scumbagzwife Ā· 4 years
My random rambles, all compiled into your own tumblr post.
6:38AM 9/9/2020
By the time I decide to give you this, it will be our first month officially together. I know that I write you a lot of love letters here and there, but I genuinely enjoy expressing myself by writing to you. sometimes the words just dont come out the way I think. Even then writing seems like only but so much. I'm at the temp table today, and I want to say that you are the kindest person that I know. You can be very sweet, very open minded and sometimes a little brat lol; I don't expect us to be perfect because there's no such thing. I want us to flourish in a way that we didn't before. I want us to communicate when something bothers us; when we feel uncomfortable with certain things or even if we are just feeling a way just because. I want you to know, that I love you; i adore you. The things I do for you are not because I have to, but because i choose to. When i take time off of work to fit into your schedule it's because i want to..that is something i want to do for YOU, to show you that i am fully committed to being with you; and reassure you that we will always have/ find a way to make things work for us. I wont bring up the past because that has no place here anymore. Love for me is actions, and doing all the things I said i would do with you; love for me and loving you means taking my time out to write things like this to let you know that there isn't anything i wouldnt do for you. I don't depend on you for my happiness, but boy do you truly add such a great amount to it. You contribute to me, which is what love is.. you ADD on to all these things that I feel, and sometimes you create even new feelings that i never felt before. I've never seen myself wanting kids, getting married; but I want all that with you. There is something about you that feels so familiar and so new at the same time; its like i've known you in a past life before. We mesh so well that it's crazy to me.. how after all this time we can pick up from where we left off as if time never went by. This is what I love about you, about us. That we are friends; then just so happen to be lovers. Your shyness is something that I find cute, and it doesn't bother me at all. You think it gets in the way, but it doesn't; it's just something we can both get through with time, which we have before. Your voice is the sweetest thing i've ever heard, it still causes me to get butterflies and stutter. I could hear you talk for days about absolutely nothing and i'd still be willing to listen to you. There's times that you think you don't do anything but when you are being sweet you give me ton of reassurances even when you probably don't mean to. You make me feel like I am the best man alive, you always have. You've never used my identity against me, never seen as less than a man; and I know that you might say you don't see anyone as less then. But listen..the way you talk to me, it's just so much deeper than that.. When you say "i love you" but you do it in this soft tone, and so slow..it feels so damn intense. This is a note to ramble about how i feel, so forgive me for it not sounding all together. I know love isn't built off ownership but when I say that I am yours; i mean that shit. It means my feelings only belong to you, and I don't see other woman besides you. You are the one.. you're the one for me, the one I see myself with indefinitely. I love that we can be sweet together, but also just straight childish to one another and do things to annoy each other at times haha. You are my best friend Maria, and you have taught all the ways to love. You have taught me things that I never knew, life lessons and feelings. You encourage me to change for the better with seeing how much you glow and that radiates over to me. How did I get so lucky? How did we get so lucky to feel and have something like this in our life time? You're stuck with me for real, i love you; the only woman to ever to get me this effectionate, this caring and to write like THIS? haha. You're truly my muse when it comes to my creativity for writing and poetry.
TAKE TWO My sweet baby, it's our first month officially together, and i've been writing so many notes in advance trying to find the right words to say to you. Let me start off by saying, being with you has been the biggest blessing of my 2020. I've had a rough couple months, as has everyone. But never did I expect it to turn out the way that it has, and I guess that God had a plan for the two of us since we are here, together. Fate has always lead me back to you, and i'm guessing all those times we weren't ready and it wasn't the right time. I never once stopped loving you or thinking of you. How could I forget someone who holds such a great impact on me? You have taught me many things, how to love; and even discovering feelings I never thought I could feel. You add and contribute to my happiness. You are so sweet to me and sometimes a little gremlin, and that's all good becase i love you the way that you are. We mesh so well because we are genuinely best friends that just so happen to be lovers. I never understood how important it is to be with someone who is your friend first then a partner, because every interaction with you feels new, refreshing and exciting; even if it's something we've done 1000X. You never made me question my worth to you, never once made me feel less than due to my identity. You're so open minded and always willing to listen even at times that you really didn't have to. I appreciate you for always being so patient with ME! I don't think i've ever said that to you,I know sometimes I can be a pain in the ass, sometimes I over think more than I should haha. I'm trying to work on that okay. I have all things saved you've ever written me, or our petty little interactions lol.. I was genuinely surprised that you ever saved mine; you never told me. But shoot that makes my ass feel special as hell. I promise to keep our love something so sacred, and between us, there wont be any room for anyone try sabotage anything. You are my one and only, believe this. Believe it when I say i got you; i wont let you down. I wont let us down, not again we are in this forever for good. You are my wife after all. So here's to more down the road, lil brat.
