se7entrees · 5 years
^my actual thought process
Dove chocolate and Dove soap are two different companies who havent sued each other because they have different trademarks lol
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se7entrees · 7 years
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Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them → Credence Barebone and Percival Graves:
“There’s sort of this dynamic where both of our characters need and want things from each other. There’s a bit of a game with that.” Ezra Miller
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se7entrees · 7 years
a summary of pissgate so far, and the origin of the report
this is going to be long, but trust me, it’s worth reading. i’m not joking, parts of it sounds like it could be taken straight out of a detective novel, but it’s unfortunately very real, and while this is likely just the tip of the iceberg, it’s already shaping up the be the greatest political scandal in US history
on the 11th of January Buzzfeed published a 35 page long report they claimed were compiled by a former British agent, which contained intel on how Russia has compromising information about Trump [x]
this included a memo which said Russia allegedly has audio and video recordings of Trump making several sex workers perform “golden showers” (aka pissing on each other) in the presidential suite at the Ritz Carlton hotel, because Barack and Michelle Obama had previously stayed there
people were quick to call it fake news, and the alt-right neo nazi’s on 4chan took credit, claiming this was just an elaborate prank which they had been able to fool the CIA with
but plot twist: the report is real
it had fuck all to do with 4chan
not only is it real, it turns out the man behind it is Christopher Steele, a highly thought of and sought after ex-m16 agent [x]
the CIA, FBI, and the British government all regard him as a reliable source, and he’s considered as one of the single most well respected IC personnel on Russian affairs
Steele was hired by someone through a research and investigative firm in Washington by one of Trump’s republican opponents in the primary campaign (speculated to be Jeb Bush)
however, by the time Steele began his research, the primary was over. the original client dropped out, but he was later hired by a new (anonymous) democratic client
by July he had collected a significant amount of material
the material was based on Russian sources he deemed trustworthy, and unsurprisingly had nothing to do with 4chan (even if the alt-right neo nazi propaganda machine would like you to believe otherwise)
he delivered the report to his client, but also delivered a set to former colleagues in the FBI because of the gravity of its content
sometime this fall he asked the FBI for more information on the investigation, but he heard nothing back because instead of looking into the report, the FBI was obsessed with investigating Clinton’s emails
so Comey was well aware of the potential ties between Trump and Russian when he decided to fuck over Clinton 11 days before the election by announcing they had found more emails
this plays a huge role in why Clinton lost [x]
Steele suspected there might be a cover-up in progress
frustrated by the FBI, Steele let himself be persuaded to share his findings with Washington editor of Mother Jones, who first reported on the existence of the report on the 31th of October [x] (this was before any of the 4chan posts were made)
several news outlets have confirmed that they already knew of the report back in October, and a journalist at the BBC were personally informed of the piss tapes by the the firm who hired Steele during the final week of the election campaign [x]
BBC decided not to publish the story, as they had no way to confirm it
however, the journalist later used an intermediary to pass questions to active duty CIA officers dealing with the case file
the CIA officers reply was:  "more than one tape", “audio and video”, on “more than one date”, in “more than one place” - in the Ritz-Carlton in Moscow and also in St Petersburg - and that the material was “of a sexual nature”.” 
McCain got his hands on the report as well, and dispatched a trusted emissary, a former US official, to meet Steele [x]
the meeting was like something taken out of a fucking detective novel, as the emissary was told to “look for a man with a copy of the Financial Times”
convinced by Steele and his excellent reputation, McCain arranged a one-on-one meeting with Comey on on the 9th of December, and handed over the report
McCain has later confirmed that the report published by Buzzfeed was the same report he was in contact with [x]
the CIA view these claims presented in Steele’s dossier as credible, which is why they ended up in an highly classified intelligence report on Russian interference given to both Trump and Obama [x]
Steele had nothing to gain by spreading false information
the former m16 agent is now currently in hiding, fearing for his life after he was outed as the agent behind the report [x]
even though the information in the report is unverified, and does likely contain errors (it’s human intel after all), Steele makes it clear through his own actions that he at least believes it’s true, as he’s the one who personally handed the report over to the FBI, and pushed for an investigation
sources: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
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se7entrees · 7 years
Binged The Magicians and I'm obsessed. I hate almost everyone except for Julia and maybe Penny and Kady but I still find them all so interesting. Even fucking Quentin whom I would totally shove into a locker in real life is kind of compelling in an "asshole learns the world doesn't revolve around him" kind of way.
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se7entrees · 7 years
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Make Me Choose: piperhalliwell asked Laurel Lance or Julia Wicker  “The world never did help a smart girl, why would it? We scare the shit out of the world.”
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se7entrees · 7 years
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se7entrees · 7 years
That is one hot af scarecrow.
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Well, Lucas it is. 
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se7entrees · 7 years
Emerald City
Listen, I'm not even through the whole episode yet. There are apparently video cameras that look like monkeys hanging around the city. They apparently have shitty resolution, but CSI level zoom-in/enhance capabilities. This is all still 100% more believable than the fact that a Spanish speaker is totally gonna name her dog Toto. TOTO.
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se7entrees · 7 years
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Cap is disappointed, y’all
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se7entrees · 8 years
i had a dream about fucking… vampire discourse on tumblr like;
“reminder that blood sucker is a slur”
“vamp-born-vamps are valid if u got bitten later in life you’re not part of the vamp community” 
“support vamps who drink human blood, support vamps who drink animal blood, support vamps who drink animal and human blood”
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se7entrees · 8 years
im not a christian but at this point i want jesus christ himself to descend from the afterlife to take the microphone out of trump’s hands and say “are yall fuckin serious”
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se7entrees · 8 years
Fun game:
Replace “Father” in Christian texts with “Daddy”
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se7entrees · 8 years
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se7entrees · 8 years
Hermione smugly presenting the findings of the international symposium that declared Pluto not a planet as final proof that astrology is made up.
But it turns out that’s what’s been throwing off everyone’s readings so a lot of divination quickly starts becoming more refined and accurate when they take that into account.
Hermione is hailed as a divination savant and that’s what she’s most known in the history books for.
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se7entrees · 8 years
relatable deaths from ancient times
chrysippus: died laughing at his own joke
zeuxis: died laughing at his own art
aeschylus: stayed outside in his old age to avoid a prophecy that he would die from having something fall on his head, died when an eagle thought his bald head was a rock and dropped a turtle on him to break its shell
plato: partied too hard
empedocles: jumped into a volcano to prove that he was immortal
philitas of cos: was such an incredible pedant that he wasted away while studying erroneous word usage
saint lawrence: roasted alive during christian persecution under valerian, joked that he was done on one side and needed to be flipped over
didius julianus: purchased the roman empire in an auction, ruled for 9 weeks, executed for being ineffective leader
petronius arbiter: sentenced to death by nero, opened his veins while enjoying a sumptuous dinner party, edited his will to list all of the reasons he hated nero
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se7entrees · 8 years
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I had to post this whole thread because this is the definition of a wholesome post. 😭😂💕🔑
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se7entrees · 8 years
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Are you crazy? At least for now, I am
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