seafriendsandmore · 1 year
Day 8 — Church Faction Fave
Oc: Chrix
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seafriendsandmore · 1 year
Day 7 - Free Day
Oc: Locust
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seafriendsandmore · 1 year
Day 6 - Casual
Ocs: Conohan, Kleffe, Orca, Mimi, Chalazías, Chrix, Eine, Sylynor, Sadie & Pearl
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seafriendsandmore · 1 year
Week 1 Day 5
Gay gay homosexual gay (awesome title ik)
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seafriendsandmore · 1 year
Week 1 Day 2 “Modern AU”
Feat. Ocs: (left to right) Conohan, Kleffe, Orca, Mimi, Chalazías, Chrix, Sylynor, and Eine
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seafriendsandmore · 1 year
Week 1 - Day 1 [Favorite/s]
OCs: Mimi, Orca
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seafriendsandmore · 1 year
Conohan ★★★★★
AKA Conny, Cole, Connor
Military Faction - [???]
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Skill Kit
Melee - Front/Middle
Rarity: ★★★★★
• It always seems like he’s dozing off somewhere when he’s in sight - but when he’s awake, it’s as though he completely disappears.
• Quick Slash (Main) - Deal high damage to a selected enemy (low chance to trigger a chain that can travel to adjacent enemies and deal medium damage)
• Combo Strike (sub) - Hits random enemies 6-8 times - 1 guaranteed critical hit on selected enemy - 8th is a guaranteed random critical hit - 2 turn cooldown
• Step Back (Sub) - Increases dodging by a great amount for the next 2 turns + passive (if an attack lands, Cole will launch a quick counterattack that will do some damage) - 2 turn cooldown
• Power nap (sub) - Conohan becomes inactive for a turn but this removes 1 turn from his cooldown on his Ult.
Up and At ‘Em - Conohan is now temporarily energized, damage doubles and cooldowns are negated on all skills (except ult) + passive - has a chance to land double hits with any attack and critical hit chance is up +75% — lasts for 3 turns - 7 turn cooldown
“Just 30 more minutes… “
“Hmm…? ask me later… Very busy…”
A mysterious figure at the military where little is known about not only his past but his present as well. He’s rumored to turn invisible when he’s not sleeping but who’s to say he’s not just sleeping out of sight? People speculate he’s a combat slave of someone very high up but no one knows for sure. He’s always asleep or so aloof when someone does manage to wake him up that no useful information can be learned through conversations. Curious.
Chance Encounters
[???] On rare occasions when you reach edges of the [Military Base] map that is available to you in your current stage, you'll encounter a uniformed rabbit.
“…huh? This place is off-limits. Please turn back now.”
“Hm? …you're not allowed back here…”
“Without a pass you cannot continue this way.”
“You are trespassing.”
“Another person… Huh… you? You can’t come this way.”
“Sigh… this isn’t really my duty…”
“I’m tired… standing guard isn’t my forte…”
“Why are you here?”
[Conohan] A sleepy rabbit that seems to be more keen on disappearing off somewhat to take naps rather than fulfill his duties. Little to nothing is known about him outside of this and it’s even harder to find him.
“…you found me.”
[He seems uninterested in speaking]
“Huh… you’re here?”
…why are you asking me about her…? She’s the last person I want to see right now…
What..? Why would I know where she is… it’s always the other way around.
She helps me sometimes, with napping. Keeps the dog away.
You’ve met her? Good for you..? What do you want me to say…
Makes a lot of noise…
Always falling over. One time she broke a support beam and I nearly fell through the ceiling… I can’t sleep with her around…
? She says weird things.
I feel like she’s trying to pry… annoying, really… talk with her if you want, I’m not interested.
Quiet. Not bad.
I never interact with them. Why?
Him… he’s good.
I have nothing bad to say about him… in fact, he’s one of the best people here. Hm. He doesn’t get in other people’s business… [he side-eyes you]
Good soldier.
Does her job… good for her… makes less work for me.
Too energetic…
Huh… he’s here again?
What’s with him…
They’re quiet.
[yawn] slime… yeah. They went that way.
New.. huh…
Seems strong. Polite. That’s good… hm.
Team Taps
063 on your team: …did she help you find me…? Please kindly leave, thank you.
