scribeme · 25 days
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scribeme · 1 month
>Botox bruises on the face, botox vein popping out of her forehead, bruises on right arm, see through white dress inappropriate for farcical soldiers dinner, >Soho Houses's queer Nigerian Harriman who introduced MEgain to Gina Nelthorpe Cowne in 2014 & helped w/the 2015/2016 Soho Sparry meetups was the primary intermediary bw the Nigerian ministry of defense, the hotels, etc
>how does a queer activist Nigerian
married to a Caucasion woman suuport Nigeria?
>He's the activist who sabotaged Lady Susan Hussey while The Cambridges were in Boston. Misan helped arrange for his activist friend Marlene Headley aka fake name "Ngozi Faloni" of Sistah Space attend the palace gathering to accuse Camilla or Lady Susan of being racist. Lady Susan Hussey couldn't see her name tag & maybe touched her hair & was labeled a racist.
>Lady Susan is William's godmother & she was QE's longtime lady in waiting. >Allegedly the duo set up the stunt w/Misan to enact revenge on Susan bc she was one of the many mentors assigned to help MEgain transition into the BRF.
>Of course like all the mentors, Susan was rejected and told no thanks bc she had Sparry to help her.
>At the time I think Susan reported "it will end in tears" but don't quote me on that bc I could be confusing her assessment w/POTUS 45
>So you see MEgain has been paying back (pay to play) all her Soho helpers: Markus Anderson, Omit, Lainey, Jessica, etc who helped her "bag the prince." >Soho's Edward Enninful allowed Misan to submit a BLM photo to jumpstart his photography grift.
>Remember Ennifel also allowed MM to work on the BV issue which was marked down to 50% to sell it. Where mm lied about interviewing Michelle Obama over tacos when mo only answered her questionnaire in writing. 🤦‍♂️
>Misan was doing random jobs until Megxit at which time he became their personal photographer for megflix & other events. Remember him during megflix, following them around as they stood w/boxes, walked around the queen's castle, posed for photos in Frogmore. Paid by whom: Netflix See how that works?
>Surprise Misan gets a deal w/netflix & an oscar nomination for something silly no one even heard about
> But we heard about that ipad photo under some American tree that was supposedly taken from the UK🤡
>And the edited heavily photoshopped pics of the duo in Manchester in red like Wallis Simpson.
>Misan's dad was anglo-nigerian & sent him to the UK for boarding school. He is the son of 1 of the dad's concubines & never named amongst the children of the actual wives.
>See how mixed up these people are... his dad financially profited from the slave trade but he wants to burn down the BRF. Make it make sense. Now he has a new cushy position w/the UK arts at SouthBanc. Tragic.
>Getting back to Soho House, Meg & Misan are supposed to "activists" & yet members of the alphabet community can be arrested in Nigeria. So why would Archewell & queer Misan want to do business with this type of country? Also, they exploit women & girls.
>It's all about the cash.
Somehow, someway there is a significant amount of cash moving from Nigerian accounts into Archewell accounts.
Their PR says this is for InFLICTus but why are the Archewell administrators on the ground managing this "tour?" Shouldn't it be representatives from the InGRIFTus staff or board?
Shady Shady Shady messy messy messy
Please at least ask your audience the right questions even if you don't have the answers. And you can always ask questions on my tumblr blog.
Botox bruises on the face, botox vein popping out of her forehead, bruises on right arm, see through white dress inappropriate for farcical soldiers dinner, Soho Houses's Misan Harriman who introduced MEgain to Gina Nelthorpe Cowne & helped w/the Soho Sparry meetups was the primary intermediary bw the Nigerian ministry of defense, the hotels, etc and he's a queet man married to a Caucasion woman. He's the activist who sabotaged Lady Susan Hussey while The Cambridges were in Boston. He arranged for his activist friend to attend the palace gathering where she accused Lady Susan of touching her hair & being a racist.
Susan is William's godmother & she was QE lady in waiting. The duo wanted revenge on her bc she was one of the many mentors assigned to help MEgain transition into the BRF. Of course Susan was told no thanks bc she had Sparry to help her. I think Susan predicted it would end in tears but don't quote me on that.
