scoutsbattlecats · 11 months
Always somewhat insecure that one of my OCs is a Riverclan medcat named Frost even if their story is vastly different than the canon character frostpaw lol
If her suffix is berry im flipping a table
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scoutsbattlecats · 2 years
For a while now I’ve had Merlelight’s grand-nephew as a character but I cannot for my life think of a name for him.
Story synopsis is as follows.
He’s a sepia pointed/orange tabby chimera with two tails (polycaudal). He was the only one to survive his litter because his mother was Merlelight’s apprentice, Pinepaw, who is one of Steadyheart’s kits. (And one of only two “legitimate” Riverclan kits of his). Pinepaw did not want him to begin with and abandoned him, and the clan in general, basically as soon as Merlelight went off to rest after the birth. There were no nursing queens at the time so Merlelight had to raise him herself, at first telling warriors to seek out prey with milk-scent to bring to her to give him the milk. He manages to survive to apprenticeship, but his temper frequently gets him in trouble, especially regarding his lifelong rival, Thunderpaw/Thunderfoot. Eventually he kills Thunderfoot in a confrontation and given that Thunderfoot is the son of the deputy at the time, Stonefoot, he’s as good as exiled (with Stonefoot declaring he’ll kill him if he ever sees him again). Icestar simply says that they think he should do what he feels is best.
Anyway he ends up leaving and it’s part of why Merlelight does not take another apprentice until Tansypaw shortly before her death. Before she’ll accept being in Starclan she demands to find out what had become of him, and she found that he’d been taken in by Twolegs and was kept in a large enclosure in a research facility as he was too vicious to be a housecat. The Twolegs would use him for breeding. She also finds Pinepaw, who was an elderly housecat living alongside the father of her litter.
The obvious choice is Twokit/Twopaw/Twotail (he never got a full clan name) but that’s just kind of boring lol. I’ve also considered Splitkit/Splitpaw/Splittail, Halfkit/Halfpaw.
I wish there was some sort of plant that had two stalks or leaves or something lol. I can’t find anything.
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scoutsbattlecats · 2 years
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Priscilla (Frost’s mother), Coltsflame, and Frostberry :D 
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scoutsbattlecats · 2 years
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Gentlebreeze, who didn’t have a design before, and another Merlelight because I keep wanting to try her again. I’m very happy with this one! Torties are a struggle especially very spotted ones :P
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scoutsbattlecats · 2 years
Merlelight’s Mother, part 1
Merlelight opened her eyes, sighing with contentment. She found herself laying in a grassy clearing next to a sparkling pond, sunlight warming her pelt. She always felt most relaxed in Starclan’s hunting grounds, and this was her first time visiting as a full medicine cat. Sitting up, she glanced around, looking for a sign of any other cat.
She hoped, perhaps, that due to the special occasion, her mother, Gentlebreeze might make an appearance. She had died in battle before Merlelight had even left the nursery, yet there had never been a dream or a half-moon meeting in which she’d appeared to her daughter. 
“Hey, congrats, Merlelight!” A cat called from behind her. Turning around, Merlelight instantly recognized the flame-point she-cat - it was Minnowpaw, a cat who’d been visiting her in her dreams since she was a young kit, and the most common Starclan cat to communicate with her.
Minnowpaw padded over, sitting down next to Merlelight. The young tortoiseshell nodded fondly at her friend.
“I know you’ve had a rough day.” Minnowpaw mewed sympathetically. 
During the previous night, Merlelight had been sleeping peacefully in the Twoleg-provided nest she shared with Vixen in the Cutter Building, as she had for at least four seasons before, when her mentor, Cottonwind, had showed up, demanding she come back to Riverclan to take his place as medicine cat. He was very ill - his ribs could clearly be seen through his shabby, thinning coat, and with every word saliva would flow out of his mouth. Even more frightening we’re the fits he would sporadically fall into, followed by a temporary inability to move his legs.
Merlelight knew she had to return to Riverclan. She loved Vixen, but she was never meant to be a housecat. The goodbye had been excruciating, as was the journey to the Moonpool, as Cottonwind would go through moments of extreme disorientation and hostility. Her naming ceremony had only lasted a few moments, and right after the old white cat stumbled off into the forest, telling her he’d be back when he was cured with the help of Twoleg medicine.
Merlelight knew in her heart she wouldn’t see him again.
“I hope Cottonwind finds peace.” Merlelight sighed. “It would be the first time the old fleabag ever knew it.”
The two she-cats sat in somber silence for a moment, before Minnowpaw began to speak again.
