screaming-memoires · 3 years
Omg!! Ich kann nicht sagen wie glücklich mich das macht!! 😭😭
Der Bundestag hat in einer Marathonsitzung, die bis 2.30 Uhr nachts ging, einige interessante Dinge beschlossen:
Vor den Nazis ins Ausland geflüchtete Personen und deren Nachkommen können nun ohne Auflagen die deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft erwerben. Der Antrag ist kostenlos, andere Staatsbürgerschaften dürfen behalten werden. Es muss nur nachgewiesen werden, dass die Person von den Nazis verfolgt wurde oder zu einer verfolgten Gruppe gehörte.
Bei schweren Straftaten, wie Mord, können Beschuldigte jetzt ein zweites Mal vor Gericht gestellt werden, wenn neue Beweise auftauchen.
Es ist jetzt einfacher, jemanden wegen Stalking vor Gericht zu bringen. Bisher musste der:die Täter:in einem "beharrlich" nachstellen und das eigene Leben musste "schwerwiegend" beeinträchtigt werden. Jetzt reicht es, wenn der:die Täter:in einen "wiederholt" belästigt und das eigene Leben "nicht unerheblich" beeinträchtigt wird. Außerdem wurde das Strafmaß von maximal drei auf maximal fünf Jahre erhöht. Auch Cyberstalking steht jetzt explizit unter Strafe.
Volksverhetzung ist jetzt auch dann strafbar, wenn sie nicht öffentlich in Form von Mails oder Briefen geschieht.
Freier machen sich jetzt strafbar, wenn sie offensichtliche Anzeichen für die Zwangslage einer Prostituierten, wie z.B. Verletzungen, ignorieren.
Verträge für Mobilfunk, Fitnessstudios oder Streamingdienste dürfen nur noch eine Laufzeit von maximal einem Jahr haben. Kund:innen soll so eine Kündigung erleichtert werden.
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screaming-memoires · 3 years
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Just like. To clarify. Being against System Accountability is a big red flag. Like a BIG one. So uh @ newly discovered systems and singlets (just anyone who wouldn't know this) that is a super bad take. Be wary of this. 🚩🚩🚩🚩
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screaming-memoires · 3 years
hey do you have a tumblr
no sorry
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screaming-memoires · 3 years
Cursed school presentations? Thank you!
I hate presentations 😂but who doesn’t?
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screaming-memoires · 3 years
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screaming-memoires · 3 years
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screaming-memoires · 3 years
I don’t know what to fucking say anymore.
I’m tired. I’m hurt. I’m sad. And angry, like, really FUCKING angry.
They were children, they were only kids. And they found 215 of their corpses buried near those goddamn schools. It shouldn’t even be called a school.
As an indigenous person, this is fucking heartbreaking. But it’s not like it’s new. Shit like this has been happening and will continue happen unless we do something about it.
Sign a petition
Support indigenous artists/creators/actors
Educate yourself on residential schools and the generational trauma that we endure
Just PLEASE for the love of god talk about this.
We can’t keep letting shit like this slide. That was only one school where they found those kids. Imagine how many more have mass graves on the premises. This isn’t just “a dark chapter in our country’s history” this was and still is the whole fucking book. There are people in my community who have lived through the horrors of residential schools and many more that live with the trauma it brought.
The link below me is a petition to call for a national day of mourning for the kids who didn’t make it home to their families.
Please sign and share it. Remember these kids and the horrors they went through because we should NEVER forget this atrocity.
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screaming-memoires · 3 years
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screaming-memoires · 3 years
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very true & very important
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screaming-memoires · 3 years
In case you missed the stream - here s an early brief recap and some highlights of the Josh Fight Battle Royale 2021 aka Josh Swain Battle aka Josh vs Josh vs Josh vs Josh vs Josh...
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yes it did, in fact, happen. i know, holy shit. the Fight took place on April 24th, 2021 A.D. at 12:00 PM local time at Air Park Green Area, 4500 NW 45th St, Lincoln, NE, 68524.
a lot of people came.
