sea-room · 7 years
I’m out.
If you need to reach me, ask @mountain–miss, @bears-for-the-bear-god, @gruene-teufel, or @brittania-rex and they can put you in contact with me.
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sea-room · 7 years
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When he clears the camber with the second kick
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sea-room · 7 years
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Yosemite 2011
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sea-room · 7 years
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156 notes · View notes
sea-room · 7 years
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by: waterfall2704
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sea-room · 7 years
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sea-room · 7 years
From the original article:
At the One Young World Summit in Bogota, Colombia, last week, Smith joined Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson and KPMG International’s Global Head of Corporate Citizenship Lord Michael Hastings on stage in a panel discussion covering racial injustice. Moderated by Quartz reporter Aamna Mohdin, the session focused on the broader implications of diversity in the workplace.
“Diversity is the human experience,” Smith said. “I get a little bit frustrated when diversity or the term diversity is tagged to the people of color, or the women, or the LGBT.” That particular comment went over well with the assembled crowd, but Smith caught flak for a follow up. “There can be 12 white blue-eyed blonde men in a room and they are going to be diverse too because they’re going to bring a different life experience and life perspective to the conversation,” Smith said.
Media outlets pounced on the statement, while diversity advocates decried Smith’s words as contradictory to the fight for workplace equality. As noted by TechCrunch, which procured a copy of Smith’s letter, the statement appeared to suggest diversity of thought is a suitable stand in for proactive hiring practices adopted by a variety of tech firms, including Apple, to foster racial and gender diversity.
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sea-room · 7 years
Things more disrespectful to the American flag than kneeling.
Secret FISA courts
The government’s support of ISIS in Syria
Laws infringing on the 2nd Amendment
Targeting your political opposition with the IRS
Prosecuting people who expose government crimes as traitors
Sending America’s youth to fight in preemptive and  unconstitutional wars of aggression that never end
Free speech zones
Career politicians
A powerful central government
Killing family pets during no-knock raids at the wrong address
Shooting unarmed people who are having a mental illness crisis
Bailing out bankers
Taking money from poor people in America and using it to prop up rich dictators  while calling it “foreign aid”
Mandating that people must purchase a product they don’t want or face penalties
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sea-room · 7 years
Reach WITH IN To your LOCAL dirt and you may find A Friend And Boy…
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279K notes · View notes
sea-room · 7 years
i love speaking with people who are more intelligent in a certain field than i am, like it’s just great to sit back and listen to somebody educate you on shit they’re passionate about
267K notes · View notes
sea-room · 7 years
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Jeep Brute
355 notes · View notes
sea-room · 7 years
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367 notes · View notes
sea-room · 7 years
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880 notes · View notes
sea-room · 7 years
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144 notes · View notes
sea-room · 7 years
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It can be literally 5 minutes and we’ll do this
22 notes · View notes
sea-room · 7 years
♥ Cute Date Ideas ♥
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Stopping the encirclement of the German 18th Army at Krasny Bor.
950 notes · View notes
sea-room · 7 years
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The Hiroshima mushroom cloud, through a window in one of the three B-29s which went on the bombing run.
This image was either taken from The Great Artiste or Necessary Evil.  The Great Artiste was equipped with blast measurement instrumentation, and Necessary Evil served as a strike observation and photography aircraft.  Aboard both aircraft were Manhattan Project civilians belonging to Project Alberta, who’s mission was to assist and observe the delivery of the atomic weapons used against Japan during World War II.
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