So you see MEgain has been paying back all the Soho helpers: Markus Anderson, Omit, Lainey, Jesdica, etc who helped her bag the prince. Soho's Edward Enninful allowed Misan to submit a BLM photo to jumpstart his photography grift. Remember Ennifel allowed MM to work on the BV issue which had to be marked down to 50% to sell it & where she lied about interviewing Michelle Obama who completed a questionnaire in writing.
Misan was doing random jobs until Megxit at which time he became their personal photographer for megflix & other events. See how that works?
He got a deal w/netflix & an oscar nomination for something silly 🤦‍♂️
His dad was anglo-nigerian & sent him to the UK for boarding school. His is the son of 1 of the dad's concubines and not even named amongst the children of the wives. See how mixed up these people are...getting back to Soho House, Meg & Misan are supposed to "activists" yet members of the alphabet community could be arrested in Nigeria. So why would Archewell & Misan want to do business with this country? It's all about the cash.
Somehow, someway there is a significant amount of cash moving from Nigerian accounts to Archewell.
Their PR says this is for InFLICTus so why are the Archewell administrators on the ground managing the itinerary? Shouldn't it be representatives from the InGRIFTus staff?
Shady Shady Shady messy messy messy
Please at least ask the questions even if you don't have the answers.Wrong: MEgain absolutely wanted that profile photo out which is the reason she attended & sat up front. She gave a fake air chatting pose to make it seem like it was random. No doubt 1 of her assistants took the photo & sent it to the Sewer Squad. You girls have to stop falling for her PR. It's all smoke & mirrors. She wants investors to think she's beeing wooed. She also wants to be in a power position where she is the person giving the pitch "we want to invest in your business."
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scribeme · 1 month
Put down your shovel Ron DeSantis! 🤦‍♂️
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Thank God for John James. I wish I had a twatter account just so I could HIGH 5 him. I've actually written 2 Tumblr Draft Posts venting about this online insanity. I still might share my thoughts here, but for now John James of Michigan nailed it.
From JohnJamesMI to RonDeSantis:
#1: slavery was not CTE! Nothing about that 400 years of evil was a “net benefit” to my ancestors. #2: there are only five black Republicans in Congress and you’re attacking two of them. My brother in Christ… if you find yourself in a deep hole put the shovel down. You are now so far from the Party of Lincoln that your Ed. board is re-writing history and you’re personally attacking conservatives like VoteTimScott and ByronDonalds on the topic of slavery. You’ve gone too far. Stop.
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Ron DeSantis Slams GOP Rival Tim Scott for Criticism of Florida Black History Curriculum
Scott is the second Black Republican DeSantis has attacked on the issue as siding with Democrats
Published 07/28/23 Marc Caputo
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis accused a Republican presidential campaign rival, Sen. Tim Scott, of laundering Democratic talking points by suggesting that the Sunshine State wanted to teach kids there was a “silver lining” to slavery.”
“Part of the reason our country has struggled is that all too often D.C. Republicans accept false narratives, accept lies that are perpetrated by the left," DeSantis said Friday while campaigning in Iowa. "And to accept the lie that Kamala Harris has been perpetrating even when that has been debunked, that's not the way you do it. The way you do it, the way you lead, is to fight back against the lies. So I'm here defending my state of Florida against false accusations and lies."
DeSantis’s counter marked the second day in a row of responding to a Black Republican criticizing him over the education standards by comparing them Harris, the first Black vice president, who traveled last week to Florida and bashed DeSantis. 
On Thursday, he similarly swiped at Florida Republican Rep. Byron Donalds, a supporter of Donald Trump in the presidential primary who called for a slight adjustment in the education standards that say slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit.”
DeSantis pointed out that Harris and other Black Democrats had embraced an AP African American history course that they backed —and that he opposed — had substantially similar language about slaves learning “specialized trades” but “nobody said anything about that.”But Scott, the only Black Republican senator, later that evening took DeSantis to task. 
“The truth is that anything you can learn, any benefits that people suggest you had during slavery, you would have had as a free person,” Scott told reporters. “What slavery was really about was separating families, about mutilating humans and even raping their wives. It was just devastating.” 