Hywel on your team: Oh, Hill. Didn’t know you knew them.
Schlimeguy on your team: Hm. You again…
Octogirl: Thank you for last time.
Octogirl and 063 on your team: …hide me. No. I’m not here.
Appointed as assistant: Huh… I don’t really have time for this….
Talk 1: Zzzz…
Talk 2: Talk to me later… I’m busy……. zzzz….. zzz…
Talk 3: Just 30 more minutes…
Promotion 1: Oh… more work…
Promotion 2: Ah… I’ll… do my best…
Talk after Promotion 1: I don’t mind fighting for the right cause… but can you convince me to believe in you?
Talk after Promotion 2: …you’re not like anyone I’ve met before… I’m… curious to say the least…
Trust+ 1: I’m no one of importance… I like to nap, relax… and… zzz…. zzzz….
Trust+ 2: …why are you so curious… you ask so many questions… I guess mysteries can be “fun”….
Trust+3: Who am I? …. I wonder... Maybe you’ll find out when we meet again. But… a small part of me hopes it will never happen…
Idle: …zzzz…
Hired: Ah… am I dreaming? No… oh… Conohan, reporting for duty……
Level up: …time for a nap…
Added to squad: I suppose it’s time…
Appointed as squad leader: I’d rather follow behind…
Depart: …let’s finish this quickly… I'm getting sleepy…
Begin operation: Morning already…
Selecting character(1): [Yawn]
Selecting character(2): Good morning…
Deploy 1: So it’s begun…
Deploy 2: I’m already tired….
In battle 1: Ah… so noisy…
In battle 2: Zzz..zzz— nnn?
In battle 3: Almost done…?
In battle 4: …mn
Skill 1: Hmph…
Skill 2: It’s okay to rest…
Skill 3: Be careful, will you?
Overload(big fancy unga bunga ultimate atk thing): I suppose… everyone has to wake up eventually. But the same applies reversely. Good morning… and good night. Sleep well…
3-star result(challenge mode): …how nice… even if somewhat unexpected…
2-star result: mn… not bad…
1-star result: pass… [yawn]
Operation failure: …this is why I said I’d stay behind… I feel restless…
Injury 1: nnn-!
Injury 2: I was having a good dream…!
Injury 3: …annoying…
Death 1: …I can… finally rest…..
Death 2: I’ve failed… I’m sorry… ….
Death 3: Is it all over…? No…
Death 4: So it finally happened… I'll be seeing them… so soon…
Tap: ..zzzz…
Trust tap: -? [placeholder] huh? She’s coming this way! Distract her for me will you…..? She’s going to talk my ears off….
Greetings: …good morning…
Cobalt Dreams ★★★★ - Pajama Set
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seafriendsandmore · 1 year
Miss Scarlet ★★★★
Urisella AKA Miss Scarlet, Miss Crimson
Church Faction - The Garden
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Skill Kit
Support - Rear/Middle
Rarity: ★★★★
• Always carrying a basket of flowers - she uses them as mediums to utilize her magic through
• Rose (Main) - Healing based skill - heal adjacent allies + passive: chance to enchant selected enemy when skill is used
• Begonia (sub) - Smokescreen based skill - AOE petals cover the field and have a medium chance to blind enemies for 2 turns
• Aster (sub) - Revive a team member once per round - Urisella will be unavailable for two turns after usage
• Ultimate - Tuberose (a white tuberose is presented before being promptly dyed a dark crimson, raising above the party and exploding into petals that rain down onto the field) - Heals whole party and deals minor AOE damage to enemies with a high chance to enchant them
“At what point does passion turn to obsession?”
“Oh, wouldn’t the world look so much prettier dyed red?”
”Courage and stupidity aren’t so different in the end.”
A seemingly polite and quiet motherly figure who is in reality incredibly unforgiving. She sees others like flowers, sometimes beautiful, vibrant, but fleeting. She rarely forms close bonds with others and tends to keep a polite distance but occasionally she can’t help but have a little crush here and there…. Or perhaps a little obsession?
Voice Lines
Appointed as assistant: My my, if it isn’t [placeholder]. Did you have something you wished to inquire me of?
