scvrpions · 4 years
what’s life like up javier’s ass
this  was  a  prophecy
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scvrpions · 5 years
Ask my character "How do you feel about ______?" Can be an idea, person(s), place, or thing, and they'll have to answer honestly.
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scvrpions · 5 years
Anonymously tell my muse what the fuck is wrong with them.
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scvrpions · 5 years
MAYBE IT WAS TOO SOON.     The blond of her hair frames her visage during that consideration.    MAYBE    they weren’t ready to hear this spiel.   Each time she thinks that way, another question poses : (  if not now,  when ? )    When it’s another member of her family begging for their life ?     “  I bet you,  two weeks from now,  everything will go back to normal.  ”      Shyness doesn’t surround her when it pertains to the clipboard in hand. The few signatures not enough to outweigh the vulgar artwork drawn by others  but there’s pride in her stance.        “  A city that normalizes violence like it’s a Youtuber’s morning routine isn’t one I want to live in.  Do you ?  ”
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       stella  holliday  had  been  an  entirely  manufactured  image  ------   despite  the  ease  that  she  carried  it,  every  move  has  always  been  calculated  to  its  core  and  utilized  to  complete  efficiency   -   she’d  have  it  trademarked  if  she  didn’t  think  rita  hayworth’s  estate  wouldn’t  file  an  infringement  lawsuit.  she’ll  make  no  apologies  for  her  survival  skills,  but  it’s  a  dangerous  thing  when  the  veil  is  askew  and  the  feral  creature  beneath  gets  her  time  in  the  spotlight.  catching  the  lounge  singer  when  she’s  just  left  the  bedside  of  the  only  person  she  could  ever  categorize  as  a  loved  one,  a  bundle  of  exposed  nerves,  isn’t  an  endeavor  she’d  wish  on  anyone.  the  clipboard  is  regarded  with  a  scowl,  then  promptly  ignored.  “  and  you’re  a  one  woman  dynamo,  aren’t  you  ?  i  bet  you  think  bright  pink  pussy  hats  are  a  roaring  statement  against  the  system,  too.  ”  eyebrows  arch  in  unbridled  irritation.  “  chicago  has  long  been  fucked,  and  if  you  think  your  petition  is  going  to  accomplish  anything  except  gather  dust  in  the  mayor’s  unread  pile,  you’re  sorely  mistaken,  polly  pocket.  ”
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scvrpions · 5 years
word prompts compilation
[ attention ] for your muse to touch mine as a way of getting their attention
[ wake ] for your muse to wake mine
[ cover ]  for your muse to cover mine with a blanket or a jacket
[ lift ] for your muse to give mine a hand stepping up or over something etc.
[ kiss ]  for your muse to come up to mine and kiss them without warning
[ run ] for your muse to run their fingers through mine’s hair
[ braid ] for your muse to braid mine’s hair
[ embrace ]  for your muse to hold mine
[ smile ] for your muse to smile at mine from across the room
[ wave ] for your muse to gesture to mine to come closer
[ panic ] for your muse to grab mine’s arm or get behind them in a moment of danger
[ touch ] for your muse to rest their forehead against mine’s
[ weep ]  for your muse to catch mine crying
[ eat ] for your muse to offer mine food
[ hit ] for your muse to attack mine
[ love ] for your muse to touch mine as a show of affection or reassurance
[ nap ] for your muse to fall asleep against mine
[ rest ] for your muse to rest their head in mine’s lap
[ look ] for your muse to catch mine staring
[ seduce ] for your muse to touch mine sexually
[ help ] for your muse to lean on mine for support
[ give ] for your muse to offer mine their arm
[ entwine ] for your muse to hold mine’s hand
[ laugh ] for your muse to laugh at something mine did
[ dance ] for your muse to dance with mine
[ sit ] for your muse to pull mine into their lap
[ yell ] for your muse to calm mine down
[ cry ] for your muse to wipe mine’s tears away
[ dream ] for my muse to share dream with yours
[ nightmare ] for your muse to wake mine from a nightmare
[ surprise ] for your muse to show up at mine’s house without explanation
[ fix ] for your muse to treat mine’s injury
[ sacrifice ] for your muse to get hurt protecting mine
[ guard ] for your muse to step between my muse and danger
[ taste ] for your muse to cook for mine
[ sing ] for your muse to sing to mine 
[ goodbye ] for my muse kissing and/or hugging your muse goodbye
[ secrets ]   my  muse  sharing/confiding  a secret
[ bloody ]   for your  muse  coming  to  my  muse  with  blood  stains 
[ drunk ]   your  muse  takes  care  of my very drunk muse 
[ bed ]  my  muse wakes up in  the  same bed as your muse with little  recollection  of  the  night  before
[ scream ]   my  muse  hears  your  muse  scream  and  runs  to  them
[ trail ]   my  muse  watches  as  your  muse  traces  one  of  my  muses  scars,  asking  them  about  it
[ piggyback ]   my  muse  gives  yours  a  piggyback  ride
[ jump ]   my  muse  holding  yours  up  by  their  thighs
[ carry ]   my  muse  carries  your  muse  to  their  house
[ lighter ]   my  muse  pulls  out  a  lighter  and  lights  it  for  your  muse  to  use  to  light  their  cigarette
[ shot ] my  muse  gets  shot  and  struggles  to  your  muses for aid
[ wound ] my  muse  patches  and  bandages  a  wound  your  muse  has  gotten
[ fight ]   my  muse  stops  your  muse  from  getting  into  a  physical  fight  with  someone  else
[ arrest ]   your  muse  finds  my  muse  arrested  in  cuffs  
[ hospital ]   my  muse  awakens  in  a  hospital,  finding  your  muse  by  their  side,  asking  what  happened
[ betrayal ] my  muse  finds  out  that  your  muse  has  betrayed  them and  confronts  them  about  it
[ nude ] my  muse  walks  in  on  your  muse  accidentally  seeing  them  naked
[ karaoke ]  for our muses to sing together
[ wet ]   your muse  strips  down  to  their  under  garments  and  runs  into  the  water,  motioning  for my muse  to  join  them
[ crawl ]  for  your  muse  to  crawl  into  bed  with  mine .