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the plan was the following: first the Swainbowl to decide on who gets to keep the name of The Josh Swain, the one and only; then followed by the All Josh Fight to determine the Final Josh. the joshes and others were asked to bring pool noodles. Josh Swain's Josh Battle Royale was declared a non violent event aside from the upcoming bureaucratic horrors of legal name changes.
notable attendees:
(the og josh swain (as of yet) wearing a josh swain t-shirt; roman josh; joshua skywalker; my personal favourite: josh wick duel wielding a pair of drills with pool noodles attached; spiderman josh and spiderman josh jr.; an undisclosed number of ghillie suit joshes; cape josh; little josh; and many others)
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+ genuine professional media coverage!! journalists from channel 8 and channel nebraska were present at the joshpit
cheerleaders, supportive bystanders and other josh-lovers:
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the fights:
josh on josh violence part 1:
only one other josh swain attended. in a brutal 4-round game of rock-paper-scissors the og josh swain managed to defend his name and pride. Select_Name (formerly josh swain) was removed from the battlefield
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josh on josh violence part 2:
hail the chaos!! hail the bloodshed!! several dozens of bloodthirsty joshes came together in the final battle for the title of Ultimate Josh. only one can win, only one can remain. every josh for himself.
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the coronation:
so?? who is he?? the josh who truly earned his name??
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happy unjoshening to every former josh and all hail the king of josh: The Little Josh. a few words of wisdom spoken after the coronation:
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other notable additions:
the josh sewer aka the pit for the defeated:
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Let it be known, by all men in the state on Nebraska and around the World, that on this field in the year of our Lord two thousand and twenty one, a gentleman named Josh Swain defended his birth name heroically againist inferior men who bore that same moniker and against too cowardly to attend the said battle. Below are those who bore witness to it.
the fundraiser:
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the "Help pay legal fees for Josh Swain's to change their name" fund organized by the og josh swain has raised more than $8k as of now and will be accepting donations for the next five days (till april 30) in case you would like to contribute. all proceeds go to the Children's Hospital & Medical Center Foundation which provides medical care to children across the state of Nebraska.
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screaming-memoires · 3 years
I'm shook....
Dear TPA and Stronghold System, STFU Sincerely, Someone genuinely concerned for every single person you come into contact with
So, we all know how much I dislike the TPA and the Stronghold System. They have a new thread on twitter! Let’s take a look and debunk it.
Now, first, I’ve already made a post about this topic (trauma as a cause). You can read it here, so I’m not going to go into TOO much detail. I just want to point out that using words and phrases that SOUND smart doesn’t make it correct.
We’ll make it quick and easy, go through it post by post.
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I’ve always said trauma is personal, that it doesn’t need to be abuse, that it’s about the effects of the trauma, not the specific events. This isn’t a controversial statement. They’ve started this entire thread with a very misleading concept to get people on board. It’s statements like this that also mislead people into thinking “sysmeds” believe that it MUST be abuse. I don’t actually know anyone who actually believes that. If I ever met anyone who did, I’d smack them upside the head. 
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To start, no age cap is mentioned because the DSM is a guideline– a tool. It’s not a receipe book, it’s not the single source of all research ever. It contains info that can help clinicians make a diagnosis. The age of the trauma is irrelevant in this respect, so no, it doesn’t list a cap. ALL THE OTHER RESEARCH DOES, THOUGH. It also says, “in childhood”. There IS an age cap on “childhood”. A teen is not a child. In fact, the DSM doesn’t mention ANY other age except childhood in which the disorder develops. It talks about presentations in other ages, but not development. That alone should tell you something. 
Finally, “associated with” in this case, means clinically connected to. Short of traumatizing a bunch of children, that’s as close to 100% as we’re going to get.
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This is where we start with things that sound smart. Correlation is… implied? A non-issue? Why is this coming up? I think the argument they’re trying to make is “correlation vs. causation”, but… In this case, trauma both correlates and causes? Like, the research proves it’s connected. Enough said.
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Yes, it does. I don’t think you’re making the point you think you’re making.
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OH BOY. Uhm. What kind of argument is this? No one is saying multiplicity is bad? It’s out of the ordinary? It’s a result that is caused by trauma? 
Honestly, they’ve already lost me. WTF. Why are you immediately implying “cause” is related to something negative? Your definition that you screencapped doesn’t say that. You’ve added this layer of negativity for no reason at all other than to guilt people and make a false argument.
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LOL, okay, so this person, who has created this huge not for profit to “help” all these plurals is just… so misinformed and confused. Yes, lots of people are traumatized. Not all of them are traumatized for extremely long periods of time, years and years on end, and some people just… GENUINELY deal with stress and trauma better than others. There are also biological and mental factors that can increase someone’s likelihood of developing this disorder. It’s got to be a PERFECT STORM of things to result in DID. DID is not the norm, it’s the exception, so it’s EXPECTED that not everyone will end up with the disorder. 
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Every. Single. Argument. They make here is just turning the truth around. That’s it. They’re not actually making any valid points, they’re just going, “YEAH, WELL”
None of the above points are true. 
It’s expected we won’t remember trauma, so no, it’s not included. Yes, that’s on purpose, based on the understanding that YOU WON’T REMEMBER. That would make diagnosis impossible. Also, it seems they’ve forgotten about OSDD here, which involves no amnesia. 