Talk 1: Humans are fleeting like flowers… they can bloom into beautiful colors yet are so fragile and can wither at the slightest touch…
Talk 2: Red is such a wondrous color, a color so ever present that no matter how hard you try to clean, some crimson will never go away…
Talk 3: Hmhm~ what a wonderful day to walk around the garden. Would you like to accompany me?
Promotion 1: A promotion? Perhaps I can aid you in staying bloomed a bit longer…
Promotion 2: You… no, we’ve made it this far. Shall I give you a bouquet of congratulatory Amaryllises?
Talk after Promotion 1: My my, I don’t have the answer to what you seek. The Flowers know much more than me… Would you like to try asking them?
Talk after Promotion 2: In the language of Flowers, the Amaryllis celebrates success. You’ve done well to last this far. Congratulations…
Trust+ 1: A new face… are you looking to become a part of The Garden? No? Do forget I said anything…
Trust+ 2: Why is red my favorite color? I suppose I have many memories associated with it… and it has been present in every walk of my life. I’ve grown rather fond of it…
Trust+3: Though everyone calls me by Miss Scarlet, my real name is Urisella. Though I dislike being called out by those I’m not close to, I somehow do not think I will mind if you do…
Idle: With such a short life span… is there time to idle so?
Hired: A million Flowers bloomed that day. Their white petals dyed a violent red. And Red Morning ran its course.
Level up: A flower for you~
Added to squad: I shall support you from behind. There is more Flowers can do than look pretty
Appointed as squad leader: A place of authority… how unfitting for a Flower… yet I will take this place with dignity. Albeit temporarily…
Depart: Let us depart before the petals fall…
Begin operation: I hope not to see any of you wither today… I will do my best to prevent such an outcome.
Selecting character(1): I wonder if others from The Garden will be joining us? Only time shall tell…
Selecting character(2): Shall I give you a flower for your troubles? My dear… of course it matters which one!
Deploy 1: At what point does passion turn into obsession?
Deploy 2: Look to the Yarrows to protect us… they will be our shield in trying times.
In battle 1: Courage and stupidity are not so different in the end…
In battle 2: We must continue onwards… time will not wait for us.
In battle 3: Stay strong…
In battle 4: We cannot fall now…
Skill 1: A rose for you, my dear.
Skill 2: It would be in your best interest to stay away… though you cannot help yourself, can you?
Skill 3: Rise from the Flowerbed, it is not yet your time.
Ultimate: Take refuge, the Flowers will guide our path to the world at Her jurisdiction. A sanctuary where we can all rest after the last petals fade…
3-star result(challenge mode): She must be so proud, as am I.
2-star result: The Chrysanthemums have outlined our path.
1-star result: At least some have survived…
Operation failure: Not even the Path of Flowers could salvage this…
Injury 1: Mph-!
Injury 2: A bit painful…
Injury 3: Be careful now…
Death 1: I shall return to Her sooner than I’d imagined… I am afraid…
Death 2: In the end, we all return to the Flowerbed so new Flowers can bloom…
Death 3: Please continue Her legacy for me… I can no longer…
Death 4: Tend to my garden after I go… I will miss them…
Tap: Hmhm~
Trust tap: I shall give you this beautiful crimson Aster from my garden… if you are curious of its meaning, why not look around for answers? I am sure it will not disappoint…
Greetings: Hello, my dear. How can I assist you?
Poppy Slumber ★★★★ - Pajama Set
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seafriendsandmore · 1 year
Bu Household Masterlist + Info
Side Story - I may make a separate askblog for them we'll see if people like em enough :)
Bu Yu-Jin (Main Character of this storyline within the Bu Household - side storyline of the main gacha storyline)
2nd Eldest Child - 1st in line for succession of the household
has been living in a family estate on the countryside for the past 10 years to avoid the rite of succession, doesn’t want to become the next duke
eldest sibling already married into a different family so they lost their right to succession
has a terrible reputation amongst the people and even his family — is actually a good guy but wants to get thrown out of the line of succession high key — father dotes on him too much to do so unfortunately
the main funder of the Safeplace Faction at the moment in exchange for connections and a place to do business from/in
has decided to give up the whole “I’m a terrible person” act to some extent and just acts sorta aloof but some people are starting to think twice about the rumors surrounding him, particularly those close to him
[Country Estate]
Bu Yu-Jin
Aloof, Quiet, Determined — The 2nd Eldest Child of the Bu Family, currently avoiding the main house and starting terrible rumors in hopes of handing his role down to his younger brother.
