scribbiesan-main · 1 hour
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I had a tiny breakfast assistant today, Pin carried the cherries over for me.
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scribbiesan-main · 2 hours
Reader mistakes Knockout for a drug dealer wasn’t in my plans for this ‘one shot’ but heyho.
Angel of Highway 49 chapter 3 out this evening lol.
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scribbiesan-main · 11 hours
[OPENS FRIDGE, REMOVES TUPPERWARE CONTAINER LABELLED "Pomegranates from land of dead do not eat"]
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scribbiesan-main · 11 hours
‘Who am I?!’ the monster repeated, still roaring. ‘I am the spine that the mountains hang upon! I am the tears that the rivers cry! I am the lungs that breathe the wind! I am the wolf that kills the stag, the hawk that kills the mouse, the spider that kills the fly! I am the stag, the mouse and the fly that are eaten! I am the snake of the world devouring its tail! I am everything untamed and untameable!’
It brought Conor up close to its eye. ‘I am this wild earth, come for you, Conor O'Malley.’
"You look like a tree," Conor said.
- A Monster Calls. By Patrick Ness.
Bro, I am living for this sassy, depressed 12 year old who comes face to face with an eldritch god and could hardly care less because his mum has cancer and he’s got bigger shit to deal with thank you very much.
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scribbiesan-main · 12 hours
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scribbiesan-main · 12 hours
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scribbiesan-main · 12 hours
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Hashtag just couple things 💚💚💚
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scribbiesan-main · 12 hours
So sick of dog motif what about cat motif.
I love you but we don't love the same. I can't be near you when you want me to be. Your love is smothering and your need to keep me safe is trapping me. I'm my own person but I don't know how to show you that. I lash out and hurt you even though I don't mean to. I need you to move slowly around me or I'll bolt. I love you, even though I don't say it. If you stay still I'll sit next to you, and even though we don't understand each other we can be together like that.
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scribbiesan-main · 13 hours
And after a while you just stop. You stop watering your plants. You stop watching netflix. You stop reading. You stop replying to your friends as fast as you used to. You stop buying yourself nice things. You stop putting an effort into how you look. You stop taking care of yourself like you used to. You stop sleeping. You stop eating healthy foods. You stop petting your dog. You stop socializing.
You stop with everything. You find yourself sitting in your room for hours on end, without doing a single thing. Days feel like years. And you think you can’t do it for much longer.
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scribbiesan-main · 13 hours
So at work there is a soda delivery guy who comes in almost everyday to restock and though we’ve barely said a word to each other, we definitely Know Of each other. Well this morning I finally got a shift where I could sleep in but my dad was like Hey the cable guy is coming at 7 to replace the cable boxes and I was like alright whatever I’ll just sleep in but forgot there was a cable box in my room. So it’s 7 in the morning I vaguely hear my dad let the cable guy into my room to just swap the box and I wake up to see??? Soda Delivery Guy???? in my room???? Turns out his second job is working cable but wow here Soda Man is standing in my doorway and I’m wrapped up in a pink bunny blanket surrounded by stuffed animals like
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scribbiesan-main · 13 hours
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they are so cute
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scribbiesan-main · 13 hours
so i posted something about this and deleted it because i wanted to mull it over more
i don't like Secret Agent Alfred. i think when it was added to the post-Crisis Batman canon in the mid-to-late 1980s, Alfred was just old enough that the audience would probably assume he was active during WWII. which is cool because 1. nazis aren't human, you can just run them over, and 2. the history of the British spy world in the lead up to and during WWII is actually pretty cool stuff, especially because it crosses hard into the Polish resistance to Germany, and there are so many stories and vibes you can easily slide Alfred into there that are genuinely rad.
but as time moves on and the characters' ages remain the same we're confronted by the fact that Alfred was probably too young to participate in WWII and therefore must've been a spy during the Cold War. working for England. during the post-war collapse of the British Empire, when uh, when they were um, doing all that postcolonialist violence to maintain control of former colonial holdings, like participating in the assassination of the first ever democratically elected leader of the Congo in 1961 (primarily done by Belgium with direct MI6 involvement). there just aren't any heroic spy drama stories to really slide Alfred into.
which is strange!! because the DC universe is full of all kinds of insane clandestine organisations, but Alfred never seems to discuss fighting them. what's also weird is that the nature of clandestine stories in the post-Crisis DC universe, ala the Suicide Squad, tend to lean hard into the amoral nature of intelligence work. it's just a weird untapped area, tonally.
but here's what sticks out at me. the point of making Alfred a former spy is to attempt to profiteer on the cultural popularity of James Bond. but more importantly, the pont of making Alfred a former spy is to give him an abstract skill set that supports the Batman narrative and identity.
my question is: wouldn't that skill set also be served by alfred just being a gay guy who lived during the bar raid era? like. like come on. just make him gay. make his skill set a direct result of his being a big homo. it's not like the material isn't there to support it
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look at him
what do we lose? his relationship with leslie thompkins? that thing i have never seen anybody even pretend to care about? make leslie fuck jim gordon instead. what do we lose if she does that? sarah essen? ok. these relationships are all significantly less interesting than the timeline where alfred threw the first brick at pride
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scribbiesan-main · 13 hours
I spent an unusual amount of time on this
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Anyway here is perfect man with a big heart and his brother toyota or smth
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scribbiesan-main · 16 hours
Important News
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He's gone
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scribbiesan-main · 16 hours
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Divine Demonic intervention
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scribbiesan-main · 16 hours
Neurodiversity, Cyberbullying, Camgirl, Cosplayer???????????
I'm stealing this from Twitter
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Here's the link
I am a high-definition gateway drug body double!
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scribbiesan-main · 16 hours
I'm stealing this from Twitter
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Here's the link
I am a high-definition gateway drug body double!
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