“Since it’s your first time in Starclan as a full medicine cat, I figured you should finally get to talk to some of your kin.” She said. Merlelight pricked her ears, staring at her friend with great interest. “You always wondered why they never seemed to speak with you.”
Merlelight looked around for the sign of any other cat. She couldn’t see anyone. Suddenly, Minnowpaw made a chirping sound, and the high-pitched laughter of excited kits filled the air. Suddenly, out from the bushes, two kits ran out - one dark brown with black points, and the other similar, but with her points splashed with orange, and with white on her paws and chest.
The kits ran up to Merlelight, jumping on her and nuzzling her, the medicine cat flinching back, her eyes wide.
“Merlelight! You’re so cool!” One of them, the tom-kit, purred. “You get to be the medicine cat now!”
“Say hi to Steadyheart for us, okay?” The other kit mewed.
“Uh … Minnowpaw?” Merlelight stammered, quite shocked. “Who are they?”
“We’re your littermates, silly!” The tom squealed. “I’m Deadkit, and that’s Lostkit!”
Merlelight furrowed her brow and pinned her ears.
“My only littermate is Steadyheart.” She insisted. The kits and Minnowpaw exchanged a knowing glance.
“Not exactly.” Minnowpaw said, softly. 
“I was born into Starclan.” Deadkit stated. “Gentlebreeze put us in the river, and it carried us away!”
Merlelight didn’t know what to think. Gentlebreeze had been a very private cat, to the point where she refused to tell her who her father was, or even what her name, “Merle”, meant. 
“Gentlebreeze didn’t want any help giving birth.” Lostkit explained. “You and Steadyheart were okay, but Deadkit was dead.”
“Gentlebreeze thought Lostkit was dead too, so she put us both in the river.” Deadkit added. Merlelight’s eyes widened.
“Well, yeah…” Lostkit said, sheepishly. Deadkit interrupted.
“But it’s okay! If we’d lived, we’d be Dark Forest cats! Lots of cats would’ve died at my paws specifically! No, really, it’s fine!”
“Uh-huh.” Merlelight’s heart raced. She wasn’t sure how to react to this new information.
“So, uh..” she finally began. “Is Gentlebreeze here? I have some questions for her.”
Minnowpaw, Lostkit, and Deadkit shared nervous glances.
“Well…” Lostkit began. Deadkit gave her a desperate look, as if to make her stop talking.
“Well?” Merlelight insisted.
“Gentlebreeze… is not here.” Minnowpaw admitted, avoiding eye contact.
“Well, where is she then?!” Merlelight asked, her fur beginning to bristle.
“She’s, well, she’s-“ Deadkit began.
“She’s a Dark Forest cat.” Lostkit spit out.
Merlelight felt like a weight dropped in her stomach, and her mouth went dry. Her claws unsheathed and ears flattened against her head. Something wasn’t right here.
“Why?!” She demanded. The three Starclan cats looked increasingly uncomfortable, as if they were ashamed.
“It’s, uh, mostly politics.” Minnowpaw stammered, looking at her paws. “Most Riverclan cats really disagree with her fate.”
“She killed a cat. Redmoss. He was very popular. The Windclan deputy.” Deadkit explained. Merlelight stamped her foot.
“In that battle, the same one that she died in.” Lostkit said. “He was going into the nursery, and she slashed his throat.”
“Our mother is the the Dark Forest because she killed a Windclan cat, who was trying to get into the nursery, during a Windclan raid on Riverclan.” Merlelight repeated, flatly.
“Yes, but remember, Redmoss was very popular. He had lots of fans here in Starclan, and he had a litter of kits back home who became fatherless.” Minnowpaw still couldn’t hold eye contact as she tried to explain.
“And what of the cat who killed her?!” Merlelight was starting to struggle to suppress her rage. “Are they there too?!”
“Oh, no, we talk with Hawkreed all the time. He was just doing his job as a Windclan warrior.” Deadkit answered. 
“So he was just doing his job, but Gentlebreeze, who had two kits still in the nursery and who killed a cat who was trying to break into the nursery to harm those kits, was not?”
“Redmoss was very popular.” Minnowpaw sighed again.
The four cats stood in awkward silence for a moment. Suddenly, Merlelight began to walk forward, pushing past the others, heading deeper into Starclan’s hunting ground. Pausing for a moment, she turned her head back.
“Who’s in charge of deciding who’s allowed in Starclan, again?” She asked. Minnowpaw stared back, wide-eyed.
“Uh, well, there’s a council. They hang out on the Sunny Rocks.” She gestured with her paw in the direction, before trotting to Merlelight’s side.
“They’re not cats I would pick a fight with. They’re very old, respected, beloved warriors.” She warned. The kits scampered after her.