Two-faced, Serious, Contrarian - The head butler of the estate who manages all the staff and territory, second only to Yu-Jin and his father. Helped raise Yu-Jin since he was a baby so Loire knows Yu-Jin's true thoughts and personality, thinks it’s quite interesting so he plays along.
Skittish, Loyal, Curious — Yu-Jin's personal butler that has been tasked with serving Yu-Jin for the past 10 years. Has heard so many rumors about the young duke that even though he sees him in person, he can’t help but be jumpy around Yu-Jin due to his own skepticism.
Energetic, Optimistic, Imaginative - The estate's gardener who is determined to make the prettiest garden in the entire territory as some way to cure (?) Yu-Jin. Girly doesn’t know what she’s doing tbh, she just really loves plants. Is very fit and can easily lift a grown adult with one arm. Curious about Yu-Jin and wants to cheer him up somehow. Often sees him sitting in the pagoda drinking tea. Thinks he looks very sophisticated! Doesn’t really know/care about the rumors
Introverted, Determined, Observant - The chef of the estate. Determined to make foods and drinks that are exactly to Yu-Jin's liking. Yu-Jin hardly ever expresses his opinions aloud and Yoo is too conflicted to ask so they’re at a bit of an impasse.
Dutiful, Stubborn, Efficient - The maid that keeps everything neat and tidy. They love to clean and do housework, it’s truly like they were born for it. Their extreme efficiency isn’t something to scoff at. Very neutral opinion on everyone in the estate, too focused on work.
Serious, Focused, Distant — The guard of the estate. Does her job and doesn’t really care about anything else besides the pay. Estate pays well so she stays. In actuality, she has ties that go way back with the family so she’s actually pretty loyal deep down. Plays the part of being an aloof, uncaring guard. Sends reports to Yu-Jin's father every month about the basic going ons if anything noticeable happens (usually nothing). Spends a lot of down time with Loire. The two are buddies of sorts.
[Main Household]
Bu Family
Bu Byeong-Ho (부병호)
Detailed, Dutiful, Caring — The current duke/head of the Bu Household. Dotes on his children very much and knows that Yu-Jin is just putting up an act. Despite knowing of his intentions, Byeong-Ho truly believes that Yu-Jin would be the best successor due to his skills and resourcefulness. Is typically very strict in regards to matters relating to the household but is an absolute softie for his family members.
Bu Eun (부은)
Elegant, Sweet, Unforgiving - Byeong-Ho's wife and the biological mother of Killian, Yu-Bin, Yu-Jin, and Jae. Though very sweet in appearance and around her family, she is well renowned for her victories in battle and is extremely strong. She will not forgive anyone who tries to hurt her family. She enjoys training, sword fighting, and drinking tea.
Killian Garde
Doting, Stubborn, Curious - The eldest child of the Bu Household who got married about 5 years ago to a man from another household. Due to this, they lost their right to succession but really couldn’t care less. Loves exploring the world with their husband and going through all sorts of events and experiences. Always has something interesting to talk about when they come back home to visit.
★ Bu Yu-Jin (부유진)
The second eldest child of the Bu Household who is doing everything he can to avoid being the successor to the house. Honestly thinks he can’t properly fill that role but at the end of the day he also thinks it’s a bother. Has spent the last decade in the Country Estate, but has been ordered to return for now. A lot different than some people were expecting.
Bu Jae (부재)
Intellectual, Curious, Determined - The middle child of the Bu Household. Despite Yu-Jin's belief in Jae being perfect for the next successor, Jae is far too interested in learning new things to focus on managing the territory. Really wants to become a scholar, completely uninterested in being the successor. Also has extreme introversion problems and struggles to talk to anyone. Prefers to use sign language or write rather than speak.
Bu Su-Bin (부수빈) and Bu Su-Jin(부수진)
Intellectual, Curious, Determined - The middle child of the Bu Household. Despite Yu-Jin's belief in Jae being perfect for the next successor, Jae is far too interested in learning new things to focus on managing the territory. Really wants to become a scholar, completely uninterested in being the successor. Also has extreme introversion problems and struggles to talk to anyone. Prefers to use sign language or write rather than speak.