[ flower ]  for  your  muse  to  offer  my  muse  their  favourite  flower
[ gift ]  for  my  muse  to  surprise  your muse  with  a  gift
[ homemade gift ]  for  my  muse  to  make  your muse  a  gift
[ bestow ] for your muse to give my muse a gift, bought or handmade ( bonus if you add what it is )
[ serenade ]  for  my  muse  to  sing  to  your  muse
[ caress ]  for  your  muse  to  gently  run  their  hand  down  my  muse’s  face
[ caught ]  for  your  muse  to  catch  my  muse  wearing  their  shirt .
[ love letter ]  for  your  muse  to  give  my  muse  a  love  letter  they  wrote  for  them
[ boop ]  for  your  muse  to  boop  my  muse  on  the  nose
[ date ]  for  my muse  to  ask  your  muse  to  go  on  a  date
[ confess ]  for my muse  to  confess  their  feelings  to  your  muse
[ sleepy ]  for  my muse  to  slowly  fall  alseep  on  your muse
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scvrpions · 5 years
kindly tell me, does javier got a huge schlong?
     “  as  far  as  heat  seeking  missiles  go,  he’s  quite  gifted.  then  again,  i’m  idealizing  that  dick  a  lot  lately  —-  we’re  kind  of  losing  our  minds  ‘til  the  trusted  doc  gives  any  okay  for  me  to  pounce.  ”
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scvrpions · 5 years
Send me ☆ + a question and my muse will have to answer it truthfully with absolute honesty
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scvrpions · 5 years
Send “✆” for a MORNING text. Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT. Send “☎” for a RUSHED text. Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text. Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text. Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text. Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text. Send “#” for a RANDOM text. Send “@” for a SCARED text. Send “&” for a LOVING text. Send “%” for a CURIOUS text. Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text. Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text. Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
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scvrpions · 5 years
Invade my muse’s privacy by asking them questions about their relationships romantic or otherwise.
Start it with “Kindly tell me” and they’ll be forced to answer (and truthfully).
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scvrpions · 5 years
What is the one thing you always wanted to say to my muse? And my muse cannot say or do anything other than posting an icon of their reaction.
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scvrpions · 5 years
I know  you and I are not about poems or other sentimental bullshit but I have to tell you even the way  you drink your coffee knocks me the fuck out.
Clementine Von Radics.
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scvrpions · 5 years
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scvrpions · 5 years
   i  told  you  so   --------   the  words  had  been  bitterly  hanging  on  stella’s  tongue  when  bloodied  hands  attempted  to  apply  pressure  to  her  wound,  so  overwhelmed  by  the  frenzied  chaos  that  she  could  barely  register  her  own  pain.  those  four  words  were  perched  and  ready  as  she  waited  for  javier  to  cross  the  sea  of  mayhem  to  find  her,  because  the  man  so  believed  he  was  untouchable  that,  for  a  shining  moment,  stella  bought  into  it  herself.  javier  leon’s  invincible,  javier  leon  hid  a  body  for  her  and  brought  flowers  home  days  later,  nobody  can  touch  javier  leon  -  and  through  the  blood  and  agony,  she’d  spit  out  i  told  you  so  in  the  hopes  they’d  forgo  the  hospital  visit  and  gun  it  straight  out  of  chicago.  finally.  
needless  to  say,  that  isn’t  what  happened. 