“I don’t fight. I just want a word with them.” Merlelight mewed, trotting in the direction Minnowpaw had indicated. Walking past some trees, she began to see other cats around them, mostly lounging around, socializing or basking in the sun. She felt a few eyes watching her and heard chattering among them, but couldn’t care less about what they might be saying.
The Sunny Rocks were a bunch of flat stones, illuminated by sunlight and perfect for basking, without the earthly danger of looming snakebites. When Merlelight approached it, she saw six cats dozing on various stones, the largest one a huge spotted tom with large ears. As she approached, he woke up, staring down at her.
“I need to talk to you, and your friends.” Merlelight said. Minnowpaw and the kits were hidden out of sight, not wanting involvement in the conversation.
The huge tom nodded sagely.
“Go ahead, Merlelight. Congratulations on the name, by the way. I’m glad Cottonwind lasted long enough to give it to you.” He purred. 
“Thanks.” Merlelight grumbled. After a moment of silence, she raised her hackles and spoke up. “What I want to know is - why is my mother in the Dark Forest?”
The tall tom looked startled, jolting to alertness and pinning his ears a moment. His companions began to wake up - a black and white tom, a brown pointed she-cat, a soft gray tabby tom, among others.
“Uh, well, she killed Redmoss, didn’t she?” He stammered, avoiding eye contact with Merlelight, who stated directly at him, unblinking.
“Redmoss was a noble, loyal warrior, and he had a litter of young kits at home who were left fatherless.” The she-cat explained. 
“I heard she also threw one of her kits in the river, thinking it was dead. Both would have lived if she’d just had help giving birth.” The tabby added.
“But weren’t Lostkit and Deadkit prophesied to be evil, deadly killers?” Merlelight asked, raising an eyebrow.
“They were, but the warrior code-“ the tall cat began.
“The warrior code?! The warrior code?! Since when does anyone actually know what the warrior code says?! It hasn’t been taught for generations! Not in Gentlebreeze’s, or her grandparents’, or even since Silverstar and Goldstar!” Merlelight snapped, her fur bristling.
Another cat emerged from behind Sunny Rocks. This cat was a thick-furred, gray and white tom, missing one eye. He sat calmly at the base of the rock the tall tom was sitting on.
“Gentlebreeze’s placement was… controversial.” The tall tom continued, still avoiding contact. “But see, with what she did to Redmoss, I feel like I had no choice but to -“
“Redmoss is his descendent.” The gray and white tom spoke up. The tall tom looked down at him wide-eyed, and the other cats looked away. “In fact, most of the cats here are Windclan cats, and they’re not fans of Riverclan.”
“Treestar, that’s enough.” The tall tom growled. 
“Sorry, Cranestar, but it’s not!” He turned back to Merlelight. “Other reasoning I’ve heard was that Gentlebreeze was a radical - she loved the idea of being a kitty pet, and even mated with one - your father.”
“Housecats have been acceptable mates for a long, long time!” Merlelight exclaimed, baring her teeth. “What is this, a century ago?! As long as a cat’s loyalty to their clan isn’t compromised.”
“She’s right, that’s a poor excuse.” The pointed she-cat agreed. “It was killing Redmoss, and perhaps the drowning of her kit. One could argue she also abandoned her own kits.”
“She did not abandon us!” Merlelight snarled. “She was young and overwhelmed!”
Cranestar sighed, sitting up. He was much taller than any cat Merlelight had ever seen, but she couldn’t care less. She stared daggers at him, her whole pelt bristling.
“I’ll admit, we’ve been criticized for Gentlebreeze’s placement. It’s kind of a sore spot.” He said. “The truth is, there’s nothing to be done about it now.”
“Yes there is!” Treestar interjected. “We go to the Dark Forest, we find her, we bring her into Starclan!”
“We can’t do that!” The gray tabby gasped. “The Dark Forest is huge, and it would be too hard to find one specific cat. Besides, if she wasn’t worthy of Starclan before, she’s been over there for what, eight seasons now? She’s probably a jaded, vicious cat now.”
“I’m tired of all your foxdung excuses!” Treestar hissed, facing the four on the rocks. “Honestly Smoothstone, do we judge cats after death now?! I’ve been saying it since her death: we wronged that poor molly, and we ought to make it right.”
“Okay, okay.” Cranestar conceded. “Yes, we were wrong. But there’s still nothing to be done about it now.”
“Some cat can venture into the Dark Forest and find her.” Treestar suggested. “Bring her here.”
“Do you volunteer?” The pointed she-cat asked. Treestar shook his head.
“I wouldn’t recognize her. She’d need someone who would.”
Merlelight stepped up. 