Bu Yu-Bin (부유빈)
Kind, Protective, Thoughtful - Yu-Jin’s twin sibling who unfortunately lost their life in an assassination attempt on Yu-Jin’s life. A large factor in the trauma Yu-Jin has surrounding the house and an incident he can’t ever seem to truly forgive himself for letting happen.
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Main Staff (side characters)
Loyal, Dutiful, Efficient - Byeong-Ho's right hand man who helps assist him in all of his duties. Almost always busy at work with something.
Observant, Serious, Dutiful - The head maid of the household. She manages the rest of the staff and also is somewhat like a nanny for the children. She is very unforgiving for mistakes in the household and much of the staff is absolutely terrified of her. Though she can be mean, she can also be quite nice.
Persevering, Focused, Observant - The head chef of the main household. Carefully takes note of what who likes what and who dislikes what. Is the mentor of Yoo, the chef in the Country Estate.
Focused, Artistic, Open-minded - Head gardener, twin of Wendy. Makes sure to keep the garden looking beautiful year round. Botanical nerd, knows everything there is to know about plants.
Silent, Stealthy, Efficient - Jae's personal maid. Never speaks, mute. Uses sign language if necessary but tends to just use general body language like nodding or waving. Pretty emotionless and seems to disappear at a moment's notice, only to appear again. Often called Jae's shadow. One of the few people Jae feels comfortable around.
Clumsy, Persevering, Optimistic - The personal maid of the twins. Often has to put up with their shenanigans but has been the longest lasting contender. Has grown to enjoy their antics and they’ve slowly started to enjoy her company as well, though begrudgingly. She is extremely skilled in a multitude of skillsets which makes some people curious of her. She tends to only show her skills around the twins to prevent too many rumors.
General Staff (no questions, nameless side charas)
Maids/Butlers — Oversee the upkeep of the mansion and keep things running. Everyone is very well trained in their assigned roles and many stay serving the household for generations out of loyalty, though on the other hand some just really enjoy the pay. Like to gossip.
Guards — Two Units - Eagle Unit (Doksuli - 독수리)/ Serpent Unit (Baem - 뱀) - The main face unit that guards the territory made up of a large number of talented/powerful individual that is split into 3 groups based on their strength (1st, 2nd, and 3rd squads, nothing fancy) / The shadows unit that does most of the dirty work and are the most loyal to the Household. Live and die for the Bu household - comprised of only 10 members. Extremely skillful and secretive. No one outside of the Bu Household know of their existence formally.
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seafriendsandmore · 1 year
Safeplace Faction Masterlist + Info
Safeplace Faction (temp name until I think of something cool yaya)
Info - Members - Locations
“Everyone needs a place to rest sometimes.”
The Safeplace Faction governs over an area called “The Safe Zone.” In this area, no “violence” is allowed within reason (basically no violence with the intent to seriously harm or kill someone - scuffles are fine).
The members consist of a large variety of people but is relatively small in numbers due to the nature of the program. Too many people means too many uncontrollable variables. Every member and visitor is loyal to the Masters; if found otherwise, they are promptly stripped of their status and banished.
Not a strict system all considered. Just don’t break the key rule of trying to kill someone and you’ll be fine.
Visitors are only allowed to stay a week at a time. It is fine for visitors to visit every day but there are only so many rooms and so many supplies so staying is limited.
Visits are monitored through IDs distributed by the main building. You cannot enter the area without one. Counterfeits are nearly impossible to make due to the magic engravings individual to each one.
Once a month has passed, an individual can stay for another full week.
Big on no ask policies - basically don’t ask why someone is seeking refuge here, everyone has their tough times. However if they want to talk then by all means try lending them an ear.
Frowned upon to ask.
The territory is entirely neutral - any “political” campaigns will be promptly shut down.
Somewhat of a prejudice against the military but never really said aloud. (Many visitors come from military related trauma)
* By a character’s name means they are a side/low significance character but they are still open for questions!
