scuhaiter-blog · 8 years
Anonymously ask my muse a question about any of their relationships you've seen them in on this blog.
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scuhaiter-blog · 8 years
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“we can go together. there’s no need to drop going.“ he chuckled, finding the suggestion strange. why would he stop the other from going in?
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          Aero fiddled his fingers, glancing around. Maybe it would be okay to go with someone this one time. “O-Okay...” He had never been to his spot with someone else but it wasn’t like the stranger would know.
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scuhaiter-blog · 8 years
Herbal Tea
Cafe Asks ☕️
Herbal Tea : You’re at a candle shop, what scented candle do you buy?
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          “Vanilla! Vanilla is my favorite scent! If they don’t have vanilla, I get tropical, insead.”
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[ ooc ] I’m the same way; I instantly migrate to vanilla scented candles or anything sweet, actually. I don’t like the smell of peppermint but I also love really fruity candles too.
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scuhaiter-blog · 8 years
Getting to know you Questions for the Mun!
⭕️- Favorite Pokemon?
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scuhaiter-blog · 8 years
MINE. //and he's not giving Aero away
Send me “MINE” if your muse is ridiculously attached to mine.
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          “A-Ah...Take good care of me, please!” Not like he wanted to be anyone else’s, anyways.
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scuhaiter-blog · 8 years
⚜ // I would the other but WE DIDN'T INTERACT YET
Send me “⚜” for an aesthetic of your muse.
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scuhaiter-blog · 8 years
⚜ ;; eh?
Send me “⚜” for an aesthetic of your muse.
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scuhaiter-blog · 8 years
“I love the way you’re dressed.”
RP starters: Flirting ( + responses to it. )
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          Aero smiled widely and pulled at the front of his sweatshirt, allowing the cool air to cool his hot body. It was a hassle to wear a sweatshirt everyday and everywhere. “Thank you! I didn’t dress up or anything today...I like your clothes too!”
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scuhaiter-blog · 8 years
Arranged marriage AU starter sentences
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scuhaiter-blog · 8 years
accent yo
If I get ten “accents” I’ll record myself saying all this!
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[ ooc ] You aren’t getting me to do this. 1/10
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scuhaiter-blog · 8 years
Confess something you’ve thought about me on anon, and all I can do is post it
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[ ooc ] Oh Kiev ya little rascal, sending this after I sent you three asks.~ 
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scuhaiter-blog · 8 years
Confess something you've thought about me on anon, and all I can do is post it
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scuhaiter-blog · 8 years
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scuhaiter-blog · 8 years
Georgi raised his eyebrow at Aero as the deer settled his legs around the skater’s waist. Hearing Aero’s murmurs of how cold it was, Georgi smiled softly and self-deprecatingly. “I’m sorry, Aero,” he sighed, closing his eyes momentarily when their foreheads touched.
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Opening his eyes once more, Georgi was able to smile widely upon hearing Aero’s encouragement. “Thank you,” Georgi whispered, pressing his lips against Aero’s cheek softly. “Having you here to comfort and encourage me…” he added, his eyes hesitantly shifting away as his thoughts of being beaten in the race to the Grand Prix Final resurfaced. However, he shook his head slightly before looking back at Aero with affection. “Having you here is all that I need.”
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         “It’s okay,” Aero wasn’t that hurt from being left alone in the bed, he understood the males worry. Pulling his arms back, he slid his hands over the latter’s cheeks, giggling softly at the kiss on his cheek. Those kisses were always so sweet.
         He tilted his head a bit, adjusting himself in Georgi’s lap. “I will always be here!” The deer’s eyes wondered down to his best friend’s lips, letting them rest there for a few seconds before he moved his head away, looking to the side. “I can come and watch you, if you want. I’ve only seen you on the TV. I can be there to see you for real!”
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scuhaiter-blog · 8 years
“Aero, listen to me,” Georgi pleaded, heartbroken at seeing him breaking down in front of him as Georgi reached out to grab him. When he was able to get hold of Aero’s arm, he pulled Aero into an embrace.
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“I can’t get out of this one,” Georgi explained bitterly, staring at the wall in distaste. “Everyone at the ice skating rink decided to pool their money to get me out on a vacation for my birthday, and no matter what I told them they still planned it.” He bit his lip angrily before gasping, releasing Aero upon realizing that he had been holding the deer much too tightly to be comfortable.
Looking to the side with a deep frown, his hands fallen to his sides, he continued with an expression as if he were eating a lemon, “Ever since I was little they’ve always been planning something like this for Viktor and I, who has his birthday a day before I do. I had thought that they would finally stop when he left for Japan; instead, they hyperfocused on me, and won’t let me return whatever trip they’ve planned for me.”
Turning back to Aero, he sighed deeply before suddenly remembering something large that he had looked over when seeing what the rink had planned. His eyes lit up immediately and he took Aero’s hands in his own, bringing them to his lips to kiss as he watched Aero’s expression. “So come with me.”
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          The animal didn’t reply to the plead, not completely hearing him over his own sobbing. His eyes were squeezed tightly together but his body moved easily when he was pulled in by the latter. He didn’t want this; he didn’t want to feel like this. “I-I...” 
          Aero could feel the air from his lungs being squeezed out as Georgi’s arms tightened around him. Usually he would have pushed away by now but the pain was numb and he didn’t mind it as much as usual; he would much rather feel this pain rather then the heartache from before. A loud gasp left him when the arms loosened and allowed oxygen back in to his lungs. He stood up properly and wiped the tears that had started to dry on his cheeks, looking down. 
          “Don’t let me take you from your dream,” the words came out in a mumble, the edges of his eyes red along with his nose. The exhaustion was already setting in and he just wanted to lay down at this point. Aero rose a hand and rubbed one of his arms, wanting to pull away and lock himself up in his room. What if this was the moment Georgi was going to leave him? It may start out as Christmas but it could always grow and grow until he never sees the skater again.  
          when his hands were grabbed, Aero wanted to pull away immediately but he allowed Georgi to speak, glancing up to his best friend. “I...” Repeating the one word he has managed to get out so far, tears returned to his eyes. “P-Please...”
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scuhaiter-blog · 8 years
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         he was aware there were some strange fashion trends out there, but he thinks maybe this was going a little far. was he wearing a tail  ?          ❛  is there some holiday going on today that i don’t know about  ?  ❜          &&  so he points a finger at his rear, as if that explains everything. // @scuhaiter.
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         When he heard the strangers voice, he looked over his shoulder to the latter, tilting his head. Holiday? Wasn’t there only Christmas going on? Moving his body, he looked down and to his tail that was poking out, quickly pulling his shirt down to cover up the brown and white fur. “A-Ah, um...No?’
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scuhaiter-blog · 8 years
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ボストンクリームパイのウサギさん (Boston Cream Pie Bunnies)
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