DeSantis has repeatedly pointed out the state standards clearly teach the evils of history and racism
Lost in the discussion over the slavery issue is another major controversy concerning the standards that indicates kids should learn about violence “by African Americans” before they were massacred by rampaging white people. 
DeSantis's feud with Black lawmakers from both parties who don’t support himerupted as his campaign struggled to regain its footing after financial troubles and struggles in the polls. Trump leads DeSantis by wide margins with Scott in third in many surveys. 
DeSantis advisers say he won’t back down in the face of criticism, even as the controversy has raged into its second week and, according to critics, helped undercut his message that he will be a better general election candidate to defeat Joe Biden because he can get more independent and swing voters. 
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DeSantis Attacks GOP Rep. Donalds Over Criticism of Florida Black History Curriculum
The Republican presidential candidate and Florida governor also took aim at Vice President Kamala Harris 07/27/23
Marc Caputo
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis swiped at a reporter and accused a fellow home state Republican congressman Thursday of siding with Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris for saying that a controversial state curriculum provision about slavery should be changed.
DeSantis said Rep. Byron Donalds —who endorsed Donald Trump in the presidential primary over the governor — was wrong to say that the new Florida standards suggested suggested that slavery was beneficial to some slaves.
After those standards passed last week, Harris flew to Florida and accused DeSantis of trying to whitewash history.
But DeSantis stuck back, noting that Harris and other Democratic critics had endorsed an Advanced Placement Black history studies course that had a similar point.At the end of the day, you gotta choose: Are you gonna side with Kamala Harris and liberal media outlets? Are you going to side with the state of Florida? And I think it’s very clear these guys these guys did a good job on those standards,” DeSantis told reporters.
The standards in question say that “slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit.”
DeSantis mispronounced Harris's first name (which sounds like “comma-lah”) but later sounded it out properly.
“Don’t side with Kam-a-la on that. Stand up for your state,” DeSantis told Donalds.
The row came at a low point for DeSantis’s presidential campaign as he reels from financial woes, layoffs and bad poll numbers vs. Trump. When Donald spoke up via Twitter with a mild suggestion DeSantis amend the language, the governor’s campaign and executive office both criticized him.
After the blowback, Donalds took to Twitter to say that “What's crazy to me is I expressed support for the vast majority of the new African American history standards and happened to oppose one sentence that seemed to dignify the skills gained by slaves as a result of their enslavement.
“Anyone who can't accurately interpret what I said is disingenuous and is desperately attempting to score political points,” Donalds wrote. “Just another reason why l'm proud to have endorsed President Donald J. Trump!”
DeSantis also had a testy exchange with a reporter who asked “were there benefits to slavery?”
“That’s not what the curriculum says,” DeSantis shot back.
“What do you think?” the reporter asked.
“The curriculum is very clear. I think it’s like 200-plus pages of all kinds of stuff that —you can’t read that. Have you read it?” DeSantis responded.
When the reporter didn’t answer the governor’s question, he asked again “Have you read it?”What’s your opinion?” the reporter repeated.
“But you haven’t read it,” DeSantis said. “So I’m just making that clear. That makes it very clear about the injustices of slavery in vivid detail. So anyone that actually read that and then listens to Kamala would know that she’s lying. And that particular provision about the skills, that was in spite of slavery not because of it.”
“The AP course has made that same point,” DeSantis continued. “Other courses have made that same point. Nobody said anything about that.”
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The fight over Florida's new African American history curriculum that suggests slaves derived "personal benefit" from slavery has turned into a war among conservatives as Gov. Ron DeSantis aides are attacking Black Republican Rep. Byron Donalds.
"We will not back down from teaching our nation’s true history at the behest of a woke @WhiteHouse, nor at the behest of a supposedly conservative congressman," Education Commissioner Manny Diaz, Jr., tweeted abut Donalds.
Diaz slammed the representative after Donalds said that he supported almost the entirety of the new standards, calling them "robust" and "accurate," however it was line about slavery that needed to be change.
"What's crazy to me is I expressed support for the vast majority of the new African American history standards and happened to oppose one sentence that seemed to dignify the skills gained by slaves as a result of their enslavement," Donalds tweeted. "Anyone who can't accurately interpret what I said is disingenuous and is desperately attempting to score political points."
Just another reason why l'm proud to have endorsed President Donald J. Trump!" Donalds added.