“Okay, I’ll do it.”
The four cats on the rocks glanced at each other in surprise, while Treestar gave her an approving smirk.
“Alright then.” Cranestar said. “Merlelight, if you find Gentlebreeze, and bring her out of the Dark Forest, she will be welcome in Starclan.”
“I can show you the way.” Treestar said quietly.
“But remember - the cats there are a vicious bunch, and if they hurt you, your body will bear the scars. If they kill your, well -“ Cranestar warned.
“I’m not worried. After all, if Gentlebreeze is in there, who else is? Someone who made dirt in the Windclan warriors den once as a joke?” Merlelight grumbled.
Merlelight turned her back on the cats lounging on their rocks, who glanced between each other. Their uncertainty was palpable. 
Cottonwind had always told her that no cat gained wisdom simply by joining Starclan: that every single one was just as foolish as they were the day they died, so this wasn’t exactly surprising to Merlelight. Of course cats would subject cats they disliked to damnation for trivial reasons. Gentlebreeze didn’t have any kin to speak up for her when she died - her own mother had left the clan never to return and her father was just as unknown as her mate was - the only ones deciding her fate were the ancestors of a cat she killed in battle and their companions. 
She gestured for Treestar to come with her, and the two left the Sunny Rocks. She glanced around for Minnowpaw and the kits, but her friend and her littermates had disappeared. It was just her and the grizzled old tom, who trotted out ahead of her to show her the way.
“You’re very brave, molly.” Treestar said, breaking the silence. “I never felt right about where they put your mother.”
“Thanks.” Merlelight said. 
“I bet you’re wondering who I am, and why I care about some young, dead, Riverclan she-cat.” He mewed. Merlelight sighed.
“Not really, actually.” Though she knew old tom cats like him would always tell their story regardless.
“I was the leader of Shadowclan long, long ago.” He began, looking thoughtful. “Ivystar died, and I’d been her deputy for moons and moons.” 
“Well, kits started turning up dead. Thunderclan, Windclan, and Skyclan lost whole litters. They’d find ‘‘em looking like freshkill out in the woods.” His expression turned troubled. “Back then, the clans fought each other often. Rivalries were bitter. Obviously the two unaffected clans are the most suspicious, and, well, Shadowclan had a reputation for brutality towards young cats.”
Merlelight had only ever heard of Shadowclan cats being socially awkward and detached towards the other clans. Their leader, Marshstar, would occasionally just skip gatherings, with only the medicine cat and a few warriors with apprentices showing up.
“Well, I was falsely accused. Some cat planted evidence. Just two moons into being leader, at a gathering, they decided I should be executed. The three leaders of the affected clans all agreed, and the leader of Riverclan had her own hide to save. I understand.”
“They killed me nine times that night. That’s when I lost my eye.”
“Of course, I’m innocent. Starclan saw that. I wasn’t a perfect cat - I was rash, selfish. I have regrets. But no cat is perfect, and I tried to do good.”
“The Dark Forest should only be for the irredeemable. Murderers, tyrants - those who hurt others for their own gain. Not young mothers protecting their young, even against much-beloved cats.”
“The cats who killed you, are they in Starclan or the Dark Forest?” Merlelight asked. Ahead she saw a tunnel, surrounded by thick trees. That must be the entrance.
“They’ve long since faded away.” Treestar said. “I know that a few involved genuinely assumed my guilt and were only trying to protect their clans.”
“I’m still here because I make a point to speak with every new leader, and give them a life dedicated to true justice. If I don’t show up, it means I think they’re not worth the fleas on their back. Those leaders don’t last long.”
The two cats were now standing at the tunnel entrance. Merlelight looked up, her fur bristling at the darkness of the tunnel.
“It’s right through there.” Treestar said. “But you know that.”
“Have you ever been over there?” Merlelight asked.
“Never had a reason to go.” Treestar answered. “Not the best place for a pleasant evening stroll.”
The two cats stood in silence for a moment, staring into the darkness. Merlelight was psyching herself up, reminding herself that cats can see in the dark and that if Gentlebreeze was over there, there wasn’t much reason to be afraid of any other cat.
“Now, in the Dark Forest, every cat walks alone. I can’t come with you.” Treestar said. “You wouldn’t want an old, lumbering beast like me slowing you down, anyway.”
“Oh, no, of course,” Merlelight muttered. She took a step towards the cave, questioning if she was being incredibly foolish. Then, with a shake of her head, she quickened her pace, and was now standing in the tunnel.
“Good luck, Merlelight!” Treestar called after her. “You’ll find her!”
Merlelight hoped he was right, as she disappeared into the darkness.