Masters - Safekeepers - Shadow Members - Distributors - Servicers - Visitors
Masters - Highest ranking (includes the Faction Leader
Griselde M. Leuchtfeuer
Faction Leader
Old woman (can and will beat your ass though)
“Your ass will get the job done whether you think you have it in you or not” energy towards the members
Crazy old aunt type beat /affectionate
Has been through some hella shit, she knows the world is a tough place sometimes but also wants people to realize there are people out there who genuinely want to help
Avid swearer, swears profusely in German but really in any other language too
Pansexual (Lesbian leaning) - Poly
Hilde Odre
Leader of the Safekeepers
Trans buff woman!!! /slayyyy
Faction Leader’s right hand
Deals with most of the heavylifting (literal and metaphorical)
Puppy energy around Faction Leader - still pretty friendly to other people but there’s an obvious wall
Laughs a lot, drinks a lot
Lotta scars
Lesbian - mono
Cosime Aziendale
Tired old man energy (they/them) actually very young - just stuck with so much work that they’re constantly dying
Perfectionist, detail-oriented corporate slave (bro did this to themself) ((def has some OCD (organizational type)))
Deals with the menial bulk paperwork and manages the accounting for the area
Basically Griselde’s mom/schedule maker
Mega insomniac, keeps waking themself up when they randomly remember something they need to change on a document
Safekeepers - Simply put, the guards of the faction. Uphold the peace and police the area.
Sigurd L. K. Virki
Safekeepers Captain
Woman !!! Real and true
Strong sense of Justice
Kinda crass and naive at times but knows the ins and outs of fights and how to help others out
Always has a weird obsession with strong people
Honestly a great leader even if she’s childish sometimes - illy and erious ?!!
“I have little time to chat. Please only come to me if there is an issue.”
Aloof and stoic, not lenient
Dedicated to following orders and keeping peace in the faction
Pretty strong but not super
“I saw you with Mx. Nuit this morning… Did they mention anything about me…?”
Monitors the main lobby and front desk of the Safestay Inn
Head over heels for Nuit but doesn’t know how to express her love (Gives the player many quests regarding interacting with Nuit)
Very strong but does not resort to lethal violence if possible - only as a last resort
Doesn’t say much but has a lot to say
Shadow Members - Not registered on Record (secret members - sometimes entirely or just false identities). Usually houses the strongest/most efficient members.
pretty infamous peacekeeper
no one knows what their face looks like, only recognizable by the mask - not even other members know what their face looks like
typically serious while on duty - gets easily annoyed with how many people want to stir up useless conflict
Errr debating sexuality tbh - Demisexual fs - aromantic leaning - poly also
Bu Yu-jin (부유진) -> Family + Story Masterlist
Pretty boy (non-binary) - 5’9
Second eldest child and first in line to succession of the Bu Household
Hella rich - has a terrible reputation (it’s all rumors, he’s never done anything bad but people like to gossip)
Unnaturally good eye for people, can tell someone’s nature by instinct and is almost always right
Ends up fending for other people without realizing what he’s doing - people love him and he doesn’t understand why lmao
One of the biggest backers/providers for the faction - contract with Griselde
Self sacrificial while still thinking what he’s doing isn’t enough (it is more than enough and it stresses those that care about him out a lot)
Well known by the higher up members and some of the other members
Has the status of a Master but since he goes under an alias and isn’t technically a member on paper but a contractor, he’s considered a Shadow Member
Seems aloof and thinks he’s taking advantage of those by his side but the reality is is that he’s saved a lot of them from miserable lives and they care a lot about him.
Pansexual - Poly
“Dal” (달)
Handsome, toned but muscular
Bro is totally in love with Yu-jin (doesn’t understand these feelings - has never really been emotionally close to anyone before)
Kinda assassin type beat - one of the strongest safekeepers (top 2 at least)
Super loyal to Yu-jin and almost never away from him unless on his orders
Owes his life to Yu-jin (Yu-jin thinks anyone would have done the same)
Distributors - Gather, trade, provide and distribute supplies for the area.
“Ah… this is for the E.T. District… mm? Am I forgetting something?”
An airheaded delivery puppy
Seems to be distracted 99% of the time
“Your delivery is here.”
A serious and aloof wolf
Only talks as much as necessary
Interested in Chalk and is very soft around them
Facial expression barely ever changes
*Hazel (Is also a Servicer)
“According to the catalog this item is out of stock… but would you be interested in this instead?”