9-17-20 These are like chronicles of love letters to you, this like Dear John at this point LMAO. Hi Honey, writing to you because I enjoy doing this for you, anything that gives you a smile at the end of this. We've been doing a good job at keeping this, us together. I know it's all still new to us both; trying to navigate a busy life, work and a love life. But I wouldn't change or do this with anyone else, but you. You are just so damn special to me, and I knew it from the moment that we hit it off all those years ago. I take pride in the fact that you are here with me now..I get little tingles thinking back on things that you've told me, the thought you've saved messages; or thought about me even when I wasn't present. It just shows me it wasn't always one sided even when I beleived it to be. I know you aren't the best with expressing yourself, but sometimes you put that effort in and I know you mean..especially when I hear it; it just does something different for me. I want you to know that you never have to feel bad for tryin to balance all things out; like work, friends and you time and tossing me into the mix of it all. I'm still learning along with you. Like I said before babe, even if we have days that all we can spare is 20-30 minutes that is what we'll have. It's the thought of putting in that free time for someone, and the efforts that can keep it all going. There's been times you've stood up extra 30, or hour just to talk to me knowing you gotta be up early. I appreciate that. i'm not sure when i'll send this out to you since i'm sure we both work when our date comes up. So maybe i'll do it early because i'm not the most patient person there is lol. I love you Maria, and even if we gotta deal with minor hardships now just know that i'm down to do al that with you. Sometimes it's not easy going to bed without talking, sometimes it's just hard in general but you are WORTH Ā all the hard times that give us so much good ones. You're the love of my life, you are literally my wife even if there isn't a ring on your finger now you are my wife lol i can feel this soul tie between the both of us that i don't ever want to fade. You're my best friend who gives me so many laughs, i can be 100 percent me and you'll still think i'm the funniest / best dude in the room. I don't think I could ever get tired of you.. i'm sitting here now typing all this up and just havin this look on my face thinking bout you i day dream. Of your beautiful face, your gentle soothing voice.. your laugh; down to your sarcasm. UUFFF i'm just in love with all of YOU. we got this baby, i promise you that we do.
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scumbagzwife Ā· 9 years
For you
I'm writing this a month earlier because this is going to be the most FUEGO shit I ever write you. Since your birthday message was still and is the best thing I had gotten on my birthday, try to make it as good. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MI NINA BONITA LOL, my biggest brat and pain in my side, dang youā€™re getting old. Youā€™re now 23, so what else is that you can do, GO DRINK, DONT GET 2 WASTED CUS THATS NOT FUN /maria voice. I remember when we first met each other it was a bunch Ā lame flirting and everyday inboxing so I could get to know you, it all started from LeLe when I told her that I was going to take her wife from her. When I hit you up I dont think my intentions were crazy, but I did hope you would probably like me somewhere down that line LMAOOO, but then I was like naw maria jus a friend. We got closer over time went on, and I started to realize that I cared about you a lot, iā€™d get jealous LOL and iā€™d be protective over you, only because I just wanted the best for you.Ā 
Ā I never wanted someone to hurt you, and if I felt a bad vibe from someone iā€™d let you know, I wouldnt even want you talkin to them; its not that I was tryna control you, just I didnt want people with bad intentions tryna fuck you over. Deep down I guess itā€™s because I always wanted you to myself so the way we were together would never have to change. Ā When I dated Jaq we would hang out all the time, I was attracted to you in the smallest ways, I just never said anything and because Jaq wasnt really a good gf anyways; but Im not like that to cheat. Anyways, I wanted us to be twins because we got along so good, and I couldnā€™t go a day without speaking to you; iā€™d talk to a ton of people back then but you were always the one I wanted to speak to the most, you were always the best part of the day. Weā€™d always have so much fun,youā€™d always give me time and thatā€™s what started to really make me like you more. You would do small things like play with an ear, or my hair and those were things I told you I liked lol youā€™d do them without me asking. Ā But yea, I knew I was falling for you when I couldnā€™t tell you how I felt without feeling nervous about it or bunch of other shit lol, you kept me up at nights and kept my mind running thru the days. The day that I felt you were my soulmate was when I realized i never had a bad day with you, you liked me telling you how I felt, what i was thinking and most people say they like that but get upset when you really do all that; but you really just liked reading all the things iā€™d have to say. You made me feel like I was special the only one, I felt like Ā I was perfect to you? And that was a first for anything and anyone I been involved with.Ā 
Ā I never wanted you to worry about what people thought and I did feel bad when you would, sometimes iā€™d feel selfish for wanting you more than a friend at times; but I knew that the way i felt was too deep to just let it stay that way. This is a good day, this is another birthday that I get to spend with you; iā€™ve known you since i was 19; was with you up until I was 21.. The nine months you were gone from me were the worse days, weeks and months I ever endured, Iā€™ve never been stuck on someone for that long that it literally felt like I was so empty, alone and not as happy as when I was with you. The most that I missed when i was with you was being happy, all the time and having that excitement to talk to someone and joke around; I can play with you get on your nerves and beĀ ā€œuglyā€ and you like all that lol. Youā€™ve given me smiles, laughs and butterflies all in those times that we have known each other, youā€™ve taught me what its like to have a first love, Ā and what its like to have the love of your life out of it. Itā€™s not the same and now i know what heartache is, and what love is. Love is to always want to wake up with that person, make them laugh, what is something i can do to make her smile; make her stomach go into knots; make her fall in love with me more and forget about every other person that ever tried to attempt these things? Iā€™m not perfect, and I dont claim I am; but when im with you, i feel like I am, its cute that im a first for you in a lot of things and vice versa, you are someone that I cant see without in my life, I want to see you, i want to be with you in the physical I want to do so much with you and more, I want to take you out, see you smile; watch you laugh and make your face red from how embarrassed Ā / shy youā€™ll be around me. Ā SHIT IS CRAZY HOW SAPPY YOU MAKE ME, I CANT EXPRESS THIS, IM IN LOVE WITH YOU MARIA, AND ITS GREAT ITS AMAZING. I JUST WANNA BE WITH YOU FOREVER,Ā  Cada dia te quiero mas que ayer y menos que manana. I hope you have a good time with whatever you are going to do on your birthday, be safe, be careful.Ā 
Eres el amor de mi vida.Ā 
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