Trauma history is not a part of the screening process for DID/OSDD because it’s assumed that’s the ONLY cause. If the alters are truly present, trauma is implied and assumed. It doesn’t need to be proven.
Again, trauma is personal and can be seen on scans. That doesn’t mean we need to see it. For a group that preaches about taking people on their word, they’re kind of pissy when doctors do just that. As well, the ability to see it on scans is very new. Up until now we haven’t had that ability. Doctors are working with what they’ve got.
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It is 99.99999% proven to be trauma, and we’re not going to traumatize children to get to 100%. There is ZERO reason to bring this up except to make “sysmeds” looks horrible.
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You’re misunderstanding why this change was added to the DSM. In previous versions, switches needed to be seen by the diagnosing clinician, and it was letting people slip through the cracks. Personally, in all my years of therapy, I have never switched in that office. I’m so anxious and have so much to talk about that I get front stuck. Without this change, I never would have been diagnosed. This doesn’t allow for endogenics to exist, it allows for system to say “I’m experiencing this despite the fact that you’re not seeing it”. The “association with trauma” is still there. It hasn’t disappeared. 
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What does this have to do with anything? 
Also, let’s take a look at this.
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HMMMM, your numbers are a little off there, and obviously these words are being used in a variety of ways, so… you can’t just… say how many times a word is used and expect it to mean something. 
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No, you’re not a doctor, so STOP IT. Obviously they choose the word associated because they want THAT specific connotation. Connected to. Related to. Corresponding with. Accompanied by. If you look at the thesaurus, it’s actually a synonym for “correlation”. Grow up. 
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No one is doing ANY of this. Saying “if you’re plural you have trauma” =/= “FIND THE TRAUMA, IMMEDIATELY”. It doesn’t need to be ethically studied, it’s already BEEN studied, the relation is there.
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Okay, here’s something we can actually argue about. Except I already have, please see this thread. You are not experiencing cultural forms of multiplicity, and you’re gross for implying you are. 
Also, if this was the case, and endogenics existed, there WOULD be more information about them. Are you implying that clinicians have been aware ALL this time, BEFORE any of the research was EVER done??? OH WOW, IS IT TIMETRAVEL? IS IT CLAIRVOYANCE? OR ARE YOU JUST MISUNDERSTANDING THIS PART? As if the DSM knew about endogenics and excluded this “natural” multiplicity before the very first FMRI study was EVER CONDUCTED.
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screaming-memoires · 3 years
I actually don't recall ever seeing a positivity post for ppl w ongoing amnesia caused by trauma disorders. I'm not talking just repressed childhood memories, I mean perpetual long-term memory loss. I mean continuing to forget non-traumatic things that happened or ppl you knew a few years or even months ago. I mean struggling to retain any information you're learning if you don't constantly go over the same material over and over again, and losing it all once you stop repeating it
If you have amnesia like me, you matter. We navigate the world a bit differently but that's okay. Just bc our brains are broken doesn't mean we can't live happy and fulfilling lives. Be patient w yourself when learning new things. Surround yourself w compassionate ppl who love to tell you stories abt past exploits you may have forgotten. Also, hey, who else gets to watch a movie for the first time every time? Above all be kind to yourself.
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screaming-memoires · 3 years
An artist : Aw man! I saw my arts were reposted on Instagram. I’ve asked them to take my arts down but they ignored me.
Me : Say no more! Click this link, then click ‘fill out this form’. Fill the form and wait for about 1-2 days, the staffs will remove the image you were reporting from the reposter’s account :^)
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screaming-memoires · 3 years
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screaming-memoires · 3 years
Abusers are really good at is making you feel like your anger is worse than their abuse.
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screaming-memoires · 3 years
Men: *deliberately mislead women for sex, emotionally manipulate women into sex, pretend that they’re there for the long term to get a quick fuck and leave*
Women: I’m very up front about my standards, I don’t date men who don’t spend money on me
Men: what a shallow manipulative whore slut can you believe this selfish spoiled bitch. Women only want money while I, with the moral high ground, aim simply to use, discard, and penetrate them for free under false pretense
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screaming-memoires · 3 years
Men: *deliberately mislead women for sex, emotionally manipulate women into sex, pretend that they’re there for the long term to get a quick fuck and leave*
Women: I’m very up front about my standards, I don’t date men who don’t spend money on me
Men: what a shallow manipulative whore slut can you believe this selfish spoiled bitch. Women only want money while I, with the moral high ground, aim simply to use, discard, and penetrate them for free under false pretense
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