seabaggen · 7 hours
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sarah gesek
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seabaggen · 7 hours
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Mario Pavez (Chilean, b. 1974)
Pelicans, 2021
Oil on canvas
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seabaggen · 1 day
I tried my hand at bird photography today
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seabaggen · 1 day
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©PaleLaurel… a composite of a turkey vulture circling. 
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seabaggen · 1 day
deeply obsessed with the salmon edit by _olive_ridley on TikTok
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seabaggen · 4 days
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fairytale forest somewhere in Switzerland Instagram | Etsy shop  
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seabaggen · 4 days
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A father feeds his yearling daughter.
Soon she will be on her own, as the bounty of summer draws to an and.
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seabaggen · 8 days
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seabaggen · 8 days
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seabaggen · 9 days
did you know that the well-known factoid that male anglerfishes degenerate after attachment until they’re basically just a pair of testes is false? i knew of course that they don’t just become “growths” on the female because I’ve handled dozens of attached pairs and every male I’ve ever seen has been very much obviously a whole and complete second fish, but I sort of assumed there was internal degeneration, perhaps muscle atrophy, etc. i can’t believe no one ever corrected me on this but this just doesn’t happen. in obligatorily parasitic species, the male actually continues to grow and increases considerably in size after he attaches to the female, because the two of them can only reach sexual maturity together. me, an octavia butler fan: is this the height of romance??
what is true is that attached males do have hugely enlarged testes proportionate to the rest of their bodies & organs, and that they receive all nutrition from the female’s bloodstream so their stomachs are always empty, though their own gills seem to still be functional, as are their fins and muscles—you can even induce movement and swimming motions on recently dead attached males. I can only assume that at some point someone said that basically the only biological function a male anglerfish needs to perform is sperm production and this got taken out of context and luridly exaggerated over time. he’s not just a pair of testicles! he’s her forever partner! one flesh one end!
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seabaggen · 9 days
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seabaggen · 9 days
The way people demonize seagulls is actually unreal. Almost all of their natural habitat has been destroyed (almost all coastal areas have been developed, destroying natural sand dune ecosystems) and they're doing their best to adapt. They're literally just trying to survive. You're in their home. The vitriol some people have for these gorgeous sea birds just because they're not shy about snatching food if you're not cautious is insane
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seabaggen · 9 days
Have any of you ever heard of the hummingbird moths we get in Britain?
So, I thought I saw a hummingbird last year. It was much bigger than a bug could be, I thought, and it hovered around flowers and looked like it had feathers.
I got pretty close but it was never still enough to see clearly. Then, when I told my parents they said "oh! it was probably a moth!" and I was baffled for a long time. Like, how could a moth look like and act so much like a hummingbird?
Until I googled "hummingbirds in the UK" and this fucker comes up:
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Everyone, meet the hummingbird hawk-moth; one of the weirdest and coolest cases of convergent evolution on this planet.
This is the kinda thing I'd see in fiction and go "oooh cool, bug hummingbird! Wish we had those on earth!" But we do. We really do have them on earth!! Isn't that nuts?!?!?
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seabaggen · 9 days
cant find a working stream rn killing myself
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seabaggen · 9 days
so jealous of ppl who live places where agave grows i see pictures of agave flowering and it looks so crazy
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seabaggen · 15 days
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This wolf in British Columbia took a break from eating herring roe to investigate a half-submerged object: the photographer’s camera
Photograph by Ian McAllister
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seabaggen · 15 days
John Thingpenter's THE CARP (horror story about river ecology)
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