The World We Live In...
As young children, you always see the good in situations, but when you get older and become a teenager, you realize how real things are, but because you're not an adult, your voices are just silenced. Well no more, this is my cry of what we feel, and what could happen to us, it has happened to us.
I'm openly pan and non-binary, but I'm scared to be outside on my own just in case someone wants to hurt me for being me. I'm scared that Hayden who hates lgbtq+ people is going to come find me and beat me up with his mates. I should have waited the extra 20 minutes at school for Isaac to finish his club, or called my dad to meet me. But I didn't, because I would just be silenced for being an emotional teen.
I'm scared to speak up about being misgendered, when it's killing me from the inside every time someone calls me a she when I'm a they. People say that they can't call me by my preferred name because it's not my real name, an they just ignore me correct them. I tell my parents this, and they just use the excuse that I'm too young to know who I am. Silenced once again.
I'm scared when a man pulls up in a car into the parking space near me when there are at least five others down the otherwise empty street. Scared that he might hurt me or something worse, then no one would ever believe me if I told them an just be silenced again because I am a child and not thinking properly.
I'm scared for my best friend Leo coming out to his homophobic dad who would disown him if he was ever gay because it is apparently not right to love the same sex. Something may happen and Leo may never be the same again. According to him his dad may kill him then kill himself because he would be so ashamed to have a gay son. But once again I'm silenced because it may just be a phase and doesn't matter at our age.
I'm scared that someone is going to burst open the door when I'm in glass with a gun to kill all my friends, and I'll have to watch Rebecca bleed out, or Ethan be killed in front of my eyes. Watch as the ones who survive will never be the same again after what they saw happen to their best friend. But yet again I am silenced, because my opinion is stupid and childish.
I'm scared that someone is going to call the police on my friend Josh because his skin colour is different to theirs and he was holding a suspicious looking bag. There would be nothing dangerous in that bag, perhaps a doll for his sister, or some jewelry for his mum. All he would want is to see the look on his family's faces as he gave them their gifts, but that could be taken away from them. Silenced again, because apparently this isn't a problem now.
I'm scared that I'm not going to do well in a test that is 3 years away, that will help us get the future jobs we want. We have to decide what we want to do when we're older when we're apparently too young to know about our gender or sexuality. We are dumped with this pressure that we have to be perfect for our school and families. But as I said before, I'm silenced because I am simply too young to know these things.
I'm scared of my own mind because of how toxic it can become when I'm losing my mind about expectations everyone gives me. My thoughts scream about killing myself or self harming or doing anything to numb the pain of how I am not good enough. But there can't be anything wrong with me because I'm a kid, and I'm silenced again.
I am a child, but I still worry about things that some adults would say that I shouldn't, such as:
Mental illnesses
Rape or kidnapping
School shootings
We need to make our voices heard, otherwise nothing will change. This is my opinion, and these are true for me. Don't ignore me adults, my voice will be heard eventually.
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