scottetchins · 5 years
Wow, has it really been that long since I last updated my page? I guess it's time to come out the hiatus...
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scottetchins · 7 years
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Azrah Appears in - The Fallen Performer Backstory - Looking at the war between the Demigods and the Automators, Azrah chose to stay out of the fight. However, he changed his mind after learning that the Automators were willing to offer the souls of their fallen solders to him. This intrigued him in hoping that many of them would die, so that Azrah could substantially improve his army to take out both the Demigods and Automators. This could be Azrah's one and only chance to carry out this plan and reign supreme. Abilities: ☆ Soul Manipulation - Azrah's greatest skill is this ability. The time it takes to control a soul out depends on how powerful the person is. Once the soul is under his command, they become mindless bodies that serve him. Azrah can rule over as many souls as he wants, and he can also keep them that way for hours at a time. ☆ Hex Traps - Azrah is an expert at drawing Wiccan pentagrams that hold magic, and he's very versatile with them. He can turn them into traps that detonate when enemies get near or convert them into portals to trick and confuse attackers. ☆ Pendant Charm - The pendant around Azrah's neck acts as a defensive barrier to him. When opposers try to snatch it from him, it will emit a wicked energy, strong enough to push them back. ☆ Vast amounts of energy - Using all three of these powers takes quite some endurance, and most users would be worn out within a short time. Azrah has been using magic for his entire life, so he can go for minutes at a time without feeling fatigued. ☆ Adept Conspiracist - Azrah is cunning enough to join forces with multiple alliances and secretly twist them into destroying each other. Once the dust settles, he will summon all of the ones that died, turn them into an army and sweep up the remaining survivors. Weaknesses: ■ Fragile - Despite being more than capable of handling his own, Azrah has a skeletal frame. This means that he has to be extremely careful to not get hit. Some attacks are lethal enough to end him in one blow. Magic attacks won't do much, but a regular fist will be just enough... ■ Physically Weak - Expanding upon the previous weakness, Azrah has absolutely no physical strength. As a matter of fact, he uses magic for nearly EVERYTHING he does. If something weighs more than 50 pounds, he's gonna rely on levitating it. ■ Terrible Up Close - Azrah can cause anyone trouble at a distance. However, once they get near enough to throw punches, he begins to suffer. Sure, Azrah can depend on his pendant to save him, but here's the kicker: the pendant will only push them back if the attacker grabs hold of it. So basically, they can beat him to a pulp as long as they don't touch the medallion. ■ Smart Opponents - Sometimes, Azrah's double-crossing backfires when characters put their heads together. If this happens, the two opposing sides will team up just to claim his life for trechery. Some characters are intelligent enough to call his bluff early and end him instantly. Azrah has to be extremely careful every time he negotiates with others, and his appearance doesn't make it any easier.
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scottetchins · 7 years
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Rose Appears in - S.I.D. Backstory - Matria and Arthur's family trees became very complicated after their marrage. Arthur belonged to the Xerin Knights, who were the eternal nemesis of Matria's group, the Divine Angels. Realizing that the marriage did little to resolve in forming peace between the two factions, they decided that bearing a child would be the other option. With the child acting as the heir to both groups, it would bring order to the extended family. Unfortunately, Matria ended up having twins, and the powers were split between them. Regardless, Arthur and Matria accepted the outcome and decided to work with raising them both. Violet inherited Matria's Angelic abilities while her sister Rose took the Xerin from Arthur. B</span>etween the two of them, Rose is the nice, loving and caring one. However, she cannot control her Xerin powers, and they will corrupt her if left unchecked. If Rose ever lets a negative emotion dwell for too long, she will lose control and wreak havoc upon everything she sees. Even Violet warned her that they may battle each other to the end if Rose loses all self-control. Despite this, Violet offers to help Rose manage with her Xerin powers as the two sisters look forward to bringing the two groups together. Abilities: ☆ Claws - Rose's nails can transform into a set of nasty claws with the power to slice through most objects with little effort. ☆ Wings - Rose can also fly. Two wings that look terrifying protrude from her back. ☆ Vocals - This power allows Rose to use her voice to make ear-shattering screams, as well as devour souls by sucking in air. Weaknesses: ■ Internal Conflict - Rose is almost always fighting to maintain control of her body by letting no negative emotions dwell within her. Even when she slumbers, nightmares can cause her to sleepwalk in her Xerin powers. ■ Kindness - There are those that take advantage of the way Rose is nice to them, and she can't do anything about it. She has to stay happy, no matter how people treat her...sometimes, it pushes her when natural things happen like death in the family. Despite this, Rose still walks with her head held high, knowing that even a small slip could bring the end to everyone else. ■ Sister - Everyone has a breaking point, and Rose is no exception. The only way for her to really cry (or rage) is if her sister, Violet embraces her. Violet can counter Rose's Xerin with her Divine powers, so her abilities are suppressed. Unfortunately, there may be a time where Violet won't be around for Rose when she does need to let her emotions out...and that's when things get ugly.