Jason Miller, a senior advisor to Trump tweeted out a statement in defense of Donalds calling him a "conservative hero." Miller lambasted the DeSantis team for their attempts to "smear" the congressman.
"Ron DeSantis needs to look in the mirror and recognize that at his current trajectory, it's not just 2024 that is dead for him, but 2028 as well," Miller's statement read. "DeSantis' misguided attacks are only helping Joe Biden, and if that's his goal, DeSantis should just get out of the race."
Christina Pushnaw, who works as DeSantis' Director of Rapid Response, has compared Donalds criticisms of the curriculum to those voiced by Vice President Kamala Harris.
Pushnaw responded to both Miller and Donalds' tweets with a Harris gifs.
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scribeme · 2 months
Dragons Abounding: The Great Errors Confronting the Church | Dr. Voddie ...
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scribeme · 2 months
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I have been waiting all year to post this.
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scribeme · 2 months
"If... you find yourself often pitying someone who consistently hurts you or other people, and who actively campaigns for your sympathy, the chances are close to 100 percent that you are dealing with a sociopath". Martha Stout, The Sociopath Next Door.
“There are two types of bodyguard – one that is extremely risk aware and capable of operating without ever being seen and one that is an enormous man mountain,” says one anonymous fixer to the uber-wealthy. “Generally speaking, the enormous man-mountain people have very little in the way of secondary skills – they’re just there because the principal [the person being guarded] is a chump and wants to look important. That’s why you don’t see the Royals surrounded by enormous people.”
Complete article at:
'Inside the world of elite bodyguards: Who will protect the Duke of Sussex now?'
Lucy Denyer
Fri, 8 March 2024 at 6:53 pm GMT·9-min read
I noticed that there was a crowd of mostly young men with phones out to film her, crowded near the front.
She does not specify how she was getting these hateful messages. She did say messages. What the dumb woman means is she was scouring the Internet to read anything and everything about her, and making a big drama about anything said about her that was not profuse and false claims about how wonderful she is.
Now * 'has opened up about the 'hateful' messages she received while pregnant with Archie and Lilibet during SXSW festival.' She obviously doesn't realise what she's talking about. She spread messages of hate in her interview with Oprah.
She fancies herself as such a feminist and a supporter of women, yet she treated the Queen and Catherine abysmally. There is a dichotomy between her ideas and thinking and her behaviour and actions, which, it seems, she isn't even aware of, or else she just doesn't care. Her stance on feminism is just meaningless, banal and uninspiring.
This is MEgain & Sparry trying to show Netflix & investors that they are still ROYAL and INCLUDED. They both planned the summer St Paul's "event" and the golf tournament in WALES to cosplay being "royal" bc all their financial deals depend on the 2 of them slotting in with the royal "fanily." Both Sparry & Wife are coming to UK, no way they would show the world the invisibles who probably don't recognize the couple as "parents." Poor kids.
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scribeme · 2 months
NCR's Named Funds | National Catholic Reporter
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scribeme · 3 months
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Shallon if you really wanted the facts you would show photos of Harry escorting Rose to a 2017 state dinner. The type of dinner his girlfriend meghan markle would die to attend. Stop destroying innocent families when you dont even have all the facts like soho house Amsterdam 2018 where Meghan was allegedly doing things a pregnant woman shouldn't be doing and Giles Coren was there to witness her behavior.
Yes, there's a story but not the one you're telling. There's a story ripped from the pages of mean girls and that mean girl is jealous Meghan Markle.
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scribeme · 4 months
How to Get On
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scribeme · 1 year
DeSantis names ally Dave Kerner to head state motor vehicle department
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scribeme · 1 year
The terrible fraud of 'transgender medicine
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scribeme · 1 year
Obama Biographer, David Garrow Speech on his Book "Rising Star"
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scribeme · 1 year
Barack Obama 1995 Speech at Cambridge Public Library
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scribeme · 1 year
2004- Barack Obama Vs Alan Keyes in Illinois Senate Forum
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scribeme · 1 year
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scribeme · 1 year
2004 Obama Keyes Debate Illinois Senate race
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scribeme · 1 year
Aspen Institute conversation with Senator Barack Obama
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