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scoutsbattlecats · 2 years
"Cats can't be trans" yeah well, neither can they have religions or political systems or literal 9 lives yet here we fucking are
Yeah coz we all know that Warriors is a super realistic book deeply rooted in actual cat biology and takes a lot of inspiration from actual cat behaviour lol /s
Strange how they’re not upset at the large number of calico/tortoiseshell toms in the series, if they’re so concerned about cat realism 🤔
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scoutsbattlecats · 2 years
Warrior cats can’t be trans. They’re cats.
Hm well actually, ALL warrior cats are trans. Common misconception! Hope that clears things up!
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scoutsbattlecats · 2 years
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Merlelight and her brother Steadyheart, who is her best friend even if shes cranky at him most of the time 
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scoutsbattlecats · 2 years
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Duck’s mother and sisters - Softflower, Hppeflurry, and Lavenderpatch
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scoutsbattlecats · 2 years
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wanted to try a tortie so here's Merlelight, one of my faves lol
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scoutsbattlecats · 2 years
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Rabbitsong and her first litter :D
Top Left to right: Dewdrop, Feather, Moonhigh, Bottom: Meadow, Petal
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scoutsbattlecats · 2 years
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First digital drawing! Duck Had to add some white spotting so he’d be genetically accurate :(
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scoutsbattlecats · 2 years
I was gifted a tablet recently and of course I’m using it for cat-drawing but I have yet to produce anything I’m happy with but will be sure to post here when I do! Bear with me lol
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scoutsbattlecats · 2 years
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Glintstar, who is a very bad kitty
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scoutsbattlecats · 2 years
Why is Windclan driving out Shadowclan and Thunderclan????
Oh boy….
1) The leader of Windclan, Glintstar, was born around the same time as Rabbitsong (my protag Duck’s mate) and from birth was basically promised her as a mate and madly in love with her
2) at the gathering where their warrior names are announced, Rabbitsong decides to leave the clans rather than be with Glintfang because he’s a bad and nasty kitty
3) Duck, who had been sneaking off to meet with Rabbitsong for months and had feelings for her while not feeling like he belonged in the clans, catches her sneaking away and decides to go with her
4) Duck makes up the plan to stage their own deaths, making it look like they were mauled to death by foxes before getting away
5) Glintfang, who later becomes deputy and then leader due to being daddy’s (Ramstar’s) golden boy, develops an obsessive bloodthirsty vendetta against foxes
6) as Glintstar comes into power he becomes more and more absorbed into his fox obsession, launching raids against fox dens and ordering his warriors to kill any on sight. All kits are given names like “Foxkiller” and “Foxshredder”
7) Glintstar suddenly decides that Thunderclan and Shadowclan, as they didn’t lose any cats that night (Duck was a Riverclan medicine apprentice and Rabbitsong from Windclan), were in league with the foxes, and began increasingly violent harassment campaigns against them
8) at the same time Glintstar becomes suspicious of anyone with a remotely “fox-like” appearance, which basically means anyone with red on them is kicked out of Windclan and any new “fox like kits” are born they’re to be abandoned - except they aren’t, as they’re secretly snuck out of the nursery and given to some of the exiled “foxlike” Windclan cats to care for (this becomes “Foxclan” which is unofficial)
9) Thunderclan and Shadowclan eventually get tired of the constant attacks and decided to leave. Thunderclan ends up living on a beach, Shadowclan ends up settling in an abandoned cemetery deep in a different forest
This is basically the current politics of my story lol
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scoutsbattlecats · 2 years
I finally decided where Shadowclan went after Windclan drove them out in my AU. For the longest time it was just like “Thunderclan went away to leave on the beach. Shadowclan just gone”
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scoutsbattlecats · 2 years
Are Wildclaw and Toothcrag Tigerclaw descendants?
It’s possible, and Toothcrag’s dad is a fierce dark brown tabby in Thunderclan so there is an association sort of, but in my story the events of the books happened so long ago that they’re basically legends and no one knows what really happened and what’s myth. They do reference ancient history sometimes but almost never use names.
For reference, Duck is born (and therefore the main story begins) about 8 years after Merlelight’s death (and a few months after Tansybloom’s). Merlelight died at 20 years old and when she was born Skyclan had been disbanded for a few generations, though cats like Cottonwind were still alive (he was one of the last Skyclan cats). That obviously happened long after anything in the series lol.
Wildclaw is sort of similar to Tigerclaw in being a mean and ambitious dark brown tabby, but he’s also a Riverclan cat, and he’s also surrounded by clanmates who would never dream of putting him in a position of power because they know he’d be a tyrant, and they constantly tease him about it lol.
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