scottishghost-blog · 11 years
Alex looked up from her spot on the sofa, watching his face as it slowly clicked with him. "I'm just as surprised as you are." She told him bluntly. "...Why are you looking at me like that?" 
 ”I’ll hide the stakes… wait… human?” Hal stared at her for a moment, a part of him wanted to reach out and touch at her cheek, to feel the warmth of the living. But he didn’t do such a thing. Instead, he stared at her. Something was different, the usual paranormal aura of a ghost failed to be sensed within the house — but instead, a human sound infiltrated audio.
The beating of a heart.
“You’re… human…”
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scottishghost-blog · 11 years
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scottishghost-blog · 11 years
No no no. That's normal. I mean I MAKE tea that way. When I can't be arsed to do it properly.
Americans microwave their tea though… And by Americans I mean me.
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scottishghost-blog · 11 years
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Americans microwave their tea though… And by Americans I mean me.
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scottishghost-blog · 11 years
Americans microwave their tea though... And by Americans I mean me.
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scottishghost-blog · 11 years
(IDEK if the world could handle their combined sarcasm and sass. But I agree.)
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scottishghost-blog · 11 years
(Same, ngl.)
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scottishghost-blog · 11 years
Send a ✿ if you would ship your character with mine.
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scottishghost-blog · 11 years
Well now she's just completely confused. "I thought you would be." Great. This was so not something she wanted to deal with. Again.
  “Should I be?” Cutler had no idea what’d happened. 
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scottishghost-blog · 11 years
"What? You're not?" She thought it had worked on everyone.
“Balls. I almost forgot about a certain aspect of being alive, and a woman, that sucks.”
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scottishghost-blog · 11 years
"No." Alex stared at the bloke for a few more seconds before backing away. "He's probably going to wish he was when he wakes up though." She said smugly, looking over at Tom. "I'm just glad I don't work here." Oh she knew what was going to happen before it even did. Sick. And lots of it.
Time for work...
Since Tom couldn’t rent a ghost being a werewolf, he locked up and walked to work, he came through the hotel door and paused seeing Alex with the man and his eyes widened. “Is he dead?” Tom whispered towards Alex, looking around though if he was, wouldn’t he be a ghost? unless he had no unfinished business.
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scottishghost-blog · 11 years
"Balls. I almost forgot about a certain aspect of being alive, and a woman, that sucks."
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scottishghost-blog · 11 years
Scowling, Alex's hands curled up into fists. "No. It doesn't." Alex told him bitterly before rent-a-ghosting out of the room. 
Alex scoffed bitterly. He was sorry? Really? “Oh you’re sorry? Well I guess I can move on now!” Alex shouted the last part, staring up at the ceiling as if she were speaking to someone. “Because you apologised for killing me. I had absolutely nothing to do with any of this. You dragged me into this whole thing.”
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scottishghost-blog · 11 years
"It was so worth it."
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scottishghost-blog · 11 years
Bored, Alex had decided to go with Tom to work. Though she took the short cut and rent-a-ghosted there. "Oh." Alex said when her eyes fell upon what appeared to be a man passed out on the table. Lifting his arm up, she watched it fall back down onto the table loudly. "Someone got wasted last night."
Time for work...
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“Wonder what there is ta do taday”
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scottishghost-blog · 11 years
Pausing from gnawing at the side of her finger, Alex raised an eyebrow at him. Wondering just how serious he was. "No. But you clearly have." She said casually, turning back to watch the tele.
“Oh stuff the rota, Hal.” Alex said exasperated, head leaning back on the couch to look at him. 
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scottishghost-blog · 12 years
Alex scoffed bitterly. He was sorry? Really? "Oh you're sorry? Well I guess I can move on now!" Alex shouted the last part, staring up at the ceiling as if she were speaking to someone. "Because you apologised for killing me. I had absolutely nothing to do with any of this. You dragged me into this whole thing."
It was hard to look the ghost in the eye, and even harder to admit how little he regretted taking her life as an act of revenge. He regretted it being her, but the revenge would never sit in his heart as something he wished he’d never done. Cutler only hoped she understood a bit more why he’d done it.
“…I’m sorry it was you.”
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