Chalk’s cousin
Easily frustrated but rarely gets actually angry
Very efficiency based, dislikes falling behind schedule
Actually cares for all the members quite a lot, just doesn’t usually express it
Servicers - Run the facilities in the area and fill misc jobs (includes medical care).
flirty guy yk how it is…
works at the pubs but also helps around wherever jobs need to be filled when he can
“Hiya! Welcome to the Grocer! Need anything? I can help you find it!”
An optimistic gardener
Always carrying around a 4 leaf clover
Safestay Inn Frontdesk
“Welcome to the Safestay Inn! Check in with me if you need anything here.”
A well-mannered greeter, arranges rooms for guests and gets people checked in and out
Despite their demure seeming nature, they are very strict with the rules and will have them followed.
Visitors - Those passing by or staying for a little while. There are no such things as permanent visitors (residents). You are either a member or a visitor.
Lives close to the area, convenient to visit
Saved once by Sylynor here
Main Building - The Hub, think of it as an HQ/Town Hall of sorts. Located just outside of the areas walls and must be passed through in order to get in.
Visitor IDs are distributed/checked here.
Heavily guarded
Magic scanner (fantasy metal detector but better basically)
Medical Center - A small hospital with very limited capacity.
Minor branches of pharmacies.
The main building is where the more serious problems are taken care of (surgeries, extreme sickness)
Staff have the right to reject anyone they say to (it is never prejudiced, it is done if they deem supplies unable to support the individual, reach maximum capacity, or know there is nothing they can do)
Marketplace - A bustling center lined with countless shops of distributor run businesses.
Any visitor merchants/tradespeople are supervised by a designated distributor.
Just about anything can be found here but the supply is limited. Each person is only allowed to buy so much of each product per visit.
E.T. District - The Entertainment District full of pubs, performances, and other places to take the mind off things.
Amphitheater is often lent out to performing visitors.
Pubs are open 24/7.
Music is always being performed on the street corners.
Very lively atmosphere
Safestay Inn - Where visitors, if lucky enough to grab a spot, are allowed to stay upwards of a week at cheap rates.
Labor is allowed as a form of payment.
Decent food is offered for guests for all meals (recommended to go out and check out the E.T. District or Marketplace for better stuff though).
Great Hall - Where gatherings are held to give out announcements or just hold large celebrations.
Hidden Basement houses the living quarters for the higher up members including the Masters.
Huge hall, extremely spacious
Connected to the Safekeepers HQ (kinda like a police station - no prisoners though, people are either exiled or killed)
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seafriendsandmore · 1 year
Introduction Post and OC Masterlist!
Owner: @splendidmeepers [Asking Available]
You’d think at this point I’d have a better name than “fake gacha game” but erm. Yeah eventually trust
Here is the place for us to post stuff about our fake gacha game ocs and to answer questions about them!! :)
Ask Status: OPEN
A world surrounded in constant pandemonium from earth to sea. The three main factions, Church, Military, and Neutral Factions stand at odds with one another while the sea world with bustling Nepti seems to be hiding a dark truth that could tip the balance of the already unstable land. Following the various characters and their journeys, what will be uncovered? Let’s find out together!
TW// Violence, Death, Fictional Religions, Experimentation, Complicated Relationships, Manipulation and just general TW! There is a lot of sensitive content ahead! You have been warned ⚠️
OC Masterlist
(ocs belonging to friends of mine will be referenced on occasion but since I did not design them, I will not include them here unless my friends tell me I can :]!— bolded names are current favorites
Friends' Ocs
@mahm00h -> red [Asking Available]
@ternterntern0 -> blue [Asking Available]
@/crumbletier -> green [Asking Unavailable]
@huuves -> purple [Asking Available]
*All names will link to their respective reference sheets unless they are not up!
Church Faction
Miss Scarlet
Sadie and Pearl
Fake Fehren
Military Faction
Neutral Faction
Lotto - Hart - Monde - Spade
Italics means side character/little to no involvement in main story
Dr. Zerkan
Safeplace Faction -> Safeplace Masterlist + Info
Bu Yu-Jin -> Bu Household Masterlist (Cast for Side Story)
Side Characters
Side Characters
The Garden (Church)
Red Carnation
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