā€™t until she was sixteen that the toll really started chipping away at addison . sheā€™d spent a month on a downward spiral; popping pills , drowning herself in alcohol , losing her virginity , and throwing parties . it all came to a head when she stole millions from her fatherā€™s secret stash and booked a private jet with a couple friends . the three went missing for nearly two weeks before they were spotted at a resort in ibiza . her parents brought her home only to send her away to an inpatient program for a little over a month . addison spent that month really digging deep , finding out who she was and what she actually wanted . her therapist had told her for her to get out of the dark place she was in sheā€™d need to separateĀ her thinking from her parentsĀ  and let go of the perfectionist act . when she came back home it was like the last few months had never happened , her parents ignored it all . to them , the issue was fixed and now it was time to sweep it under the rug but for addison it broke her heart . she realized over that next year that her parents didnā€™t see her as a person with her own choices but instead some sort of maniquin for them to play some weird version of real life sims with . despite this realization she couldnā€™t help but to fall back in line .Ā 
senior year of high school came quick and the four years of studentĀ government , mock trial , equestrian , and perfect grades was nearly over but not before addisonā€™s whole world crumbled before her . no matter how perfect she tried to be the saniā€™s could never run from the truth . they werenā€™t this perfect family , when her mom caught her dad tied up with the russian mafia within the city of chicago it was over . by the end of the night ivanka was kicking him out of the house , with the threat that if he so much as looked in the direction of her and the kids sheā€™d have him sent to jail for the rest of his natural life . the threat was enough to spook him , heā€™d known her well enough to know she wasnā€™t bluffing . just a few months later he moved out of the state leaving secret letters for the children to let them know he loved them . but of course , addison wasnā€™t allowed to so much as miss a beat . ivanka was still on her like some crazed momager and when she landed multiple acceptances in some of the top schools across the country the two inevitablyĀ made the decision for addison to attend yale . secretly she wantedĀ stanford but bit the bullet . she studied finance with a major in philosophy . joined a sororityĀ and mock trial . in truth she took a liking to connecticut and the change of scenery helped her forget about everything happening back in chicago .Ā 
during her senior year at yale , her mom broke the news of the family making the big move to new york city . which really just meant addison and her mom were moving to new york city because her brother had started a family in his college town of durham , north carolina + was also playing for the carolina panthers while her sister traveling the world on some sort of instagram model high . her mom rambled on for week about how the move was perfect since addison would be attending columbia for law school so now the two could see one another more often . even at twenty two addison couldnā€™t put her foot down when it came to her mom and so for the millionth time in her life she held back what she really wanted to do ( finally going to stanford , for law school ) and committedĀ to columbia law .Ā Ā Ā  Ā  Ā 
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basically , addison is the baby of three kids . born in st petersburg , russia but grew up in chicago . she was always the favorite of her parents ivanka ( a russian heiress + philanthropist ) and mikhail ( a international real estate investor ) as she grew older she realized their love was more of a obsession with control + perpetuatingĀ a picture ofĀ a perfect family + daughter . the pressure to a toll on addison during highschool and she had a break down that led to a major downward spiral landing her in an inpatient facility for a month . when she got out , her parents ignored all the issues within the family and went back to treating addison like some sort of puppet + addison continued to go along with it , as she didnā€™t really know how else to be . today she struggles with being who she wants to be and who her mom wants her to be . she and her siblings have always gotten along , even though their parents never treated them all the same they were all able to see the struggle in how each one was treated and able to bond through their messy parent situation . as of now addisonā€™s trying to play up a double life sort of situation . having fun + being the perfect daughterĀ . sheā€™s also on the path to becoming a big time lawyer . sheā€™s in her 2L of law school at columbia + also works as a paid intern at the district attorneyā€™s office .Ā 
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addison has always been full of love and unlike her parents her love isnā€™t conditional maybe delusionalĀ sometimes but never conditional . donā€™t worry , after a nation wide search iā€™ve foundĀ the first girl who doesnā€™t suffer from resting bitch face . instead youā€™ll always see a smile on her face , to the point where if you ever see her not smiling be worried . something life shattering has happened . sheā€™s the type to say sheĀ ā€œ hates dramaĀ ā€œ but perk up the minute she hears about drama going on in some elseā€™s life . donā€™t worry though , after she done being nosyĀ sheā€™ll do all she can to help fix the issue even if you donā€™t wantĀ her too . hey , she may make things worse in the process but atleast she cares , right ? maybe not , i donā€™t know . incrediblyĀ loyal and loves to have a good laugh , sheā€™s incredibly witty and a lover of corny jokes . very talkative . wants everyone to like her and if you donā€™t like her get ready for her to try at every chance to win you over . very much so the ā€œ pardon me , but you really hurt my feelingsĀ ā€œ type . sheā€™s really just a soft , smart rich girl trying to navigate through this big world . also she falls in love quick , although sheā€™d never had a real relationship . not because sheā€™s a T H O T , sheā€™s not , well , she doesnā€™t mean to be atleast . she just finds her befriending guys more than becoming their girlfriend . despite her naturally affectionate behavior , she just has this weirdĀ ā€œ no boyfriendĀ ā€œ curse going on . maybe sheā€™s pushing them away when things get close to serious in fear of losing the guy from her life . on a negative note , addisons hands down worst quality is her inability to control a situation she is incredibly reactive / volatile .Ā  sheā€™ll easily fall into a screaming match or crying fit . never the type to walk away . a true virgo , yā€™all , the girl can and will argue until youā€™re blue in the face .Ā 
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so basically , her dad is apart of the russian mafia . he was heavily involved while they lived in russia but when the government was catching onto his actions the family fled the country before they could dig any deeper into the case . he was supposed to cut ties when they moved to chicago but it was a way of life he simply couldnā€™t let go of . when addisonā€™s mom found out she forced him out of their lives threatening to turn him in if he so much of looks at his children . despite this when addison and her mom moved to new york he reached out to addison . theyā€™ve been meeting for lunch once a week for almost a year and a half behind her moms back . absolutely no one but those involved with the mafia know about her dad being within the mafia , which is exactly how heā€™s always wanted it , which is why her mom could never find out addison and he are continuingĀ their relationship .
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full name : addison mikhailovna sani age : twenty - four date of birth : september 7th place of birth : saint petersburg , russia zodiac : virgo label : the facade pronouns : she/her gender : cisfemale orientation : bisexual , biromantic height : 5ā€²8ā€³ weight : 132 lbs ethnicity : nigerian , russianĀ  hometown : chicago , illinois occupation : law student , intern @ the district attorneyā€™s office more : allergic to apples , hates takeout food , has an affinity for adult cartoons and stand up comedy, lives for alternative music , believes cuddling is a natural human interaction , loves video games , graduated valedictorianĀ of her high school , loves painting .
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soooo i know these are pretty basic but im just throwing things at the wall here and hoping they stick , okay ? im down for really anything so we can take inspo from these ideas ? expand more on them ? or just brainstorm something completely different ? whatever works ! , best friends , GIRL squad , drinking/party buddies , weā€™re just friend or at leastĀ thatĀ what we say but i always bring you as my date to big events type of deal , flirtationship , sibling like friendship , someone who has a crush on her , they donā€™t like her and sheā€™s always trying to get them to change their mind , someone who tries to talk her into standing up to her mom , a confidant , someone she has a crush on , booty call maybe she initiallyĀ wanted something serious from them but just fell into this booty call dynamic and she wont say anything otherwise because she likes having them around , someone she has a crush on , an ex friend who probably broke her trust .Ā 
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scni Ā· 4 years
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