just  as  she  caught  sight  of  him,  the  familiar  warmth  in  her  chest  acting  as  a  stirring  reminder  that  she  would  always  turn  to  him,  her  world  went  to  black:  he’s  splattered  in  crimson,  fallen  to  his  knees.  stella  remembers  crying  out  his  name,  she  remembers  crawling  to  him,  and  the  universe  falls  hazy  afterwards.  she  didn’t  know  how  long  it  had  been  when  she  awoke  later  in  a  hospital  bed,  only  that  the  pain  that  had  been  numbed  by  her  heartache  flooded  her  body.  she  was  bitter  and  petulant  in  the  interval  between  taking  care  of  her  own  health  (  useless  )  and  getting  to  see  javier  (  absolutely  vital  )   -----   stella’s  endured  pain,  physical  and  emotional,  but  nothing  could  compare  to  the  raw  heartbreak  that  coiled  deep  in  her  chest,  numbed  only  by  a  gathering  storm  of  rage  that  swore  she’d  set  the  entirely  fucking  city  on  fire  if  she  lost  him.  she  doesn’t  know  how  long  it’s  been,  time  becomes  meaningless  without  him  to  share  it  with,  but  it  doesn’t  stop  her  from  sitting  there,  tiny  hand  curled  around  his  large,  rough  digits,  only  reminding  her  that  every  inch  of  her  missed  its  counterpart  in  him.  “  wake  up.  please  wake  up.  javi,  please,  ”  her  sobs  are  quiet,  desperate,  pleading  to  be  heard.  it’s  only  now  that  she  feels  the  slow  twitch  of  his  response,  provoking  hopeful,  damp  blues  to  lift  upwards  and  gauge  his  features.  “  baby  ?  ”  -------------------     @madecorrupt
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scvrpions · 5 years
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scvrpions · 5 years
Arriving to the festival, she looked around at all the people that were there and just walked around slowly. Drunk people everywhere and most that were dancing where hilarious to watch. “if i only drank like them, i would join the likes of the embarrassment that is drunk dancing.”  @crimsonstarters​
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      stella’s  resigned  herself  to  the  outer  peripherals  of  the  revelry,  keeping  a  cautious  eye  on  the  crowd  and,  more  important,  who  decided  to  keep  themselves  outside  of  the  fray,  too   -----   call  it  paranoia,  but  a  corpse  on  your  doorstep  in  lieu  of  the  morning  paper  tends  to  shift  one’s  perspective  on  these  matters.   idle  conversation  dulls  the  anxiety,  though,  and  she  manages  a  dry  smirk  at  the  brunette,  “  sugar,  i  think  they  just  don’t  have  a  lick  of  rhythm  -   the  alcohol  should’ve  fixed  that,  not  made  it  worse.  ”
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scvrpions · 5 years
open starter
location: fire & ice festival time: 8:30pm
Liam knew deep down that something was wrong with this festival and he wanted to listen to his gut and stay home and keep his family out of harm’s way too. He knew that if he did that, his family would be seen as cowards and he’d be damned if that would happen. Anyone could see in his stance and demeanor that he didn’t want to be there and he had that look on his face that just screamed “think twice before talking to me” to ensure no one would try to strike up a conversation with him. 
He popped out a cigarette and pulled out his usual lighter, lighting one up as he surveyed the area. There was always danger at every corner and he wanted to be on top of it and ready to spring into action. Liam could feel someone standing next to him and exhaled the smoke before speaking, “I’d keep walking if I were you.” The last thing he wanted to do was to entertain a drunken conversation.
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   stella’s  been  skeptical  of  the  festival  ever  since  the  dubious  lineup  was  announced,  and  it’s  only  gotten  worse  the  closer  the  event  drew.  she’d  only  recently  been  made  aware  of  javier’s  elevated  status  within  the  o’shea  gang,  a  notion  that  swiftly  gets  her  blood  boiling  when  she  lays  eyes  on  one  of  them   ------   while  technically  a  civilian,  she’s  worked  at  skyfall  and  relatively  under  their  thumb  long  enough  to  recognize  incoming  bullshit.  despite  the  salacious  attire  that  typically  clings  to  her  curves,  she’s  wise  enough  to  keep  her  clothing  warm  and,  well,  sensible.  hadn’t  anyone  considered  the  fallacy  of  a  festival  during  the  dead  of  winter  ?
 “  is  that  a  threat  or  a  suggestion  ?  either  way,  i’m  not  heeding  to  it.  ”  she  sips  idly  from  her  flask,  eyeing  the  drunken  masses  and  making  little  attempt  to  swallow  her  snark.  “  if  we’re  still  somehow  functioning  under  the  bullshit  belief  that  this  is  just  your  average  music  festival  and  nothing  awful’s  coming  our  way,  then  at  the  very  least,  someone’s  dying  of  hypothermia.  ”  shoulders  pull  into  a  shrug,  challenging  gaze  dragging   over  liam’s  profile.  “  -----   either  way,  you’re  probably  gonna  send  javi  to  clean  up  your  messes,  aren’t  you  ?  ”
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scvrpions · 5 years
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