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scottetchins · 7 years
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Valentine Appears in - The Castaways, Heir of Gods Backstory - For a long time, Lauren Danes could not find love. She envied those who were married with a family, while she was single and bore no children. This all changed when she was given a statue of Aphrodite from an unknown source. The statue activated its magic and turned Lauren into Valentine, a woman with enough charm to make anyone fall prey. Lauren was thankful for the powers, but after realizing the sudden spike in attention people gave her, she started to take advantage of them. However, as time went on, she noticed that it was the same routine day after day...everywhere she went, men would flock to her. Eventually, Valentine grew tired of her beauty, and retrieved the Aphrodite statue, thinking that it can change her back if she wishes it to. After trying numerous methods, the statue did not do anything and crumbled into pieces, much to her horror. After the statue was destroyed, a small note was revealed, that had the name "Kyros" written on it, and nothing more. Feeling that this name could be linked to transforming her back to her original body, Valentine sees this as the first step to achieving her goal... Abilities: ☆ Attraction - Valentine's signature power. She beckons opponents in with her sweet-smelling perfume, alluring body and seductive voice. Characters that have as little as an inch of attraction will find it difficult to escape. ☆ Aphrodite's Kiss - If Valentine kisses someone, they will become her pawn. From that point onward, she can command them to do anything she desires. It also causes them to have an intense (and unhealthy) obsession with her. ☆ Everlasting Beauty - Another advantage Valentine has is the way her body works. For a start, she cannot get bruises or scars. She also cannot catch illnesses. As a matter of fact, not even age itself affects the way Valentine looks. She will continue to appear like this in her 60's, 80's, 100's and will also persist after death. Weaknesses: ■ Focused Characters - Valentine's Attraction will not work on characters who are extremely disiciplined. Female characters also have an easier time resisting her charm. ■ Clensing - Valentine's kisses and perfume will wear off when the victim is hit with water, or any other source that washes it away. It's the only method to restore characters, but it's a major flaw if enemies figure it out. ■ Shallow Powers - Valentine doesn't have any other abilities to fall back on if her charm fails. She can still use characters under her control, but Valentine herself has no intention to get her hands dirty (at least when it comes to fighting). ■ Loneliness - Valentine may be able to turn heads wherever she walks, but she eventually grew tired of it, because it's the same cycle over and over with men. When she was Lauren and someone showed attraction, it was real. Valentine misses this feeling and will do anything to get her old form back. She realized her new form is now more of a curse than a gift, and regrets having accepted the statue. She may get a lot of attention, but Valentine has never felt more alone in her life.
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scottetchins · 7 years
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Appears in - Multiple story arcs
Backstory - Project Renissance is a campaign with the goal of evolving the human race. Before Johnny was born, he was extracted from his mother and fused with fire and solar energy. She strongly believed in Project Renaissance and volunteered her own son for the initiative. Johnny is now tasked with finding more humans to recruit into the project…or at least, that’s what he should’ve been doing. Since the element of fire is such a powerful tool, Johnny will sometimes get sidetracked and travel to various areas, just to battle others and test his strength. He believes that Project Renissance should only be for the greatest fighters, so he forms an idea that no one is eligible to join unless they manage to beat him. Johnny Arson is currently undefeated.
Abilities: ☆ Absorbing - Johnny can take energy from heat, and anything else associated with it. This includes ash, smoke, napalm, sulfur, the sun and even fire from other characters.
☆ Mastery of Fire - Since Johnny himself is made of fire, he can split his body at will, conjure some to throw at opponents, and track people by heat.
☆ Human Nuke - Johnny can contain enough energy within himself that he can explode. He can activate this move at any time, although he will lose his body in the process. After a few hours of the explosion, Johnny’s molecules will begin to piece back together, reforming him. The bigger the explosion, the more time it takes for Johnny to get his body back.
☆ Taunting - Johnny trash talks a lot. Not just because he’s cocky, but to see if he can get others riled up. Johnny knows that when characters get irritated, they begin to make foolish actions, and he’ll take advantage of it. He will throw insults until he finds a way to get under their skin. Even after he wins a battle, Johnny will continue to mock them, just to remind the character that they stand far below him.
Weaknesses: ■ Nightfall - Johnny may be able to absorb energy from the sun, but once the darker hours come around, his power becomes limited.
■ Water - Against this element, Johnny has to output twice the energy just to stand a chance.
■ Extreme Cold - A huge one. If Johnny suffers from cold, his flames will be doused and he will die. With this in mind, Arson (like the birds) travels south during the winter.
■ Arrogance - The biggest weakness. Because he’s undefeated, Johnny has a ton of confidence in his powers and skills…too much, to be exact. His ego is so huge, that Johnny will fight with disadvantages on purpose just for bragging rights. Even though the other three weaknesses are grave, Johnny will STILL put himself in those situations, just to prove he can win under any condition. If you were to challenge him at night, out in the ocean during the winter time…he’d happily accept…
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